915 research outputs found

    Analysis Of R.U.R.

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    (The analysis of RUR by Robert Bowles is printed as an example of what is being done in Freshman Composition classes in the form of analysis. We believe that this is a superior illustration of a review of the important work by Capek.

    Never The Twain Shall Meet

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    It has been over a year since I last saw Lu, yet today whenever I pick up a paper and read of trouble in India, Palestine, or China _ especially China - I see again before me that homely yellow face with its broad, friendly grin, and the deep network of tiny, delicate wrinkles crinkling about the calm, slanted, brown eyes which saw so much and told so little. I can see the mild laughter, and maybe a trace of pity, slipping forth from Lu\u27s usually inscrutable eyes, and I can hear again the soft, even tones of his voice as he spoke the few words which I shall remember the rest of my life-remember and wonder about

    The Dilemma Of Faith

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    When the deadly, billowing, mushroom- shaped cloud signifying the explosion of the atomic bomb surged skyward over Bikini Atoll, it marked the opening of another chapter in the history of man\u27s attempts to control the universe. Small, weak, and insignificant though he appeared when contrasted to the unlimited expanse of the cosmos, that branch of the animal world known as man had now tightened and extended his control over the universe. Is it any wonder that his chest swelled with pride as he contemplated his latest achievement of power? Is he to blame for suddenly wondering if he could not someday gain absolute control over the universe

    Applications of nonlinear viscous-inviscid interactions in liquid layer flows and transonic boundary layer transition

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    The thesis is divided into two parts. The first is concerned with the fully developed, two-dimensional, free surface flow of a viscous, incompressible fluid over a horizontal surface and down a slope at high Reynolds number. Re. In both cases we concentrate on mechanisms for upstream influence through branching from the relevant basic flow. In the horizontal case it is found that branching can occur and, if the Froude number is sufficiently large, the solution resembles a hydraulic jump. The branching is studied computationally and analytically and the theory is used in a comparison with experiments. For the half-Poiseuille flow on a slope we consider free interactions for a range of gradients, identify when separation can occur and, in the limit of small gradient, find analytic solutions for the flow forced by simple geometries. The flow on larger slopes is addressed computationally. The second part deals with some aspects of boundary layer transition beneath a transonic free stream (Mach number, M, close to unity). Again the emphasis is on high Reynolds number theory and we concentrate on lower branch, Tollmien-Schlichting disturbances. Two unsteady interactions appropriate to transonic flow are studied. The first has M 2-1 ~ 0(Re-1/9) and is an extension of the triple deck structure when the free stream reacts unsteadily. This regime links previously studied subsonic and supersonic cases. Two-dimensional disturbances are little altered but there are new, weakly nonlinear, three-dimensional effects including enhanced growth for slightly oblique disturbances and novel triad interactions. The second has M 2-1 ~ 0(Re-1/9) and links an unsteady, nonlinear free stream, capable of containing shocks, and a quasi-steady boundary layer. The possibility of a resonance linkage between shock buffetting and boundary layer thickening is addressed, being a candidate for a bypass transition mechanism in transonic flows

    In Search of Homo Economicus: Behavioral Experiments in 15 Small-Scale Societies

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    We can summarize our results as follows. First, the canonical model is not supported in any society studied. Second, there is considerably more behavioral variability across groups than had been found in previous cross-cultural research, and the canonical model fails in a wider variety of ways than in previous experiments. Third, group-level differences in economic organization and the degree of market integration explain a substantial portion of the behavioral variation across societies: the higher the degree of market integration and the higher the payoffs to cooperation, the greater the level of cooperation in experimental games. Fourth, individual-level economic and demographic variables do not explain behavior either within or across groups. Fifth, behavior in the experiments is generally consistent with economic patterns of everyday life in these societies

    On the Status of Implicit Memory Bias in Anxiety

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    The present study evaluated the status of mood-congruent memory bias in implicit memory tasks for threat-related information. A literature review complemented by three experiments on high and low trait anxiety participants found no implicit memory bias for threat-related information in anxious individuals on either word fragment completion or tachistoscopic word identification tasks. The theoretical implications of these results are discussed. © 1999 Psychology Press Ltd


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    Loran-C Latitude-Longitude Conversion at Sea : Programming Considerations

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    To aid programmers of Loran-C latitude-longitude conversion, we : 1. Provide reference to the literature. 2. Compare digital “processings-noise” for several arc-length methods. 3. Discuss some practical aspects of overland signal propagation (ASF) modeling for offshore navigation. Comparisons are made of the precision of arc-length routines as computer precision is reduced. Overland propagation delays (ASF's) are discussed and illustrated with observations from offshore New England. Present practice of Loran-C error budget modeling is then reviewed with the suggestion that additional terms be considered in future modeling

    Money, credit and regional development: complementary local currencies and the provision of small business credit

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    The aim of this investigation is to understand the contribution complementary local currencies can have on regional sustainable development through the provision of credit to small businesses. Complementary local currencies have been studied by researchers for nearly forty years. The literature identifies an implicit relationship between these schemes and regional sustainable development, even though recent research suggests that contributions are limited. More recently there has been a recognition within this field, alongside wider academic and policy maker discourse, that small businesses play an important role in developing a sustainable local economy. This thesis first considers money and credit on an ontological level, which allows a deeper theoretical understanding of what money is as a core concept. It draws on heterodox economic scholars that highlight “credit, and credit alone, is money” (Innes, 1914: 159). With this basis it is able to critically analyse complementary local currencies, identifying a dichotomy between schemes that apply a commodity and a credit understanding of money. This crucial difference is often overlooked by academics and practitioners, however it appears to have a significant impact on the ability of complementary local currencies to operate and scale up. These insights are used to consider how credit-based complementary local currencies can be used to support regional sustainable development through the provision of credit to small businesses. Empirically, half of the study is dedicated to an under-researched complementary local currency called Sardex, based in Sardinia, Italy. The research applies heterodox understandings of money and credit to understand why this scheme has been so successful. It then considers the initial contributions that Sardex has to regional sustainable development. It identifies positive initiatives that demonstrate that a functioning credit-based complementary local currency can meet a series of policy objectives. The second part of the study turns to schemes in the UK. It first considers the dominant models used in practice, which are largely Convertible Local Currencies, like the Bristol Pound, and locally applied cryptocurrencies, similar to Bitcoin. These models apply a commodity-based understanding of money, which this thesis argues limits their ability to develop a financially sustainable business model or make a significant contribution to regional sustainable development. The thesis considers where credit-based complementary local currencies have been applied by schemes, but have largely failed to start. It draws on Commercial Barter Networks, which are ignored by local currency academics and practitioners, to provide more insights into this credit-based model. Finally, the insights from the first three chapters are used to support the development of a credit-based complementary local currency in Birmingham. Ethnographic techniques are used to detail insights made from direct involvement in starting this scheme. The contribution of this research centres on the ability to understand money and credit on an ontological basis. The recognition that money within the dominant economy is credit-based, provides a starting point for the development of more effective complementary local currencies, including their ability to meet regional sustainable development objectives. The research provides theoretical insights alongside practical suggestions for policy makers and complementary local currency schemes. The aim is to support the sharing of the good practice identified within Sardex that is operating a financially sustainable complementary local currency and making contributions to a series of regional sustainable development objectives