13,274 research outputs found

    What Students Tell Us About School If We Ask

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    This article examines what school climate factors students perceive as helping them be successful in school, and what school administrators can do to aid the process. Specifically, the questions that drove this inquiry were How does sociocultural theory impact student voice and student engagement in the classroom? How does caring pedagogy impact student voice and student engagement in the classroom? What school climate factors do students perceive as helping them to be successful in school

    Representation of transport: A Rural Destination Analysis

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    Moscovici’s social representations perspective is applied to a study of transport in a rural destination. The principles are demonstrated using empirical data from a questionnaire survey, developed following in-depth qualitative research. The data analysis strategy was founded on inductive reasoning, by employing cluster analysis and correspondence analysis. A social representations analysis demonstrates how individuals draw on socially accepted explanations of transport where they have little or no direct knowledge or experience of the actual transport modes (notably the alternatives to the car). By so doing, ideas are further perpetuated. Importantly there is ambiguity surrounding responsibility to take positive action yet a key to addressing transport issues is acknowledgement of responsibility. Keywords: social representations, transport, rural destinations

    The Justice Thread: A Curriculum for Ghanaian Churches on Biblical Justice and Child Trafficking

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    The goal of this project is to support the work of International Justice Mission in Ghana to end child trafficking by developing a compelling curriculum on biblical justice. The Justice Thread is an eight-week Bible study tracing the theme of biblical justice as it unfolds throughout the Bible. The curriculum aims to be a practical and contextually appropriate tool for churches in Ghana, which currently lack resources, training, and emphasis on justice-related ministry. The Justice Thread seeks to introduce participants to the God of justice while also educating them about the injustice of child trafficking in their midst. Ultimately, participants are urged toward action on behalf of the oppressed in their community. This study demonstrates the prominence and prevalence of the theme of justice throughout the various sections of the Bible. It is argued that justice in human affairs is of utmost importance to God and therefore to the Christian mission of the church. The exegetical study introduces concepts related to justice such as shalom, holistic ministry, the purpose of authority, the role of a prophet, and God’s particular concern for the vulnerable. The study seeks to inspire greater familiarity with God’s heart for justice, increased commitment to the oppressed, and growing courage to stand up to oppressors. Recognizing the importance of contextualization, the study includes cultural exegesis and ministry context analysis drawn from the author’s two years of experience in the field and input from Ghanaian scholars and International Justice Mission national staff. The curriculum was field tested with approximately two hundred pastors and church leaders from fishing villages along the shores of Lake Volta, an area with a high prevalence of child trafficking. The curriculum has been well received by churches from many different denominations making plans for implementation

    Sociorhetorical Interpretation (SRI) and Inductive Bible Study (IBS): Outlines of Mark, The Lord’s Prayer, and The Son’s Prayer in John 17

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    There are many things in common between Inductive Bible Study (IBS) and Sociorhetorical Interpretation (SRI) as I practice it in the context of the Rhetoric of Religious Antiquity (RRA) project.1 Many of the similarities are a result of detailed focus on texts. The multiple strategies of interpreting both the inner texture and the intertexture of texts in SRI share much in common with IBS. As a result, many of the strategies of analysis and interpretation in the sections on “Observing and Asking” and “Answering or Interpreting”2 in particular are highly congenial with or naturally integral to SRI

    Uncertainties in Atmospheric Neutrino Fluxes

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    An evaluation of the principal uncertainties in the computation of neutrino fluxes produced in cosmic ray showers in the atmosphere is presented. The neutrino flux predictions are needed for comparison with experiment to perform neutrino oscillation studies. The paper concentrates on the main limitations which are due to hadron production uncertainties. It also treats primary cosmic ray flux uncertainties, which are at a lower level. The absolute neutrino fluxes are found to have errors of around 15% in the neutrino energy region important for contained events underground. Large cancellations of these errors occur when ratios of fluxes are considered, in particular, the ΜΌ/ΜˉΌ\nu_\mu/\bar{\nu}_\mu ratio below EÎœ=1E_\nu=1 GeV, the (ΜΌ+ΜˉΌ)/(Îœe+Μˉe)(\nu_\mu+\bar{\nu}_\mu)/(\nu_e+\bar{\nu}_e) ratio below EÎœ=10E_\nu=10 GeV and the up/down ratios above EÎœ=1E_\nu=1 GeV are at the 1% level. A detailed breakdown of the origin of these errors and cancellations is presented.Comment: 14 pages, 22 postscript figures, written in Revte

    Studies on proper simulation during static testing of forward speed effects on fan noise

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    Significant differences exist in the noise generated by engines in flight and engines operating on the test stand. It was observed that these differences can be reduced by the use of an inflow control structure (ICS) in the static test configuration. The results of the third phase of a three phase program are described. The work performed in the first two phases which dealt with the development of a model for atmospheric turbulence, studies of fan noise generated by rotor turbulence interaction, and the development of an inflow control structure design system are summarized. The final phase of the program covers procedures for performing static testing with an ICS projecting the resulting static test data to actual flight test data. Included is a procedures report which covers the design system and techniques for static testing and projecting the static data to flight

    Annotated checklist and biogeographic composition of the Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera) of Trinidad, West Indies

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    A revised annotated checklist for the butterfl y family Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera) of Trinidad is presented, updating nomenclature, and indicating synonyms from earlier lists and papers. The checklist includes 131 species of Lycaenidae, comprising 127 species of 49 genera of Eumaeini, Theclinae, and four species of three genera of Polyommatinae. There are more than 30 new island records. No lycaenid species is endemic to Trinidad, and the fauna consists primarily of widespread species (71%) that occur from Central America to the Amazon Basin. However, the primary biogeographic affi nity is the Amazon Region, where 94% of the Trinidad lycaenid fauna also occurs. Corrections are made to the literature cited in the fi rst author’s earlier checklists on other Trinidad butterfl ies. Resumen. Se presenta una lista anotada para la familia de mariposas Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera) de Trinidad, actualizando la nomenclatura e indicando sinĂłnimos de listas y artĂ­culos prĂ©vios. La lista incluye 131 especies de Lycaenidae, que comprende 127 especies de 49 gĂ©neros de Eumaeini, Theclinae, y cuatro especies de tres gĂ©neros de Polyommatinae. Se presentan mĂĄs de 30 nuevo registros procedente de la isla. Ninguna especies de lycaenido es endĂ©mico de Trinidad, y la fauna consiste principalmente de especies de amplia distribuciĂłn (71%) que ocurren desde CentroamĂ©rica hasta la Cuenca del Amazonas. Sin embargo, la principal afi nidad biogeogrĂĄfi ca es la RegiĂłn AmazĂłnica, donde el 94% de la fauna de lycaenidos de Trinidad ocurren. Se hacen correcciones en la literatura citada de las listas anotadas anteriores del primer autor sobre otras mariposas de Trinidad
