5,662 research outputs found

    Adaptive Navigation of Three-Dimensional Scalar Fields with Multiple UAVs

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    Adaptive Navigation (AN) control strategies allow an agent to autonomously alter its trajectory based on realtime measurements of its environment. Compared to conventional navigation methods, AN techniques can potentially reduce the time and energy needed to explore scalar characteristics of unknown and dynamic regions of interest (e.g., temperature, concentration level). Multiple Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle (UAV) approaches to AN can improve performance by exploiting synchronized spatially-dispersed measurements to generate realtime information regarding the structure of the local scalar field for use in navigation decisions. This dissertation presents initial results of a comprehensive program to develop, verify, and experimentally implement mission-level AN capabilities in three-dimensional (3D) space using Santa Clara University’s (SCU) unique multilayer control architecture for groups of vehicles. Using SCU’s flexible formation control system, this work builds upon prior 2D AN research and provides new contributions to 3D scalar field AN by a) demonstrating a wide range of 3D AN capabilities using a unified, multilayer control architecture, b) extending multivehicle 2D AN control primitives to navigation in 3D scalar fields, and c) introducing state-based sequencing of these primitive AN functions to execute 3D mission-level capabilities such as isosurface mapping and plume following. Functionality is verified using high-fidelity simulations of multivehicle drone clusters which account for vehicle dynamics, outdoor wind gust disturbances, position sensor inaccuracy, and scalar field sensor noise. This dissertation presents the multilayer architecture for multivehicle formation control, the 3D AN control primitives, the sequencing approaches for specific mission-level capabilities, and simulation results that demonstrate these functions

    Differential Actions of Ethanol and Trichloroethanol at Sites in the M3 and M4 Domains of the NMDA Receptor GluN2A (NR2A) Subunit

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    Background and purpose:  Alcohol produces its behavioural effects in part due to inhibition of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in the CNS. Previous studies have identified amino acid residues in membrane-associated domains 3 (M3) and 4 (M4) of the NMDA receptor that influence ethanol sensitivity. In addition, in other alcohol-sensitive ion channels, sedative-hypnotic agents have in some cases been shown to act at sites distinct from the sites of ethanol action. In this study, we compared the influence of mutations at these sites on sensitivity to ethanol and trichloroethanol, a sedative-hypnotic agent that is a structural analogue of ethanol. Experimental approach:  We constructed panels of mutants at ethanol-sensitive positions in the GluN2A (NR2A) NMDA receptor subunit and transiently expressed these mutants in human embryonic kidney 293 cells. We used whole-cell patch-clamp recording to assess the actions of ethanol and trichloroethanol in these mutant NMDA receptors. Key results:  Ethanol sensitivity of mutants at GluN2A(Ala825) was not correlated with any physicochemical measures tested. Trichloroethanol sensitivity was altered in two of three ethanol-insensitive mutant GluN2A subunits: GluN2A(Phe637Trp) in M3 and GluN2A(Ala825Trp) in M4, but not GluN2A(Met823Trp). Trichloroethanol sensitivity decreased with increasing molecular volume at Phe637 or increasing hydrophobicity at Ala825 and was correlated with ethanol sensitivity at both sites. Conclusions and implications:  Evidence obtained to date is consistent with a role of GluN2A(Ala825) as a modulatory site for ethanol and trichloroethanol sensitivity, but not as a binding site. Trichloroethanol appears to inhibit the NMDA receptor in a manner similar, but not identical to, that of ethanol

    A regulatory code for neurogenic gene expression in the Drosophila embryo

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    Bioinformatics methods have identified enhancers that mediate restricted expression in the Drosophila embryo. However, only a small fraction of the predicted enhancers actually work when tested in vivo. In the present study, co-regulated neurogenic enhancers that are activated by intermediate levels of the Dorsal regulatory gradient are shown to contain several shared sequence motifs. These motifs permitted the identification of new neurogenic enhancers with high precision: five out of seven predicted enhancers direct restricted expression within ventral regions of the neurogenic ectoderm. Mutations in some of the shared motifs disrupt enhancer function, and evidence is presented that the Twist and Su(H) regulatory proteins are essential for the specification of the ventral neurogenic ectoderm prior to gastrulation. The regulatory model of neurogenic gene expression defined in this study permitted the identification of a neurogenic enhancer in the distant Anopheles genome. We discuss the prospects for deciphering regulatory codes that link primary DNA sequence information with predicted patterns of gene expression

    Accurate molecular polarizabilities with coupled-cluster theory and machine learning

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    The molecular polarizability describes the tendency of a molecule to deform or polarize in response to an applied electric field. As such, this quantity governs key intra- and inter-molecular interactions such as induction and dispersion, plays a key role in determining the spectroscopic signatures of molecules, and is an essential ingredient in polarizable force fields and other empirical models for collective interactions. Compared to other ground-state properties, an accurate and reliable prediction of the molecular polarizability is considerably more difficult as this response quantity is quite sensitive to the description of the underlying molecular electronic structure. In this work, we present state-of-the-art quantum mechanical calculations of the static dipole polarizability tensors of 7,211 small organic molecules computed using linear-response coupled-cluster singles and doubles theory (LR-CCSD). Using a symmetry-adapted machine-learning based approach, we demonstrate that it is possible to predict the molecular polarizability with LR-CCSD accuracy at a negligible computational cost. The employed model is quite robust and transferable, yielding molecular polarizabilities for a diverse set of 52 larger molecules (which includes challenging conjugated systems, carbohydrates, small drugs, amino acids, nucleobases, and hydrocarbon isomers) at an accuracy that exceeds that of hybrid density functional theory (DFT). The atom-centered decomposition implicit in our machine-learning approach offers some insight into the shortcomings of DFT in the prediction of this fundamental quantity of interest

