9 research outputs found

    Soil compaction in vineyards of different ages in Pannonian Croatia. Part I. Influence of machinery traffic and soil management on compaction of individual horizons

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    Zbijenost tla jedan je od važnijih problema u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji. Način obrade i česti prolasci mehanizacijom uslijed zaštite, agrotehnike i berbe utječu na različite razine zbijenosti tala u vinogradima. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi i usporediti otpor tla, volumnu gustoću te trenutnu vlažnost tla unutar i između redova u sedmogodišnjem i tridesetogodišnjem vinogradu uslijed obrade i zbijanja pri prometu mehanizacijom. Rezultati pokazuju statistički manji otpor tla do 40 cm u obrađenom međurednom prostoru u svim vinogradima kao direktan utjecaj obrade. Vrijednosti volumne gustoće u oba vinograda najmanje su unutar reda što povoljno djeluje na razvoj korijena. Povećane vrijednosti volumne gustoće koje mogu djelovati inhibitorno na razvoj korijena bilježi međuredni prostor u oba vinograda. Sadržaj vlage u svim vinogradima povećava se s dubinom. Nije zabilježeno veće odstupanje u zbijenosti promatrajući tridesetogodišnji i sedmogodišnji vinograd. Rezultati istraživanja navode da je način gospodarenja tlom važniji faktor od broja prolaska mehanizacije. Vrijednosti otpora tla ne daju potpunu sliku jer od svih čimbenika najviše ovise o trenutačnoj vlažnosti tla.Soil compaction is one of the most important problems in agricultural production. Tillage system with frequent machinery traffic due protection, agrotechnic operation and harvesting has effect on different soil compaction levels in the vineyards. The aim of this study was to determine and compare the soil resistance, soil bulk density and soil moisture within and between rows in the seven-year and thirty-year vineyard due to tillage and compacting by machinery traffic. Results show statistically lower soil resistance to a depth of 40 cm in tilled interrow position in all vineyards as a direct effect of tillage. The values of bulk density in both vineyards are lowest in row position which is convenient for root growth. Increased values of bulk density that can restrict root development are recorded in interrows position in all vineyards. The moisture content of all vineyards increases with depth. Greater deviation in compaction between seven-year and thirty-year vineyard is not recorded. The research results indicate that the soil management is more important factor than the number of machinery passes. Soil resistance values does not give a complete information about compaction because of all the factors it is most depend on current soil moisture

    Study of angiogenesis-related proteins and mRNA expression in plasma and tissue of endometrial cancer patients

