97 research outputs found

    The Incidence of Low-Metallicity Lyman-Limit Systems at z~3.5: Implications for the Cold-Flow Hypothesis of Baryonic Accretion

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    Cold accretion is a primary growth mechanism of simulated galaxies, yet observational evidence of "cold flows" at redshifts where they should be most efficient (z=2z=2-4) is scarce. In simulations, cold streams manifest as Lyman-limit absorption systems (LLSs) with low heavy-element abundances similar to those of the diffuse IGM. Here we report on an abundance survey of 17 H I-selected LLSs at z=3.2z=3.2-4.4 which exhibit no metal absorption in SDSS spectra. Using medium-resolution spectra obtained at Magellan, we derive ionization-corrected metallicities (or limits) with a Markov-Chain Monte Carlo sampling that accounts for the large uncertainty in NHIN_{\rm HI} measurements typical of LLSs. The metal-poor LLS sample overlaps with the IGM in metallicity and is best described by a model where 71−11+13%71^{+13}_{-11}\% are drawn from the IGM chemical abundance distribution. These represent roughly half of all LLSs at these redshifts, suggesting that 28-40%\% of the general LLS population at z∌3.7z\sim3.7 could trace unprocessed gas. An ancillary sample of ten LLSs without any a priori metal-line selection is best fit with 48−12+14%48^{+14}_{-12}\% of metallicities drawn from the IGM. We compare these results with regions of a moving-mesh simulation; the simulation finds only half as many baryons in IGM-metallicity LLSs, and most of these lie beyond the virial radius of the nearest galaxy halo. A statistically significant fraction of all LLSs have low metallicity and therefore represent candidates for accreting gas; large-volume simulations can establish what fraction of these candidates actually lie near galaxies and the observational prospects for detecting the presumed hosts in emission.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures; Submitted to ApJ; Corrected figure 16

    The Distribution of Metallicity in the IGM at z~2.5: OVI and CIV Absorption in the Spectra of 7 QSOs

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    We present a direct measurement of the metallicity distribution function for the high redshift intergalactic medium. We determine the shape of this function using survival statistics, which account for both detections and non-detections of OVI and CIV associated with HI absorption in quasar spectra. Our OVI sample probes the metal content of ~50% of all baryons at z~2.5. We find a median intergalactic abundance of [O,C/H]=-2.82; the differential abundance distribution is approximately lognormal with mean ~-2.85 and \sigma=0.75 dex. Some 60-70% the Lya forest lines are enriched to observable levels ([O,C/H]>-3.5) while the remaining ~30% of the lines have even lower abundances. Thus we have not detected a universal metallicity floor as has been suggested for some Population III enrichment scenaria. In fact, we argue that the bulk of the intergalactic metals formed later than the first stars that are thought to have triggered reionization. We do not observe a significant trend of decreasing metallicity toward the lower density IGM, at least within regions that would be characterized as filaments in numerical simulations. However, an [O/H] enhancement may be present at somewhat high densities. We estimate that roughly half of all baryons at these redshifts have been enriched to [O/H]>=-3.5. We develop a simple model for the metallicity evolution of the IGM, to estimate the chemical yield of galaxies formed prior to z~2.5. We find that the typical galaxy recycled 0.1-0.4% of its mass back into the IGM as heavy elements in the first 3 Gyr after the Big Bang.Comment: 23 pages in emulateapj, 19 figures. Accepted to ApJ, pending review of new changes. Revised comparison between our results and Schaye et al (2003

    Signatures of Cloud, Temperature, and Gravity From Spectra of the Closest Brown Dwarfs

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    We present medium resolution optical and NIR spectral data for components of the newly discovered WISE J104915.57-531906.1AB (Luhman 16AB) brown dwarf binary. The optical spectra reveal strong 6708 A Li I absorption in both Luhman 16A (8.0+/-0.4 A) and Luhman 16B (3.8+/-0.4 A). Interestingly, this is the first detection of Li I absorption in a T dwarf. Combined with the lack of surface gravity features, the Li I detection constrains the system age to 0.1 - 3 Gyr. In the NIR data, we find strong KI absorption at 1.168, 1.177, 1.243, and 1.254 {\mu}m in both components. Compared to the strength of KI line absorption in equivalent spectral subtype brown dwarfs, Luhman 16A is weaker while Luhman 16B is stronger. Analyzing the spectral region around each doublet in distance scaled flux units and comparing the two sources, we confirm the J band flux reversal and find that Luhman 16B has a brighter continuum in the 1.17 {\mu}m and 1.25 {\mu}m regions than Luhman 16A. Converting flux units to a brightness temperature we interpret this to mean that the secondary is ~ 50 K warmer than the primary in regions dominated by condensate grain scattering. One plausible explanation for this difference is that Luhman 16B has thinner clouds or patchy holes in its atmosphere allowing us to see to deeper, hotter regions. We also detect comparably strong FeH in the 0.9896 {\mu}m Wing-Ford band for both components. Traditionally, a signpost of changing atmosphere conditions from late-type L to early T dwarfs, the persistence and similarity of FeH at 0.9896 {\mu}m in both Luhman 16A and Luhman 16B is an indication of homogenous atmosphere conditions. We calculate bolometric luminosities from observed data supplemented with best fit models for longer wavelengths and find the components are consistent within 1{\sigma} with resultant Teffs of 1310+/-30 K and 1280+/-75 K for Luhman 16AB respectively.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables. Submitted to ApJ and revised after referee repor

