161 research outputs found

    La qualità dell’inclusione nel sistema scolastico italiano alla luce della Dichiarazione di Salamanca e nella prospettiva dell’ICF

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    The Declaration of Salamanca (UNESCO, 1994) has represented an opportunity for the development of the principles that the international organizations have utilized, in the last years, to develop the basis of inclusive education (UNESCO, 2005, 2009; UN, 2006, CoE, 2018). Therefore, on the one hand, the importance of the full participation of students with SEN in the ordinaryclasses, has been emphasized; in the other hand, the urgency to facilitate this participation by the adaptation of the environmental factors present at school has been more and more clear.These principles are consistent with the bio-psycho-social model of “human functioning” that the WHO has elaborated in the ICF (WHO, 2001, 2007, 2017). At this moment, in the Italian school law, the ICF represents the conceptual reference of all actions aimed to develop school inclusion. The present paper analyses how the ICF culture enhances the concepts of curriculum and school management identified by the Salamanca Declaration as “scholastic-factors” decisive for inclusion. The authors present a reflection about how, in the last decade, these concepts have been developed in Italian schools, and about how these are encouraging the methods of didactic planning, the evaluation, the teacher-training and the governance of special educational needs in an inclusive direction

    Laminar Origin of Corticostriatal Projections to the Motor Putamen in the Macaque Brain

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    In the macaque brain, projections from distant, interconnected cortical areas converge in specific zones of the striatum. For example, specific zones of the motor putamen are targets of projections from frontal motor, inferior parietal, and ventrolateral prefrontal hand-related areas and thus are integral part of the so-called "lateral grasping network." In the present study, we analyzed the laminar distribution of corticostriatal neurons projecting to different parts of the motor putamen. Retrograde neural tracers were injected in different parts of the putamen in 3 Macaca mulatta (one male) and the laminar distribution of the labeled corticostriatal neurons was analyzed quantitatively. In frontal motor areas and frontal operculum, where most labeled cells were located, almost everywhere the proportion of corticostriatal labeled neurons in layers III and/or VI was comparable or even stronger than in layer V. Furthermore, within these regions, the laminar distribution pattern of corticostriatal labeled neurons largely varied independently from their density and from the projecting area/sector, but likely according to the target striatal zone. Accordingly, the present data show that cortical areas may project in different ways to different striatal zones, which can be targets of specific combinations of signals originating from the various cortical layers of the areas of a given network. These observations extend current models of corticostriatal interactions, suggesting more complex modes of information processing in the basal ganglia for different motor and nonmotor functions and opening new questions on the architecture of the corticostriatal circuitry

    Comprendere il testo per studiarlo: DSA e strategie didattiche inclusive ed efficaci

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    Starting from the identification of a particularly relevant problem such as the low levels of reading comprehension in the Italian school and their repercussions on the study activities, the article presents some results relating to the research project: Reading comprehension and study strategies with high inclusive potential for students with specific learning disorders (SLD). Within an inclusive perspective and on the basis of effective teaching strategies in the evidence based education (EBE) perspective, the project created and tested - using a Design Based Research - both a didactic kit (SUST) for fifth grade classes attended by pupils with SLD and a training method for the teachers of the intervention classes. The positive results of the application of the kit and the teacher training open up a constructive scenario for the definition of a program aimed to improve reading comprehension and the study skills of students with SLD to be tested in a bigger number of schools.A partire dall’individuazione di un problema particolarmente rilevante, quello dei bassi livelli di comprensione del testo nella scuola italiana e delle ripercussioni nelle attività di studio, l’articolo presenta alcuni risultati relativi al progetto di ricerca Comprensione del testo e strategie di studio ad alto potenziale inclusivo per gli allievi con DSA. In una prospettiva inclusiva e sulla base delle strategie didattiche efficaci in ottica evidence based education (EBE), il progetto ha realizzato e sperimentato - secondo la metodologia della Design Based Reserach - un kit didattico (SUST) per gli allievi di classi quinte di scuola primaria, frequentate da allievi con DSA, e la relativa modalità di formazione degli insegnanti delle classi di intervento. I risultati positivi dell’applicazione del SUST e della formazione degli insegnanti aprono uno scenario costruttivo per la definizione di programmi di intervento finalizzati al miglioramento della comprensione del testo e delle abilità di studio degli allievi con DSA, da sperimentare in contesti più ampi di scuole

    Cognitive Health of Nonagenarians in Southern Italy: A Descriptive Analysis from a Cross-Sectional, Home-Based Pilot Study of Exceptional Longevity (Cilento Initiative on Aging Outcomes Or CIAO).