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    Rak endometrija (RE) je najpogostejši ginekološki rak v razvitih državah, pojavnost pa še narašča. Znano je, da angiogeneza, proces tvorbe novih žil, omogoča raku hitro rast in širitev v okolno tkivo. V zgodnjih fazah nastanka raka pride do sproščanja pro-angiogenih in zaviranja anti-angiogenih faktorjev (AF), kar predstavlja potencial za odkrivanje novih bioloških označevalcev za natančnejšo zgodnjo neinvazivno diagnozo in predoperativno stratifikacijo ter pravilno izbiro terapevtskih možnosti pri pacientkah z RE. Hkrati pa bi potrjevanje izražanja genov AF neposredno v tumorskem tkivu lahko izboljšalo poznavanje etiologije ter klasifikacije RE. Raziskovanje procesov angiogeneze pri RE smo razdelili na tri zaporedno povezane faze. Najprej smo v prospektivni monocentrični pilotni raziskavi, v katero je bilo vključenih 76 pacientk po menopavzi (38 pacientk z endometrioidnim RE in 38 kontrolnih pacientk z benignimi ginekološkimi obolenji), analizirali plazemske koncentracije 37 različnih AF ter ovrednotili diagnostični in prognostični potencial bioloških označevalcev raka endometrija. Koncentracije AF v predoperativnih vzorcih plazme so bile izmerjene s tehnologijo visokozmogljive ELISE Luminex xMAP?. Plazemske koncentracije sTie-2 in G-CSF so bile pri pacientkah z RE v primerjavi z osebami kontrolne skupine pomembno nižje, plazemske koncentracije leptina pa so bile pri pacientkah s RE pomembno višje kot v kontrolni skupini pacientk. Plazemske koncentracije nevropilina-1 so bile višje pri pacientkah s slabo diferenciranim RE v primerjavi z ostalimi pacientkami z RE ter kontrolno skupino pacientk. Koncentracije folistatina so se izkazale višje pri pacientkah z limfovaskularno invazijo, plazemske koncentracije IL-8 pa so bile bistveno višje pri pacientkah z metastazami. V fazi validacije smo nato analizirali plazmo 202 pacientk, od katerih je bilo 91 diagnosticiranih z RE in 111 z benigno ginekološko boleznijo. Z Luminex xMAP ? tehnologijo smo izmerili predoperativne koncentracije šestih, na podlagi pilotne raziskave izbranih AF: leptina, IL-8, sTie-2, folistatina, nevropilina-1 in G-CSF. Plazemske koncentracije leptina so bile pri pacientkah z ER pomembno višje kot pri kontrolnih pacientkah. Leptin je bil višji pri pacientkah z RE tipa 1, medtem ko je bil IL-8 višji pri RE tipa 2, zlasti pri slabo diferenciranem endometrioidnem RE. Plazemske koncentracije IL-8 so bile pri pacientkah z RE, pri katerih je bila prisotna limfovaskularna (LVI) ali miometrijska invazija (MI), pomembno višje. Zraven osnovnih statističnih metod smo z metodami strojnega učenja razvili diagnostične modele, ki temeljijo na koncentracijah testiranih AF. Med univariantnimi modeli je, tako v množici podatkov za trening, kot tudi v testni množici, dosegel najboljše rezultate model, ki temelji na leptinu. Kombinacija starosti, IL-8, leptina in G-CSF se je izkazala kot najpomembnejša skupina dejavnikov v multivariantnem modelu z ROC AUC 0,94 na trening- in 0,81 na testni množici. Model, ki uporablja kombinacijo vseh šestih AF, BMI in starosti, je dosegel ROC AUC 0,89 na obeh množicah, kar nakazuje na visoko sposobnost tega modela za napovedovanje tveganja za prisotnost RE. Raziskovanje angiogeneze pri RE smo nadaljevali na ravni izražanja genov za AF. Pregledali smo javno dostopne nabore podatkov v zbirkah The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) in Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium (CPTAC) za izražanje genov in proteinov povezanih z angiogenezo ter za nadaljnjo validacijo izbrali devet genov z več kot 3-kratno razliko v izražanju genov in hkrati z več kot 2-kratno razliko v koncentraciji proteinov med tkivom raka endometrija (T) in okolnim nerakavim tkivom endometrija (TA). V nadaljnjo analizo smo vključili še šest genov AF, ki smo jih predhodno izbrali na podlagi rezultatov naših prejšnjih raziskav (CSF3, IL8, LEP, NRP1, TEK, FST). Skupaj smo tako analizirali 15 genov z uporabo metode qPCR na skupini 36 pacientk z RE. V naši klinični kohorti sta bila gena IL8 in LEP pomembno bolj izražena, CXCL12, ENPP2, FBLN5, FGF2, LYVE1, PDGFRB, SERPINF1, TIMP2, TIMP3, NRP1 in TEK pa pomembno manj izraženi v T tkivu v primerjavi s TA tkivom. V zgodnjih fazah in nižjih gradusih RE, ne pa tudi v napredovalih stadijih ali agresivnejših oblikah RE, so bili geni za AF različno izraženi med T tkivom in TA tkivom. Geni so bili različno izraženi le v endometrijskem tkivu pacientk brez invazije v miometrij preko polovice (DMI) ali LVI. Ugotovili smo močnejše soizražanje genov v T tkivu kot v TA tkivukorelacije so bile še posebej močne kadar je bila prisotna LVI. Pri ženskah po menopavzi z RE smo odkrili širšo vključenost genov, povezanih z angiogenezo, kot pri pacientkah v reproduktivni dobi. Nato smo z združitvijo podatkov iz naše raziskave ter TCGA razvili metodo modeliranja s strojnim učenjem za oblikovanje prognostičnega modela pri RE. Ustvarili smo prognostični model, ki razlikuje med RE nizkega in visokega gradusa na podlagi izražanja genov v tumorskem tkivu RE. Glede na naše rezultate je merjenje plazemskih koncentracij angiogenih faktorjev lahko pomembno dopolnilno diagnostično orodje za zgodnje odkrivanje in prognostično karakterizacijo RE. Naši podatki kažejo, da angiogenezo pri RE spodbuja predvsem zmanjšano izražanje genov antiangiogenih dejavnikov. Pri RE s prognostično manj ugodnimi značilnostmi je uravnavanje genov AF spremenjena tako v T tkivu kot v morfološko normalnem okolnem endometrijskem tkivu. Ugotovitve naših raziskav kažejo, da bi lahko plazemske ravni 6 različnih AF služile kot obetavni biološki označevalci ter diagnostično in prognostično orodje za zgodnje odkrivanje in karakterizacijo RE, zlasti, ko so vključeni v statistični model strojnega učenja. Ob tem ugotavljamo, da angiogenezo pri RE spodbuja predvsem zmanjšano izražanje genov anti-antiangiogenih molekul. Razultati nakazujejo spremenjeno izražanje AF ne samo v tumorskem ampak tudi v morfološko normalnem okolnem tkivu ob prisotnosti prognostično