390 research outputs found

    Excited state energy landscape of phosphorescent group 14 complexes

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    Great progress has been achieved on phosphorescent or photoactive complexes of the Earth-abundant transition metals, while examples for phosphorescent heavy main group element complexes are rare, in particular for group 14 complexes in the oxidation state +II. The known compounds often show only weak phosphorescence with fast non-radiative deactivation. The underlying photophysical processes and the nature of the phosphorescent electronic states have remained essentially unexplored. The present combined photophysical and theoretical study on tin(II) and lead(II) complexes E(bpep) with the dianionic tridentate ligand bpep2− (E = Sn, Pb; H2bpep = 2-[1,1-bis(1H-pyrrol-2-yl)ethyl]pyridine) provides unprecedented insight in the excited state energy landscape of tetrel(II) complexes. The tin complex shows green intraligand charge transfer (ILCT) phosphorescence both in solution and in the solid state. In spite of its larger heavy-atom effect, the lead complex only shows very weak red phosphorescence from a strongly distorted ligand-to-metal charge transfer (LMCT) state at low temperatures in the solid state. Detailed (TD-)DFT calculations explain these observations and delineate the major path of non-radiative deactivation via distorted LMCT states. These novel insights provide rational design principles for tetrel(II) complexes with long-lived phosphorescence