    Pemanfaatan Karet Alam Untuk Produk Barang Jadi Di Desa Suban Jeriji Kecamatan Rambang Dangku Kabupaten Muara Enim

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    Besides the domestic consumption of natural rubber into rubber goods is still very small, Indonesia is also still dependent on the export of these commodities abroad. The new natural rubber producing countries which are quite troubling the world natural rubber market including Indonesia are also China, Vietnam and Cambodia. One of the main weaknesses of Indonesian farmers' natural rubber is dirty. This is a cause of low prices. The cost of cleaning the rubber is too high. Therefore it is indeed necessary to have a way to diversify rubber products or increase the consumption of natural rubber in the country is very important. In order for many people to produce rubber goods, this means that many people know that cleaning rubber is necessary and does not need to be polluted. In Palembang itself, there was PT. Sri Bina Havea and Intirub Tire Factory, but both are gone. Thus, the way to produce rubber goods of natural rubber needs to be socialized to the Indonesian people, especially in South Sumatetra. This certainly greatly influences the development of the local economy given that South Sumatetra is the largest producer of natural rubber in Indonesia and this result is mostly produced by farmers rather than large companies. For this reason, this service aims to provide information about the technology of processing natural rubber into rubber goods to the public. This service was carried out on the people of Suban Jeriji village, Rambang Dangku Sub-District, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra. The method used in this activity is a lecture and interactive discussion about the manufacture of natural rubber finished goods with the help of LCD and accompanied by providing samples of finished goods products from semi-finished natural rubber. The target to be achieved in this activity is the formation of insights into thinking that natural rubber goods are a way to overcome the ever-uncertain prices of natural rubber on the market. The long-term target of this activity is perhaps one day there are students or students who are interested in becoming entrepreneurs of natural rubber goods

    So near and yet so far: Harmonic radar reveals reduced homing ability of nosema infected honeybees

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    Pathogens may gain a fitness advantage through manipulation of the behaviour of their hosts. Likewise, host behavioural changes can be a defence mechanism, counteracting the impact of pathogens on host fitness. We apply harmonic radar technology to characterize the impact of an emerging pathogen - Nosema ceranae (Microsporidia) - on honeybee (Apis mellifera) flight and orientation performance in the field. Honeybees are the most important commercial pollinators. Emerging diseases have been proposed to play a prominent role in colony decline, partly through sub-lethal behavioural manipulation of their hosts. We found that homing success was significantly reduced in diseased (65.8%) versus healthy foragers (92.5%). Although lost bees had significantly reduced continuous flight times and prolonged resting times, other flight characteristics and navigational abilities showed no significant difference between infected and non-infected bees. Our results suggest that infected bees express normal flight characteristics but are constrained in their homing ability, potentially compromising the colony by reducing its resource inputs, but also counteracting the intra-colony spread of infection. We provide the first high-resolution analysis of sub-lethal effects of an emerging disease on insect flight behaviour. The potential causes and the implications for both host and parasite are discussed

    So near and yet so far: Harmonic radar reveals reduced homing ability of nosema infected honeybees

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    Pathogens may gain a fitness advantage through manipulation of the behaviour of their hosts. Likewise, host behavioural changes can be a defence mechanism, counteracting the impact of pathogens on host fitness. We apply harmonic radar technology to characterize the impact of an emerging pathogen - Nosema ceranae (Microsporidia) - on honeybee (Apis mellifera) flight and orientation performance in the field. Honeybees are the most important commercial pollinators. Emerging diseases have been proposed to play a prominent role in colony decline, partly through sub-lethal behavioural manipulation of their hosts. We found that homing success was significantly reduced in diseased (65.8%) versus healthy foragers (92.5%). Although lost bees had significantly reduced continuous flight times and prolonged resting times, other flight characteristics and navigational abilities showed no significant difference between infected and non-infected bees. Our results suggest that infected bees express normal flight characteristics but are constrained in their homing ability, potentially compromising the colony by reducing its resource inputs, but also counteracting the intra-colony spread of infection. We provide the first high-resolution analysis of sub-lethal effects of an emerging disease on insect flight behaviour. The potential causes and the implications for both host and parasite are discussed

    Prolonged survival of patients receiving trastuzumab beyond disease progression for HER2 overexpressing metastatic breast cancer (MBC)

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    Background: The aim of this retrospective analysis was to evaluate the impact of trastuzumab-based regimens on the survival of patients with HER2-overexpressing metastatic breast cancer (MBC). The study specifically focussed on the influence of the continuation of trastuzumab-based treatment despite tumor progression on survival. Patients and Methods: Patients with HER2 overexpressing MBC were included in this retrospective analysis. HER2 overexpression was determined by the immunohistochemical staining score (DAKO Hercep Test (TM)). Trastuzumab was applied at a loading dose of 4 mg/kg and a maintenance dose of 2 mg/kg. Results: Among 136 HER2 overexpressing patients (DAKO score 3+), 66 patients received first-line trastuzumab, 47 patients received trastuzumab as second-line therapy and 23 patients received trastuzumab beyond disease progression. There was no significant difference regarding the duration of trastuzumab-based treatment (first-line: 29.5 weeks vs. second-line: 25 weeks). Moreover, there was no difference in the response rate (first-line: 37.9% vs. second-line: 35.7%) or the median survival (p = 0.47 log rank). Patients who received >= 2 trastuzumab-based regimens for MBC survived significantly longer compared to those who had received only 1 regimen (>= 2 regimens: 62.4 months vs. 1 regimen: 38.5 months; p = 0.01 log rank). Conclusions: Trastuzumab is highly effective in the treatment of HER2 overexpressing MBC. Compared to historical controls, overall survival appears to be markedly prolonged, particularly in patients who received sequential trastuzumab-based treatment beyond disease progression