497 research outputs found

    In vitro regeneration of Basella alba L

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    Basella alba L. is a tropical vine used as a vegetable in some Asian and African countries. It has potential as a nontraditional crop for small family farms. A short day plant, it blooms during the fall, provided the temperatures are mild. In the southeastern U.S., the short days of fall are associated with subfreezing temperatures, and plants are killed before blooming. Attempts were made to regenerate the plant using tissue culture techniques. Several trials were conducted with different media, hormones, and explants. It was found that nodal segments on Gamborg medium regenerated shoots. Interaction studies of auxins and cytokinins indicated that its endogeneous auxin content might be high because callus proliferated in almost all treatments and roots initiated even when the medium was not supplemented with an auxin

    Impact of Ethical Leadership on Task Performance and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Moderating Role of Islamic Work Ethics

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    The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of ethical leadership on task performance and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), with the boundary condition of Islamic work ethics (IWE). Data were collected from 200 employees working in the public and private sector organizations in Islamabad, Pakistan. The data were analyzed through SPSS. The collected data revealed that ethical leadership has a positive and significant influence on task performance and OCB. Furthermore, IWE was also found a significant moderator by enhancing the relationship of ethical leadership and both the outcome variables. It concluded that ethical leadership sets the tone for the employees for improving their task performance and OCB. Additionally, Islamic work ethics can also enhance the positive outcomes of ethical leadership.&nbsp

    An Entire Coronary System Arising from Right Coronary Cusp: A Rare Anomaly

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    The prevalence of coronary artery anomalies is approximately 0.6% in individuals undergoing angiography. Most of the anomalies are benign, but some can lead to myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy, and sudden cardiac death. It is very rare to have an entire coronary circulation that arises from the right coronary cusp. We present a case of a 57-year-old male who presented with complaints of chest pain and dyspnea on exertion. An invasive angiogram revealed all the three coronary arteries originating from the right coronary cusp. It is crucial to define coronary anatomy as anomalies dictate which cardiac intervention should be attempted in cases of ischemia

    Multicultural Teacher Preparation in Practice: A Hermeneutical Disposition

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    It is a fact that learning to teach is basically a social and practical activity that is supported and informed by theoretical reflections. Field experience and realities should be the core component of any teacher preparation program. That is why, most of the teacher education programs based on theory into practice model. The main aim of this research is not to reject this model, but to sketch out an alternative way of teacher preparation that is based upon teacher’s own context and socio cultural settings or in other words teacher preparation must be organized Hermeneutically. The hermeneutical approach of Hans-Georg Gadamer, is not only of philosophical importance but contains practical implications also. The concepts of understanding, interpretation and application are the core concepts of teacher preparation. In contrast to adopting an entire theory as the guiding principle to the whole content and practice of teacher preparation courses, this research argue for the focus to be on inculcating a hermeneutic disposition in all teachers preparation programs and courses. Hermeneutics is basic to human interaction, especially in dealing with student-teachers belongs to diverse socio-cultural settings or multicultural environment. The main argument or focus of this research is that it is necessary that the teacher preparation programs must be consider the problem of multiculturalism (inter and intra cultural). Multicultural Teacher Preparation (MTP) or hermeneutical mode of teacher preparation plays an important role in the preparation of teachers. It will be helpful for teachers to develop a deep level understanding of students needs belongs to various backgrounds and perspectives, not through applying a predetermined model of classroom activities, but through helping future teachers to recognize their own prejudices and how these help to determine their understandings of diversity in their future classrooms. Developing a hermeneutic disposition in teachers training facilitates and enrich experience of future teachers. A mixed method design was used to conduct the study

