11 research outputs found

    Arahan Pengembangan Agroindustri Pengolahan Minyak Kayu Putih Di Kabupaten Buru - Development Of Agro-Industries Of Eucalyptus Oil In The Buru District

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    Luas hutan kayu putih dan jumlah produksi minyak kayu putih di Pulau Buru merupakan terbesar di Indonesia. Pendapatan industri minyak kayu putih di pulau buru terus menurun dalam 5 tahun terakhir dan masih dikelola secara konvensional. Peningkatan kapasitas produksi dan nilai tambah diperlukan, karena minyak kayu putih adalah komoditas unggulan di Kabupaten Buru, dan mayoritas penduduk Kabupaten Buru bekerja di sektor primer, dengan angka kemiskinan diatas ratarata nasional. Oleh karena itu, pengembangan agroindustri pengolahan minyak kayu putih merupakan salah satu solusi pembangunan ekonomi masyarakat di Kabupaten Buru. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan arahan pengembangan agroindustri pengolahan minyak kayu putih di Kabupaten Buru, yang dilakukan melalui tiga tahapan analisa, yaitu penentuan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengembangan agroindustri pengolahan minyak kayu putih menggunakan analisis korelasi; klasterisasi wilayah potensial pengembangan agroindustri pengolahan minyak kayu putih melalui analisis hierarcical cluster; dan penyusunan arahan pengembangan agroindustri pengolahan minyak kayu putih menggunakan Analisis Content terhadap hasil wawancara stakeholder. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah teridentifikasinya faktorfaktor yang mempengaruhi pengembangan agroindustri pengolahan minyak kayu putih di Kabupaten Buru adalah: jumlah industri, indeks aglomerasi, jumlah produksi, nilai investasi, jumlah pekerja, potensi bahan baku, jumlah pengangguran, pendapatan pekerja, tingkat pelayanan jalan, kelompok pekerja, lembaga pelatihan, koperasi pekerja, jumlah penduduk, kepadatan penduduk, jumlah penduduk tamat SMA, dan jarak industri dengan permukiman. Terdapat 6 cluster arahan pengembangan dan 2 fase roadmap, yakni cluster pembentukan industri baru, cluster optimalisasi bahan baku, dan cluster peningkatan kapasitas produksi secara efisien, (Factor-Driven); cluster efisiensi bahan baku, cluster mempertahankan aktivitas industri, dan cluster diferensiasi produk (Capital-Driven). ======================================================================================================================== Eucalyptus forest area and total production of eucalyptus oil on Buru Island are the largest in Indonesia. The revenue of eucalyptus oil industry in Buru decreased in the last 5 years and is still managed conventionally. The increasing production capacity and value added is necessary, because eucalyptus oil is the leading commodity in Buru, and majority of the population work in the primary sector, with poverty rate above the national average. Therefore, the development of agro-processing eucalyptus oil is one solution to the economic development in Buru. This research aims to determine the direction of development of agro-processing eucalyptus oil in Buru, which is done through: determining the factors that influence the development of agro-processing eucalyptus oil using correlation analysis; clustering potential development of agro-processing area through hierarcical cluster analysis; and the preparation of the development of agro-processing of eucalyptus oil using Content Analysis. The result of this research is identification of factors influencing the development of agro-processing eucalyptus oil in Buru, namely: the number of industries, agglomeration index, the amount of production, the value of the investment, the number of workers, raw material potential, the number of unemployment, labor income, level of service, group of workers, training institutions, cooperative workers, population, population density, population graduated from high school, and the distance between industry and settlements. There are 6 development clusters and 2 phases of the roadmap, namely: establishment of new industrial cluster, optimization of raw materials cluster, and the increasing of production capacity efficiently cluster (Factor-Driven); raw material efficiency cluster, industrial activity maintenance cluster, and product differentiation cluster (Capital-Driven)

    Penentuan Cluster Pengembangan Agroindustri Pengolahan Minyak Kayu Putih di Kabupaten Buru

