151 research outputs found

    Impact of type and pretreatment of lignocellulosics on lignin and pulp properties

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    The depletion of fossil fuels and the need to deal with climate change lead to an increasing interest in renewable resources. Lignocellulosic biomass in general, and agricultural residues in particular, could serve as an excellent starting material for the production of cellulose, basic chemicals, lignin and bioethanol in a biorefinery framework as they are abundant, do not compete with food production and are distributed worldwide. Two factors considerably influence the composition and properties of biorefinery products: biomass feedstock and pretreatment process. Their influence on the separability of raw material into a carbohydrate and lignin fraction as well as the composition and properties of these products are objectives of this study. Hereby, the focus is on lignin, as its structure is particularly dependent on the aforementioned factors complicating its further utilisation. Different agricultural biomass namely barley straw, coconut shell powder, hemp shives, horse manure, maize straw, miscanthus, oat husk, pretreated alfalfa, rape straw, sunflower stalks, tomato stalks and wheat straw were investigated regarding their suitability for lignocellulose separation using alkaline soda pulping. Best separation into a carbohydrate and lignin fraction was achieved for pretreated alfalfa, miscanthus, wheat and barley straw. The purity of the obtained lignin fractions varied in the wide range of 57% klason-lignin content for sunflower stalks and 81% for pretreated alfalfa prior to further purification by dialysis. Lignin fractions were characterised by means of FTIR spectroscopy, elementary analysis, thioacidolysis, size-exclusion-chromatography, thermodesorption, differential scanning calorimetry and different wet chemical methods for determination of functional groups. Lignins could be classified into groups, within which they show similar characteristics: (A) horse manure, rape straw, (B) sunflower stalks, tomato stalks, (C) barley-, maize- and wheat straw and (D) hemp shives, miscanthus. In addition, promising lignin candidates were found for several applications. Thus, by screening different agricultural residues, it is possible to choose a specific raw material, in order to produce lignin with desired properties and functionalities. The effect of the pretreatment process was studied based on wheat straw. It was subjected to conventional alkaline pulping, microwave-assisted alkaline pulping and organosolv pulping using formic acid and hydrogen peroxide. Pulping parameters were varied in order to attain best possible separation into a carbohydrate and lignin fraction. Of the varied parameters the concentration of both sodium hydroxide and formic acid has the highest impact on yield and purity of the products for alkaline and organosolv pulping, respectively. It additionally influences the content of functional groups of the lignin fraction and is hence, an important parameter for lignin customisation for subsequent utilisation. Furthermore, the possibility of reducing pulping time by using microwave-assisted pulping instead of conventional alkaline pulping is promising, as the obtained carbohydrate fraction has a low intrinsic viscosity, which may enhance enzymatic hydrolysis

    Probabilistic MIMO U-Net: Efficient and Accurate Uncertainty Estimation for Pixel-wise Regression

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    Uncertainty estimation in machine learning is paramount for enhancing the reliability and interpretability of predictive models, especially in high-stakes real-world scenarios. Despite the availability of numerous methods, they often pose a trade-off between the quality of uncertainty estimation and computational efficiency. Addressing this challenge, we present an adaptation of the Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) framework -- an approach exploiting the overparameterization of deep neural networks -- for pixel-wise regression tasks. Our MIMO variant expands the applicability of the approach from simple image classification to broader computer vision domains. For that purpose, we adapted the U-Net architecture to train multiple subnetworks within a single model, harnessing the overparameterization in deep neural networks. Additionally, we introduce a novel procedure for synchronizing subnetwork performance within the MIMO framework. Our comprehensive evaluations of the resulting MIMO U-Net on two orthogonal datasets demonstrate comparable accuracy to existing models, superior calibration on in-distribution data, robust out-of-distribution detection capabilities, and considerable improvements in parameter size and inference time. Code available at github.com/antonbaumann/MIMO-UnetComment: 8 pages (references do not count), Accepted at UnCV (Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification for Computer Vision at ICCV

    Comparative Evaluation of Investigation Methods for Estimating the Load-Dependent State of Charge and End of Discharge of a Multirotor UAV Battery

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    As the scope of multirotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) applications increases, more attention is being paid to UAV energy requirements, which vary depending on the mission profile. To obtain accurate information about the UAV battery during flight, the idea of a digital twin including a battery state estimation model is promising. For battery state estimation, a Kalman filter combination is the preferred approach in the literature. Comparing different Kalman filters, the unscented Kalman filter has a more accurate estimation for nonlinear systems compared to the extended Kalman filter. In the application of UAV flight with load-dependent flight missions, the comparison of different Kalman filter estimation methods has not yet been researched. In order to evaluate the applicability of different state of charge estimation methods applied to different UAV flight missions, an extended Kalman filter, an unscented Kalman filter, and the Coulomb-counting method are implemented in this research and combined with an end of discharge estimation. To compare the estimation methods based on a delivery mission and a facade inspection mission, a parameter identification of the UAV battery is performed, and an equivalent circuit model is developed and combined with the estimation methods to estimate the battery state. The results of the investigation show that the unscented Kalman filter achieves more accurate state of charge estimation results than the extended Kalman filter, even in the field of UAV application. The results also show that the choice of estimation method is mainly influenced by the accuracy of the parameter identification process, while the dynamic load of a UAV mission has less impact. Contrarily, the end of discharge estimation does not correlate with the accuracy of the state of charge estimation, indicating that the end of discharge estimation is more dependent on the dynamic load

