20 research outputs found

    Unification of the Construction of Tank Vehicles as an Important Element in Improving the Safety of Transport and Rescue Operations

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    Aim: The aim of the research was to verify the assumptions regarding the need to unify and standardize the design of tank vehicles in order to make it easier for rescuers from specialized chemical-ecological rescue groups (SRGChem) to make the right decisions at the scene. Ultimately, such unification is expected to allow the safe elimination of the threat by improving the rescue efforts of the groups in question. To carry it out, it is necessary to analyse rescue operations and draw conclusions, which should be made available to the manufacturers of tank vehicles, carriers and SGRchem rescuers. Project and methods: In the first stage of consideration, an analysis of the literature was carried out, followed by a survey of the rescuers who are members of SRGChem in order to find out their opinions on the unification of the construction of tank vehicles. Questions included emergency unloading valves. Interviews were also conducted with experts familiar with the issues of the subject in question, in particular practitioners who perform command functions in the SGRchem on a daily basis. Results: A survey of emergency responders from specialized chemical and environmental rescue groups shows that the vast majority of this group sees a significant problem arising from the varied design of tank vehicles for transporting hazardous substances. An overwhelming number of respondents indicated that unification of the construction of tank vehicles transporting hazardous substances is feasible, but requires a lot of discussions with the manufacturers in terms of seeking new solutions, i.e., insurance relief for tank vehicles that would be certified for unified construction. Conclusions: The transportation of hazardous materials is a complex process that requires specialized knowledge. The organization of transport in accordance with current safety regulations and standards ensures not only the minimization of risks arising from the transport of hazardous materials, but also its full efficiency. It is important to remember that every participant in the transport of dangerous goods has certain responsibilities. The greatest scope is imposed on the carrier and the shipper. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to an indispensable element of transport safety – that is, training, which should be carried out for all employees who come into contact with dangerous goods. All these considerations lead to the conclusion that unification of the construction of tank vehicles would have a significant impact on improving the safety of transport and the effectiveness of ongoing rescue operations. Keywords: safety, transport, rescue, training, hazardous substance

    Co‐developing guidance for conservation: An example for seabirds in the North‐East Atlantic in the face of climate change impacts

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    Conservation guidance—an authoritative source of information and recommendations explicitly supporting decision-making and action regarding nature conservation—represents an important tool to communicate evidence-based advice to conservation actors. Given the rapidly increasing pressure that climate change poses to biodiversity, producing accessible, well-informed guidance on how to best manage the impacts and risks of changing climatic conditions is particularly urgent. Guidance documents should ideally be produced with multistage input from stakeholders who are likely to use and implement such advice; however, this step can be complicated and costly, and remains largely unformalized. Moreover, there is currently little direct evidence synthesized for actions that specifically target climate change and guidance remains largely absent. Here, we introduce a process for co-developing guidance for species conservation in the face of climate change, using seabirds in the North-East Atlantic as a case study. Specifically, we collated evidence on climate change vulnerability and possible conservation actions using literature synthesis, stakeholder surveys, and ecological modeling. This evidence base was then discussed, refined, and expanded using structured stakeholder workshops. We summarize the knowledge gained through stakeholder engagement and provide recommendations for future international efforts to co-produce conservation guidance for managing wildlife, in the context of a rapidly changing climate.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Co-developing guidance for conservation: an example for seabirds in the North-East Atlantic in the face of climate change impacts

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    Conservation guidance—an authoritative source of information and recommendations explicitly supporting decision-making and action regarding nature conservation—represents an important tool to communicate evidence-based advice to conservation actors. Given the rapidly increasing pressure that climate change poses to biodiversity, producing accessible, well-informed guidance on how to best manage the impacts and risks of changing climatic conditions is particularly urgent. Guidance documents should ideally be produced with multistage input from stakeholders who are likely to use and implement such advice; however, this step can be complicated and costly, and remains largely unformalized. Moreover, there is currently little direct evidence synthesized for actions that specifically target climate change and guidance remains largely absent. Here, we introduce a process for co-developing guidance for species conservation in the face of climate change, using seabirds in the North-East Atlantic as a case study. Specifically, we collated evidence on climate change vulnerability and possible conservation actions using literature synthesis, stakeholder surveys, and ecological modeling. This evidence base was then discussed, refined, and expanded using structured stakeholder workshops. We summarize the knowledge gained through stakeholder engagement and provide recommendations for future international efforts to co-produce conservation guidance for managing wildlife, in the context of a rapidly changing climate

    Awareness of the Influence of Stress Exposure on Accidents During Rescue Operations Among State Fire Service Firefighters