slabših kliničnih značilnostih kot sta LVI in MI. Za vzpostavitev natančnejšega diagnostičnega in prognostičnega modela s pomočjo strojnega učenja, ki bi upošteval izražanje genov AF v tkivu EC, je potrebna nadaljnja večja multicentrična raziskava.Endometrial cancer (EC) is the most frequent gynaecological cancer in developed countries, with its rates increasing. Its fast growth and spread are enabled by the angiogenic switch in the early stages of cancerogenesis through the release of pro-angiogenic and suppression of anti-angiogenic factors (AFs). Therefore, screening patients’ plasma biomarkers might enable a more precise diagnosis of EC and a tailored treatment approach. Furthermore, confirming AF gene expression directly in the tumour tissue can generate new knowledge on cancerogenesis and help identify biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis of EC. In our study, the investigation of angiogenesis in EC was divided into three sequentially related phases. Our first prospective case-control monocentric pilot study included 76 postmenopausal women (38 endometrioid EC patients and 38 control patients with benign gynaecological conditions), and 37 angiogenic factors (AFs) were investigated as potential biomarkers for EC. AF concentrations in pre-operative plasma samples were measured using Luminex xMAP〢 multiplexing technology. The plasma levels of sTie-2 and G-CSF were significantly lower in EC compared to control patients, whereas the plasma levels of leptin were significantly higher in EC patients. Neuropilin-1 plasma levels were significantly higher in patients with type 2 EC (grade 3) than those with lower-grade cancer or controls. Follistatin levels were significantly higher in patients with lymphovascular invasion, and IL-8 plasma levels were significantly higher in patients with metastases. In the validation study, we analysed 202 patients, of whom 91 were diagnosed with EC, and 111 were control patients with benign gynaecological disease. We used Luminex xMAP〢 multiplexing technology to measure the pre-operative plasma concentrations of six previously selected angiogenic factors – leptin, IL-8, sTie-2, follistatin, neuropilin-1, and G-CSF. The plasma levels of leptin were significantly higher in EC patients than in control patients. Leptin was higher in type 1 EC patients, and IL-8 was higher in type 2 EC, particularly in poorly differentiated endometrioid EC grade 3. In addition, IL-8 plasma levels were significantly higher in EC patients with lymphovascular or myometrial invasion. Besides basic statistical methods, we used a machine-learning algorithm to create a robust diagnostic model based on the plasma concentration of tested angiogenic factors. Among univariate models, the model based on leptin reached the best results on both training and test datasets. A combination of age, IL-8, leptin and G-CSF was determined as the essential feature for the multivariate model, with ROC AUC 0.94 on training and 0.81 on the test dataset. The model utilizing a combination of all six AFs, BMI and age reached a ROC AUC of 0.89 on both the training and test dataset, strongly indicating the capability for predicting the risk of EC even on unseen data. Additionally, we evaluated publicly available datasets for the expression of angiogenesis-associated genes and proteins in EC tissues (T) compared to tumour-adjacent control tissue (TA). Nine genes with more than a 3-fold significant difference in gene expression in concert with more than a 2-fold significant difference in protein levels between T and TA tissue, together with six AF genes preselected in our previous plasma-based research (CSF3, IL8, LEP, NRP1, TEK, FST), were selected for validation on EC tissue, using the qPCR method on a cohort of 36 EC patients. By combining TCGA data and data from our study, we applied machine learning modelling to create the EC grade prediction model. In our clinical cohort, IL8 and LEP were significantly upregulated, and CXCL12, ENPP2, FBLN5, FGF2, LYVE1, PDGFRB, SERPINF1, TIMP2, TIMP3, NRP1 and TEK were significantly downregulated in T vs TA tissue. In early stages and lower grades of EC, but not in more advanced or aggressive forms of EC, genes for AFs were differentially expressed between T and TA tissue. Genes were differentially expressed only in endometrial tissue from patients without deep myometrial (DMI) or lymphovascular invasion (LVI). We identified stronger gene co-expressions within T than TA tissuecorrelations were particularly strong when LVI was present. In addition, we detected broader angiogenesis-related gene involvement in postmenopausal women with EC than in women of reproductive age. Finally, machine learning modelling created a relatively robust EC model based on the T gene expressions, differentiating between low and high-grade EC. According to our results, measuring plasma concentrations of AFs could represent an important supplementary diagnostic tool for early detection and prognostic characterization of EC, which could guide the decision-making regarding the extent of treatment. Our data suggest that angiogenesis in EC is promoted mainly by decreased gene expression of anti-angiogenic factors. In EC with prognostically less favourable characteristics, the regulation of AF genes is altered in T tissue as well as in morphologically normal TA tissue. The findings from our studies suggest that the plasma levels of 6 AFs could serve as promising biomarkers, offering a valuable diagnostic and prognostic tool for early detection and characterization of EC. Particularly when incorporated into a machine learning statistical algorithm model, these AFs show great potential. Additionally, our data highlights that the regulation of angiogenesis-related genes in EC, specifically in tissues surrounding the endometrium, also plays a role in the prognosis of the disease. To establish a more precise diagnostic and prognostic machine learning model based on AF gene expression in EC tissue, further research collaboration among multiple centers is necessary