    Analyse der Serumliberation fetaler Fibronektin-Varianten bei Patienten mit pulmonaler Hypertonie mittels ELISA

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    Die pulmonale Hypertonie (PH) ist aufgrund einer heterogenen Klinik, einer raschen Krankheitsprogression und unzureichender Kausaltherapien mit einer schlechten Prognose assoziiert. Ätiologisch basiert die Erkrankung auf einer Trias aus Vasokonstriktion und Mikrothrombosierung pulmonaler Gefäßstrukturen sowie einer funktionellen und strukturellen Reorganisation der kardialen extrazellulären Matrix. Letztere beinhaltet neben zellarchitektonischen Veränderungen das Wiederauftreten fetaler Molekülvarianten zellulärer Adhäsionsproteine, welche unter physiologischen Bedingungen im adulten Organismus nicht mehr nachweisbar sind. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die krankheitsassoziierte Reexpression der beiden fetalen Fibronektin-Varianten ED-A-Fn und ED-B-Fn im Rahmen der PH untersucht. Als Studienkollektiv dienten 80 Patienten mit PH unterschiedlicher ätiologischer Klassen, welche mit einem Kontrollkollektiv bestehend aus 40 Patienten mit anderweitig erhöhtem kardiovaskulärem Risiko verglichen wurden. Die Serummessung der ED-A- bzw. ED-B-Fn-Serumlevel erfolgte mittels ELISA; der ED-B-Fn-ELISA wurde hierbei neu etabliert. PH-Patienten wiesen im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe eine höhere Serumkonzentration von ED-A-Fn, nicht jedoch von ED-B-Fn auf. Eine signifikant erhöhte ED-A-Fn-Reexpression im Vergleich zu Kontrollen ließ sich nur für die durch primäres oder sekundäres kardiovaskuläres Remodelling bedingten PH-Formen (Klasse I-III) nachweisen, nicht jedoch für die CTEPH (Klasse IV), welche auf dem Boden chronischer Thrombembolien entsteht. Es konnte eine signifikante Korrelation der ED-A-Fn-Serumspiegel zu bereits etablierten Diagnose- und Prognosemarkern der PH, wie dem Herzinsuffizienzmarker BNP, dem echokardiografisch ermittelten systolischen pulmonalarteriellen Druck oder zur 6-Minuten-Gehstrecke nachgewiesen werden. ED-A-Fn konnte damit als potenzieller neuer Biomarker sowie als mögliches therapeutisches Target für gezielte PH-Therapien identifiziert werden

    Survey on application of chemical pesticides in agriculture

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    Seit 2011 werden statistische Erhebungen zur Anwendung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln im Ackerbau durchgeführt. Diese Aktivitäten beruhen auf gesetzlichen Vorgaben der EU und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Für fünf Kulturen (Winterweizen, Wintergerste, Winterraps, Mais und Kartoffeln) wurde ein Netz von Erhebungs­betrieben (Panel) aufgebaut, in denen jährlich die PSM-Anwendungsdaten detailliert erfasst und in anonymisierter Form an das Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI) weitergeleitet werden.Alle Erhebungen und Auswertungen beziehen sich auf die Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Die Verteilung der Panel-Betriebe erfolgte proportional zur Verteilung der Anbau­flächen der betrachteten Kulturen bezogen auf die Bundesländer.In der Veröffentlichung werden die Ergebnisse der Erhebungen aus den Jahren 2011 bis 2014 dargestellt und kommentiert. Während die Pflanzenschutzintensität in der Wintergerste und im Mais im Berichtszeitraum im Wesentlichen auf einem konstanten Niveau verblieb, war im Winterweizen und Winterraps ein leichter Anstieg der Pflanzenschutzaktivitäten zu verzeichnen. Bei Kartoffeln unterlagen die berechneten Kennziffern, wie erwartet, jahresbedingten Schwankungen.Für die Zukunft wird ein weiterer leichter Anstieg der Werte für Behandlungshäufigkeit und Behandlungsindex in der Mehrzahl der Kulturen erwartet. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2016.02.01, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2016.02.01Statistical surveys of the application of plant protection products (PPP) in agriculture have been carried out since 2011. These activities are based on statutory regulations of the EU and the Federal Republic of Germany. A network of survey farms (panel) was established for five crops (winter wheat, winter barley, winter oilseed rape, maize and potatoes), in which the PPP application data are recorded in detail annually. The data are forwarded in an anonymised form to the Julius Kühn-Institute (JKI).All surveys and analyses relate to the Federal Republic of Germany. The distribution of the panel farms was proportional to the distribution of growing areas of considered cultures.The results of the surveys from 2011 to 2014 are presented and discussed in this publication. While the use of chemical plant protection products for the cultivation of winter barley and maize remained at a constant level during the reporting period, a slight increase was observed for winter wheat and winter rape. By contrast, the calculated indicators for potatoes showed annual fluctuations, as expected. A further slight increase is expected in values of the application frequency and of the treatment index for the majority of cultures in future. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2016.02.01, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2016.02.0