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    Potensi komoditas kayu putih di Pulau Buru merupakan yang terbesar di Indonesia, namun pendapatan industri minyak kayu putih di pulau buru terus menurun dalam 5 tahun terakhir dan masih dikelola secara konvensional. Sehingga penentuan Cluster pengembangan agroindustri diperlukan untuk mengetahui wilayah potensial yang perlu ditingkatkan kinerja industrinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan Cluster pengembangan agroindustri pengolahan minyak kayu putih di Kabupaten Buru, yang dilakukan melalui penentuan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengembangan agroindustri pengolahan minyak kayu putih menggunakan analisis korelasi, dan menentukan Cluster menggunakan analisis Hierarcical Cluster. Hasil analisis menunjukkan teridentifikasinya faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengembangan agroindustri pengolahan minyak kayu putih di Kabupaten Buru, yaitu jumlah industri rumah tangga (IRT), indeks aglomerasi, jumlah produksi, nilai investasi, jumlah tenaga kerja, potensi bahan baku, Jarak antara IRT dengan Permukiman, Jumlah Pengangguran, dan Pendapatan Rata-rata Pekerja, Jumlah Penduduk, Kepadatan Penduduk, Jumlah Penduduk Tamat SMA, tingkat pelayanan jalan, rasio kelompok pekerja, rasio lembaga pelatihan, dan rasio koperasi pekerja. Teridentifikasi juga 6 cluster pengembangan agroindustri pengolahan minyak kayu putih, dengan karakteristik yang berbeda-beda.</p

    Penentuan Cluster Pengembangan Agroindustri Pengolahan Minyak Kayu Putih di Kabupaten Buru

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    Potensi komoditas kayu putih di Pulau Buru merupakan yang terbesar di Indonesia, namun pendapatan industri minyak kayu putih di pulau buru terus menurun dalam 5 tahun terakhir dan masih dikelola secara konvensional. Sehingga penentuan Cluster pengembangan agroindustri diperlukan untuk mengetahui wilayah potensial yang perlu ditingkatkan kinerja industrinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan Cluster pengembangan agroindustri pengolahan minyak kayu putih di Kabupaten Buru, yang dilakukan melalui penentuan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengembangan agroindustri pengolahan minyak kayu putih menggunakan analisis korelasi, dan menentukan Cluster menggunakan analisis Hierarcical Cluster. Hasil analisis menunjukkan teridentifikasinya faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengembangan agroindustri pengolahan minyak kayu putih di Kabupaten Buru, yaitu jumlah industri rumah tangga (IRT), indeks aglomerasi, jumlah produksi, nilai investasi, jumlah tenaga kerja, potensi bahan baku, Jarak antara IRT dengan Permukiman, Jumlah Pengangguran, dan Pendapatan Rata-rata Pekerja, Jumlah Penduduk, Kepadatan Penduduk, Jumlah Penduduk Tamat SMA, tingkat pelayanan jalan, rasio kelompok pekerja, rasio lembaga pelatihan, dan rasio koperasi pekerja. Teridentifikasi juga 6 cluster pengembangan agroindustri pengolahan minyak kayu putih, dengan karakteristik yang berbeda-beda

    Coastal erosion risk assessment in the coastal area of Muara Asam Asam, Tanah Laut Regency

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    Coastal erosion is the process of land erosion in coastal areas due to waves and ocean currents which reduce land and can adversely affect socio-economic activities in coastal areas. Coastal erosion risk assessment in the estuary is a development of previous research, because the erosion and accretion processes do not only occur along the shoreline, but also on the side facing river water bodies, due to the confluence of fluvial and marine processes. The landward shift of the shoreline in the Muara Asam Asam coastal area has reached 90 meters in the last 28 years, and has been detrimental because the area is a densely populated area with major economic activities in the fisheries and agriculture sectors. This study aims to determine the coastal erosion risk level zones based on the relationship among vulnerability and consequence parameters, through distance decay weighted based method. The results indicate that Muara Asam Asam has high risk zones of coastal erosion, especially in densely populated residential areas and dry land agriculture on the west side of the estuary, due to the lack of implementation of preventive measures through hard coastal structure and coastal zoning policy to protect socio-economic activities and coastal ecological environments

    Land Value in a Disaster-Prone Urbanized Coastal Area: A Case Study from Semarang City, Indonesia

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    Coastal areas have been growing massively worldwide. The fast growth also affects the land value in either a positive or a negative way. Many scholars have studied land value and the factors that affect it in areas prone to sudden-onset disasters. In contrast, studies on urbanized coastal areas that suffer from slow-onset disasters are still lacking. Using a case study from Semarang City in Indonesia, this research aims at ameliorating this limitation. To comprehensively understand the aim, two research questions are addressed: (1) What is the distribution of land value in urbanized coastal areas? (2) How do the different distribution factors determine the land value? Based on in-depth interviews with key persons, map analyses, and desk studies, this research discovers that land value is distributed randomly among coastal areas. The dynamics of land value are determined by road access, distance, and accessibility to the city center and CBD, public facilities, transportation facilities, population composition, physical environment, and disasters. Surprisingly, the coastal areas in Semarang that experience combined disasters showed that disasters could not decrease the land value; the value in some areas is constant or even increasing. This shows the different impacts of disasters on land value for slow-onset disasters and sudden-onset disasters

