191 research outputs found


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    Evidence is reviewed that the operating characteristics of computer application systems, in addition to physical characteristics of display units (CRTs), are the cause of many observed effects on operator health and task effectiveness. These effects are hypothesized to occur through changes in task structure, and the man-machine redivision of labor that results when computer application systems are introduced into work settings. First, the association between task dimensions and models of operator performance effectiveness and well-being are reviewed. Second, application system design parameters that affect task structure are identified. Then, empirical evidence supporting this three part causal linkage - application system parameters to task characteristics to operator effectiveness and health - is presented. The findings suggest that by improving dialogue quality, taking advantage of two way communication to reduce uncertainty, using smaller and less integrated systems and matching system performance to operator needs a job can be created that is likely to improve both operator well-being and effectiveness.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    Mod "conducive" produktion: bredere roller for psykologer og sociologer

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    Forfatteren introducerer et nyt arbejdsbegreb for markedsøkonomier: "Conducive Work"3, som i langt højere grad end den klassiske vareproduktion åbner mulighed for design af sunde, aktive og udviklende job. "Conducive Work" stiller nye krav til økonomisk tænkning og øget anvendelse af psykologisk og sociologisk viden i arbejdsorganisationen

    Insomnia Symptoms, Sleep Duration, and Disability Pensions: a Prospective Study of Swedish Workers.

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies have found insomnia and long sleep duration to be independently associated with subsequent disability pension (DP). However, the issue of a possible gender-based pattern in this context has received little attention. PURPOSE: This study aims to assess the impact of insomnia symptoms and sleep duration on the DP rates among Swedish women and men during a 12-year follow-up period. METHOD: The participants, from the general population of Malmö, Sweden, were enrolled from 1992 to 1994 (n = 4,319; participation rate 41 %), aged 45-64, healthy, and employed ≥30 h per week. Baseline inquiry data concerning psychosocial circumstances and self-reported sleep habits were compared with official register-based DP rates. RESULTS: Five hundred and nine persons were granted a DP. Insomnia symptoms, affirmed by 33 % of the men and 41 % of the women, were associated with receiving a DP; the hazard ratios in the fully adjusted model were 1.4 for both men [95 % confidence interval (CI) 1.1, 1.9] and women (95 % CI 1.1, 1.7). The fully adjusted hazard ratio for women sleeping ≥9 h was 7.8 (95 % CI 3.7, 16.6) for DP due to a mental disorder. In the age-adjusted analyses, the sub-domain "difficulties falling asleep" was related to DP due to mental disorders in men and DP due to cardiovascular diseases in women. CONCLUSION: The findings suggest that preventing and treating insomnia symptoms could reduce DP and that disease mechanisms linking sleep disturbances to DP may differ by gender

    Can high psychological job demands, low decision latitude, and high job strain predict disability pensions? A 12-year follow-up of middle-aged Swedish workers.

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate whether job strain, psychological demands, and decision latitude are independent determinants of disability pension rates over a 12-year follow-up period. METHODS: We studied 3,181 men and 3,359 women, all middle-aged and working at least 30 h per week, recruited from the general population of Malmö, Sweden, in 1992. The participation rate was 41 %. Baseline data include sociodemographics, the Job Content Questionnaire, lifestyle, and health-related variables. Disability pension information was obtained through record linkage from the National Health Insurance Register. RESULTS: Nearly 20 % of the women and 15 % of the men were granted a disability pension during the follow-up period. The highest quartile of psychological job demands and the lowest quartile of decision latitude were associated with disability pensions when controlling for age, socioeconomic position, and health risk behaviours. In the final model, with adjustment also for health indicators and stress from outside the workplace, the hazard ratios for high strain jobs (i.e. high psychological demands in combination with low decision latitude) were 1.5 in men (95 % CI, 1.04-2.0) and 1.7 in women (95 % CI, 1.3-2.2). Stratifying for health at baseline showed that high strain tended to affect healthy but not unhealthy men, while this pattern was reversed in women. CONCLUSIONS: High psychological demands, low decision latitude, and job strain were all confirmed as independent risk factors for subsequent disability pensions. In order to increase chances of individuals remaining in the work force, interventions against these adverse psychosocial factors appear worthwhile

