3,359 research outputs found

    Optical properties of refractory metal based thin films

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    There is a growing interest in refractory metal thin films for a range of emerging nanophotonic applications including high temperature plasmonic structures and infrared superconducting single photon detectors. We present a detailed comparison of optical properties for key representative materials in this class (NbN, NbTiN, TiN and MoSi) with texture varying from crystalline to amorphous. NbN, NbTiN and MoSi have been grown in an ultra-high vacuum sputter deposition system. Two different techniques (sputtering and atomic layer deposition) have been employed to deposit TiN. We have carried out variable angle ellipsometric measurements of optical properties from ultraviolet to mid infrared wavelengths. We compare with high resolution transmission electron microscopy analysis of microstructure. Sputter deposited TiN and MoSi have shown the highest optical absorption in the infrared wavelengths relative to NbN, NbTiN or ALD deposited TiN. We have also modelled the performance of a semi-infinite metal air interface as a plasmonic structure with the above mentioned refractory metal based thin films as the plasmonic components. This study has implications in the design of next generation superconducting nanowire single photon detector or plasmonic nanostructure based devices

    Nano-optical studies of superconducting nanowire devices for single-photon detection

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    Superconducting nanowire single photon detectors (SNSPDs) are a rapidly maturing detector technology that offer superior performance relative to competing infrared photon counting technologies. The original experimental work presented here explores three novel methods of improving and analysing detector characteristics, employing low-temperature piezoelectric motors at temperatures below 4 K in a closed-cycle cryostat. Utilizing the low-temperature piezoelectric nanopositioners in tandem with a miniature confocal microscope, this work specifically shows a spatially-separable parallel-wire SNSPD demonstrating one- and two-pixel photon discrimination, with the detector responding more quickly when triggering two pixels. The work demonstrates nanoantenna-coupled SNSPDs, which are simulated, designed, and tested using the same nano-optical setup. In these an increased local absorption into the nanowire is seen at the antennas' resonant wavelengths, enhancing the efficiency of the detector by up to 130 %. Finally, a modified optical setup using a distributed Bragg reflector fibre in place of the microscope to form a tunable cavity around two configurations of SNSPD is demonstrated, improving absorption of the incident light into the nanowire across the whole active area. For these, enhancement in the system detection efficiency of up to 40 % is seen

    Nano-optical observation of cascade switching in a parallel superconducting nanowire single photon detector

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    The device physics of parallel-wire superconducting nanowire single photon detectors is based on a cascade process. Using nano-optical techniques and a parallel wire device with spatially-separate pixels we explicitly demonstrate the single- and multi-photon triggering regimes. We develop a model for describing efficiency of a detector operating in the arm-trigger regime. We investigate the timing response of the detector when illuminating a single pixel and two pixels. We see a change in the active area of the detector between the two regimes and find the two-pixel trigger regime to have a faster timing response than the one-pixel regime.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    How the U.S. Air Force Space Command Optimizes Long-Term Investment in Space Systems

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    Interfaces, 33, p.p. 1-14.United States Air Force Space Command spends billions of dollars each year acquiring and developing launch vehicles and space systems. The space systems in orbit must continually meet defensive and offensive requirements and remain interoperable over time. Space command can launch additional space systems only if it has a launch vehicle of sufficient capacity. Space planners using space and missile optimization analysis (SAMOA) consider a 24-year time horizon when determining which space assets and launch vehicles to fund and procure. A key tool which in SAMOA is an integer linear program called the space command optimizer of utility toolkit (SCOUT) that Space Command uses for long-range planning. SCOUT gives planner insight into the annual funding profiles needed to meet Space Command's acquisition goals. The 1999 portfolio of 74 systems will cost about #310 billion and includes systems that can lift satellites into orbit; yield information on space, surface, and subsurface events, activities, and threats; and destroy terrestrial, airborne, and space targets

    Excitation/Detection Strategies for OH Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence Measurements in the Presence of Interfering Fuel Signal and Absorption Effects