    Das Mammakarzinom beim Mann im Regierungsbezirk Chemnitz 1995-2007

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    Einleitung: Brustkrebs beim Mann ist eine seltene Erkrankung. Etwa ein Prozent aller Brustkrebserkrankungen treten bei MĂ€nnern auf. In Deutschland erkranken jedes Jahr ca. 58.000 Frauen und ca. 400 MĂ€nner an Brustkrebs. Aufgrund der vergleichsweise geringen Fallzahl werden MĂ€nnern mit Mammakarzinom gegenwĂ€rtig nach den Therapiestandards fĂŒr Frauen behandelt. Dieser Ansatz könnte aufgrund spezifischer tumorbiologischer Unterschiede zwischen den Brustkrebserkrankungen bei Frauen und MĂ€nnern unzureichend fĂŒr eine adĂ€quate Therapie sein. Ziel der vorliegenden, retrospektiven Analyse ist es die HĂ€ufigkeit des Brustkrebses beim Mann im Bereich der Tumorzentren Chemnitz und Zwickau im Zeitraum von 1995 bis 2007 zu untersuchen, Tumorcharakteristika zu erfassen, das Ansprechen von Therapien zu bewerten, sowie Überlebensdaten zu berechnen. Außerdem sollen im Rahmen einer Matched-Pair-Analyse Tumorcharakteristika und klinischer Verlauf von mĂ€nnlichen und weiblichen Mammakarzinompatienten im Regierungsbezirk Chemnitz verglichen werden, um etwaige Unterschiede aufzudecken.Patienten und Methoden: Daten aller 113 MĂ€nner fanden Eingang in die statistische Auswertung. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Informationen ĂŒber Patientenalter, Histopathologie, TNM-Status, Tumordifferenzierungsgrad, Datum der Erstdiagnose, Metastasierungszeitpunkt und Sterbedatum erfasst. Detaillierte Daten wurden ĂŒber den Hormonrezeptorstatus (HR, ER, PR, HER-2), Art des operativen Vorgehens (Mastektomie, BET, Axilladissektion), sowie ĂŒber adjuvante systemische (CHT, ET, CHT/ET, spezifische Therapien) und adjuvante radioonkologische Therapien (ja/nein, Bestrahlungsort) erhoben. FĂŒr die Matched-Pair-Analyse konnte fĂŒr 108 der mĂ€nnlichen Patienten eine passende an Brustkrebs leidende Frau gefunden werden. Die Frauen wurden dabei aus den 13333 im selben Zeitraum erkrankten FĂ€llen so ausgewĂ€hlt, dass sie in mindestens 5 von 8 Tumormerkmalen konkordant zu ihren „Matching“-Partnern waren. Dazu zĂ€hlten: Jahr der Diagnosestellung (±5 Jahre), Alter (±2 Jahre), TumorgrĂ¶ĂŸe, Nodalstatus, Grading, Östrogenrezeptorstatus, Progesteronrezeptorstatus und HER-2-Rezeptorstatus. Daten aller 113 MĂ€nner fanden Eingang in die statistische Auswertung. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Informationen ĂŒber Patientenalter, Histopathologie, TNM-Status, Tumordifferenzierungsgrad, Datum der Erstdiagnose, Metastasierungszeitpunkt und Sterbedatum erfasst. Detaillierte Daten wurden ĂŒber den Hormonrezeptorstatus (HR, ER, PR, HER-2), Art des operativen Vorgehens (Mastektomie, BET, Axilladissektion), sowie ĂŒber adjuvante systemische (CHT, ET, CHT/ET, spezifische Therapien) und adjuvante radioonkologische Therapien (ja/nein, Bestrahlungsort) erhoben. FĂŒr die Matched-Pair-Analyse konnte fĂŒr 108 der mĂ€nnlichen Patienten eine passende an Brustkrebs leidende Frau gefunden werden. Die Frauen wurden dabei aus den 13333 im selben Zeitraum erkrankten FĂ€llen so ausgewĂ€hlt, dass sie in mindestens 5 von 8 Tumormerkmalen konkordant zu ihren „Matching“-Partnern waren. Dazu zĂ€hlten: Jahr der Diagnosestellung (±5 Jahre), Alter (±2 Jahre), TumorgrĂ¶ĂŸe, Nodalstatus, Grading, Östrogenrezeptorstatus, Progesteronrezeptorstatus und HER-2-Rezeptorstatus.Ergebnisse: Ein Mammakarzinom wurde bei MĂ€nnern im Durchschnitt mit 67,3 Jahren erstmalig diagnostiziert. Meist handelte es sich dabei um invasiv-duktale (76,1%), fortgeschrittene Tumore (61,5% pT2-4; 45,3% pN+) mit mĂ€ĂŸigem (64,1% G2) bis schlechtem (29,1% G3) Differenzierungsgrad und positivem Hormonrezeptor- (85,7%), sowie negativem HER-2-Status (91%). Die Mehrheit der FĂ€lle hatte eine Mastektomie samt Axilladissektion erhalten (88,7%). Weit weniger Patienten waren jedoch adjuvant bestrahlt (60,8%) bzw. adjuvant systemisch therapiert (71,4%) worden.36 von 113 Patienten verstarben. 24 entwickelten ein Rezidiv. Das krankheitsfreie und das GesamtĂŒberleben nach 5 Jahren betrugen 47,8% bzw. 65,6%. Als univariate Prognosefaktoren fĂŒr das GesamtĂŒberleben konnten pT-Stadium (p=0,02), Nodalstatus (p=0,016), Hormonrezeptorstatus (p=0,004), Östrogenrezeptorstatus (p=0,027) und Progesteronrezeptorstatus (p=0,001) identifiziert werden. Lymphknotenstatus (p=0,038) und Progesteronrezeptorstatus (p=0,009) beeinflussten zusĂ€tzlich das krankheitsfreie Überleben in der univariaten Analyse signifikant. MĂ€nner und Frauen unterschieden sich dabei in ihrer Therapie signifikant. MĂ€nnliche Brustkrebspatienten waren hĂ€ufiger mastektomiert worden als weibliche (88,7% vs. 45,4%), hatten seltener eine Radiotherapie erhalten (60,8% vs. 87,8%) und waren auch seltener adjuvant systemisch therapiert worden (66% vs. 89,9%). Dennoch fanden sich keine statistisch signifikanten Unterschiede im krankheitsfreien und GesamtĂŒberleben zwischen den beiden Vergleichsgruppen. Das DFS und OS nach 5 Jahren betrug fĂŒr die MĂ€nner 53,4% bzw. 70,3% und fĂŒr die Frauen 62,6% und 70,4%. FĂŒr Diagnosejahr, Alter, Histopathologie, Grading, Rezeptorstatus und chirurgische bzw. adjuvante Therapie konnten keine statistisch signifikanten Unterschiede im Überleben zwischen weiblichen und mĂ€nnlichen Patienten gefunden werden. Dies galt im Allgemeinen auch fĂŒr die TumorgrĂ¶ĂŸe. Einzig die Gruppe der MĂ€nner im Stadium pT1 zeigte ein signifikant schlechteres DFS (p=0,019), obwohl diese Gruppe nicht mit den bekannten Prognosefaktoren fĂŒr ein frĂŒhes Fortschreiten der Erkrankung vergesellschaftet war.Zusammenfassung: In der vorliegenden Untersuchung fanden sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede im Überleben zwischen MĂ€nnern und Frauen. Einzige Ausnahme stellten MĂ€nner im Stadium pT1 dar, welche ein signifikant verkĂŒrztes krankheitsfreies Überleben hatten. Es darf dennoch angenommen werden, dass bei verbesserter Therapie möglicherweise die Prognose fĂŒr MBC besser ausfallen könnte als fĂŒr FBC. Weiterhin liegt der Schluss nahe, dass die Mastektomie beim Mammakarzinom des Mannes oft eine Übertherapie darstellt und im entsprechenden Stadium mit verbesserter adjuvanter Therapie analog der Leitlinien zum Mammakarzinom der Frau ein gleichwertiges Ergebnis erreicht werden könnte. Die vorliegende Untersuchung zeigt allerdings auch, dass Tumore im frĂŒhen Stadium (pT1) radikaler (z.B. Chemotherapie) behandelt werden sollten. Schließlich lĂ€sst die vorliegende Untersuchung vermuten, dass es sich bei Mammakarzinom des Mannes nicht um eine eigene TumorentitĂ€t handelt. ZukĂŒnftige Studien sollten sich auf Subkollektive (z.B. pT1) konzentrieren. Weiterhin sollten tumorbiologische Parameter, wie AR und HER-2, analysiert werden um vermeintliche Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Subkollektiven zu erforschen