    Ocena wartości rokowniczej wybranych parametrów ergospirometrycznych u chorych z przewlekłą skurczową niewydolnością serca kwalifikowanych wstępnie do transplantacji serca, w obserwacji 12-miesięcznej

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    Introduction. Despite recent advances in diagnosis and pharmacological treatment of cardiovascular diseases, chronic heart failure (HF) carries a poor prognosis. The identification of patients at highest risk for early death from HF is of special importance. Ergospirometric test is known to be useful in predicting survival and oxygen consumption (maximal/peak VO2) and minute ventilation-carbon dioxide production relationship (VE/VCO2slope) are the most frequently analyzed cardiopulmonary exercise test parameters. The aim of this study was to assess the ability of peak VO2 and VE/VCO2slope to predict cardiac-related mortality and cardiac-related hospitalization (MACE, major adverse cardiac event) in patients with chronic systolic HF, pre-qualified for heart transplantation. Material and methods. Forty-five patients (38 men; age 50 ± 8 years) with stable chronic HF (21 coronary artery disease, 24 dilated cardiomyopathy), in New York Heart Association functional class II (n. 16)–III (n. 29), with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) below 35% (mean LVEF = 22.7 ± 5.1%), underwent cardiopulmonary exercise testing between 2006 and 2012 year. Results. At the end of follow-up, 5 (11%) patients had died and 17 (38%) had a hospitalization due to CHF exacerbation. Peak VO2 was 14.5 ± 5.7 mL/kg/min, VE/VCO2 slope was 35.1 ± 6.1. MACE(+) group had a lower peak VO2 (13.9 ± 6.9 mL/kg/min vs 15.1 ± 4.3, p = NS) and higher VE/VCO2slope (37.2 + 6.0 vs. 33.1 ± 5.6, p = 0.021) than MACE(–) group. MACE(+) death group had a lower peak VO2 than MACE(–) group (10.9 ± 1.3 vs. 15.1 ± 4.3, p = 0.045). The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves for predicting MACE at 1 year were 0.68 for peak VO2 and 0.70 for VE/VCO2slope. The results of Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed a 1-year MACE free survival of 33% in patients with VE/VCO2slope > 34.9 and 67% in those with VE/VCO2slope 11.9 mL/kg/min (p = 0.0085). Conclusions. Both VO2 and VE/VCO2slope, are good prognostic parameters for serious cardiovascular events and improve the risk stratification of chronic HF patients.Wstęp. Mimo ostatnich osiągnięć w diagnostyce i terapii chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego rokowanie w niewydolności serca (HF) pozostaje niezadowalające, dlatego identyfikacja chorych z grupy najwyższego ryzyka wczesnego zgonu ma szczególne znaczenie. Wysiłkowy test ergospirometryczny jest uznanym badaniem w diagnostyce HF, a szczytowe/maksymalne zużycie tlenu (VO2peak/VO2max) oraz ekwiwalent wentylacyjny dwutlenku węgla (VE/VCO2slope) to najczęściej oceniane parametry. Celem pracy była prospektywna, roczna ocena wpływu parametrów ergospirometrycznych (VO2peak/max oraz VE/VCO2slope) na wystąpienie punktu końcowego (MACE), definiowanego jako zgon z przyczyn sercowo-naczyniowych lub hospitalizacja z powodu zaostrzenia HF u chorych z przewlekłą skurczową HF, kwalifikowanych wstępnie do transplantacji serca. Materiał i metody. Prospektywnej obserwacji poddano 45 pacjentów (38 mężczyzn, średni wiek 50 ± 8 lat) z rozpoznaną skurczową niewydolnością serca (u 21 osób etiologia niedokrwienna, u 24 osób nieniedokrwienna) w II (n = 16) i III (n = 29) klasie według New York Heart Association, ze zredukowaną frakcją wyrzutową lewej komory (LVEF) poniżej 35% (średnia LVEF = 22,7 ± 5,1%). U każdego pacjenta wyjściowo wykonano badanie ergospirometryczne z oceną VO2 i VE/VCO2slope. Wyniki. W okresie 12 miesięcy u 22 (49,0%) pacjentów obserwowano wystąpienie złożonego punktu końcowego (MACE+), w tym u 17 (38,0%) wystąpiło zaostrzenie HF, a 5 (11,0%) pacjentów zmarło. Szczytowe/maksymalne VO2 wyniosło 14,5 ± 5,7 ml/kg mc./min, zaś VE/VCO2slope 35,1 ± 6,1. W grupie MACE(+) obserwowano niższe wartości VO2 (13,9 ± 6,9 ml/kg mc./min v. 15,1 ± 4,3; p = NS) i wyższy VE/VCO2slope (37,2 + 6,0 v. 33,1 ± 5,6; p = 0,021) niż w grupie MACE(–). Podgrupa MACE(+) zgon miała istotnie statystycznie niższą wartość VO2 niż MACE(–) (10,9 ± 1,3 v. 15,1 ± 4,3; p = 0,045). Na podstawie analizy krzywych ROC wyznaczono dla VO2 i VE/VCO2slope pole pod krzywą, odpowiednio, 0,68 i 0,70; p < 0,05). Oszacowana metodą Kaplana-Meiera funkcja przeżycia wykazała roczne przeżycie wolne od wystąpienia MACE u 33% pacjentów z VE/VCO2slope ponad 34,9 i 67% u tych z VE/VCO2slope poniżej 34,9 (p = 0,0562) oraz u 20% pacjentów z VO2 poniżej 11,6 ml/kg mc./min i 67% u tych z VO2 ponad 11.9 ml/kg/min (p = 0,0085). Wnioski. Zarówno VO2 jak i VE/VCO2slope są istotnymi czynnikami rokowniczymi wystąpienia zgonu z przyczyn sercowych bądź hospitalizacji z powodu zaostrzenia HF. Wartość rokownicza obu parametrów okazuje się porównywalna z niewielką przewagą VE/VCO2slope. Analiza połączonych parametrów ergospirometrycznych ma większą wartość prognostyczną niż osobna ocena VO2 oraz VE/VCO2slope