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    Background: Nonagenarians and centenarians (NCs) are an extremely fragile population, particularly in regard to their physical and cognitive function. The aim of this study was to define the neurocognitive profiles among 29 NCs and their 49 younger cohabitants aged 50-75 years from The Cilento Initiative on Aging Outcomes (CIAO) Pilot study in the South of Italy that had provided initial hypotheses regarding positive psychological traits related to exceptional longevity. Methods: During the home visits, lifestyle information with specific questionnaires, functional autonomy and the neuropsychological Mini Mental Scale Examination (MMSE), and the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive (ADAS-Cog) scale were obtained by qualified study personnel. The total blood oxidative capacity was also determined by testing the reactive derivative of oxygen metabolites (d-ROM) and by the Biological Antioxidant Potential (BAP). In all individuals, the APOE genotype determination was also performed. Results: All the subjects in both groups showed high adherence to the Mediterranean Diet. None of the NCs had severe cognitive impairment, and a very low incidence of dementia was found. The data obtained on the Activities ed Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (ADL-IADL) scale showed that the majority of NCs (16/29) were autonomous in daily life activities. The comparative assessment of NCs and cohabitants showed no significant differences in the laboratory assessment of oxidative stress and APOE genotype. Conclusion: In the Cilento Region of Southern Italy, NCs seemed to have good cognitive status when compared to younger cohabitants aging 50-65 years without significant differences in oxidative stress markers or APOE genotype. These results might be related to optimal adherence to the Mediterranean diet, although other lifestyle factors and positive personality traits may also contribute to their healthy aging. Further studies on a larger population should be performed to confirm the results of this pilot study

    Progettare un curricolo di classe accessibile e sostenibile per la comprensione del testo tra scuola e UniversitĂ : Un progetto di ricerca

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    The Universal Design for Learning framework represents one of the main levers of change to contribute, in the school, to make learning sustainable, inclusive and transformative for all. The article presents a quasi-experimental research project. The project began with the idea that inclusive design represents a starting point of a strategic nature capable of indicating a series of operational possibilities valid in specific learning contexts to characterize them as effective training contexts. Starting from a benchmark model developed by SApIE, the project envisaged both the preparation of a didactic kit for the use of the reciprocal teaching-RT strategy for the development of the comprehension of the written text in third grade primary school classes also attended by students. with special educational needs-SEN, and the realization of a teachers training of the experimental classes, aimed at promoting their skills for the application of RT. The effect sizes obtained by students with typical development and with SEN demonstrate the effectiveness of the program, especially for the latter, whose results show 5 months of gain in learning of the experimental group compared to the control group on reading comprehension ( ES = + 0.38), 6 months on vocabulary (ES = + 0.45) and 7 months on summary +0.56.Il framework Universal Design for Learning rappresenta una delle principali leve di cambiamento per contribuire, nella scuola, a rendere l'apprendimento sostenibile, inclusivo e trasformativo per tutti. L'articolo presenta un progetto di ricerca quasi sperimentale. Il progetto è nato dall’idea che la progettazione inclusiva rappresenti un punto progettuale di partenza di natura strategica in grado da indicare una serie di possibilitĂ  operative valide negli specifici contesti di apprendimento per connotarli quali contesti formativi efficaci. A partire da un modello benchmark messo a punto da SApIE, il progetto ha previsto sia la predisposizione di un kit didattico di impiego della strategia del reciprocal teaching-RT per lo sviluppo della comprensione del testo scritto in classi terze di scuola primaria frequentate anche da allievi con bisogni educativi speciali-SEN, sia la realizzazione di una formazione degli insegnanti delle classi sperimentali, finalizzato a promuovere le loro competenze per l’applicazione del RT. Gli effect size ottenuti dagli allievi a sviluppo tipico e con SEN dimostrano l’efficacia del programma, in particolar  modo, per questi ultimi, i cui risultati evidenziano 5 mesi di guadagno negli apprendimenti del gruppo sperimentale rispetto al gruppo di controllo sulla comprensione del testo (ES=+0.38), 6 mesi sul vocabolario (ES=+0.45 ) e 7 mesi sul riassunto +0.56