    Dissecting the Gaseous Halos of z~2 Damped Lyα\alpha Systems with Close Quasar Pairs

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    We use spectroscopy of close pairs of quasars to study diffuse gas in the circumgalactic medium (CGM) surrounding a sample of 40 Damped Lya systems (DLAs). The primary sightline in each quasar pair probes an intervening DLA in the redshift range 1.6 < z_DLA < 3.6, such that the second quasar sightline then probes Lya, CII, SiII, and CIV absorption in the CGM transverse to the DLA to projected distances R⊄<300R_{\perp} < 300 kpc. Analysis of the Lya profiles in these CGM sightlines constrains the covering fraction (f_C) of optically thick HI (having column density N_HI > 10^17.2 cm^-2) to be greater than ~30% within R⊄<200R_{\perp} < 200 kpc of DLAs. Strong SiII 1526 absorption with equivalent width W_1526 > 0.2 Ang occurs with an incidence f_C (W_1526 > 0.2 Ang) = 20(+12/-8)% within R⊄<100R_{\perp}<100 kpc, indicating that low-ionization metal absorption associated with DLAs probes material at a physical distance R_3D < 30 kpc. However, we find that strong CIV 1548 absorption is ubiquitous in these environments (f_C (W_1548 > 0.2 Ang) = 57(+12/-13)% within R⊄<100R_{\perp} < 100 kpc), and in addition exhibits a high degree of kinematic coherence on scales up to ~175 kpc. We infer that this high-ionization material arises predominantly in large, quiescent structures extending beyond the scale of the DLA host dark matter halos rather than in ongoing galactic winds. The Lya equivalent width in the DLA-CGM is anticorrelated with R⊄R_{\perp} at >98% confidence, suggesting that DLAs arise close to the centers of their host halos rather than on their outskirts. Finally, the average Lya, CII and CIV equivalent widths are consistent with those measured around z~2 Lyman Break Galaxies. Assuming that DLAs trace a galaxy population with lower masses and luminosities, this finding implies that the absorption strength of cool circumgalactic material has a weak dependence on dark matter halo mass for M_h < 10^12 M_sun.Comment: Submitted to ApJ. 30 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables, 1 appendix. Uses emulateapj forma

    FIRE Spectroscopy of the ultra-cool brown dwarf, UGPS J072227.51-054031.2: Kinematics, Rotation and Atmospheric Parameters

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    We present {\lambda}/{\Delta}{\lambda} ~ 6000 near-infrared spectroscopy of the nearby T9 dwarf, UGPS J072227.51-054031.2, obtained during the commissioning of the Folded-Port Infrared Echellette Spectrograph on the Baade Magellan telescope at Las Campanas Observatory. The spectrum is marked by significant absorption from H2O, CH4 and H2. We also identify NH3 absorption features by comparing the spectrum to recently published line lists. The spectrum is fit with BT-Settl models, indicating Teff ~ 500-600 K and log g ~ 4.3-5.0. This corresponds to a mass of ~ 10-30 MJup and an age of 1-5 Gyr, however there are large discrepancies between the model and observed spectrum. The radial and rotational velocities of the brown dwarf are measured as 46.9 \pm 2.5 and 40 \pm 10 km/s, respectively, reflecting a thin disk Galactic orbit and fast rotation similar to other T dwarfs, suggesting a young, possibly planetary-mass brown dwarf.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, emulateApJ format; accepted for publication in A

    Observations of Chemically Enriched QSO Absorbers near z ~ 2.3 Galaxies: Galaxy-Formation Feedback Signatures in the IGM

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    We present a study of galaxies and intergalactic gas toward the z=2.73 quasar HS1700+6416, to explore the effects of galaxy formation feedback on the IGM. Our observations and ionization simulations indicate that the volume within 100-200 h_71^{-1} physical kpc of high-redshift galaxies contains very small, dense, and metal-rich absorption-line regions. These systems often contain shock-heated gas seen in OVI, and may exhibit [Si/C] abundance enhancements suggestive of Type II supernova enrichment. We argue that the absorbers resemble thin sheets or bubbles, whose physical properties can be explained with a simple model of radiatively efficient shocks propegating through the IGM. Their high metallicities suggest that these shocks are being expelled from--rather than falling into--star forming galaxies. There is a dropoff in the IGM gas density at galaxy impact parameters beyond ~300 physical kpc that may trace boundaries of gas structures where the galaxies reside. The local heavy-element enhancement covers 100-200 kpc; beyond this the observed abundances blend into the general IGM. Supernova-driven winds or dynamical stripping of interstellar gas appears to affect the IGM near massive galaxies, even at R>~100 kpc. However, these feedback systems represent only a few percent of the Lya forest mass at z~2.5. Their mass could be larger if the more numerous metal-poor CIV systems at >~200 kpc are tepid remnants of very powerful winds. Based on present observations it is not clear that this scenario is to be favored over one involving pre-enrichment by smaller galaxies at z>~6.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 26 pages emulateapj, incl. 5 pages tables, 15 figure

