10 research outputs found


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    In the marriage process, of course, there will be various traditions that are different in each region, for example, such as the bajapuik tradition carried out by the Minangkabau community in Pariaman. This article aims to find out the explanation of the bajapuik tradition, both in terms of its meaning, procedures, and people’s views on the tradition. The method of writing this article is done by using the quantitative causality method, namely library research by reading articles related to the bajapuik tradition. Bajapuik tradition is a pre-wedding activity by giving bajapuik money from the bride’s side to the groom’s side. The amount of the bajapuik money itself depends on the title, education, and occupation of the prospective groom. This tradition has a positive goal, namely to strengthen family relations and to respect each other between the two sides of the bride’s family. Because bajapuik has been carried out for a long time, of course people will get used to it and it will feel strange if there is a wedding in Pariaman that does not use this bajapuik tradition. Those who do not do it will surely get social sanctions in the form of innuendo, gossip and be looked down upon by the local community. The community will assume that the bride’s family does not respect the groom’s family and does not respect the customs that have been implemented so far


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    In Minangkabau the role of ninik mamak, mamak and kamanakan is very important. For example, when there is a problem between communities, it is Ninik Mamak who will handle it. So what's the difference between ninik mamak and mamak? So Ninik mamak consists of several penghulu, existing tribes, while the mamak is the mother's brother. Ninik mamak are elders in the tribe and in their nagari, usually ninik mamak are traditional leaders in Minang whose leadership is usually traditional, the position of ninik mamak is usually different, some are equal and some are tiered. This article aims to determine the role of ninik mamak, mamak and kamanakan both in terms of function and meaning. Method From writing this article using the library, namely reading existing sources such as articles related to the theme. In Minang, the role of mamak is very important to the child. Mamak, will teach all things about the norms that exist in the family, with that kamanakan who will carry on for the next if Mamak is no longer there. and the mamak acts as a protector for her sisters and keeps the inheritance, then as a mamak, she must set a good example for her kamanas so that her kamanas will emulate her mamak's attitude. With a good upbringing from mamak then kamanakan will be noticed by the communit


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    ABSTRACTThis research is presented to examine the decoration contained in the manuscripts in Kerinci, because it is seen from the problem that in the development of civilization and the tradition of writing manuscripts it is common to change the form of illumination and illustration in manuscripts due to various factors which are the result of human creativity. For the method that the author uses in this research is using a qualitative method with a codicological approach, whose primary source focuses on several Kerinci manuscripts that have been digitized. Then for other sources this research is assisted by references such as books, articles, and other sources related to this study. The result of this paper is knowledge and description of the decoration on the manuscript in the form of illumination and illustration on several manuscripts found in the Kerinci region in the form of manuscript decoration and explanation of the meaning of the contents of the manuscript.Keywords: Decoration, Script, Illumination, Illustration, Kerinci. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dihadirkan untuk menelisik hiasan yang terdapat pada naskah yang ada di Kerinci, dikarenakan dilihat dari persoalan bahwa dalam perkembangan peradaban dan tradisi penulisan naskah lumrah terjadi perubahan bentuk iluminasi maupun ilustrasi pada naskah karena disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor yang merupakan hasil dari kreativitas manusia. Untuk metode yang penulis gunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu memakai metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan kodikologi, yang sumber primernya berfokus kepada beberapa naskah-naskah Kerinci yang sudah digitalisasi. Kemudian untuk sumber-sumber lainnya penelitian ini dibantu oleh referensi seperti buku, artikel, dan sumber lainnya yang berkaitan dengan kajian ini. Adapun hasil dari tulisan ini adalah pengetahuan dan deskripsi tentang hiasan pada naskah berupa iluminasi dan ilustrasi pada beberapa naskah yang terdapat di wilayah Kerinci yang berupa hiasan naskah dan penjelasan dari makna isi naskah.Kata Kunci:  Hiasan, Naskah, Iluminasi, Ilustrasi, Kerinci


