440 research outputs found

    Le séisme du 15 août 2007 dans la Margen Izquierda del Río Rímac (Lima)

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    International audienceOn August 15, 2007, the Pisco earthquake strongly damaged the department of Ica in the South of Lima. Damages have been also observed in the capital, essentially in the poorest neighbourhoods. Public authorities have underestimated these damages, as seen by the analysis of the earthquake effects in the Margen Izquierda del Río Rímac (MIRR) - Lima popular neighbourhoods characterized by their poverty and a precarious habitat. The case study discussed in this article reveals the weakness of the public crisis management in these neighbourhoods. This weakness conveys the underlying vulnerability resulting from the marginalization and the social exclusion of the MIRR.El 15 de agosto de 2007, el sismo de Pisco provocó enormes daños en el departamento de Ica, al sur de Lima. También se observaron daños en la capital del Perú, esencialmente en los barrios más pobres. Sin embargo, estos aparecen ampliamente subestimados por los poderes públicos, tal como lo demuestra el análisis de los efectos del sismo en la Margen Izquierda del Río Rímac (MIRR), conjunto de barrios populares de Lima caracterizados por su pobreza y un hábitat precario. El estudio de caso pone en evidencia los vacíos de la gestión pública de la crisis en estos barrios, traduciendo una vulnerabilidad de fondo ligada a la marginalización y a la exclusión social de la MIRR.Le 15 août 2007 le séisme dit de Pisco, a fortement affecté le département d’Ica au Sud de Lima. Les dommages ont aussi été observés dans la capitale, essentiellement dans les quartiers les plus pauvres. Ils apparaissent cependant largement sous-estimés par les pouvoirs publics, comme le montre l’analyse des effets du séisme dans la Margen Izquierda del Río Rímac (MIRR), ensemble de quartiers populaires de Lima caractérisés par leur pauvreté et un habitat précaire. L’étude de cas met en évidence les lacunes de la gestion publique de la crise dans ces quartiers traduisant une vulnérabilité de fond liée à la marginalisation et à l’exclusion sociale de la MIRR

    Bilan des accidents et catastrophes survenus Ă  La Paz, Lima et Quito (1970-2007)

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    International audienceThe paper presents an analysis of the events (accidents and disasters of natural and anthropomorphic origin) that affected La Paz, Lima and Quito from 1970 to 2007. This analysis explores conditions of vulnerability and compares the three capitals. Even if they have not been destroyed in the last decades by a calamitous event, all three have been disturbed and very often damaged. However, they have different profiles in relation to the origin of the events that occurred. Although the distinction between how natural and anthropomorphic factors share responsibility in the damage to the capital, it is difficult to establish a general trend. In Lima, the events are more related to anthropomorphic factor, while in La Paz they are more of natural origin. Quito presents more balanced situation. The way that the databases are built tends to favour this outcome. However they also show the difficulty analyzing these events in the highly complex urban milieu. Therefore, the article asks us to think about the limitations in the information that permits this analysis and about the bias and the insufficiencies of the existing databases.El artículo presenta un analisis de eventos, accidentes y desastres de origen natural y antrópico, que han afectado a La Paz, Lima y Quito entre 1970 y 2007. Este análisis permite conocer mejor las condiciones de vulnerabilidad de las tres capitales e intentar una comparación entre ellas. Las tres han sido frecuentemente perturbadas y dañadas sin haber conocido un evento de gran amplitud durante las últimas décadas. Sin embargo, estas ciudades presentan perfiles diferentes en lo que se refiere al origen de los eventos ocurridos. Aunque la distinción entre los factores naturales y los antrópicos sea a menudo muy difícil de realizar, es posible distinguir tendencias generales. Más bien de origen antrópico en Lima, los eventos están más ligados a factores de origen natural en La Paz, mientras que Quito presenta una situación más equilibrada. Esta distinción que las bases de datos tienden a favorecer, no esconde, sin embargo, la dificultad del estudio de eventos en un medio tan complejo como es el medio urbano. El artículo también busca reflexionar sobre las informaciones que permiten este análisis y sobre la postura tomada y las insuficiencias de las bases de datos existentes.L’article présente une analyse événementielle des accidents et catastrophes d’origine naturelle et anthropique ayant affecté La Paz, Lima et Quito de 1970 à 2007. Cette analyse permet de mieux connaître les conditions de vulnérabilité des trois capitales et de tenter une comparaison entre elles. Toutes trois ont souvent été perturbées et endommagées sans avoir connu un événement de grande ampleur durant les dernières décennies. Elles présentent cependant des profils différents en ce qui concerne l’origine des événements survenus. Bien que la distinction entre les facteurs naturels et les facteurs anthropiques soit souvent très difficile à réaliser, il est possible de distinguer des tendances générales. Plutôt d’origine anthropique à Lima, les événements sont davantage liés à des facteurs d’origine naturelle à La Paz, alors que Quito présente une situation plus équilibrée. Ce clivage que les bases de données tendent à mettre en valeur ne masque cependant pas la difficulté de l’étude événementielle dans un milieu aussi complexe que le milieu urbain. L’article amène donc également à réfléchir sur les informations permettant cette analyse et sur le parti pris et les insuffisances des bases de données existantes