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to assess awareness among State Fire Service (PSP) firefighters of the impact of stress on accidents at work in rescue operations. The thesis that the age and experience of firefighters affect the assessment of the situation that puts at risk the health of the rescuer in rescue operations was also verified.Methods: The article uses the analysis and synthesis of source materials related to the firefighter’s work environment, accidents in the State Fire Service and statistical inference from the results of the survey.The analysis of the literature indicates a significant impact of stress on firefighter behaviour. The job of a PSP firefighter is considered one of the most dangerous and stressful professions. One of the most important causes of accidents among firefighters in rescue operations is stress. The results of the survey demonstrate that among the factors putting firefighters’ health at risk which are related to the nature of the work depending on the specificity of the service and the way in which the work is performed, the respondents point to exposure to stress. Further, they indicate physical exertion, work at height, the need for full psychomotor mobilisation and variable daily rhythm of work and other factors. The significance of the relationship between the experience of the respondents and their responses was examined by performing chi-square tests. The results of the calculations do not allow the rejection of the null hypothesis about the lack of connection between the respondents’ experience and their assessment of the indicated threats. Conclusions: Stress is an extremely dangerous factor threatening the health of firefighters during rescue operations, which significantly affects the oc-cupational risk of firefighters. The survey results allow to state that from the very beginning of the service, firefighters correctly perceive threats related to the nature of their work and indicate stress as the main factor leading to accidents at work in rescue operations

    An Introduction to Building Resilience through the Analysis of Areas Particularly Exposed to the Occurrence of Events Threatening the Safety of the Community

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to introduce the concept of resilience into the language of security sciences, to contribute to the discussion by presenting the authors’ methodology for developing a hazard map in Poland, its verification using survey results and a proposal to design a process of building resilience based on a culture of trust as component of social capital. It has been known that explaining safety as a state with no threats is an erroneous approach that is not reflected in reality. Threats have always been, and will always be, present. We can only try to prepare for them, make efforts to minimise losses and rebuild the affected entities – people, communities and the environment. Methods: The first stage was to define a list of threats. The next step was to identify threats to a complex social environment, possibly by analysing the available measurable data collected by the relevant institutions, using the authors’ quantitative calculation method. In order to study the community, the survey results were analysed. The article complements the theoretical approach to the culture of trust, along with an explanation of the concept of social capital, which is an introduction to the discussion in the context of building resilience. Results: Two groups of voivodeships were generated during in the course of the study. One of them has included safe, and the other dangerous voivode-ships. The conducted research and its results formed the basis for the analysis of selected areas in terms of differences in the perception of security. Conclusions: In voivodeships where the available statistical data indicate a high level of threats, identified as dangerous, the declared sense of security is lower. The observed differences are small, but significant in the context of the entire study. The results of the statistical analysis coincide with the results of the research conducted by Statistics Poland and presented in the Social Diagnosis. The necessity of taking measures to minimise the risk of threats was not undermined; however, the importance of public information about threats was stressed. Using the proposed easy-to-verify methodology, together with activities that expand social capital, synergy is created, forming a strong building block of social resilience

    Wpływ czynników biologicznych na wytrzymałość liny statycznej używanej przez strażaków w akcjach ratowniczych

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    After conducting a document review, Authors found no reports concerning the influence of biological factors, such as blood, mould and dirt on the durability of rescue ropes. This study aims to answer the question of whether and how selected biological factors affect static rope 10.5, which is frequently used by firefighters in rescue operations. In the first stage of the research, focal studies were conducted among fifteen members of the Specialist High-Rescue Group in Plock (Poland), which aimed to determine the state of knowledge about the impact of biological factors on the strength of rope. The results indicated that the group had knowledge as to the impact of physical and chemical factors on the rope; however, a lack of information on the impact of biological factors was identified. In the second stage, the force necessary to break static rope having been (contaminated) with selected biological agents was measured. To achieve this, a 100-m section of a new rope was divided into 63 sections, which were then exposed to impurities. The first endurance measurement was taken after 9 months and thesecond one after 12 months. Findings: contamination with biological agents has an impact on static rope strength, and knowledge about this impact is negligible and not included in any instructions on the use of rope.Po przeprowadzeniu przeglądu dokumentów autorzy nie znaleźli doniesień dotyczących wpływu czynników biologicznych, takich jak krew, pleśń i brud na trwałość lin ratowniczych. Celem pracy jest odpowiedź na pytanie, czy i jak wybrane czynniki biologiczne wpływają na linę statyczną 10,5, która jest często używana przez strażaków w akcjach ratowniczych. W pierwszym etapie badań przeprowadzono badania fokusowe wśród piętnastu członków Specjalistycznej Grupy Ratownictwa Wysokościowego w Płocku (Polska), których celem było określenie stanu wiedzy na temat wpływu czynników biologicznych na wytrzymałość liny. Wyniki badań wykazały, że grupa posiada wiedzę na temat wpływu czynników fizycznych i chemicznych na linę, natomiast stwierdzono brak informacji na temat wpływu czynników biologicznych. W drugim etapie dokonano pomiaru siły niezbędnej do zerwania liny statycznej skażonej wybranymi czynnikami biologicznymi. W tym celu 100-metrowy odcinek nowej liny podzielono na 63 odcinki, które następnie poddano działaniu zanieczyszczeń. Pierwszy pomiar wytrzymałości wykonano po 9 miesiącach, a drugi po 12 miesiącach. Wnioski: skażenie czynnikami biologicznymi ma wpływ na wytrzymałość statyczną liny, a wiedza na temat tego wpływu jest znikoma i nie jest uwzględniana w żadnych instrukcjach użytkowania lin