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    Purpose: This study aims to describe gender harmonization in al Mu'āsharah's manuscript by Sheikh Abdul Laṭīf Syakūr. This concept is considered as Syakūr's understanding of gender equality, as one of the 17 goals in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), from an Islamic perspective. Methodology: The analysis of this manuscript uses a descriptive-analytic method to bring up the facts in the manuscript which are then analyzed according to the targets and indicators contained in SDGs 5 formulation on gender equality. Main Findings: This research presents the concept of gender relations in al Mu’āsharah leading to Islamic gender equality as an elaboration of rights and obligations between husband and wife. The existence of women in career and the sustainability of education is fairness according to Shakūr. Likewise, in sexual relations, Syakūr stressed the importance of women getting the same thing as men. Through this research, it is found that there is gender harmonization presented by Shakūr in al mu’āsharah with the concept of fastabiqulkhairat as a form of gender relations in an Islamic family towards real gender equality. Implications/Applications: This research provides an overview of the role of gender harmonization in SDG. Novelty/Originality of this study: Gender equality, which is the goal of the SDGs 5 to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, has relevance to ancient manuscripts of the archipelago. This study highlights that gender equality can be enjoyed by the people of the archipelago following the evolving culture and customs. Just like the actual gender equality goals of the SDGs, women should be honored and respected, to create a gender equality discourse

    Tradisi dan Transmisi Teks Ngaji Adat di Wilayah Hukum Adat Tigo Luhah Tanah Sekudung

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    The aim of this research was to determine the process of deriving ngaji adat texts found in the Tigo Luhah Tanah Sekudung customary law area. From the results of this research, the author hopes to contribute to the treasures of history and philology in Indonesia. In this research, the author used a descriptive type of research and used a philological research methodology in its implementation, namely the process of transmitting ngaji adat manuscripts starting from the first Hyperketip, to the third manuscript found. The data collection technique used is from searching for hypertypes of manuscripts to collecting subsequent manuscripts that have been copied by the next generation. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used is manuscript description and text transmission. Based on this research, it can be seen what the ngaji adat traditions are, and what the forms and procedures for transmitting ngaji adat manuscripts are in the Tigo Luhah Tanah Sekudung customary law area. Abstract Pelaksanaan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses penurunan teks ngaji adat yang ditemukan diwilayah hukum adat tigo luhah tanah sekudung. Dari hasil penelitian ini penulis berharap bisa memberikan sumbangan khazanah kesejarahan dan filologi di Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dan menggunakan metodologi penelitian filologi dalam pelaksanaannya, yakni proses transmisi naskah ngaji adat mulai dari Hiperketip pertama, hingga naskah ketiga yang ditemukan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah mulai dari pencarian hiperketip naskah hingga, hingga pengumpulan naskah naskah setelahnya yangtelah disalin oleh generasi berikutnya. Sedangkan Teknik analisi data yang digunakan adalah deskripsi naskah dan transmisi teks. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, dapat diketahui bagaimana tradisi ngaji adat, dan juga bagaimana bentuk dan tata cara penurunan naskah ngaji adat diwilayah hukum adat tigo luhah tanah sekudung.The aim of this research was to determine the process of deriving ngaji adat texts found in the Tigo Luhah Tanah Sekudung customary law area. From the results of this research, the author hopes to contribute to the treasures of history and philology in Indonesia. In this research, the author used a descriptive type of research and used a philological research methodology in its implementation, namely the process of transmitting ngaji adat manuscripts starting from the first Hyperketip, to the third manuscript found. The data collection technique used is from searching for hypertypes of manuscripts to collecting subsequent manuscripts that have been copied by the next generation. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used is manuscript description and text transmission. Based on this research, it can be seen what the ngaji adat traditions are, and what the forms and procedures for transmitting ngaji adat manuscripts are in the Tigo Luhah Tanah Sekudung customary law area. Abstract Pelaksanaan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses penurunan teks ngaji adat yang ditemukan diwilayah hukum adat tigo luhah tanah sekudung. Dari hasil penelitian ini penulis berharap bisa memberikan sumbangan khazanah kesejarahan dan filologi di Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dan menggunakan metodologi penelitian filologi dalam pelaksanaannya, yakni proses transmisi naskah ngaji adat mulai dari Hiperketip pertama, hingga naskah ketiga yang ditemukan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah mulai dari pencarian hiperketip naskah hingga, hingga pengumpulan naskah naskah setelahnya yangtelah disalin oleh generasi berikutnya. Sedangkan Teknik analisi data yang digunakan adalah deskripsi naskah dan transmisi teks. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, dapat diketahui bagaimana tradisi ngaji adat, dan juga bagaimana bentuk dan tata cara penurunan naskah ngaji adat diwilayah hukum adat tigo luhah tanah sekudung