    Prostorna varijabilnost otpora tla i trenutačne vlage u vinogradima različite starosti

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    Zbijenost tla predstavlja najrašireniji oblik degradacije poljoprivrednih tala uzrokovan intenzivnim načinom poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Sve češći prolasci mehanizacije uslijed obrade tla, zaštite, berbe i ostalih agrotehničkih mjera, te klimatski uvjeti utječu na različite razine zbijenosti tala u vinogradima. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se utvrde i usporede mehanički otpori tla na različitim položajima, unutar i između redova, u sedmogodišnjem i tridesetogodišnjem vinogradu, uslijed uobičajenog prometa mehanizacije i različite prostorne obrade tla. Istraživanja su provedena u vinogradima pokušališta Jazbina Agronomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu na području kontinentalne Hrvatske (45° 51' S 16° 0' I, 258 m n.v.). Klima je umjerena kontinentalna s tridesetogodišnjim prosjekom (1961.-1990.) od 852 mm oborina i prosječnom godišnjom temperaturom od 10.3 °C. U travnju i srpnju, u tridesetogodišnjem vinogradu, te svibnju, kolovozu i prosincu, u sedmogodišnjem vinogradu, izmjereni su mehanički otpori tla unutar i između redova. Između redova otpori su mjereni u dvije varijante, obrađeni i zatravljeni međuredni prostor. Za provedbu istraživanja korišten je Eijkelkamp penetrologger. Jedno mjerenje sastojalo se od 72 uboda penetrometra između redova i 105 uboda unutar reda do dubine od 40 cm. Rezultati su pokazali da je statistički najmanji otpor tla zabilježen u obrađenom međurednom prostoru u oba vinograda, na što direktan utjecaj ima obrada tla. Također, u oba vinograda mehanički otpori tla rastu s povećanjem dubine, neovisno o položaju, pa su statistički najviše vrijednosti izmjerene na dubini od 40 cm, dok su najmanje vrijednosti zabilježene u površinskom sloju tla, 0-10 cm. Što se vremena uzorkovanja tiče, statistički najviši otpori izmjereni su u studenom, što je posljedica porasta prometa poljoprivredne mehanizacije usred izvršavanja neophodnih agrotehničkih mjera, zaštite i berbe. Vrijednosti otpora tla najviše ovise o trenutačnoj vlažnosti pa dobiveni rezultati ne daju potpunu sliku o zbijenosti istraživanih lokacija.Soil compaction is the most common form of the degradation of agricultural soil caused by intensive farming. Intensive trafficking due tillage, protection, harvesting, other agricultural practices, together with climate affect on different levels of compaction of soils in the vineyards. The aim of this study was to determine and compare the mechanical resistance of the soil at different positions, both within and between the rows, in the seven-year and thirty-year vineyard, due to normal turnover of machinery and different tillage. Studie were conducted in the vineyards Jazbina Faculty of Agriculture in the continental Croatia (45 ° 51'S 16 ° 0 'and, 258 m above sea level). The climate is temperate continental with a thirty year's average (1961st to 1990th) of 852 mm of rainfall and an average annual temperature of 10.3 ° C. In April and July, in the thirty-year vineyard and May, August and December, in the seven-year vineyard, the mechanical resistance was measured of the soil within and between rows. Inter row resistance was measured in two ways – cultivated and grass covered. For the sake of the survey was used Eijkelkamp penetrologger. One measurement included 72 repetitions with penetrometer between the lines and 105 repetitions in the interrows at a depth of 40 cm. The results showed that, statistically, the smallest penetration resistance was determined in the tilled soil between the rows in both of the vineyards which is direct impact of tillage. Also, in both vineyards' soils mechanical resistance increased with depth, regardless of measurement position and statistically the greatest values were measured at a depth of 40 cm, while the lowest values were observed in the surface layer of soil, at 0-10 cm. As far as the time of sampling, statistically the highest resistance was measured in November, as a result of an increase trafficking of agricultural machinery as the result of carrying out the necessary agro-technical measures, protection and harvesting. Resistance values mostly depend about current soil moisture and therefore results of investigation do not provide complete evaluation of soil compaction on investigated vineyards