    Catheter Related Infections in Medical Intensive Care Units

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    To determine the frequency of different isolates from samples taken from catheter tips of tracheal suction catheters, endotracheal tubes and central venous pressure line catheters among the patients of medical intensive care unitsMethods: In this descriptive cross sectional study a total of 200 patients were checked for bacterial or fungal growth. Included samples were 140 from suction catheters, 51 from endotracheal tubes and 9 from CVP catheters cultured for bacterial or fungal growth. Different organisms were identified on the basis of colony morphology, Colony staining and Biochemical reactions.Results: Out of 200 patients, majority (72.5%) patients were found to be positive for bacterial or fungal growth. Out of which 89(62.2%) were male and 54(37.8%) were females. One hundred and one (69.7%), 38(26.2%), 6(4.1%) growth cultures were obtained from samples of tracheal suction catheter tips, ETT tips and CVP catheter tips respectively. Microorganisms isolated were Acinetobacter species 62(42.8%), Klebsiella species 43(29.7%), Pseudomonas species 19(13.1%), E.coli 8(5.5%), MRSA 5(3.4%), Candida albicans 4(2.8%), Proteus 2(1.4%) and Staphylococcus aureus 2(1.4%).Conclusion: Acinetobacter, Klebsiella and Pseudomonas were the most frequent infectious agents isolated from catheter tips in settings of medical intensive care units

    Hypertrophic gastric folds with hypomagnesemia, linking the dots

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    A Caucasian man in early 80s was seen in Gastroenterology Clinic, following, referral from the Endocrinology Clinic for concerns for CT Abdomen requested for tiredness and weight loss of three kilograms. The patient also had microcytic picture with low MCV and Ferritin and hypomagnesemia. The CT suggested gross circumferential thickening of the wall of stomach with advice for invasive investigations to further characterise the CT findings. The Endoscopy suggested grossly enlarged rugae in the stomach, and enlarged gastric polyps. Patient was assured no new sinister abnormality. Treatment challenges to consider were to stop acid suppression by prescribing Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) which would lead to stomach ulcers, or to continue with PPIs with sequalae of worsening of hypertrophic gastric folds, enlarged gastric polyps and hypomagnesemia. It would be necessary to consider risk versus benefits in either situation to determine an appropriate treatment plan in the long term. With background of Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome and MEN1 with heterozygous mutation with gastrinoma of the duodenum, and frailty he was advised to continue with Proton Pump Inhibitors with twice weekly correction of Magnesium infusions, and Iron tablets following Multi-disciplinary meeting

    Omnichannel Development within the Pakistani Fashion Retail

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    We examined the omnichannel Development within the Pakistani Fashion Retail and observed both Retailer and Consumer perspective in our study to see the development and Potential of Omnichannel. We selected 25 retailers (of which 22 are using multi-channels) and 224 shoppers who used more than one channel for purchasing fashion products, (due to some model fitness error we reduced our final sample size to 205 respondents). We used UTAUT2 model with 2 more predictors (perceived security and Personal innovativeness) which we found effected in purchase intention of consumer from some previous literature.  As per Retailer Perspective we found that we are at an extremely early stage of omnichannel. Organizations are slowly transforming but some retailers are still under threat because of associated risks with changing their business models. Omnichannel loyalty service was found to be the weakest in current development due to profitability factors for organization which seem more important, and retailers also need to focus on data and analytics & IT structure to improve omnichannel journey. As per consumer perspective, the survey results show that the security is the main concern for the shoppers in Pakistan, it restricts shopper to provide their personal information to retailers also factors of social influence and hedonic motivation not found positively influenced in our model but habit and personal innovativeness found the key factors for omnichannel development also performance and effort expectancy founds positively influenced in the development of omnichannel. By summarizing both perspective we finally conclude (Fig. 26) that retailers should integrated their all channels in a way which gives consumer totally unified and seamless shopping experience and hit their purchase intention in a positive way which support omnichannel development in Pakistan Fashion Retail Industry. Keywords: Omnichannel, Integration, Purchase intention, transforming, loyalty services, data and analytics, Security, Effort Expectancy, Habit, Personal Innovativeness DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/54-06 Publication date:March 31st 201
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