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    Purpose: This study aims to analyze the perception of the millennials of Javanese, Sundanese, and Minang in choosing a spouse, arranged marriage, and forced marriage based on a West Sumatra’s ancient manuscript, al Mu'āsharah by Sheikh Abdul Laṭīf Shakūr.  Methodology: This research is a quantitative study using a questionnaire as a method and instrument. Based on the variables contained in the manuscript, a closed statement questionnaire was compiled and responded by 111 respondents using purposive sampling. SPSS was used for data analysis and results formulation.  Main Findings: The results show that the female’s millennials still adhere to noble values ​​in determining future husbands such as taqwa and good character, good health, broad-minded, and wise. The difference of opinion between the groups lies in the appearance of the prospective husband and the pleasure in receiving gifts. Meanwhile, the male’s millennials also want a future wife who has good morals, comes from a good family, and has a beautiful face. The differences of opinion of the groups are in the age and status variables of the prospective wife. In terms of arranged marriages and forced marriages, all refused to be married to people they unknown, even though the parents are the ones who forced them. They choose ta’aruf as a method of introducing a spouse before marriage. Implications/Applications: The findings of this research can be helpful for readers in understanding the phenomena of marriages in Islam and characteristics prefer while choosing a spouse. Novelty/Originality of this study: The number of sites and online matchmaking accounts both Muslim and non-Muslim has an influence on Indonesian Muslims who have diverse tribes. Dating selection is not only based on pleasure through the appearance and profile displayed online, but the in-depth search is required. This study has highlighted matchmaking preferences in Javanese culture and also analyzed aspects of Islam based on the work of scholars then compare it with other ethnicities in Indonesia

    Analisis Kodikologi dalam Manuskrip Al-Falaqiyah Karangan K. H. M. Burkan Saleh Kerinci