    Precious Metals in SDSS Quasar Spectra I: Tracking the Evolution of Strong, 1.5 < z < 4.5 CIV Absorbers with Thousands of Systems

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    We have vastly increased the CIV statistics at intermediate redshift by surveying the thousands of quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data-Release 7. We visually verified over 16,000 CIV systems with 1.46 < z < 4.55---a sample size that renders Poisson error negligible. Detailed Monte Carlo simulations show we are approximately 50% complete down to rest equivalent widths W_r ~ 0.6 \AA. We analyzed the sample as a whole and in ten small redshift bins with approximately 1500 doublets each. The equivalent width frequency distributions f(W_r) were well modeled by an exponential, with little evolution in shape. In contrast with previous studies that modeled the frequency distribution as a single power law, the fitted exponential gives a finite mass density for the CIV ions. The co-moving line density dN_CIV/dX evolved smoothly with redshift, increasing by a factor of 2.37+/-0.09 from z = 4.55 to 1.96, then plateauing at dN_CIV/dX ~ 0.34 for z = 1.96 to 1.46. Comparing our SDSS sample with z < 1 (ultraviolet) and z > 5 (infrared) surveys, we see an approximately 10-fold increase in dN_CIV/dX over z ~ 6 --> 0, for W_r >= 0.6 \AA. This suggests a monotonic and significant increase in the enrichment of gas outside galaxies over the 12 Gyr lifetime of the universe.Comment: 17 pages (emulateapj), 13 figures, 4 tables; accepted to ApJ and in press; also see http://igmabsorbers.inf

    Constraints on the Universal CIV Mass Density at z~6 from Early IR Spectra Obtained with the Magellan FIRE Spectrograph

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    We present a new determination of the intergalactic CIV mass density at 4.3 < z < 6.3. Our constraints are derived from high signal-to-noise spectra of seven quasars at z > 5.8 obtained with the newly commissioned FIRE spectrograph on the Magellan Baade telescope, coupled with six observations of northern objects taken from the literature. We confirm the presence of a downturn in the CIV abundance at =5.66 by a factor of 4.1 relative to its value at =4.96, as measured in the same sightlines. In the FIRE sample, a strong system previously reported in the literature as CIV at z=5.82 is re-identified as MgII at z=2.78, leading to a substantial downward revision in ΩCIV\Omega_{CIV} for these prior studies. Additionally we confirm the presence of at least two systems with low-ionization CII, SiII, and OI absorption but relatively weak signal from CIV. The latter systems systems may be of interest if the downward trend in ΩCIV\Omega_{CIV} at high redshift is driven in part by ionization effects.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables. Submitted to Ap

    MASE: A New Data--Reduction Pipeline for the Magellan Echellette Spectrograph

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    We introduce a data reduction package written in Interactive Data Language (IDL) for the Magellan Echellete Spectrograph (MAGE). MAGE is a medium-resolution (R ~4100), cross-dispersed, optical spectrograph, with coverage from ~3000-10000 Angstroms. The MAGE Spectral Extractor (MASE) incorporates the entire image reduction and calibration process, including bias subtraction, flat fielding, wavelength calibration, sky subtraction, object extraction and flux calibration of point sources. We include examples of the user interface and reduced spectra. We show that the wavelength calibration is sufficient to achieve ~5 km/s RMS accuracy and relative flux calibrations better than 10%. A light-weight version of the full reduction pipeline has been included for real-time source extraction and signal-to-noise estimation at the telescope.Comment: 10 pages (ApJ format), accepted PAS

    Accretion of a Terrestrial-Like Minor Planet by a White Dwarf

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    We present optical and infrared characterization of the polluted DAZ white dwarf GALEX J193156.8+011745. Imaging and spectroscopy from the ultraviolet to the thermal infrared indicate that this white dwarf hosts excess infrared emission consistent with the presence of an orbiting dusty debris disk. In addition to the five elements previously identified, our optical echelle spectroscopy reveals chromium and manganese and enables restrictive upper limits on several other elements. Synthesis of all detections and upper limits suggests that GALEX J193156.8+011745 has accreted a differentiated parent body. We compare the inferred bulk elemental composition of the accreted parent body to expectations for the bulk composition of an Earth-like planet stripped of its crust and mantle and find relatively good agreement. At least two processes could be important in shaping the final bulk elemental composition of rocky bodies during the late phases of stellar evolution: irradiation and interaction with the dense stellar wind.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award No. AST-1003318)Centre de recherche en astrophysique du QuĂ©bec (postdoctoral fellow)Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of CanadaFonds québécois de la recherche sur la nature et les technologie
