79 research outputs found

    Struktur Umur dan Sex Rasio Sub-Sub Populasi Simpai (Presbytis melalophos melalophos) pada Lanskap Campuran dalam Kawasan Hutan Lindung Bukit Daun

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    The research aims to determine the number of individuals, age structure and sex ratio in the Simpai population or sub-population in the Bukit Daun Protected Forest. The research used the direct sencus method or direct counting of individual hoops (P. m. melalophos) in a sub-population in the field. Observations were carried out at 06.00-18.00 WIB and increased observations were carried out four times on different days. The research results show that there are three sub-populations of Simpai in the Bukit Daun Protected Forest Area. The number of individuals in the first sub-population is 10 individuals, the second sub-population is 13 individuals, and the third sub-population is 15 individuals. Based on the age structure, the number of young individuals, namely teenagers and children, including babies, in the third sub-population is greater (24 individuals) compared to adults (14 individuals). The sex ratio of adult male and female hoops, namely (1:3) in subpopulations I and II, is higher than subpopulation III (1:2), whereas in the juvenile group, the sex ratio in subpopulation III (1:4) is higher than subpopulation I and II (1:2). Keywords: Bukit Daun Protected Forest, Sex ratio, Hoop, Age Structure, Subpopulatio

    Wealth Study of Types Of Rats On Natural And Made In Ecosystems In Bengkulu Province

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    Rats are cosmopolitan animals because they are able to adapt to environmental changes. These small mammals can be found from primary and secondary forests, plantation areas, rice fields to human settlements. The species richness, distribution, size and dynamics of rats in an ecosystem are determined by external factors such as climate, season, availability of food, habitat / ecosystem type, barrier, type of vegetation cover, soil type, competition, predation and internal factors such as age structure and fertility. This study aims to analyze the richness of rats in natural ecosystems such as secondary forests, swamp forests, grasslands and artificial ecosystems such as palm plantation ecosystems, rubber plantations and rice field ecosystems in Bengkulu Province. The study is located around Bengkulu University, Rojolelo Park, palm plantation of PT. Bio Nusantara, North Bengkulu regency and Mekar Jaya village in Muko-Muko Regency. The study was conducted for four (4) months from April to August 2016. Rats were collected using clamps traps and all traps placed in the study areas used purposive sampling method. The results of the study found five (5) species of rats occupying different ecosystems, namely Rattus tiomanicus, R. exulans, R. argentiventer, R. novergicus and Mus musculus castaneus. Species of R. tiomanicus and R. exulans are cosmopolitan species that occupy all types of ecosystems. R. argentiventer  are characteristic in rice field ecosystem, R. novergicus occupies only palm and rubber plant ecosystems while Mus musculus castaneus is found only in palm and paddy field ecosystem

    Preferensi Tikus terhadap Beberapa Jenis Umpan yang Berbeda di Kawasan Pemukiman

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    This study aims to determine the preferences of rats for different types of feed in the residential area of ​​RT 6 and RT 8, Kandang Limun Village, Muara Bangkahulu District, Bengkulu City. The method used was random sampling with 20 clip-type mouse traps and four different types of feed baits distributed randomly around the residential areas of RT 6 and RT 8 in Kandang Limun Village. The rat collection was carried out in five replications and the number was counted, identified and preserved. Rat morphometry data were analyzed quantitatively and described descriptively. The results showed that there were two types of rats with a total of 13 individuals collected, namely Rattus tanezumi (12 individuals) and Suncus murinus (1 individual). The level of preference of rats for salted fish is 6%, sweet potato and corn is 3%, while cassava is the least preferred feed (1%). In conclusion, two species of rats were found in the residential area of ​​RT 6 and RT 8, Kandang Limun Village. The rats prefer salted fish bait than sweet potato, corn and cassava.  Keywords: Settlement, Preference, Rat, Bai

    Studi Kesejahteraan Kucing Peliharaan di Beberapa Toko Hewan Peliharaan (Pet Shop)

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    This study aims to describe the welfare conditions of cats kept in several pet shops in Bengkulu City, especially regarding eating and drinking, health, comfort and contact with other cats. The method used is direct observation (direct survey) and interviews with pet shop owners or servers. The data obtained were analyzed by calculating the percentage of pet shops that pay attention to the welfare of cats and those that do not. The results showed that the cat is eating welfare obtained an average percentage of 83.3%, drinking 66.7%, health 88.9%, comfort 100% and contact with other cats 58.3%. In conclusion, the pet shop in Bengkulu City meets cat welfare standards in aspects of eating, drinking, health, comfort, and contact with other cats.  Keywords: Animal Welfare, Cats, Bengkulu City, Pet sho