    Resonance energy transfer: The unified theory revisited

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    Resonanceenergy transfer (RET) is the principal mechanism for the intermolecular or intramolecular redistribution of electronic energy following molecular excitation. In terms of fundamental quantum interactions, the process is properly described in terms of a virtual photon transit between the pre-excited donor and a lower energy (usually ground-state) acceptor. The detailed quantum amplitude for RET is calculated by molecular quantum electrodynamical techniques with the observable, the transfer rate, derived via application of the Fermi golden rule. In the treatment reported here, recently devised state-sequence techniques and a novel calculational protocol is applied to RET and shown to circumvent problems associated with the usual method. The second-rank tensor describing virtual photon behavior evolves from a Green’s function solution to the Helmholtz equation, and special functions are employed to realize the coupling tensor. The method is used to derive a new result for energy transfer systems sensitive to both magnetic- and electric-dipole transitions. The ensuing result is compared to that of pure electric-dipole–electric-dipole coupling and is analyzed with regard to acceptable transfer separations. Systems are proposed where the electric-dipole–magnetic-dipole term is the leading contribution to the overall rate

    Discontinuation of Palliative Brain Radiotherapy in Patients with Brain Metastases: A Case-Control Study.

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    Background: Discontinuation of radiotherapy is rarely discussed in the scientific literature. The goal of this study was, therefore, to estimate the frequency of and reasons for treatment discontinuations in patients receiving radiotherapy for brain metastases from solid tumors and to identify factors predicting said discontinuations. Methods: All patients treated for brain metastases from solid tumors between 2010 and 2020 at our institution were retrospectively reviewed. In addition to collecting relevant patient characteristics, the Recursive Partitioning Analysis (RPA) and disease-specific Graded Prognostic Assessment (GPA) groups for each patient were calculated to assess the performance of these scores in predicting treatment discontinuations. Results: Out of 468 patients who underwent cranial radiotherapy, 35 treatments (7.5%) were discontinued. The most frequent reason was clinical deterioration, which was documented in 26 (74.3%) of discontinued treatments. Patients whose radiotherapy was discontinued had, on average, more leptomeningeal disease (20.0% vs. 12.6%), worse ECOG performance status (mean ECOG performance status 1.86 vs. 1.39), and more uncontrolled extracranial metastases (85.3% vs. 70.8%). The frequencies of treatment discontinuation increased with worse prognosis and differed significantly across RPA groups (p = 0.037) but not across GPA groups (p = 0.612). Conclusions: Treatment discontinuation occurred in 7.5% of cases, mostly due to clinical deterioration. Poor performance status, as well as more advanced disease and, in turn, poor prognosis, were associated with higher discontinuation rates

    Bone density as a marker for local response to radiotherapy of spinal bone metastases in women with breast cancer: a retrospective analysis

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    Background: We designed this study to quantify the effects of radiotherapy (RT) on bone density as a local response in spinal bone metastases of women with breast cancer and, secondly, to establish bone density as an accurate and reproducible marker for assessment of local response to RT in spinal bone metastases. Methods: We retrospectively assessed 135 osteolytic spinal metastases in 115 women with metastatic breast cancer treated at our department between January 2000 and January 2012. Primary endpoint was to compare bone density in the bone metastases before, 3 months after and 6 months after RT. Bone density was measured in Hounsfield units (HU) in computed tomography scans. We calculated mean values in HU and the standard deviation (SD) as a measurement of bone density before, 3 months and 6 months after RT. T-test was used for statistical analysis of difference in bone density as well as for univariate analysis of prognostic factors for difference in bone density 3 and 6 months after RT. Results: Mean bone density was 194.8 HU ± SD 123.0 at baseline. Bone density increased significantly by a mean of 145.8 HU ± SD 139.4 after 3 months (p = .0001) and by 250.3 HU ± SD 147.1 after 6 months (p <.0001). Women receiving bisphosphonates showed a tendency towards higher increase in bone density in the metastases after 3 months (152.6 HU ± SD 141.9 vs. 76.0 HU ± SD 86.1; p = .069) and pathological fractures before RT were associated with a significantly higher increase in bone density after 3 months (202.3 HU ± SD 161.9 vs. 130.3 HU ± SD 129.2; p = .013). Concomitant chemotherapy (ChT) or endocrine therapy (ET), hormone receptor status, performance score, applied overall RT dose and prescription of a surgical corset did not correlate with a difference in bone density after RT. Conclusions: Bone density measurement in HU is a practicable and reproducible method for assessment of local RT response in osteolytic metastases in breast cancer. Our analysis demonstrated an excellent local response within metastases after palliative RT