    Elementos de reflexiĂłn sobre la resiliencia urbana: usos criticables y aportes potenciales

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    El propósito de este texto es discutir el concepto de resiliencia y buscar su interés heurístico para los análisis de vulnerabilidad urbana. El término resiliencia es omnipresente en la retórica de las declaraciones internacionales, de las políticas públicas y en las reflexiones académicas en el campo de los riesgos y desastres en ciudades. Se discute esta noción con el fin de entender sus raíces y desvelar sus presupuestos ideológicos. Al mismo tiempo, el término resiliencia presenta el interés de fomentar debates y cuestiones teóricas en el campo científico y en el sociopolítico de la formulación de nuevas políticas públicas. Más allá de los enfoques focalizados sobre el fortalecimiento de las capacidades locales, los aportes heurísticos del concepto de resiliencia para los análisis de riesgos en el medio urbano provienen de sus fundamentos en la teoría de los sistemas complejos. Así, se resaltan nuevos enfoques y soportes conceptuales que permiten entender mejor la vulnerabilidad de las grandes aglomeraciones urbanas

    Urban Vulnerabilities in Andean Countries. General Introduction

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    International audienceThis paper introduces the thematic issue of the Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Études Andines contributing to the knowledge on urban vulnerability in three Andean countries: Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru

    Carbon isotope evidence for sedimentary miliacin as a tracer of Panicum miliaceum (broomcorn millet) in the sediments of Lake le Bourget (French Alps).

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    International audienceWe here report on the determination of the carbon isotopic composition of miliacin (olean-18-en-3βol methyl ether), extracted from the sediments of Lake le Bourget (French Alps). It is compared to the δ13C of miliacin extracted from Panicum miliaceum (broomcorn millet, a C4 plant) and Chionochloa sp. (a C3 plant). The δ13C of sedimentary miliacin (-21.5 ‰) is very close to that of miliacin extracted from bran (-23 ‰) and seeds (-23.5 ‰) of P. miliaceum and significantly different from that of Chionochloa sp. (-33 ‰). These results provide additional support for the use of sedimentary miliacin as a tracer of broomcorn millet, a C4 cereal cultivated since the Bronze Age around Lake le Bourget. These findings illustrate the potential of this compound to reconstruct past agriculture from lake sediment archives. Finally, considering the high abundances of miliacin in the bran of P. miliaceum this compound could have been wind-transported to the sediment during threshing and winnowing on the lake shore

    Quintas Jornadas de Jóvenes Americanistas: «Nuevos acercamientos de los desafíos ambientales: las ciencias sociales frente a la adaptación a cambios climáticos. Perspectivas transdisciplinarias, formaciones y diálogos metodológicos»

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    Las quintas Jornadas de Jóvenes Americanistas (JJA) «Nuevos acercamientos de los desafíos ambientales: las ciencias sociales frente a la adaptación a cambios climáticos. Perspectivas transdisciplinarias, formaciones y diálogos metodológicos», tuvieron lugar en Tijuana (México) los días 2, 3 y 4 de julio de 2014. Fueron organizadas por el Centro de Estudios Mexicanos y Centroamericanos (CEMCA), la Unidad Mixta Internacional del CNRS - iGLOBES y el Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos (IFEA), ..

