172 research outputs found

    Olivier Wieviorka, Une Histoire de la Résistance en Europe occidentale

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    Après ses études magistrales – La Résistance française (Perrin, 2013) et Le Débarquement en Normandie (Perrin, 2007) –, Olivier Wieviorka nous offre une troisième perspective sur la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, celle des rapports entre les Alliés et les résistances intérieures. Il démontre que l’histoire – et les mythes – de la résistance nationale ont occulté le rôle des Alliés dans la guerre des ombres en Europe, et il analyse, à partir des archives britanniques et américaines, la guerre subve..

    Development of the plasma thruster particle-in-cell simulator to complement empirical studies of a low-power cusped-field thruster

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, February 2013.This electronic version was submitted and approved by the author's academic department as part of an electronic thesis pilot project. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Cataloged from department-submitted PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 273-285).Cusped-field plasma thrusters are an electric propulsion concept being investigated by several laboratories in the United States and Europe. This technology was implemented as a low-power prototype in 2007 to ascertain if durability and performance improvements over comparable Hall thruster designs could be provided by the distinct magnetic topologies inherent to these devices. The first device tested at low-powers was eventually designated the "diverging cusped- field thruster" (DCFT) and demonstrated performance capabilities similar to state-of-the-art Hall thrusters. The research presented herein is a continuation of these initial studies, geared toward identifying significant operational characteristics of the thruster using experiments and numerical simulations. After a review of hybrid, fluid, and particle-in-cell Hall thruster models, experimental contributions from this work are presented. Anode current waveform measurements provide the first evidence of the distinct time-dependent characteristics of the two main modes of DCFT operation. The previously named "high-current" mode exhibits oscillation amplitudes several factors larger than mean current values, while magnitudes in "low-current" mode are at least a full order smaller. Results from a long-duration test, exceeding 200 hours of high-current mode operation, demonstrate lifetime-limiting erosion rates about 50% lower than those observed in comparable Hall thrusters. Concurrently, the plasma thruster particle-in-cell (PTpic) simulator was developed by upgrading numerous aspects of a preexisting Hall thruster model. Improvements in performance and accuracy have been achieved through modifications of the particle moving and electrostatic potential solving algorithms. Data from simulations representing both modes of operation are presented. In both cases, despite being unable to predict the correct location of the main potential drop in the thruster chamber, the model successfully reproduces the hollow conical jet of fast ions in the near plume region. The influences guiding the formation of the simulated beam in low-current mode are described in detail. A module for predicting erosion rates on dielectric surfaces has also been incorporated into PTpic and applied to simulations of both DCFT operational modes. Two data sets from highcurrent mode simulations successfully reproduce elevated erosion profiles in each of the three magnetic ring-cusps present in the DCFT. Discrepancies between the simulated and experimental data do exist, however, and are once again attributable to the misplacement of the primary acceleration region of the thruster. Having successfully captured the most significant erosion profile features observed in high-current mode, a simulation of erosion in low-current mode indicates substantially reduced erosion in comparison to the more oscillatory mode. These findings further motivate the completion of low-current mode erosion measurements, and continued numerical studies of the DCFT. Additionally, PTpic has proven to be a useful simulation tool for this project, and has been developed with adaptability in mind to facilitate its application to a variety of thruster designs -- including Hall thrusters.by Stephen Robert Gildea.Ph.D

    Fully kinetic modeling of a divergent cusped-field thruster

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2009.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 63-55).A fully kinetic, particle-in-cell plasma simulation tool has been incrementally developed by members of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Space Propulsion Laboratory. Adapting this model to simulate the performance and plasma dynamics of a divergent cusped-field thruster is discussed. Strong magnetic fields in the cusps (B0.5 T) necessitate using a time step on the order of a picosecond in order to resolve electron cyclotron trajectories. As a result, successfully completing a divergent cusped-field thruster simulation with the full magnetic field strength has yet to be accomplished. As an intermediate step, simulation results of a divergent cusped-field thruster with the magnetic field at 1/5 the actual value are presented, including performance parameters and internal plasma structure details. Evidence suggests that even at 1/5 the magnetic field strength, ions are fully magnetized within certain regions of the divergent cusped-field thruster. This has strong implications concerning the basic operating principles of the thruster because the Hall effect does not result in a net flow of current in regions where ions are fully magnetized. Further modifications that may lead to successful simulations of divergent cusped-field thrusters at full magnetic field strength are also outlined, which may allow for more detailed studies of the plasma structure and performance of the cusped-field thruster.by Stephen R. Gildea.S.M

    Impact on refractive surgery due to increasing use of personal protection equipment: Insights from EUROCOVCAT group