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    Artikel ini membahas tentang naskah kitab Al-Falaqiyah karya K.H.M Burkan Saleh ditinjau dari masalah fisik naskah, kolofon: analisis kodikologi. Penelitian ini diawali dengan analisis kodikologi naskah yang menjelaskan tentang gambaran umum naskah kitab Al-Falaqiyah baik dari segi sejarah naskah, tempat penyimpanan naskah, tempat penulisan naskah atau penyalinan naskah, mempelajari seluk beluk fisik naskah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif, yaitu penulis terjun langsung ke lokasi tempat penyimpanan naskah K.H.M Burkan Saleh, dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis, yaitu menggambarkan objek yang diteliti dengan apa adanya sesuai dengan data-data yang diperoleh, mengumpulkan data melalui teknik wawancara, dokumentasi. Selain itu, penulis juga menggunakan studi kepustakaan dengan mencari jurnal, artikel, buku-buku yang berkaitan dengan tema penelitian. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, penulis menemukan bahwa ilmu falakiah berhasil menyentuh wilayah Kerinci yang dikembangkan oleh K.H. M Burkan Saleh di desa Tanjung Pauh pada tahun 1937 yang ditulisnya di Pondok Pesantren Madrasah Jauhar al-Islami, Tanjung Juhur, Jambi, kini manuskripnya diwariskan kepada anak dan menantunya Darti dan Rasidin di Tanjung Pauh Mudik, yang merupakan dosen IAIN Kerinci. Abstract This article discusses the manuscript of kitab Al-Falaqiyah by K. H. M. Burkan Saleh in terms of the physical problems of the manuscript, colophon and its relevance as a historical source: codicology analysis, this research begins with a codicoly analysis of a manuscript that explains the general description of the manuscript of kitab Al-Falaqiyah both in terms of the history of the manuscript, the place where the manuscript is stored, the place of writing the manuscript or copying the manuscript, studying the physical ins and outs of the manuscript. The research method used in this research is qualitative, namely, the author goes directly to the location where the manuscript of K.H.M Burkan Saleh is stored, using the descriptive analysis method, namely describing the object under study as it is in accordance with the data obtained, collecting data through interview techniques, documentation. In addition, the author also uses literature studies by looking for journals, articles, books related to the research theme. Based on this research, the author found that the science of falakiah successfully touched the Kerinci region developed by K.H. M Burkan Saleh in Tanjung Pauh village in 1937 which he wrote at the Islamic Boarding School Madrasah Jauhar al-Islami, Tanjung Juhur, Jambi, now his manuscript was inherited to his son and son-in-law Darti and Rasidin in Tanjung Pauh Mudik, who is a lecturer at IAIN KerinciArtikel ini membahas tentang naskah kitab Al-Falaqiyah karya K.H.M Burkan Saleh ditinjau dari masalah fisik naskah, kolofon: analisis kodikologi. Penelitian ini diawali dengan analisis kodikologi naskah yang menjelaskan tentang gambaran umum naskah kitab Al-Falaqiyah baik dari segi sejarah naskah, tempat penyimpanan naskah, tempat penulisan naskah atau penyalinan naskah, mempelajari seluk beluk fisik naskah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif, yaitu penulis terjun langsung ke lokasi tempat penyimpanan naskah K.H.M Burkan Saleh, dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis, yaitu menggambarkan objek yang diteliti dengan apa adanya sesuai dengan data-data yang diperoleh, mengumpulkan data melalui teknik wawancara, dokumentasi. Selain itu, penulis juga menggunakan studi kepustakaan dengan mencari jurnal, artikel, buku-buku yang berkaitan dengan tema penelitian. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, penulis menemukan bahwa ilmu falakiah berhasil menyentuh wilayah Kerinci yang dikembangkan oleh K.H. M Burkan Saleh di desa Tanjung Pauh pada tahun 1937 yang ditulisnya di Pondok Pesantren Madrasah Jauhar al-Islami, Tanjung Juhur, Jambi, kini manuskripnya diwariskan kepada anak dan menantunya Darti dan Rasidin di Tanjung Pauh Mudik, yang merupakan dosen IAIN Kerinci. Abstract This article discusses the manuscript of kitab Al-Falaqiyah by K. H. M. Burkan Saleh in terms of the physical problems of the manuscript, colophon and its relevance as a historical source: codicology analysis, this research begins with a codicoly analysis of a manuscript that explains the general description of the manuscript of kitab Al-Falaqiyah both in terms of the history of the manuscript, the place where the manuscript is stored, the place of writing the manuscript or copying the manuscript, studying the physical ins and outs of the manuscript. The research method used in this research is qualitative, namely, the author goes directly to the location where the manuscript of K.H.M Burkan Saleh is stored, using the descriptive analysis method, namely describing the object under study as it is in accordance with the data obtained, collecting data through interview techniques, documentation. In addition, the author also uses literature studies by looking for journals, articles, books related to the research theme. Based on this research, the author found that the science of falakiah successfully touched the Kerinci region developed by K.H. M Burkan Saleh in Tanjung Pauh village in 1937 which he wrote at the Islamic Boarding School Madrasah Jauhar al-Islami, Tanjung Juhur, Jambi, now his manuscript was inherited to his son and son-in-law Darti and Rasidin in Tanjung Pauh Mudik, who is a lecturer at IAIN Kerinc