    Prostorna varijabilnost otpora tla i trenutačne vlage u vinogradima različite starosti

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    Zbijenost tla predstavlja najrašireniji oblik degradacije poljoprivrednih tala uzrokovan intenzivnim načinom poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Sve češći prolasci mehanizacije uslijed obrade tla, zaštite, berbe i ostalih agrotehničkih mjera, te klimatski uvjeti utječu na različite razine zbijenosti tala u vinogradima. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se utvrde i usporede mehanički otpori tla na različitim položajima, unutar i između redova, u sedmogodišnjem i tridesetogodišnjem vinogradu, uslijed uobičajenog prometa mehanizacije i različite prostorne obrade tla. Istraživanja su provedena u vinogradima pokušališta Jazbina Agronomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu na području kontinentalne Hrvatske (45° 51' S 16° 0' I, 258 m n.v.). Klima je umjerena kontinentalna s tridesetogodišnjim prosjekom (1961.-1990.) od 852 mm oborina i prosječnom godišnjom temperaturom od 10.3 °C. U travnju i srpnju, u tridesetogodišnjem vinogradu, te svibnju, kolovozu i prosincu, u sedmogodišnjem vinogradu, izmjereni su mehanički otpori tla unutar i između redova. Između redova otpori su mjereni u dvije varijante, obrađeni i zatravljeni međuredni prostor. Za provedbu istraživanja korišten je Eijkelkamp penetrologger. Jedno mjerenje sastojalo se od 72 uboda penetrometra između redova i 105 uboda unutar reda do dubine od 40 cm. Rezultati su pokazali da je statistički najmanji otpor tla zabilježen u obrađenom međurednom prostoru u oba vinograda, na što direktan utjecaj ima obrada tla. Također, u oba vinograda mehanički otpori tla rastu s povećanjem dubine, neovisno o položaju, pa su statistički najviše vrijednosti izmjerene na dubini od 40 cm, dok su najmanje vrijednosti zabilježene u površinskom sloju tla, 0-10 cm. Što se vremena uzorkovanja tiče, statistički najviši otpori izmjereni su u studenom, što je posljedica porasta prometa poljoprivredne mehanizacije usred izvršavanja neophodnih agrotehničkih mjera, zaštite i berbe. Vrijednosti otpora tla najviše ovise o trenutačnoj vlažnosti pa dobiveni rezultati ne daju potpunu sliku o zbijenosti istraživanih lokacija.Soil compaction is the most common form of the degradation of agricultural soil caused by intensive farming. Intensive trafficking due tillage, protection, harvesting, other agricultural practices, together with climate affect on different levels of compaction of soils in the vineyards. The aim of this study was to determine and compare the mechanical resistance of the soil at different positions, both within and between the rows, in the seven-year and thirty-year vineyard, due to normal turnover of machinery and different tillage. Studie were conducted in the vineyards Jazbina Faculty of Agriculture in the continental Croatia (45 ° 51'S 16 ° 0 'and, 258 m above sea level). The climate is temperate continental with a thirty year's average (1961st to 1990th) of 852 mm of rainfall and an average annual temperature of 10.3 ° C. In April and July, in the thirty-year vineyard and May, August and December, in the seven-year vineyard, the mechanical resistance was measured of the soil within and between rows. Inter row resistance was measured in two ways – cultivated and grass covered. For the sake of the survey was used Eijkelkamp penetrologger. One measurement included 72 repetitions with penetrometer between the lines and 105 repetitions in the interrows at a depth of 40 cm. The results showed that, statistically, the smallest penetration resistance was determined in the tilled soil between the rows in both of the vineyards which is direct impact of tillage. Also, in both vineyards' soils mechanical resistance increased with depth, regardless of measurement position and statistically the greatest values were measured at a depth of 40 cm, while the lowest values were observed in the surface layer of soil, at 0-10 cm. As far as the time of sampling, statistically the highest resistance was measured in November, as a result of an increase trafficking of agricultural machinery as the result of carrying out the necessary agro-technical measures, protection and harvesting. Resistance values mostly depend about current soil moisture and therefore results of investigation do not provide complete evaluation of soil compaction on investigated vineyards