    Research on the Safety and Security Distance of Above-Ground Liquefied Gas Storage Tanks and Dispensers

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    Many countries lack clear legal requirements on the distance between buildings and petrol station facilities. The regulations in force directly determine the petrol station facilities’ required distance to buildings, and such distances are considered relevant for newly designed and reconstructed buildings. Public buildings must be located no closer than 60 m to the above-ground liquefied gas tanks and liquid gas dispensers. Still, based on engineering calculations and the applied technical measures, it is possible to determine a safe distance for buildings that are constructed, extended and reconstructed, to which superstructures are added or whose utilisation method changes. The paper presents the results of calculations devoted to determining a safe distance between public buildings and LPG filling station facilities, using selected analytical models. The analyses were carried out for the LPG gas system commonly used in petrol stations, consisting of two gas storage tanks of 4.85 m3 capacity each, and a dispenser. It is legitimate to eliminate the obligation to observe the 60 m distance between LPG filling stations and public buildings and the mandatory distance of 60 m between liquefied gas dispensers and public buildings is not justified in light of the implemented requirements to use various protections at self-service liquefied gas filling stands

    Psychosocial Effects of the Pandemic. Stress and Sense of Safety Experienced by Poles During the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020–2021

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    The pandemic that broke out in 2019 had a significant impact on the lives of all social groups around the world. The imposed restrictions and mandatory quarantine were crucial to limit the virus’s spread. The research comprises an analysis of the psychosocial impact exerted by the pandemic that attempted to determine the response to the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath. For this purpose, a study on social resilience in the pandemic era was worked out. The study consisted of several parts: stress and the sense of safety, education, trust and defined needs and the mass media in COVID-19. The research team decided to present the study’s results in a series of articles that will contribute to forming a complete picture of the community in the context of the analysed variables. The paper is the first in this series. It contains an analysis of variables intended to determine the level of the experienced sense of safety and its constituent, i.e., stress, and the identification of socio-demographic data strongly influencing the studied variables. The study comprised 559 individuals who were surveyed between May 2020 and November 2020 with the use of an online survey questionnaire. SPSS Statistics version 21.0 and PQStat were used to conduct statistical analyses and correlate and assess the correlation of responses. Also used were Chisquare, Fisher’s test and Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient. A logistic regression analysis was carried out for dichotomous variables. The results of the study indicate that the level of experienced stress is influenced by age, place of residence, gender and job security. The sense of safety is inversely correlated with stress, i.e., as stress increases, the sense of safety decreases, indicating a need to undertake appropriate measures to reduce stress. It may be interesting to compare the level of stress with, among other things, information retrieval from different sources. These results will be presented in the subsequent studies

    Analysis of environmental impacts of combustion products of some pyrotechnic compositions

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    The study examined mixtures obtained from ready pyrotechnic articles available on the market in Poland. Samples were taken from various products with different performance characteristics, i.e. pyrotechnic batteries, firecrackers, volcanoes, as well as smoke candles, rockets (including rocket engines), and cold fires. These are the product categories most frequently used by users. The research allowed to determine gaseous combustion products and showed their life cycle in the environment. A comparative analysis of selected pyrotechnic mixtures was carried out in terms of their impact on the climate change of gas products. Using the ICT-Thermodynamic Code program, gaseous combustion products were estimated and the life cycle was analysed using the SimaPro program. Determining the impact on the environment (upon the basis of Ecoindicator 99) allowed to know the scale of the problem and set the direction of development of the pyrotechnic industry, so that importers could compete not only with the price and quality of products offered, but also tried to reduce the potential impact on the environment

