11,858 research outputs found

    Getting to the Core of Role: Defining Interpreters' Role Space

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    This article describes a new model of interpreted interactions that will help students as well as experienced practitioners define and delineate the decisions that they make. By understanding the dimensions that comprise the concept we call role, interpreters can more effectively allow participants to have successful communicative interactions

    Re-visiting Role: Arguing for a multi-dimensional analysis of interpreter behaviour

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    In this paper, the authors present the outline of a new model of interpreted interactions. This model draws upon the fields of conversational analysis and classical sociological theory to define and delimit the behaviours of interpreters that contribute to successful interpreted interactions

    Acoustic effects on profile drag of a laminar flow airfoil

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    A two-dimensional laminar flow airfoil (NLF-0414) was subjected to high-intensity sound (pure tones and white noise) over a frequency range of 2 to 5 kHz, while immersed in a flow of 240 ft/sec (Rn of 3 million) in a quiet flow facility. Using a wake-rake, wake dynamic pressures were determined and the deficit in momentum was used to calculate a two dimensional drag coefficient. Significant increases in drag were observed when the airfoil was subjected to the high intensity sound at critical sound frequencies. However, the increased drag was not accompanied by movement of the transition location

    A language comparison for scientific computing on MIMD architectures

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    Choleski's method for solving banded symmetric, positive definite systems is implemented on a multiprocessor computer using three FORTRAN based parallel programming languages, the Force, PISCES and Concurrent FORTRAN. The capabilities of the language for expressing parallelism and their user friendliness are discussed, including readability of the code, debugging assistance offered, and expressiveness of the languages. The performance of the different implementations is compared. It is argued that PISCES, using the Force for medium-grained parallelism, is the appropriate choice for programming Choleski's method on the multiprocessor computer, Flex/32

    The ‘Role’ of the Community/Public Service Interpreter

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    This paper discusses the problematic nature of the concept of role as defined by professional sign language interpreters . The authors argue for a more rational approach that takes into account the expected behaviours of the monolingual participants in the interpreted interaction

    On the stability analysis of periodic sine-Gordon traveling waves

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    We study the spectral stability properties of periodic traveling waves in the sine-Gordon equation, including waves of both subluminal and superluminal propagation velocities as well as waves of both librational and rotational types. We prove that only subluminal rotational waves are spectrally stable and establish exponential instability in the other three cases. Our proof corrects a frequently cited one given by Scott.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    ‘Rolle’ die zweite: Plädoyer fűr eine mulitidimensional Analyse des Doltmetscherverhaltens

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    German Translation of: ‘Re-visiting Role: Arguing for a multi-dimensional analysis of interpreter behavior

    Tolerable versus actual soil erosion rates in Europe

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    Erosion is a major threat to soil resources in Europe, and may impair their ability to deliver a range of ecosystem goods and services. This is reflected by the European Commission's Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection, which recommends an indicator-based approach for monitoring soil erosion. Defined baseline and threshold values are essential for the evaluation of soil monitoring data. Therefore, accurate spatial data on both soil loss and soil genesis are required, especially in the light of predicted changes in climate patterns, notably frequency, seasonal distribution and intensity of precipitation. Rates of soil loss are reported that have been measured, modelled or inferred for most types of soil erosion in a variety of landscapes, by studies across the spectrum of the Earth sciences. Natural rates of soil formation can be used as a basis for setting tolerable soil erosion rates, with soil formation consisting of mineral weathering as well as dust deposition. This paper reviews the concept of tolerable soil erosion and summarises current knowledge on rates of soil formation, which are then compared to rates of soil erosion by known erosion types, for assessment of soil erosion monitoring at the European scale
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