    Audiologic profile of OSAS and simple snoring patients: the effect of chronic nocturnal intermittent hypoxia on auditory function

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    The objective of this work was to study the effect of nocturnal intermittent hypoxia on auditory function of simple snoring patients and subjects affected by OSAS; we compared the audiologic profile with the severity of OSAS to detect early signs of cochlear damage. One hundred-sixty patients underwent overnight polysomnography, micro-otoscopy, multi-frequency audiometry, acufenometry, TEOAE recording and d-ROMs test. All subjects were divided in four groups, based on presence/absence of AHI (simple snoring without OSAS, mild OSAS, moderate OSAS, severe OSAS). Sixty (37.5 %) patients were not affected by OSAS, 58 (36.25 %) presented a mild OSAS, 18 (11.25 %) a moderate OSAS and 24 (15 %) a severe OSAS; the 57.14 % of moderate to severe OSAS suffered from tinnitus with respect to the 31.03 % of mild OSAS (P = 0.024). A higher percentage (41.66 %) of hearing loss was found among individuals with moderate to severe degree of OSAS (P < 0.0001). All groups were characterized by a mean hearing threshold <25 dB HL for 0.25–3 kHz frequencies and a progressive decrease in hearing sensitivity, particularly for 6–16 kHz frequencies (P < 0.05). The analysis of otoacoustic emissions SNR mean values evidenced a significant difference between simple snoring and severe OSAS individuals for 3 and 4 kHz frequencies (P < 0.05). d-ROM levels resulted higher in patients with severe OSAS with respect to simple snoring subjects (P = 0.004). Our data underline the key role of chronic nocturnal intermittent hypoxia in the development of an early cochlear damage and a more marked high-frequency hearing loss in case of severe OSAS (P < 0.05)

    A combined smart-materials approach for next-generation airfoils

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    This article will present a morphing wing actuated using both surface embedded Shape memory alloys (SMAs) and trailing edge Macro-fiber composites (MFCs). This combination enables the airfoil to simultaneously achieve large scale deformations at low frequencies as well as rapid actuation with a limited amount of displacement. Thereby not only can the shape of the airfoil be optimized in function of the current mission profile but also the shear layer can be influenced. Each actuator is modelled using both a finite element and/or an analytical model and the results will be verified experimentally

    Sensory phenomena in children with Tourette syndrome or autism spectrum disorder

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    BackgroundTourette syndrome (TS) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are two neurodevelopmental disorders with an onset before the age of 18 years. TS patients frequently reported atypical sensory phenomena (SP). Sensory processing abnormalities are also particularly frequent in ASD individuals.ObjectivesConsidering the higher rate of atypical sensory behaviours in both neurodevelopmental disorders, in the present study we analysed sensory experiences in patients with ASD and in patients with TS.MethodsWe enrolled patients with a primary diagnosis of TS or ASD. All participants were assessed for primary diagnosis and associated comorbidities. The presence of sensory behaviours was investigated using the University of Sao Paulo’s Sensory Phenomena Scale (USP-SPS).ResultsSP were significantly more represented in the ASD-group versus TS-group, except for sound just-right perceptions and energy to released. ASD participants presented higher mean scores in all fields of USP-SPS severity scale respect on TS patients and healthy controls. The USP-SPS total score had significant positive correlations with the CYBOCS and MASC total scores in the TS cohort. In the ASD group, the USP-SPS total score was significantly negative correlated with the total IQ and marginally positive correlated with ADOS total score.ConclusionSP are a frequently reported characteristic both of ASD and TS. Future studies are needed to better evaluate the differences on their phenomenology in patients with TS and ASD

    Extramedullary plasmacytoma of the tonsil: A new management

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    Introduction: Extramedullary plasmacytoma (EMP) is a rare tumor of all plasma cell neoplasms. The tumor is mainly localized in the head and neck region, but rarely involving the tonsil. Case presentation: The authors report the 5th case of EMP of the tonsil in the literature occurred in a 57-year-old Caucasian male. Conclusions: Through a review of the relevant literature, we consider adjuvant radiotherapy not necessary for EMP of tonsil because of an adequate resection achieved by surgery
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