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    Since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 to be a pandemic on 11th March 2020, changes to social and sanitary practices have included significant issues in access and management of eye care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, the fear of loss, coupled with social distancing, lockdown, economic instability, and uncertainty, have led to a significant psychosocial impact that will have to be addressed. In the current COVID-19 pandemic, personal protective equipment such as face masks or face coverings have become a daily necessity. While "mass masking" along with hand hygiene and social distancing became more widespread, new issues began to emerge - particularly in those who wore spectacles as a means of vision correction. As we began to see routine patients again after the first lockdown had been lifted, many patients visited our clinics for refractive surgery consultations with a primary motivating factor of wanting spectacle independence due to the fogging of their spectacles as a result of wearing a mask. In this article, we report on new emerging issues in eye care due to the widespread use of masks and on the new unmet need in the corneal and cataract refractive surgery fields

    Eye Tricks

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    Catalog for the exhibition Eye Tricks held at the Seton Hall University Walsh Gallery, November 12 - December 15, 2007. Curated by Jeanne Brasile and Jason Marquis. Includes the essay Illusion / Elusion by Jason Marquis. Includes color illustrations

    Eye Tricks

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    Catalog for the exhibition Eye Tricks held at the Seton Hall University Walsh Gallery, November 12 - December 15, 2007. Curated by Jeanne Brasile and Jason Marquis. Includes the essay Illusion / Elusion by Jason Marquis. Includes color illustrations

    The surgical intelligent knife distinguishes normal, borderline and malignant gynaecological tissues using rapid evaporative ionisation mass spectrometry (REIMS)

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    Background Survival from ovarian cancer (OC) is improved with surgery, but surgery can be complex and tumour identification, especially for borderline ovarian tumours (BOT), is challenging. The Rapid Evaporative Ionisation Mass Spectrometric (REIMS) technique reports tissue histology in real-time by analysing aerosolised tissue during electrosurgical dissection. Methods Aerosol produced during diathermy of tissues was sampled with the REIMS interface. Histological diagnosis and mass spectra featuring complex lipid species populated a reference database on which principal component, linear discriminant and leave-one-patient-out cross-validation analyses were performed. Results A total of 198 patients provided 335 tissue samples, yielding 3384 spectra. Cross-validated OC classification vs separate normal tissues was high (97·4% sensitivity, 100% specificity). BOT were readily distinguishable from OC (sensitivity 90.5%, specificity 89.7%). Validation with fresh tissue lead to excellent OC detection (100% accuracy). Histological agreement between iKnife and histopathologist was very good (kappa 0.84, P < 0.001, z = 3.3). Five predominantly phosphatidic acid (PA(36:2)) and phosphatidyl-ethanolamine (PE(34:2)) lipid species were identified as being significantly more abundant in OC compared to normal tissue or BOT (P < 0.001, q < 0.001). Conclusions The REIMS iKnife distinguishes gynaecological tissues by analysing mass-spectrometry-derived lipidomes from tissue diathermy aerosols. Rapid intra-operative gynaecological tissue diagnosis may improve surgical care when histology is unknown, leading to personalised operations tailored to the individual

    Essential Functions of the Histone Demethylase Lid

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    Drosophila Little imaginal discs (Lid) is a recently described member of the JmjC domain class of histone demethylases that specifically targets trimethylated histone H3 lysine 4 (H3K4me3). To understand its biological function, we have utilized a series of Lid deletions and point mutations to assess the role that each domain plays in histone demethylation, in animal viability, and in cell growth mediated by the transcription factor dMyc. Strikingly, we find that lid mutants are rescued to adulthood by either wildtype or enzymatically inactive Lid expressed under the control of its endogenous promoter, demonstrating that Lid's demethylase activity is not essential for development. In contrast, ubiquitous expression of UAS-Lid transgenes lacking its JmjN, C-terminal PHD domain, and C5HC2 zinc finger were unable to rescue lid homozygous mutants, indicating that these domains carry out Lid's essential developmental functions. Although Lid-dependent demethylase activity is not essential, dynamic removal of H3K4me3 may still be an important component of development, as we have observed a genetic interaction between lid and another H3K4me3 demethylase, dKDM2. We also show that Lid's essential C-terminal PHD finger binds specifically to di- and trimethylated H3K4 and that this activity is required for Lid to function in dMyc-induced cell growth. Taken together, our findings highlight the importance of Lid function in the regulated removal and recognition of H3K4me3 during development

    Cultural Phylogenetics of the Tupi Language Family in Lowland South America

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    Background: Recent advances in automated assessment of basic vocabulary lists allow the construction of linguistic phylogenies useful for tracing dynamics of human population expansions, reconstructing ancestral cultures, and modeling transition rates of cultural traits over time. Methods: Here we investigate the Tupi expansion, a widely-dispersed language family in lowland South America, with a distance-based phylogeny based on 40-word vocabulary lists from 48 languages. We coded 11 cultural traits across the diverse Tupi family including traditional warfare patterns, post-marital residence, corporate structure, community size, paternity beliefs, sibling terminology, presence of canoes, tattooing, shamanism, men’s houses, and lip plugs. Results/Discussion: The linguistic phylogeny supports a Tupi homeland in west-central Brazil with subsequent major expansions across much of lowland South America. Consistently, ancestral reconstructions of cultural traits over the linguistic phylogeny suggest that social complexity has tended to decline through time, most notably in the independent emergence of several nomadic hunter-gatherer societies. Estimated rates of cultural change across the Tupi expansion are on the order of only a few changes per 10,000 years, in accord with previous cultural phylogenetic results in other languag

