2,886 research outputs found

    Cooperative Algorithms for MIMO Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks

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    Interference alignment is a signaling technique that provides high multiplexing gain in the interference channel. It can be extended to multi-hop interference channels, where relays aid transmission between sources and destinations. In addition to coverage extension and capacity enhancement, relays increase the multiplexing gain in the interference channel. In this paper, three cooperative algorithms are proposed for a multiple-antenna amplify-and-forward (AF) relay interference channel. The algorithms design the transmitters and relays so that interference at the receivers can be aligned and canceled. The first algorithm minimizes the sum power of enhanced noise from the relays and interference at the receivers. The second and third algorithms rely on a connection between mean square error and mutual information to solve the end-to-end sum-rate maximization problem with either equality or inequality power constraints via matrix-weighted sum mean square error minimization. The resulting iterative algorithms converge to stationary points of the corresponding optimization problems. Simulations show that the proposed algorithms achieve higher end-to-end sum-rates and multiplexing gains that existing strategies for AF relays, decode-and-forward relays, and direct transmission. The first algorithm outperforms the other algorithms at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) but performs worse than them at low SNR. Thanks to power control, the third algorithm outperforms the second algorithm at the cost of overhead.Comment: submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing in December 2011, revised in April 2012 and in September 201

    Relative Periodic Solutions of the Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation

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    A method of finding relative periodic orbits for differential equations with continuous symmetries is described and its utility demonstrated by computing relative periodic solutions for the one-dimensional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (CGLE) with periodic boundary conditions. A relative periodic solution is a solution that is periodic in time, up to a transformation by an element of the equation's symmetry group. With the method used, relative periodic solutions are represented by a space-time Fourier series modified to include the symmetry group element and are sought as solutions to a system of nonlinear algebraic equations for the Fourier coefficients, group element, and time period. The 77 relative periodic solutions found for the CGLE exhibit a wide variety of temporal dynamics, with the sum of their positive Lyapunov exponents varying from 5.19 to 60.35 and their unstable dimensions from 3 to 8. Preliminary work indicates that weighted averages over the collection of relative periodic solutions accurately approximate the value of several functionals on typical trajectories.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figure

    Abundance of Planktonic Virus-Like Particles in Lake Erie Subsurface Waters

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    Author Institution: Department of Biological Sciences, Kent State University - Trumbull Campus ; Department of Biological Sciences and Water Resources Research Institute, Kent State UniversityAbundance of virus-like particles (VLP) was determined in Lake Erie subsurface water. The relationship between VLP and the bacterial and phytoplankton communities were investigated. Viral and bacterial numbers were determined using nucleic acid stains and epifluorescent microscopy. Phytoplankton abundance was estimated by chlorophylls extraction. Viral abundance averaged 1.05 x 106 VLP/ml and the ratio of viral to bacterial number was less than 1.0 across most sampling sites and dates. Viral abundance was not correlated with either bacterial abundance or chlorophyll a concentration. Viral abundance was found to be most similar to other Great Lakes and marine systems and dissimilar to other freshwater systems

    Designer Reagents for Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics: Clickable Cross-Linkers for Elucidation of Protein Structures and Interactions

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    We present novel homobifunctional amine-reactive clickable cross-linkers (CXLs) for investigation of three-dimensional protein structures and protein–protein interactions (PPIs). CXLs afford consolidated advantages not previously available in a simple cross-linker, including (1) their small size and cationic nature at physiological pH, resulting in good water solubility and cell-permeability, (2) an alkyne group for bio-orthogonal conjugation to affinity tags via the click reaction for enrichment of cross-linked peptides, (3) a nucleophilic displacement reaction involving the 1,2,3-triazole ring formed in the click reaction, yielding a lock-mass reporter ion for only clicked peptides, and (4) higher charge states of cross-linked peptides in the gas-phase for augmented electron transfer dissociation (ETD) yields. Ubiquitin, a lysine-abundant protein, is used as a model system to demonstrate structural studies using CXLs. To validate the sensitivity of our approach, biotin-azide labeling and subsequent enrichment of cross-linked peptides are performed for cross-linked ubiquitin digests mixed with yeast cell lysates. Cross-linked peptides are detected and identified by collision induced dissociation (CID) and ETD with linear quadrupole ion trap (LTQ)-Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) and LTQ-Orbitrap mass spectrometers. The application of CXLs to more complex systems (e.g., in vivo cross-linking) is illustrated by Western blot detection of Cul1 complexes including known binders, Cand1 and Skp2, in HEK 293 cells, confirming good water solubility and cell-permeability

    Effects of pyric herbivory on prairie-chicken (\u3ci\u3eTympanuchus\u3c/i\u3e spp) habitat

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    The reduction and simplification of grasslands has led to the decline of numerous species of grassland fauna, particularly grassland-obligate birds. Prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus spp.) are an example of obligate grassland birds that have declined throughout most of their distribution and are species of conservation concern. Pyric herbivory has been suggested as a land management strategy for enhancing prairie-chicken habitat and stabilizing declining population trends. We assessed differences in vegetation structure created by pyric herbivory compared to fire-only treatments to determine whether pyric herbivory increased habitat heterogeneity for prairie-chickens, spatially or temporally. Our study was performed at four sites in the southern Great Plains, all within the current or historic distribution of either lesser (T. pallidicinctus), greater (T. cupido), or Attwater’s (T. cupido attwateri) prairie-chick-ens. Key vegetation characteristics of grass cover and vegetation height in pyric herbivory and fire-only treatments were within the recommended range of values for prairie-chickens during their distinct life history stages. However, patches managed via pyric herbivory pro-vided approximately 5% more forb cover than fire-only treatments for almost 30 months post-fire. Additionally, pyric herbivory extended the length of time bare ground was present after fires. Pyric herbivory also reduced vegetation height and biomass, with mean vegetation height in pyric herbivory treatments lagging behind fire-only treatments by approximately 15 months. Canopy cover in fire-only treatments exceeded levels recommended for prairie-chicken young within 12 months post-fire. However, canopy cover in pyric herbivory treatments never exceeded the maximum recommended levels. Overall, it appears that pyric herbivory improves vegetation characteristics reported as critical to prairie-chicken reproduction. Based on our results, we suggest pyric herbivory as a viable management technique to promote prairie-chicken habitat in the southern Great Plains, while still accommodating livestock production