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    One of Shekh Abdul Latif Shakur’s, from Balai Gurah Agam, work is al-Mu’asharah. It have been inspired by various Arabic references which were than rewrite into Malay Language, the common language of general Minagkabau society. This paper aims to reveal the relation of it with other text which related to. Based on intertext method, it was found that some of the heroic stories in al-Mu’asharah came from Arabic manuscript. Hashiyah al-Bujairimi ‘ala Sharh Manhaj al-Tullab of Sulaiman al-Bujairimi; Tuhfah al-‘Arusin fi Sadat al-Zawjin of Muhammad Amin al-Danawiy and Tafsir al-Quran al-‘Azhim of Ibnu Kathir inspire Shakur to write some stories and Amirul Mukminin’s story when he become Khalifah. Stories of Abu al-Dard?’ and Salman al-Farisi sourced from al-Muhdhab of Abu Ishaq al Shirazy. In Addition, it was also found that al-Qur’an and Tafsir al Qur’an al ‘Azhim are Shakur’s references to write stories about Asiah, Paraoh’s wife, and Musa who was married to the daughter of Shu’ib in Madyan. The stories are retold by Shakur in a simple language hoping that all Islamic generations will read it. Rewriting these stories are expected to be an Islamic references for the millenial generation whose their reading resourses have been dominated by non-Islamic figures

    Semiotika Michael Riffaterre Dalam Puisi Zahaba al-Mudawi Wa al-Mudawa Karya Abu Atahiyah

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    Semiotika adalah ilmu yang mengkaji tentang tanda-tanda. Salah satu teori semiotika tersebut adalah terdapat dalam puisi Abu Atahiyah yang berjudul ذهب المداوي و المداوى. Puisi tersebut menceritakan bahwa kematian akan datang kepada siapa saja. Puisi ini dipilih karena memiliki nilai estetika dan kompleksitas semiotik yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis semiotika Michael Riffaterre dalam puisi berjudul ذهب المداوي و المداوى karya Abu Atahiyyah. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur dan makna yang terkandung dalam syair Abu Atahiyah tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-analitis untuk menganalisis puisi secara mendalam. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah pendekatan semiotika Riffaterre, yang memfokuskan pada konsep "texte" dan "paratexte" dalam karya sastra. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa puisi ini mengandung berbagai lapisan makna dan kompleksitas semiotik. Puisi ini menggunakan bahasa metaforis dan simbolis untuk menyampaikan pesan-pesan yang tersembunyi. Dalam menganalisis syair dari Abu Atahiyah ini dilakukan pembacaan heurestik dan pembacaan hermeneutik. Saat pembacaan heurestik dilakukan pada puisi tersebut masih memiliki makna yang terpisah, tersebar. Setelah dibaca pada level kedua atau pembacaan hermeneutik serta dengan adanya matriks, model dan hipogram maka didapatilah makna dari sair Abu Atahiyah tersebut bahwa dia menceritkan dalam syairnya bahwa kematian akan datang pada siapapun saja, dan juga didapati arti dari judul syairnya adalah “orang yang mengobati dan orang yang berobat akan mati”. Penerapan konsep semiotika ini berimplikasi terhadap perspektif seseorang dalam membaca dan memahami karya sastra, dan memperkaya pengalaman seseorang dalam menikmati puisi secara holistik


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    Incung script is the original Kerinci script written on horns, animal skin, bark, Daluang leaves, and paper. This article aims to identify the style of script writing and the use of mantras in Kerinci community such as for treatment, immunity, defense, and other function based on Kerinci’s Tambo script and Azimat manuscript. This paper uses historical research methods with philological and textological approaches. The result of this study indicates that the Kerinci’s people used it before the arrival of Islam. It continued after the arrival of Islam. It can be seen from the presence of Islamic words such as Muhammad, Allah, and so on. In addition, the use of mantras in Kerinci’s community is quite varied, including as a strategy in defending Ulayat lands or fighting with Duwak (mysticism spell), Cuco (ancestral spirit summoning spell) and so on. Mantra and it funtion have been written in manuscripts by Kerinci’s community