    Analiza właściwości pożarowych i wybuchowych LNG

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    Aim: The aim of this article is to analyse fire and explosion properties of LNG along with the identification of hazards that may arise during emergency incidents involving it. The article is based on an analysis of the available literature and a full-scale experimental study involving a 200-liter LNG tank leading to a jet fire. Introduction: Safe use and proper transport of flammable and harmful substances, together with the analysis of the effects of threats, enable the reduction of the number of accidents and provide possible conditions for the evacuation of people and property in a hazard zone. The compilation and systematization of knowledge on the safe use of the environmentally friendly LNG fuel will allow for an increase in the scope of its use. It is consistent with the state’s sustainable development policy consisting in identifying threats or adjusting technical solutions that minimize losses in transport or industry. Methodology: There are many legal acts in the world regarding safe storage and transport of LNG. One of the most important is Directive 2012/18/EC known as “Seveso III”. This document contains requirements for the prevention of major accidents involving hazardous substances – including LNG – and ways to reduce their negative effects on human health and the environment. Relevant requirements have also been specified in standards, tests, articles and other international acts, including in the European agreement on the international carriage of dangerous goods by road (the so-called ADR Agreement). The article compares flammable and explosive parameters of LNG. Possible scenarios occurring during the release and ignition of the LNG vapour cloud have been shown. The change of pressure of LNG vapour in the 200 l tank as a function of its heating time in the burning spill of a mixture of gasoline and diesel fuel is presented. In such a thermal exposure, a jet fire with a flame length of up to 5 meters was obtained. Conclusions: The proper use of flammable gases should be a priority in ensuring fire and explosion safety in facilities, during transport, etc. Hence, recognizing the threats and comparing them, or matching technical solutions that minimize the effects of LNG failures will allow active inclusion of knowledge in this field in the process of protection against fire and explosion. In case of LNG storage, attention should be paid to the types of materials in the immediate vicinity of this liquefied gas in order to have sufficient mechanical properties at the lowest liquefied gas temperature.Cel: Celem artykułu jest analiza właściwości pożarowych i wybuchowych LNG wraz z określeniem zagrożeń, które mogą pojawić się podczas zdarzeń awaryjnych z jego udziałem. Artykuł opiera się na analizie dostępnej literatury oraz badaniu eksperymentalnym w pełnej skali z udziałem zbiornika LNG o pojemności 200 litrów doprowadzającego do powstania pożaru strumieniowego (ang. jet fire) Wprowadzenie: Bezpieczne stosowanie oraz właściwy transport substancji palnych i szkodliwych wraz z analizą skutków zagrożeń umożliwiają zmniejszenie liczby awarii i dostarczają możliwe warunki do ewakuacji osób oraz mienia znajdujących się w strefie zagrożenia. Zestawienie i usystematyzowanie wiedzy dotyczącej bezpiecznego stosowania paliwa LNG przyjaznego dla środowiska pozwoli na zwiększenie zakresu jego wykorzystania. Jest to spójne z polityką zrównoważonego rozwoju państwa polegającą na identyfikacji zagrożeń czy dopasowaniu rozwiązań technicznych minimalizujących straty w transporcie lub przemyśle. Metodologia: Na świecie istnieje wiele aktów prawnych dotyczących bezpiecznego magazynowania, składowania oraz transportu LNG. Jednym z najważniejszych jest dyrektywa 2012/18/WE znana jako „Seveso III”. Dokument ten zawiera wymagania dotyczące zapobiegania poważnym awariom z udziałem substancji niebezpiecznych – w tym LNG – oraz sposoby zmniejszenia ich negatywnych skutków dla zdrowia ludzkiego i środowiska. Istotne wymagania zostały określone także w normach, badaniach, artykułach i innych aktach międzynarodowych, m.in. w umowie europejskiej dotyczącej międzynarodowego przewozu drogowego towarów niebezpiecznych (tzw. Umowa ADR). W artykule dokonano zestawienia parametrów palnych i wybuchowych LNG. Ukazano możliwe scenariusze zachodzące podczas uwolnienia i zapłonu chmury par LNG. Przestawiono zmianę ciśnienia par LNG w zbiorniku o pojemności 200 l w funkcji czasu jego ogrzewania w palącym się rozlewisku mieszaniny benzyny z olejem napędowym. W takiej ekspozycji cieplnej otrzymano pożar strumieniowy o długości płomienia maksymalnie 5 metrów. Wnioski: Właściwe stosowania gazów palnych powinno być priorytetem w zapewnieniu bezpieczeństwa pożarowego i wybuchowego w obiektach, transporcie itp. Stąd też poznanie zagrożeń i ich zestawienie, czy dopasowanie rozwiązań technicznych minimalizujących skutki awarii z LNG pozwoli na aktywne włączenie wiedzy z tego zakresu w proces zabezpieczenia przed pożarem i wybuchem. W przypadku magazynowania LNG należy zwrócić uwagę na rodzaje materiałów znajdujących się w bezpośrednim otoczeniu z tym gazem skroplonym, aby posiadały wystarczające właściwości mechaniczne w najniższej temperaturze skroplonego gazu