    Prostorna varijabilnost otpora tla i trenutačne vlage u vinogradima različite starosti

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    Zbijenost tla predstavlja najrašireniji oblik degradacije poljoprivrednih tala uzrokovan intenzivnim načinom poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Sve češći prolasci mehanizacije uslijed obrade tla, zaštite, berbe i ostalih agrotehničkih mjera, te klimatski uvjeti utječu na različite razine zbijenosti tala u vinogradima. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se utvrde i usporede mehanički otpori tla na različitim položajima, unutar i između redova, u sedmogodišnjem i tridesetogodišnjem vinogradu, uslijed uobičajenog prometa mehanizacije i različite prostorne obrade tla. Istraživanja su provedena u vinogradima pokušališta Jazbina Agronomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu na području kontinentalne Hrvatske (45° 51' S 16° 0' I, 258 m n.v.). Klima je umjerena kontinentalna s tridesetogodišnjim prosjekom (1961.-1990.) od 852 mm oborina i prosječnom godišnjom temperaturom od 10.3 °C. U travnju i srpnju, u tridesetogodišnjem vinogradu, te svibnju, kolovozu i prosincu, u sedmogodišnjem vinogradu, izmjereni su mehanički otpori tla unutar i između redova. Između redova otpori su mjereni u dvije varijante, obrađeni i zatravljeni međuredni prostor. Za provedbu istraživanja korišten je Eijkelkamp penetrologger. Jedno mjerenje sastojalo se od 72 uboda penetrometra između redova i 105 uboda unutar reda do dubine od 40 cm. Rezultati su pokazali da je statistički najmanji otpor tla zabilježen u obrađenom međurednom prostoru u oba vinograda, na što direktan utjecaj ima obrada tla. Također, u oba vinograda mehanički otpori tla rastu s povećanjem dubine, neovisno o položaju, pa su statistički najviše vrijednosti izmjerene na dubini od 40 cm, dok su najmanje vrijednosti zabilježene u površinskom sloju tla, 0-10 cm. Što se vremena uzorkovanja tiče, statistički najviši otpori izmjereni su u studenom, što je posljedica porasta prometa poljoprivredne mehanizacije usred izvršavanja neophodnih agrotehničkih mjera, zaštite i berbe. Vrijednosti otpora tla najviše ovise o trenutačnoj vlažnosti pa dobiveni rezultati ne daju potpunu sliku o zbijenosti istraživanih lokacija.Soil compaction is the most common form of the degradation of agricultural soil caused by intensive farming. Intensive trafficking due tillage, protection, harvesting, other agricultural practices, together with climate affect on different levels of compaction of soils in the vineyards. The aim of this study was to determine and compare the mechanical resistance of the soil at different positions, both within and between the rows, in the seven-year and thirty-year vineyard, due to normal turnover of machinery and different tillage. Studie were conducted in the vineyards Jazbina Faculty of Agriculture in the continental Croatia (45 ° 51'S 16 ° 0 'and, 258 m above sea level). The climate is temperate continental with a thirty year's average (1961st to 1990th) of 852 mm of rainfall and an average annual temperature of 10.3 ° C. In April and July, in the thirty-year vineyard and May, August and December, in the seven-year vineyard, the mechanical resistance was measured of the soil within and between rows. Inter row resistance was measured in two ways – cultivated and grass covered. For the sake of the survey was used Eijkelkamp penetrologger. One measurement included 72 repetitions with penetrometer between the lines and 105 repetitions in the interrows at a depth of 40 cm. The results showed that, statistically, the smallest penetration resistance was determined in the tilled soil between the rows in both of the vineyards which is direct impact of tillage. Also, in both vineyards' soils mechanical resistance increased with depth, regardless of measurement position and statistically the greatest values were measured at a depth of 40 cm, while the lowest values were observed in the surface layer of soil, at 0-10 cm. As far as the time of sampling, statistically the highest resistance was measured in November, as a result of an increase trafficking of agricultural machinery as the result of carrying out the necessary agro-technical measures, protection and harvesting. Resistance values mostly depend about current soil moisture and therefore results of investigation do not provide complete evaluation of soil compaction on investigated vineyards