    Survey on application of chemical pesticides in Germany

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    Frei verfügbare Informationen zur tatsächlichen Anwendung chemischer Pflanzenschutzmittel in der Landwirtschaft werden für eine Reihe von wissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen wie auch für die politische Argumentation dringend benötigt. Deshalb werden seit dem Jahr 2000 regelmäßig Erhebungen zur Anwendung chemischer Pflanzenschutzmittel (PSM) in den wichtigsten landwirtschaftlichen und gärtnerischen Kulturen Deutschlands durchgeführt (NEPTUN-Erhebungen). Diese werden seit 2011 unter veränderten gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen als PAPA-Erhebungen fortgesetzt. PAPA steht für Panel Pflanzenschutzmittel-Anwendungen. Das heißt, es wurden kulturspezifische Netze von Erhebungsbetrieben geschaffen, in denen jährlich die PSM-Anwendungsdaten detailliert erfasst und in anonymisierter Form an das Julius Kühn-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen (JKI) weitergeleitet werden. Bei der Auswahl der Kulturpflanzen (Winterweizen, Wintergerste, Winterroggen, Mais, Kartoffeln, Zucker­rüben, Tafelapfel, Hopfen und Wein) wurden diejenigen berücksichtigt, die die größte Relevanz für den nationalen Aktionsplan zur nachhaltigen Anwendung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln (NAP) haben. Das bedeutet, dass die Anbaufläche der Kultur nicht das einzige ausschlag­gebende Auswahlkriterium ist, sondern der mit ihrem Anbau verbundene Umfang von chemischen Pflanzenschutzmaßnahmen und das damit verbundene Risiko­potential für die menschliche Gesundheit und den Naturhaushalt. Alle Erhebungen und Auswertungen beziehen sich auf die Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Die Verteilung der Panel-Betriebe erfolgte proportional zur Verteilung der Anbauflächen pro Kultur. Wie bereits in den NEPTUN-Erhebungen wurden die Kennziffern „Behandlungshäufigkeit“ und „Behandlungsindex“ berechnet und Rangfolgen für die Anwendung der jeweiligen Wirkstoffe erstellt.Freely available information on the actual use of chemical plant protection products (PPPs) in agriculture is highly necessary for a number of scientific questions and political argumentation. Therefore, since 2000, regular surveys of PPPs have been carried out for the most important agricultural and horticultural crops in Germany (NEPTUN projects). Since 2011, they have been con­tinued under different legislative frameworks as PAPA surveys. PAPA stands for panel pesticide applications. A number of crop-specific networks of farms have been created, in which the PPP application data are recorded in detail annually. The data are forwarded in an anonymised form to the Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI). The crops (winter wheat, winter barley, winter rye, corn, potatoes, sugar beets, apple, hops and vine) were selected for their relevance to the national action plan on the sustainable use of PPPs (NAP). This means, that the individual crop area is not the only important criterion for the selection, but also the intensity of chemical plant protection measures and the associated potential risk to human health and the environment. All surveys and analyses relate to the Federal Republic of Germany. The distribution of the panel farms was proportional to the distribution of arable land per crop. As in NEPTUN surveys, the indicators “treatment frequency” and “treatment index” were calculated and rankings of the active ingredients were determined per pesticide group

    Hydra: practical metadata security for contact discovery, messaging, and voice calls

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    Protecting communications’ metadata can be as important as protecting their content, i.e., recognizing someone contacting a medical service may already allow to infer sensitive information. There are numerous proposals to implement anonymous communications, yet none provides it in a strong (but feasible) threat model in an efficient way. We propose Hydra, an anonymity system that is able to efficiently provide metadata security for a wide variety of applications. Main idea is to use latency-aware, padded, and onion-encrypted circuits even for connectionless applications. This allows to implement strong metadata security for contact discovery and text-based messages with relatively low latency. Furthermore, circuits can be upgraded to support voice calls, real-time chat sessions, and file transfers - with slightly reduced anonymity in presence of global observers. We evaluate Hydra using an analytical model as well as call simulations. Compared to other systems for text-based messaging, Hydra is able to decrease end-to-end latencies by an order of magnitude without degrading anonymity. Using a dataset generated by performing latency measurements in the Tor network, we further show that Hydra is able to support anonymous voice calls with acceptable quality of service in real scenarios. A first prototype of Hydra is published as open source

    Berichte aus dem Julius Kühn-Institut 150

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    Berichte aus dem Julius Kühn-Institut 151

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