    El sismo del 15 de agosto de 2007 en la Margen Izquierda del RĂ­o RĂ­mac (Lima)

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    El 15 de agosto de 2007, el sismo de Pisco provocó enormes daños en el departamento de Ica, al sur de Lima. También se observaron daños en la capital del Perú, esencialmente en los barrios más pobres. Sin embargo, estos aparecen ampliamente subestimados por los poderes públicos, tal como lo demuestra el análisis de los efectos del sismo en la Margen Izquierda del Río Rímac (MIRR), conjunto de barrios populares de Lima caracterizados por su pobreza y un hábitat precario. El estudio de caso pone en evidencia los vacíos de la gestión pública de la crisis en estos barrios, traduciendo una vulnerabilidad de fondo ligada a la marginalización y a la exclusión social de la MIRR.Le 15 août 2007 le séisme dit de Pisco, a fortement affecté le département d’Ica au Sud de Lima. Les dommages ont aussi été observés dans la capitale, essentiellement dans les quartiers les plus pauvres. Ils apparaissent cependant largement sous-estimés par les pouvoirs publics, comme le montre l’analyse des effets du séisme dans la Margen Izquierda del Río Rímac (MIRR), ensemble de quartiers populaires de Lima caractérisés par leur pauvreté et un habitat précaire. L’étude de cas met en évidence les lacunes de la gestion publique de la crise dans ces quartiers traduisant une vulnérabilité de fond liée à la marginalisation et à l’exclusion sociale de la MIRR.On August 15, 2007, the Pisco earthquake strongly damaged the department of Ica in the South of Lima. Damages have been also observed in the capital, essentially in the poorest neighbourhoods. Public authorities have underestimated these damages, as seen by the analysis of the earthquake effects in the Margen Izquierda del Río Rímac (MIRR) - Lima popular neighbourhoods characterized by their poverty and a precarious habitat. The case study discussed in this article reveals the weakness of the public crisis management in these neighbourhoods. This weakness conveys the underlying vulnerability resulting from the marginalization and the social exclusion of the MIRR

    IoTEF: A Federated Edge-Cloud Architecture for Fault-Tolerant IoT Applications

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    The evolution of Internet of Things (IoT) technology has led to an increased emphasis on edge computing for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), in which applications rely on processing data closer to the data sources, and sharing the results across heterogeneous clusters. This has simplified the data exchanges between IoT/CPS systems, the cloud, and the edge for managing low latency, minimal bandwidth, and fault-tolerant applications. Nonetheless, many of these applications administer data collection on the edge and offer data analytic and storage capabilities in the cloud. This raises the problem of separate software stacks between the edge and the cloud with no unified fault-tolerant management, hindering dynamic relocation of data processing. In such systems, the data must also be preserved from being corrupted or duplicated in the case of intermittent long-distance network connectivity issues, malicious harming of edge devices, or other hostile environments. Within this context, the contributions of this paper are threefold: (i) to propose a new Internet of Things Edge-Cloud Federation (IoTEF) architecture for multi-cluster IoT applications by adapting our earlier Cloud and Edge Fault-Tolerant IoT (CEFIoT) layered design. We address the fault tolerance issue by employing the Apache Kafka publish/subscribe platform as the unified data replication solution. We also deploy Kubernetes for fault-tolerant management, combined with the federated scheme, offering a single management interface and allowing automatic reconfiguration of the data processing pipeline, (ii) to formulate functional and non-functional requirements of our proposed solution by comparing several IoT architectures, and (iii) to implement a smart buildings use case of the ongoing Otaniemi3D project as proof-of-concept for assessing IoTEF capabilities. The experimental results conclude that the architecture minimizes latency, saves network bandwidth, and handles both hardware and network connectivity based failures.Peer reviewe

    What is the “Source” of Open Source Hardware?