    The CCP4 suite: integrative software for macromolecular crystallography

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    The Collaborative Computational Project No. 4 (CCP4) is a UK-led international collective with a mission to develop, test, distribute and promote software for macromolecular crystallography. The CCP4 suite is a multiplatform collection of programs brought together by familiar execution routines, a set of common libraries and graphical interfaces. The CCP4 suite has experienced several considerable changes since its last reference article, involving new infrastructure, original programs and graphical interfaces. This article, which is intended as a general literature citation for the use of the CCP4 software suite in structure determination, will guide the reader through such transformations, offering a general overview of the new features and outlining future developments. As such, it aims to highlight the individual programs that comprise the suite and to provide the latest references to them for perusal by crystallographers around the world.Jon Agirre is a Royal Society University Research Fellow (UF160039 and URF\R\221006). Mihaela Atanasova is funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC; EP/R513386/1). Haroldas Bagdonas is funded by The Royal Society (RGF/R1/181006). Jose´ Javier Burgos-Ma´rmol and Daniel J. Rigden are supported by the BBSRC (BB/S007105/1). Robbie P. Joosten is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 871037 (iNEXTDiscovery) and by CCP4. This work was supported by the Medical Research Council as part of United Kingdom Research and Innovation, also known as UK Research and Innovation: MRC file reference No. MC_UP_A025_1012 to Garib N. Murshudov, which also funded Keitaro Yamashita, Paul Emsley and Fei Long. Robert A. Nicholls is funded by the BBSRC (BB/S007083/1). Soon Wen Hoh is funded by the BBSRC (BB/T012935/1). Kevin D. Cowtan and Paul S. Bond are funded in part by the BBSRC (BB/S005099/1). John Berrisford and Sameer Velankar thank the European Molecular Biology Laboratory–European Bioinformatics Institute, who supported this work. Andrea Thorn was supported in the development of AUSPEX by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (05K19WWA and 05K22GU5) and by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (TH2135/2-1). Petr Kolenko and Martin Maly´ are funded by the MEYS CR (CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000778). Martin Maly´ is funded by the Czech Academy of Sciences (86652036) and CCP4/STFC (521862101). Anastassis Perrakis acknowledges funding from iNEXT (grant No. 653706), iNEXT-Discovery (grant No. 871037), West-Life (grant No. 675858) and EOSC-Life (grant No. 824087) funded by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Commission. Robbie P. Joosten has been the recipient of a Veni grant (722.011.011) and a Vidi grant (723.013.003) from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). Maarten L. Hekkelman, Robbie P. Joosten and Anastassis Perrakis thank the Research High Performance Computing facility of the Netherlands Cancer Institute for providing and maintaining computation resources and acknowledge the institutional grant from the Dutch Cancer Society and the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. Tarik R. Drevon is funded by the BBSRC (BB/S007040/1). Randy J. Read is supported by a Principal Research Fellowship from the Wellcome Trust (grant 209407/Z/17/Z). Atlanta G. Cook is supported by a Wellcome Trust SRF (200898) and a Wellcome Centre for Cell Biology core grant (203149). Isabel Uso´n acknowledges support from STFC-UK/CCP4: ‘Agreement for the integration of methods into the CCP4 software distribution, ARCIMBOLDO_LOW’ and Spanish MICINN/AEI/FEDER/UE (PID2021-128751NB-I00). Pavol Skubak and Navraj Pannu were funded by the NWO Applied Sciences and Engineering Domain and CCP4 (grant Nos. 13337 and 16219). Bernhard Lohkamp was supported by the Ro¨ntgen A˚ ngstro¨m Cluster (grant 349-2013-597). Nicholas Pearce is currently funded by the SciLifeLab and Wallenberg Data Driven Life Science Program (grant KAW 2020.0239) and has previously been funded by a Veni Fellowship (VI.Veni.192.143) from the Dutch Research Council (NWO), a Long-term EMBO fellowship (ALTF 609-2017) and EPSRC grant EP/G037280/1. David M. Lawson received funding from BBSRC Institute Strategic Programme Grants (BB/P012523/1 and BB/P012574/1). Lucrezia Catapano is the recipient of an STFC/CCP4-funded PhD studentship (Agreement No: 7920 S2 2020 007).Peer reviewe
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