57 research outputs found

    Mysid crustaceans as potential test organisms for the evaluation of environmental endocrine disruption: a review

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    Anthropogenic chemicals that disrupt the hormonal systems (endocrine disruptors) of wildlife species recently have become a widely investigated and politically charged issue. Invertebrates account for roughly 95% of all animals, yet surprisingly little effort has been made to understand their value in signaling potential environmental endocrine disruption. This omission largely can be attributed to the high diversity of invertebrates and the shortage of fundamental knowledge of their endocrine systems. Insects and crustaceans are exceptions and, as such, appear to be excellent candidates for evaluating the environmental consequences of chemically induced endocrine disruption. Mysid shrimp (Crustacea: Mysidacea) may serve as a viable surrogate for many crustaceans and have been put forward as suitable test organisms for the evaluation of endocrine disruption by several researchers and regulatory bodies (e.g., the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). Despite the long-standing use of mysids in toxicity testing, little information exists on their endocrinology, and few studies have focused on the potential of these animals for evaluating the effects of hormone-disrupting compounds. Therefore, the question remains as to whether the current standardized mysid endpoints can be used or adapted to detect endocrine disruption, or if new procedures must be developed, specifically directed at evaluating hormone-regulated endpoints in these animals. This review summarizes the ecological importance of mysids in estuarine and marine ecosystems, their use in toxicity testing and environmental monitoring, and their endocrinology and important hormone-regulated processes to highlight their potential use in assessing environmental endocrine disruption

    No evidence for constitutive innate immune senescence in a longitudinal study of a wild bird

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    Aging is associated with declines in physiological performance; declining immune defenses particularly could have consequences for age-related fitness and survival. In aging vertebrates, adaptive (memory-based) immune responses typically become impaired, innate (nonspecific) responses undergo lesser declines, and inflammation increases. Longitudinal studies of immune functions in wild animals are rare, yet they are needed to understand immunosenescence under evolutionarily relevant conditions. Using longitudinal data from a tropical passerine (Malurus coronatus) population, we investigate how population trends emerge from within-individual changes and between-individual heterogeneity (e.g., selective disappearance) in immune status. We quantified constitutive immune indexes (haptoglobin [inflammation associated], natural antibodies, complement [lytic] activity, and heterophil-lymphocyte ratio; n p 505–631) in individuals sampled one to seven times over 5 yr. Unexpectedly, longitudinal analyses showed no age-related change within individuals in any immune index, despite sufficient power to detect within-individual change. Between individuals, we found age-related declines in natural antibodies and increases in heterophil-lymphocyte ratios. However, selective disappearance could not adequately explain between-individual age effects, and longitudinal models could not explain our data better than cross-sectional analyses. The lack of clear within-individual immunosenescence is itself notable. Persistent levels of haptoglobin, complement activity, and natural anti- bodies into old age suggests that these immune components are maintained, potentially with adaptive significance

    Telomere length declines with age, but relates to immune function independent of age in a wild passerine

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    Telomere length (TL) shortens with age but telomere dynamics can relate to fitness components independent of age. Immune function often relates to such fitness components and can also interact with telomeres. Studying the link between TL and immune function may therefore help us understand telomere-fitness associations. We assessed the relationships between erythrocyte TL and four immune indices (haptoglobin, natural antibodies (NAbs), complement activity (CA) and heterophil-lymphocyte (HL) ratio; n = 477-589), from known-aged individuals of a wild passerine (Malurus coronatus). As expected, we find that TL significantly declined with age. To verify whether associations between TL and immune function were independent of parallel age-related changes (e.g. immunosenescence), we statistically controlled for sampling age and used within-subject centring of TL to separate relationships within or between individuals. We found that TL positively predicted CA at the between-individual level (individuals with longer average TL had higher CA), but no other immune indices. By contrast, age predicted the levels of NAbs and HL ratio, allowing inference that respective associations between TL and age with immune indices are independent. Any links existing between TL and fitness are therefore unlikely to be strongly mediated by innate immune function, while TL and immune indices appear independent expressions of individual heterogeneity.</p

    Mysid crustaceans as standard models for the screening and testing of endocrine-disrupting chemicals

