29 research outputs found

    Reputation and cooperation in defence

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    Surprisingly high levels of within-group cooperation are observed in conflict situations. Ex- periments confirm that external threats lead to higher cooperation. The psychological literature suggests proximate explanations in the form of group processes, but does not explain how these processes can evolve and persist. We provide an ultimate explanation, in which cooperation is rational response to an external threat. We introduce a model in which groups vary in their willing- ness to help each other against external attackers. Attackers infer cooperativeness of groups from members’ behaviour under attack, and may be deterred by a group that bands together against an initial attack. Then, even self-interested individuals may defend each other when threatened in order to deter future attacks. We argue that a group’s reputation is a public good with a natural weakest-link structure. We extend the model to cooperative and altruistic behaviour in general

    Quelle monnaie pour KNC ?

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    Parmi les compétences régaliennes dont le transfert à la Nouvelle-Calédonie est envisageable à l’issue de l’accord de Nouméa figure celle de la monnaie. L’objectif de cette contribution est d’examiner les enjeux que soulève la question de la monnaie en explicitant les avantages et les inconvénients des différentes options possibles, eu égard à la situation actuelle et aux perspectives du pays, aux plans économique, commercial et monétaire. On s’appuiera sur la diversité des régimes de change océaniens des années 1970 à nos jours, afin de proposer des éléments pertinents de comparaison et de prospective pour knc.Under the Nouméa Accord, currency is one of the sovereign responsibilities that could be transferred to New Caledonia. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the core issues behind currency, namely the arguments for and against the alternative possible currency arrangements, given the current and future economic, trade, and monetary challenges that face the country. Since the other Oceanian countries have exhibited wide diversity in terms of their exchange rate regimes from the 1970s, we use them as comparative case studies in order to offer a fresh perspective on the currency futures for the knc


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    AHMAD RO’I ALFAZA. NIM: 1808204087. “ANALISIS PENGEMBANGAN USAHA MELALUI DIGITAL MARKETING DI TOKO TAJUDINSHOP”. 2022 Perkembangan teknologi informasi sangat berkembang pesat. Berbagai kegiatan bisnis kecil sampai besar memanfaatkan perkembangan ini untuk menjalankan usahanya. Banyaknya competitor menjadi pertimbangan bagi para pengusaha untuk masuk dalam persaingan yang sangat ketat. Strategi pemasaran dan media yang tepat digunakan untuk bisa meraih pasar yang dituju sehingga volume penjualan selalu meningkat dan profit. Lalu bagaimana toko Tajudinshop memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi informasi yang sangat pesat. Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerangkan bagaimana praktik digital marketing di toko Tajudinshop? bagaimana fluktuasi pendapatan pelaku usaha di toko Tajudinshop dan bagaimana kendala dan solusi pemasaran melalui digital marketing di toko Tajudinshop?. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian lapangan (Field Research). Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini berdasarkan penelitian di lapangan yang bersumber dari hasil wawancara dan kemudian diselaraskan dengan literasi yang diambil dari buku, jurnal, dan skripsi untuk memenuhi jawaban dalam rumusan masalah. Praktiknya hasil penelitian adalah dalam melakukan digital marketing, toko Tajudinshop ini menggunakan Media sosial Instagram dan Tiktok sebagai platform digital marketing dan platform shoopee sebagai digital marketing sekaligus sebagai marketplace. Fluktuasi Pendapatan pada toko Tajudinshop dalam waktu satu tahun delapan bulan penjualan mengalami kenaikan dan penurunan yang disebabkan oleh faktor internal maupun eksternal. Kendala yang terjadi pada praktik digital marketing dan transaksi jual beli online yang dilakukan oleh toko Tajudinshop sebagai produsen dengan konsumen ada beberapa hambatan yaitu, aplikasi error, sinyal dan kenaikan harga. Solusi yang dilakukan oleh toko Tajudinshop adalaha harus pintar-pintar melihat situasi dan kondisi untuk melakukan transaksi jual beli online, seperti contoh menunggu sinyal membaik dikala cuaca buruk hingga mempengaruhi sinyal buruk, serta menunggu selesai apabila terjadi perbaikan dan maintance yang dilakukan provider-provider yang digunakan oleh pelaku transaksi jual beli online. Kata Kunci : Pengembangan, Digital, Marketin

    Peningkatan Literasi Keluarga dalam Konten Edukatif Pembuatan Brownies Kukus Melalui Youtube

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    YouTube is an online video site that provides a variety of information in the form of moving and reliable images. Many users access YouTube to find out how to do certain things, such as cooking demos, how to use applications in a computer or smartphone, recycle garbage, practical ways to do things that are initially complicated or ineffective, hone various skills and so on. This is a descriptive qualitative research employing non probability technique, a type of snowball sampling. The ingredients used for making brownies are eggs, baking soda, vanilla, sugar, wheat flour, cocoa powder, oil and water. In the process of steaming the brownies, heat transfer occurs in the form of conduction, convection and radiation and chemical changes also occur in brownies dough into well-cooked brownies cake. This research aims to find out to what extent the family knowledge in using YouTube as a source of information on science in the kitchen. The results obtained by YouTube can easily be accessed by the public. It is also often used by the public to look for recipes because there is a detailed explanation. After watching the video about brownies making, the insights gained about science in the kitchen increased

    Cycles of Conditional Cooperation in a Real-Time Voluntary Contribution Mechanism

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    This paper provides a new way to identify conditional cooperation in a real-time version of the standard voluntary contribution mechanism. We define contribution cycles as the number of contributors a player waits for before committing to a further contribution, and use a permutation test on contribution cycles to assign a measure of conditional cooperation to each group play. The validity of the measures is tested in an experiment. We find that roughly 20% of the plays exhibit dynamics of conditional cooperation. Moreover, notwithstanding a decline in contributions, conditional cooperation is found to be stable over time.public goods game; real-time protocol; information feedback; conditional cooperation

    Cycles of Conditional Cooperation in a Real-Time Voluntary Contribution Mechanism

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    This paper provides a new way to identify conditional cooperation in a real-time version of the standard voluntary contribution mechanism. We define contribution cycles as the number of contributors a player waits for before committing to a further contribution, and use a permutation test on contribution cycles to assign a measure of conditional cooperation to each group play. The validity of the measures is tested in an experiment. We find that roughly 20% of the plays exhibit dynamics of conditional cooperation. Moreover, notwithstanding a decline in contributions, conditional cooperation is found to be stable over time

    Let the Dummy Talk! - Unilateral Communication and Discrimination in Three-Person Dictator Experiments -

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    To explain why pre-play communication increases cooperation in games, one refers to a) strategic causes such as efficient communication or reputation effects, and b) changes in the utilities due to social processes. Hitherto experimental support for both explanations is mixed and confounded. Our experimental design eliminates all strategic factors and allows to focus on the effects of communication processes. We clearly find social effects, but none of revealed anonymity or salient communication. The social processes invoked are very heterogeneous but not irregular for different communicators.

    Let the Dummy Talk! Unilateral Communication and Discrimination in Three-Person Dictator Experiments

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    To explain why pre-play communication increases cooperation in games, one refers to a) strategic causes such as efficient communication or reputation effects, and b) changes in the utilities due to social processes. Hitherto experimental support for both explanations is mixed and confounded. Our experimental design eliminates all strategic factors and allows to focus on the effects of communication processes. We clearly find social effects, but none of revealed anonymity or salient communication. The social processes invoked are very heterogeneous but not irregular for different communicators.bargaining; communication; social utility; n-persons dictator game