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    Evidence is reviewed that the operating characteristics of computer application systems, in addition to physical characteristics of display units (CRTs), are the cause of many observed effects on operator health and task effectiveness. These effects are hypothesized to occur through changes in task structure, and the man-machine redivision of labor that results when computer application systems are introduced into work settings. First, the association between task dimensions and models of operator performance effectiveness and well-being are reviewed. Second, application system design parameters that affect task structure are identified. Then, empirical evidence supporting this three part causal linkage - application system parameters to task characteristics to operator effectiveness and health - is presented. The findings suggest that by improving dialogue quality, taking advantage of two way communication to reduce uncertainty, using smaller and less integrated systems and matching system performance to operator needs a job can be created that is likely to improve both operator well-being and effectiveness.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    Unregistered health care staff's perceptions of 12 hour shifts: an interview study

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    Aim The purpose of the study was to explore the unregistered health care staff’s perceptions of 12-hour shifts on work performance and patient care. Background Many unregistered health care staff work 12-hour shifts. It is unclear whether 12-hour shifts are compatible with good quality care or work performance. Method 25 Health Care Assistants with experience of working 12-hour shifts in a range of care settings took part in semi-structured interviews or focus groups. Results A wide range of views emerged on the perceived impact of 12-hour shifts on patient care and work performance in different settings. Negative outcomes were perceived to occur when 12-hour shifts were combined with short-staffing, three or more consecutive long shifts, high levels of demands, insufficient breaks and working with unfamiliar colleagues. Positive outcomes were perceived to be more likely in a context of control over shift patterns, sufficient staffing levels, and a supportive team climate. Conclusion The perceived relationship between 12-hour shifts and patient care and work performance varies with the patient context and wider workplace factors

    Epidemia niewydolności serca - problem zdrowotny i społeczny starzejących się społeczeństw Polski i Europy