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    Author Posting. © Springer, 2007. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Springer for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Ecotoxicology 16 (2007): 205-219, doi:10.1007/s10646-006-0122-0.Investigative efforts into the potential endocrine-disrupting effects of chemicals have mainly concentrated on vertebrates, with significantly less attention paid to understanding potential endocrine disruption in the invertebrates. Given that invertebrates account for at least 95% of all known animal species and are critical to ecosystem structure and function, it remains essential to close this gap in knowledge and research. The lack of progress regarding endocrine disruption in invertebrates is still largely due to: (1) our ignorance of mode-of-action, physiological control, and hormone structure and function in invertebrates; (2) lack of a standardized invertebrate assay; (3) the irrelevance to most invertebrates of the proposed activity-based biological indicators for endocrine disruptor exposure (androgen, estrogen and thyroid); (4) limited field studies. Past and ongoing research efforts using the standard invertebrate toxicity test model, the mysid shrimp, have aimed at addressing some of these issues. The present review serves as an update to a previous publication on the use of mysid shrimp for the evaluation of endocrine disruptors (Verslycke et al., 2004a). It summarizes recent investigative efforts that have significantly advanced our understanding of invertebrate-specific endocrine toxicity, population modeling, field studies, and transgeneration standard test development using the mysid model.Supported by a Fellowship of the Belgian American Educational Foundation

    Long-term annual and monthly changes in mysids and caridean decapods in a macrotidal estuarine environment in relation to climate change and pollution

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    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. A 26-year time series of monthly samples from the water intake of a power station has been used to analyse the trends exhibited by number of species, total abundance, and composition of the mysids and caridean decapods in the inner Bristol Channel. During this period, annual water temperatures, salinities and the North Atlantic Oscillation Index (NAOI) in winter did not change significantly, whereas annual NAOI declined. Annual mean monthly values for the number of species and total abundance both increased over the 26 years, but these changes were not correlated with any of the measured physico-chemical/climatic factors. As previous studies demonstrated that, during a similar period, metal concentrations in the Severn Estuary and Bristol Channel (into which that estuary discharges) declined and water quality increased, it is proposed that the above changes are due to an improved environment. The fauna was dominated by the mysids Mesopodopsis slabberi and Schistomysis spiritus, which collectively contributed 94% to total abundance. Both species, which were represented by juveniles, males, non-brooding females and brooding females, underwent statistically-indistinguishable patterns of change in abundance over the 26 years. When analysis was based on the abundances of the various species, the overall species composition differed significantly among years and changed serially with year. When abundances were converted to percentage compositions, this pattern of seriation broke down, demonstrating that changes in abundance and not percentage composition were responsible for the seriation. As with the number and abundance of species, changes in composition over the 26 years were not related to any of the physico-chemical/climatic factors tested. Species composition changed monthly in a pronounced cyclical manner throughout the year, due to statistically different time-staggered changes in the abundance of each species. This cyclicity was related most strongly to salinity

    Short-term acclimation in adults does not predict offspring acclimation potential to hypoxia

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    Abstract The prevalence of hypoxic areas in coastal waters is predicted to increase and lead to reduced biodiversity. While the adult stages of many estuarine invertebrates can cope with short periods of hypoxia, it remains unclear whether that ability is present if animals are bred and reared under chronic hypoxia. We firstly investigated the effect of moderate, short-term environmental hypoxia (40% air saturation for one week) on metabolic performance in adults of an estuarine amphipod, and the fitness consequences of prolonged exposure. We then reared the offspring of hypoxia-exposed parents under hypoxia, and assessed their oxyregulatory ability under declining oxygen tensions as juveniles and adults. Adults from the parental generation were able to acclimate their metabolism to hypoxia after one week, employing mechanisms typically associated with prolonged exposure. Their progeny, however, did not develop the adult pattern of respiratory regulation when reared under chronic hypoxia, but instead exhibited a poorer oxyregulatory ability than their parents. We conclude that species apparently hypoxia-tolerant when tested in short-term experiments, could be physiologically compromised as adults if they develop under hypoxia. Consequently, we propose that the increased prevalence of hypoxia in coastal regions will have marked effects in some species currently considered hypoxia tolerant

    The possibilities and problems of knowledge-based systems for design

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    Although knowledge-based systems can be shown to be of assistance to designers in a number of areas like diagnosis of faults, testing for conformity to regulations, selection of elements and components, and so on, there are problems in their more general design application. Some of the difficulties that arise are examined together with possibilities for their resolution. Parts of the discussion centre around the problems of maintaining semantic integrity in a developing design. A possible design system based on the concept of the design knowledge manipulation environment is introduced.
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