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    Planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) excitation/detection methods have been applied to obtain spatial distributions of the hydroxyl [OH] reacting intermediary and hydrocarbon [HC] primary species in laminar and turbulent combustion reactions. In this report, broadband and narrowband excitation/filtering techniques are explored to identify an optimal experimental configuration yielding significant fluorescent signal with low absorption losses. The combustion environments analyzed include 1) a laminar non-premixed methane/air flame and 2) a turbulent, non-premixed Jet-A/air fueled flame within a lean flame tube combustor. Hydrocarbon-based fuel and OH were excited via the R1 (1), R1(10) and R2(7) transitions of the A(sup 2)Epsilon(+) X(sup 2)pi(1,0) band using a broadband Nd:YAG pumped optical parametric oscillator (OPO) and narrowband Nd:YAG/dye laser with ultraviolet frequency extension (UVX) package. Variables tested for influence on fluorescent signal and absorption characteristics were excitation line, laser energy, exciting linewidth, combustion reactants, and test flow conditions. Results are intended to guide the transition from a dye/UVX laser to an OPO system for performing advanced diagnostics of low-emission combustion concepts

    Optical Characterization of a Multipoint Lean Direct Injector for Gas Turbine Combustors: Velocity and Fuel Drop Size Measurements

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    Performance of a multipoint, lean direct injection (MP-LDI) strategy for low emission aero-propulsion systems has been tested in a Jet-A fueled, lean flame tube combustion rig. Operating conditions for the series of tests included inlet air temperatures between 672 and 828 K, pressures between 1034 and 1379 kPa and total equivalence ratios between 0.41 and 0.45, resulting in equilibrium flame temperatures approaching 1800 K. Ranges of operation were selected to represent the spectrum of subsonic and supersonic flight conditions projected for the next-generation of commercial aircraft. This document reports laser-based measurements of in situ fuel velocities and fuel drop sizes for the NASA 9-point LDI hardware arranged in a 3 3 square grid configuration. Data obtained represent a region of the flame tube combustor with optical access that extends 38.1-mm downstream of the fuel injection site. All data were obtained within reacting flows, without particle seeding. Two diagnostic methods were employed to evaluate the resulting flow path. Three-component velocity fields have been captured using phase Doppler interferometry (PDI), and two-component velocity distributions using planar particle image velocimetry (PIV). Data from these techniques have also offered insight into fuel drop size and distribution, fuel injector spray angle and pattern, turbulence intensity, degree of vaporization and extent of reaction. This research serves to characterize operation of the baseline NASA 9- point LDI strategy for potential use in future gas-turbine combustor applications. An additional motive is the compilation of a comprehensive database to facilitate understanding of combustor fuel injector aerodynamics and fuel vaporization processes, which in turn may be used to validate computational fluid dynamics codes, such as the National Combustor Code (NCC), among others

    Evaluation of Pooled Serum and ‘Meat-Juice’ in a Salmonella ELISA for Pig Herds

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    Samples of ‘meat-juice’, serum, caecal contents and carcase swabs from 420 pigs from 20 finishing farms were tested for Salmonella bacteriologically and serologically by ELISA on individual samples or on pools of serum or meat juice. In addition pooled floor faeces were taken from the finishing pens on the farm of origin

    Comparison of two commercial ELISA kits and bacteriology for Salmonella monitoring in pig herds

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    Samples of ‘meat-juice’ and serum from 170 pigs from 20 finishing farms were tested for Salmonella using two commercial ELISA kit tests. In parallel samples from caecal contents and pooled pen faeces from the farm were tested by culture. Both ELISA’s gave significantly correlated results with each other but only ELISA B, at a 20 % calculated OD % on ‘meat juice’, gave a result which correlated significantly with the percentage of positive pen faeces. None of the ELISA tests correlated with caecal positives and the 10 % cut-off level was shown to be unsuitable for monitoring commercial herds

    Investigations of a Combustor Using a 9-Point Swirl-Venturi Fuel Injector: Recent Experimental Results

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    This paper explores recent results obtained during testing in an optically-accessible, JP8-fueled, flame tube combustor using baseline Lean Direct Injection (LDI) research hardware. The baseline LDI geometry has nine fuel/air mixers arranged in a 3 x 3 array. Results from this nine-element array include images of fuel and OH speciation via Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence (PLIF), which describe fuel spray pattern and reaction zones. Preliminary combustion temperatures derived from Stokes/Anti-Stokes Spontaneous Raman Spectroscopy are also presented. Other results using chemiluminescence from major combustion radicals such as CH* and C2* serve to identify the primary reaction zone, while OH PLIF shows the extent of reaction further downstream. Air and fuel velocities and fuel drop size results are also reported
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