    Geographic Information System for Spatial Planning in Indonesia and Its Support for Smart City Development

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    GISTARU (Geographic Information System for Spatial Planning) is a web-based and GIS-based information system in Indonesia that makes it easy for the public to access spatial information. In GISTARU, there are an Online Spatial Plan (RTR Online) and an Interactive Detailed Spatial Plan (RDTR) application. This research aims to; Identify and analyze the use of the Online Spatial Plan (RTR Online) website and Interactive Detailed Spatial Planning (RDTR Interactive) application in GISTARU and as well as identify the requirements for developing the website and application. In addition, the research outcomes are analyzed in terms of their contribution to the development of smart cities. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and website searches related to GISTARU, RTR Online, and RDTR Interactive at the national, provincial, and district or city levels. In-depth interview analysis is carried out through selected cases. The results showed that most regions in Indonesia have an integrated spatial pattern with GISTARU. However, there were inconsistencies in the RTR Online and RDTR Interactive data entry in GISTARU. In the meantime, relatively few spatial structure data are integrated with RTR Online. The Interactive Detailed Spatial Plan application is now operational in the majority of Indonesian provinces. The only province in which all regions have implemented interactive RDTR is DKI Jakarta. This Geographic Information System for Spatial Planning is very useful for achieving the goal of smart cities, particularly related to public services in the smart governance dimension

    Best Practices of Capital City Relocation in Various Countries: Literature Review

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    Capital city relocation issue is currently emerging due to the condition and problem Indonesia encounters. Study toward some cases of capital city relocation could be crucial input for analysis and comparison. This paper aims to review capital city relocation examples. Literature review shows there are variances in background and driving factors internally or externally, and infrastructure needs for city development. The driving factors consist of environmental pressure, pollution, urban heat island, housing, urban sprawl, and disaster. The infrastructures required for the development of a new capital city are information and communication technology (ICT), physical infrastructure, transportation, and open green space. From the analysis, Myanmar’s Yangon to Naypyidaw relocation and Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur to Putrajaya relocation are the best practices in capital city development that boosts new activities and urban extension. Burma shows the infrastructure’s role in development of a new capital city and Kuala Lumpur reveals how ICT implementation helps to establish a new capital city. This paper is expected to fill the research gap from previous research in terms of reviews related to the need for ICT in capital city preparation. This indicates that this paper has followed the trend of ICT advancement. The next research and publication will strengthen the use of ICT as one of the variables

    Innovation in Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Best Practices from Five Smart Cities in Indonesia

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    In relation to innovations which help to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, the best practices of several smart cities become an important input to organize and create strategies for future cities. This research aims to identify the responses of cities to the COVID-19 pandemic; analyze their innovation in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic; and create strategies and planning for the future of the cities. This study analyzes aspects such as the use of information and communication technology (ICT), smart city implementation, the biological disaster of the COVID-19 pandemic, the environment, and spatial plans. This research was carried out in five smart cities using a case study. The results indicated that each case had innovations for coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. They showed a uniqueness and local innovations adapted to the problems faced in the five case areas. The innovations were demonstrated by the use of ICT-based applications in several public services as part of smart city implementation. The concept of a smart city, which addresses the biological disaster of the COVID-19 pandemic through the existence of ship-based isolation centers and sociotechnical innovations, was then adapted in various cities throughout Indonesia. In terms of the smart environment concept, this is translated through technological and social innovation approaches to improve medical and domestic waste management, public service systems, and the socialization of environmental protection programs in cities during the pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic is allegedly accelerating the implementation of the smart city concept in spatial planning. There is a tendency for the use of public space in the city center to shift to local-scale service centers. Additionally, other activities are increasingly occupying the digital space so that it affects the arrangement of spatial organization and increases the need for ICT infrastructure. The efficient and flexible use of applications for supporting the implementation of smart cities needs to be broadened for the public services provided by both the government and private sectors. Meanwhile, in relation to the dimensions of a smart environment, it is necessary to take into account the waste management as a result of COVID-19. The same case is the aspect of spatial planning in which it is necessary to redesign open spaces for public use. City planning in the future also needs to be capable of the smart mitigation of non-physical disasters, such as the COVID-19 pandemic