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    Study of Littoral Macrophytes community at waters of Dendam Tak Sudah Lake Bengkulu City has been conducted at three sites from September through December 2011. The purpose of this study was to determine the species composition and community of litoral macrophytes at waters of the lake. The sites/spot sampling area were determined by using purposive sampling : SITE I (Crinum community), SITE II (Cyperus community) and SITE III (Metroxylon sago community) data was collected by using Squares method. The data observed was density, frequency, important value index, and diversity index. The Abiotic factors such as temperature, humidity, dissolved oxygen, water acidity, were also measured. Specimens collected was documented by digital camera, and herbarium. Makrophyte identification was held at Biology Laboratory of Bengkulu University. It was found 25 species of litoral makrophytes that grouped into 4 classes, 13 orders, and 15 families. The highest value of macrophytes density was at site II (11.806 individuals / m2) and the lowest value of macrophytes density was at site III (6.83 individuals / m2). The highest important value of macrophytes was at location I (199.03%) and the lowest important value of macrophytes was at location II(194.52%). The highest of macrophytes Diversity Index (H ') was at site II (H '=1.89 ) and the lowest macrophytes Diversity Index was at site III ( H ': 1.52)


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    This study aims to analyze burrowing activities of endogeic earthworms Pontoscolex corethrurus on some soil types namely garden soil (mineral soil), peat soil and sandy soil. The earthworm movement observed include vertical and horizontal movement. This study was conducted in the laboratory of Ecology, University of Bengkulu from January to March 2015. The parameters observed in this study is a long period of earthworms enter to the media, long period of earthworm reaches a depth of 20 cm and a length of a pore or hole formed by earthworms P. corethrurus. The results showed that the ability of earthworms to create pores or holes in the soil through their movement activities varied on three types of soil. Long period of earthworms to enter to three kinds of soil, is not significantly different statistically (at 5.62 minutes on peat soil, at 6.11 minutes on garden soil and 5.62 minutes on peat soil). In all three media, the fastest vertical movement of earthworms to reach the bottom of a glass container (depth 20 cm) is in the garden soil media (14.5 minutes) and significantly different on peat soil (14.75 minutes) and sandy soil (16.24 minutes). The longest vertical pores formed by earthworms is on sandy soil with a pore length of 16.24 cm and is significantly different from lenght of vertical pores on garden soil 13.25 cm and 12.64 cm on peat soil. The longest horizontal pores is on garden soil (7.33 cm) and significantly different from horizontal pores on peat soil (6.14 cm) and on sandy soils (3.61 cm). The vertical pores formed by the earthworms P. corethrurus were longer than the horizontal pores


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    Padang Sugihan Reserve is one of sanctuary areas in South Sumatra Province becoming the natural habitat of Sumatran elephants. Nowadays, this areal reserve is going through destruction threat because of local society activities staying in surrounding sanctuary area. Illegal logging Maleleuca cajuputi and annual fire of vegetation in dry season have changed the vegetation structure in preserve area. Deforestation has affected on micro climate, decreased the supply of elephant food plants and reduced elephant home range. The vegetation destruction can minimize the elephant reproduction hatchability so that it can threat elephant conservation. This study aims to inventory the vegetation species involving species of elephant food plants in five community types growing in reserve area that is mixed swamp forest in along the edge of Padang river, community of secondary forest growing along several primary channels, Malaleuca cajuputi community, land grass community and swamp grass community along Sugihan river. The vegetation analysis had been conducted by using line transect method in square plots sizing 20 x 20 m (trees), 10 x 10 (stands), 5 x 5 m, 2 x 2 m (seeds), 1 x 1 (herbs and grasses). The results showed that there were 48 species of plants in mixed swamp forest and secondary forest that are 27 species as seeds till trees and 17 species as herb vegetation and 4 species as small plant. Mentaru (Schima walichii), Putat (Barringtonia spicata), Pelangas (Antidesma tetrandum), Leban (Vitex repens) as trees and stands, and Lempuar (Achasma megalocheilas), pakis (Nephrolepis exalata) as herb vegetation were the general species found in both communities. Plant species as elephant foods consisted of 14 species (seeds till trees) and 17 species as herbs. Malaleuca cajuputi was the dominant trees in this community type and almost there were none of another tree species. Herb vegetations were dominated by Belidang (Fimbristylis annua) and Ilalang (Imperata cylindrica). In the type of land grass and swamp grass communities, it was found 10 species that is almost all of them as elephant food plants, in which Belidang, Ilalang and Pakis Resam (Gleichenia linearis) dominated land grass communities and Kumpai Minyak (Paspalumconjugatum), Paspalum virgatum, kumpai tembaga (Paspalum fasciculatum) dominate the communities of swamp grasses
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