    Prognostic factors for survival of women with unstable spinal bone metastases from breast cancer

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    Background: Bone metastases are an important clinical issue in women with breast cancer. Particularly, unstable spinal bone metastases (SBM) are a major cause of severe morbidity and reduced quality of life (QoL) due to frequent immobilization. Radiotherapy (RT) is the major treatment modality and is capable of promoting re-ossification and improving stability. Since local therapy response is excellent, survival of these patients with unstable SBM is of high clinical importance. We therefore conducted this analysis to assess survival and to determine prognostic factors for bone survival (BS) in women with breast cancer and unstable SBM. Methods: A total population of 92 women with unstable SBM from breast cancer who were treated with RT at our department between January 2000 and January 2012 was retrospectively investigated. We calculated overall survival (OS) and BS (time between first diagnosis of bone metastases until death) with the Kaplan-Meier method and assessed prognostic factors for BS with a Cox regression model. Results: Mean age at first diagnosis of breast cancer was 60.8 years ± SD 12.4 years. OS after 1, 2 and 5 years was 84.8, 66.3 and 50 %, respectively. BS after 1, 2 and 5 years was 62.0, 33.7 and 12 %, respectively. An age &gt; 50 years (p &lt; .001; HR 1.036 [CI 1.015–1.057]), the presence of a single bone metastasis (p = .002; HR 0.469 [CI 0.292–0.753]) and triple negative phenotype (p &lt; .001; HR 1.068 [CI 0.933–1.125]) were identified as independent prognostic factors for BS. Conclusions: Our analysis demonstrated a short survival of women with breast cancer and unstable SBM. Age, presence of a solitary SBM and triple-negative phenotype correlated with survival. Our results may have an impact on therapeutic decisions in the future and offer a rationale for future prospective investigations

    The influence of orthopedic corsets on the incidence of pathological fractures in patients with spinal bone metastases after radiotherapy

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    Background: Clinical care of unstable spinal bone metastases in many centers often includes patient immobilization by means of an orthopedic corset in order to prevent pathological fractures. The aim of this retrospective analysis was to evaluate the incidence of pathological fractures after radiotherapy (RT) in patients with and without orthopedic corsets and to assess prognostic factors for pathological fractures in patients with spinal bone metastases. Methods: The incidence of pathological fractures in 915 patients with 2.195 osteolytic metastases in the thoracic and lumbar spine was evaluated retrospectively on the basis of computed tomography (CT) scans between January 2000 and January 2012 depending on prescription and wearing of patient-customized orthopedic corsets. Results: In the corset group, 6.8 and 8.0 % in no-corset group showed pathological fractures prior to RT, no significant difference between groups was detected (p = 0.473). After 6 months, patients in the corset group showed pathological fractures in 8.6 % and in no-corset group in 9.3 % (p = 0.709). The univariate and bivariate analyses demonstrated no significant prognostic factor for incidence of pathological fractures in both groups. Conclusions: In this analysis, we could show for the first time in more than 900 patients, that abandoning a general corset supply in patients with spinal metastases does not significantly cause increased rates of pathological fractures. Importantly, the incidence of pathological fracture after RT was small

    Nonequilibrium generalization of F\"{o}rster-Dexter theory for excitation energy transfer

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    F\"{o}rster-Dexter theory for excitation energy transfer is generalized for the account of short time nonequilibrium kinetics due to the nonstationary bath relaxation. The final rate expression is presented as a spectral overlap between the time dependent stimulated emission and the stationary absorption profiles, which allows experimental determination of the time dependent rate. For a harmonic oscillator bath model, an explicit rate expression is derived and model calculations are performed in order to examine the dependence of the nonequilibrium kinetics on the excitation-bath coupling strength and the temperature. Relevance of the present theory with recent experimental findings and possible future theoretical directions are discussed.Comment: published in {\it Chemical Physics} (special issue on Photoprocesses in Multichromophoric Molecular Assemblies
