29 research outputs found

    Food scares in an uncertain world

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    This is the accepted version of the following article: Food scares in an uncertain world. Journal of the European Economic Association, Volume 11, Issue 6, pages 1432–1456, December 2013, which has been published in final form at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jeea.12057/abstrac

    Food scares in an uncertain world

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    This is the accepted version of the following article: Food scares in an uncertain world. Journal of the European Economic Association, Volume 11, Issue 6, pages 1432–1456, December 2013, which has been published in final form at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jeea.12057/abstrac

    Buddhist Vegetarian Restaurants and the Changing Meanings of Meat in Urban China

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    This article charts the changing meanings of meat in contemporary urban China and explores the role played by Buddhist vegetarian restaurants in shaping these changes. In Kunming, meat has long been a sign of prosperity and status. Its accessibility marked the successes of the economic reforms. Yet Kunmingers were increasingly concerned about excessive meat consumption and about the safety and quality of the meat supply. Buddhist vegetarian restaurants provided spaces where people could share meat-free meals and discuss and develop their concerns about meat-eating. While similar to and influenced by secular, Western vegetarianisms, the central role of Buddhism was reflected in discourses on karmic retribution for taking life and in a non-confrontational approach that sought to accommodate these discourses with the importance of meat in Chinese social life. Finally, the vegetarian restaurants spoke to middle-class projects of self-cultivation, and by doing so potentially challenged associations between meat-eating and social status

    Deconstructive Aporias: Quasi-Transcendental and Normative

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    This paper argues that Derrida’s aporetic conclusions regarding moral and political concepts, from hospitality to democracy, can only be understood and accepted if the notion of différance and similar infrastructures are taken into account. This is because it is the infrastructures that expose and commit moral and political practices to a double and conflictual (thus aporetic) future: the conditional future that projects horizonal limits and conditions upon the relation to others, and the unconditional future without horizons of anticipation. The argument thus turns against two kinds of interpretation: the first accepts normative unconditionality in ethics but misses its support by the infrastructures. The second rejects unconditionality as a normative commitment precisely because the infrastructural support for unconditionality seems to rule out that it is normatively required. In conclusion, the article thus reconsiders the relation between a quasi-transcendental argument and its normative implications, suggesting that Derrida avoids the naturalistic fallacy

    Life and the Technical Transformation of Différance: Stiegler and the Noopolitics of Becoming Non-Inhuman

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    Through a re-articulation of Derridean différance, Bernard Stiegler claims that the human is defined by an originary default that displaces all psychic and social life onto technical supplements. His philosophy of technics re-articulates the logic of the supplement as concerning both human reflexivity and its supports, and the history of the différance of life itself. This has been criticised for reducing Derrida’s work to a metaphysics of presence, and for instituting a humanism of the relation to the inorganic. By refuting these claims, this article will show that Stiegler’s doubling of différance enables him to articulate the human as constituted by both the individuation characteristic of ‘life’, and that of a technical, psychic and collective individuation. Putting forward a reading of the logic of the trace in life, and emphasising the aspects of Leroi-Gourhan, Simondon, and Canguilhem that Stiegler uses in his reading of Derrida, I will demonstrate that the political stakes of adaption and adoption in Noo-Politics require this re-articulation of différance. Technics shapes the human future, arising from this differential mutation; marking the invention of the human as the site of the political

    Patterns of association for pheasants released into the wild (dataset)

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    Data used in Whiteside et al. Patterns of association for pheasants released into the wild: sexual segregation by space and timeSexual segregation is common and can occur when sexes occupy different habitats, and/or when sexes aggregate assortatively within the same habitats. However, it is rarely studied in birds, with most previous work concentrating on differential settlement by the sexes in discrete habitats, often separated by large distances. Little attention has been paid to patterns of segregation within the same site. We reared 200 pheasants Phasianus colchicus and released them onto a single farm and recorded their patterns of association and differential use of artificial feeders in space and time. Within a relatively small site of 250Ha, we observed sexual segregation by time and space. Particular feeders were preferred by one sex, although we could find no features of the local habitat which explained such preferences, although feeders that were further from the release site had higher proportions of male visits. Further, we found sex differences in the use of feeders throughout the day, with females preferentially visiting them in the morning, and the proportion of females visiting feeders increasing as the year progressed. Social network analyses found that sexual segregation was obvious as soon as birds had been released and became more pronounced as the year progressed. Females associated with other females from November to February, while males avoided other males over this same period. Sexes became less likely to associate with one another in five of the six months monitored. Pheasants exhibit clear patterns of fine-scale sexual segregation based on space and time which was observed in their social preferences. Such detailed fine-scale segregation is rarely observed in birds.ER

    Luminescent liquid crystalline hybrid materials by embedding octahedral molybdenum cluster anions with soft organic shells derived from tribenzo[18]crown-6

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    International audienceCrown ethers and their derivatives are versatile building blocks for the design of supramolecular materials. They can be functionalized at will and are well known for their abilities to complex with alkali cations. Here, we show that emissive lanthanide free hybrid materials can be generated by using such building blocks. The organic tribenzo[18]crown-6 central core was functionalized via six-fold Suzuki cross-coupling as a key reaction with three o-terphenyl units which could be converted into their corresponding triphenylenes by the Scholl reaction, leading to novel liquid-crystalline columnar materials. Selected tribenzo[18]crown-6 o-terphenyls could interact with emissive ternary metal cluster compound salts to generate hybrid materials combining the properties of both moieties. Due to synergistic effects and despite the anisometry of the cluster compounds, individual properties such as liquid-crystalline phase stability of the organic part and emission abilities of its inorganic counter-part are enhanced in the hybrid compounds