    Diagnostic and therapeutic values of angiogenic factors in endometrial cancer

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    Endometrial cancer (EC) is the most frequent gynecological malignancy in developed countries and requires a relatively invasive diagnostic evaluation and operative therapy as the primary therapeutic approach. Angiogenesis is one of the main processes needed for cancer growth and spread. The production of angiogenic factors (AFs) appears early in the process of carcinogenesis. The detection of AFs in plasma and tissue and a better understanding of the angiogenic properties of EC may contribute not only to earlier but also more specific diagnosis and consequently tailored and individual therapeutic approaches. AFs and their receptors also have high potential as binding sites for targeted cancer therapy. In this review, we discuss angiogenesis in EC and the characteristics of the AFs that most contribute to angiogenesis in EC. We also highlight therapeutic strategies that target angiogenesis as potential EC therapy

    Tie-2, G-CSF, and leptin as promising diagnostic biomarkers for endometrial cancer

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    Preoperative determination of the extent of endometrial cancer (EC) would avoid the complications associated with radical surgery. Screening of patients\u27 plasma biomarkers might enable a more precise diagnosis of EC and a tailored treatment approach. This prospective case-control monocentric pilot study included 76 postmenopausal women (38 endometrioid EC patients and 38 control patients with benign gynecological conditions), and 37 angiogenic factors (AFs) were investigated as potential biomarkers for EC. AF concentrations in preoperative plasma samples were measured using Luminex xMAPTM^{TM} multiplexing technology. The plasma levels of sTie-2 and G-CSF were significantly lower in EC compared to control patients, whereas the plasma levels of leptin were significantly higher in EC patients. Neuropilin-1 plasma levels were significantly higher in patients with type 2 EC (grade 3) compared to patients with lower grade cancer or controls. Follistatin levels were significantly higher in patients with lymphovascular invasion, and IL-8 plasma levels were significantly higher in patients with metastases. If validated, the plasma concentrations of the indicated AFs could represent an important additional diagnostic tool for the early detection and characterization of EC. This could guide the decision-making on the extent of surgery. Further studies with larger patient numbers are currently ongoing

    Soil Compaction in different ages vineyards in Pannonian Croatia. Part II. Modeling spatial variability of soil compaction parameters in vineyard

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    Geostatistical modeling with different interpolation methods represents progress in describing and monitoring the spatial variability of soil properties. By choosing the proper interpolation method it is possible to produce distribution maps of investigated soil properties which are characterized by significant accuracy, and thus reduced required number of samples for the soil description and determination. On the example of determined soil penetration resistance and collected undisturbed soil samples from thirty years and seven years vineyards, and with geostatistical data analysis followed by comparison of interpolation models, spatial maps of soil resistance, bulk density and soil moisture are produced. This paper presents the applicability of GIS for characterization the spatial variation of soil resistance, bulk density and soil moisture based on 72 undisturbed samples collected at three depths (0-10 cm, 11-20 cm and 21-30 cm) and 177 measured soil penetration resistance in each of the studied vineyards located in central Croatia. The study points to the usefulness of geostatistical techniques analysis of spatial distribution of some physical soil properties. The results provided in graphical form and their associated variance, indicating the possibility of using geostatistical analysis for the sustainable management of soils in the vineyards and plans for soil conservation in the study area