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    What “open source” means once applied to tangible products has been so far mostly addressed through the light of licensing. While this approach is suitable for software, it appears to be over-simplistic for complex hardware products. Whether such a product can be labelled as open source is not only a question of licence but a question of documentation, i.e. what is the information that sufficiently describes it? Or in other words, what is the “source” of open source hardware? To date there is no simple answer to this question, leaving large room for interpretation in the usage of the term. Based on analysis of public documentation of 132 products, this paper provides an overview of how practitioners tend to interpret the concept of open source hardware. It specifically focuses on the recent evolution of the open source movement outside the domain of electronics and DIY to that of non-electronic and complex open source hardware products. The empirical results strongly indicate the existence of two main usages of open source principles in the context of tangible products: publication of product-related documentation as a means to support community-based product development and to disseminate privately developed innovations. It also underlines the high variety of interpretations and even misuses of the concept of open source hardware. This reveals in turn that this concept may not even be clear to practitioners and calls for more narrowed down definitions of what has to be shared for a product to be called open source. This article contributes towards this effort through the definition of an open source hardware lifecycle summarizing the observed approaches to open source hardware.DFG, 325093850, Open Access Publizieren 2017 - 2018 / Technische Universität Berli


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    International audienceFor ancient societies, the control of agriculture and animal domestication were extremely important to their development. After having domesticated different animals as livestock, ancient societies developed techniques such as manuring to improve culture yields. There are numerous evidences in archaeological records of animal breeding (bones, coprolithes, spherolites). Reversely, despite few studies dedicated to buildings and caves, the only evidence for manuring and breeding out of archaeological context, were acquired on recent soils (Bull et al., 1998; Birk et al., 2011). The aim of this study is to test the potential of faecal biomarkers preserved in soils to spatially resolve (at the field-scale) the strategies of land use (buildings, breeding and manuring) in ancient times. For this, faecal biomarkers (sterols and bile acids) of animals (Humans, cow, horse, pig and sheep), sediments from a septic tank (beginning of 19th century) and soils of distinct land use (pasture and forest) were characterized. Then, archaeogical samples were analysed: (i) agricultural soils, middens and settlement layers dated back to the Bronze Age in Lake Bourget shore, (ii) settlement layers recovered during excavations in a medieval building (15th century, Orléans). Sterols and bile acids were isolated from archaeogical samples following Zocatelli et al. (2012). Neutral fraction was further separated by flash chromatography. The alcohol fraction was silylated and analysed by GC-MS with a Polaris TRACE-GCQ. From the twenty sterols and bile acids identified, the following faecal biomarkers were found: coprostanol (Cp), methyl-coprostanol (mCp), ethyl-coprostanol (eCp), lithocholic acid (LC), deoxycholic acid (DOC), cholic acid (C), chenodeoxycholic acid (CDOC), hyodeoxycholic acid (HDOC), ursodeoxycholic acid (UDOC) and 3α-hydroxy-12-oxo-5β-cholanoic acid (oxoDOC). To identify possible sources of faecal compounds, bile acid imprints and sterol ratios were employed: 1) (Cp+epi-Cp)/(eCp+epi-eCp); 2) (Cp+epi-Cp)/(Cp+epi-Cp+5α-cholestanol); 3) (Cp+epi-Cp)/cholesterol. Sterol content of animal faeces clearly distinguished two groups: omnivores (Humans and pig) and herbivores (cow, horse and sheep). Then, Human and pig imprints were distinguished from bile acids. Faecal biomarkers were detected in all archaeogical samples (i and ii) and allowed the distinction between omnivores, herbivores and mixed faecal biomarker imprints in the sample set. Samples from middens of Lake Bourget catchment contained a mixture of Human and breeding faecal sterols. Bile acids corroborated these results. Furthermore, faecal biomarkers detected Le Bourget catchment soils formerly cultivated for millet, evidenced past manuring practices (mCp, eCp and DOC). High contents of coprostanols (Cp and eCp) and bile acids (LC, DOC and C) in settlement layers from Lake Le Bourget shore evidenced the co-occurrence of animals in the same area. Analysis of faecal materials from a medieval building in Orléans revealed only Human occupation (Cp, LC, DOC, CDOC, C and oxoDOC). Finally, this study showed that faecal biomarkers are efficient to provide information on the use of space in areas inhabited by humans. From a more general point of view, these results illustrateed that faecal biomarkers could reveal how Human societies shaped their environment through times
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