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    Niewydolność serca (HF) jest zespołem klinicznym będącym końcowym wspólnym etapem wielu chorób sercowo-naczyniowych. Mimo znacznych postępów w zrozumieniu patofizjologii, wdrożenia szeroko zakrojonej profilaktyki i wprowadzenia do leczenia nowoczesnych metod terapeutycznych, zarówno zachowawczych, jak i zabiegowych, HF stanowi coraz większy problem zdrowotny i społeczny w Europie. Obecnie jest ona jedyną jednostką chorobową układu sercowo-naczyniowego o wciąż wzrastającej częstości, a ponadto najczęstszą i najbardziej kosztowną przyczyną hospitalizacji pacjentów powyżej 65. roku życia, którzy są obarczeni największą śmiertelnością. W ostatnich latach istotny postęp w dziedzinie leczenia farmakologicznego i chirurgicznego wpłynął na znaczące wydłużenie życia, a w konsekwencji na proporcjonalny wzrost liczby chorych z przewlekłą niewydolnością serca, która występuje głównie u osób starszych. Obecnie najczęstszymi przyczynami HF w Polsce i Europie są choroba niedokrwienna serca i nadciśnienie tętnicze. W badaniach epidemiologicznych w celu rozpoznania HF najczęściej wykorzystuje się objawy kliniczne oraz wartość frakcji wyrzutowej (EF), które dotyczą głównie skurczowej HF. Nie istnieją jeszcze wiarygodne informacje na temat rozkurczowej dysfunkcji lewej komory. Niewydolność serca jest jednostką chorobową o bardzo złym rokowaniu, zwłaszcza w sytuacjach, gdy nie można zastosować leczenia przyczynowego. Wskaźniki 5-letniego przeżycia w przypadku HF są gorsze od wskaźników przeżycia osób z chorobami nowotworowymi (z wyjątkiem raka płuc), gdyż w zaawansowanej HF (IV klasa wg NYHA) około 50% chorych umiera w ciągu jednego roku. Koszty leczenia pacjentów z HF, nie wliczając wydatków związanych z transplantacją serca, ciągle wzrastają i obecnie wynoszą 1,5-2,5% wszystkich wydatków na służbę zdrowia. Niewydolność serca stanowi istotny problem zdrowotny i społeczny, a koszty leczenia tej grupy pacjentów będą stale wzrastały. W Polsce są to wydatki bardzo niedoszacowane, zarówno w zakresie lecznictwa szpitalnego, jak i ambulatoryjnego, więc w najbliższym czasie będą wymagać nowych rozwiązań organizacyjnych i finansowych

    Immunoglobulin E as a marker of the atherothrombotic process in patients with acute myocardial infarction

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    Background: Clot formation is a crucial moment in the patophysiology of acute coronary syndromes. The aim of this research was to assess the relationship between immunoglobulin E (IgE), lipid parameters and chosen hemostatic markers. The role of IgE as a possible participant in the atherothrombotic process was also investigated. Methods: A total of 80 patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI) was enrolled in the study. Concentrations of IgE, plasma lipid parameters, lipoprotein(a), markers of thrombin generation (TAT, AT III), markers of fibrinolysis (tPA:Ag, PAI-1:Ag, PAP, D-dimers) and markers of endothelial damage (von Willebrand factor) were measured in blood samples collected immediately after admission, before any treatment administration. Results: In patients with acute MI and with IgE concentration above 100 kU/l, IgE values were strongly, positively correlated with LDL concentration (p < 0.05), lipoprotein(a) concentration (p < 0.02) and negatively correlated with HDL plasma levels (p < 0.02). Exclusion of patients with IgE concentration lower than 150 kU/l strengthened the correlation between IgE concentration and LDL (p < 0.002) and lipoprotein(a) (p < 0.01) levels. It also revealed a significant correlation between IgE and TAT (p < 0.001), IgE and AT III (p < 0.002), and IgE and D-dimers (p < 0.05). IgE and TAT values measured 7, 14 and 40 days after infarction also showed significant positive correlation between increments of these parameters. Conclusions: In patients with acute MI, a significant increase of thrombinogenesis and fibrinolysis markers is observed. Positive correlation between IgE concentration above 100 kU/l and markers of thrombinogenesis activation, lipid parameters and lipoprotein(a) levels, with significance increasing with IgE concentration and constant positive correlation between increments of IgE and TAT, can serve as evidence of IgE participation in the atherothrombotic process. (Cardiol J 2007; 14: 266-273