517 research outputs found

    Single session and repeated anodal transcranial direct current stimulation over the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex increases reflective thinking but not working memory updating performance

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    Background Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) has shown to have effects on different domains of cognition yet there is a gap in the literature regarding effects on reflective thinking performance. Objective The current study investigated if single session and repeated anodal tDCS over the right DLPFC induces effects on judgment and decision-making performance and whether these are linked to working memory (updating) performance or cognitive inhibition. Methods Participants received anodal tDCS over the right DLPFC once (plus sham tDCS in a second session) or twice (24 h apart). In the third group participants received a single session of sham stimulation only. Cognitive characteristic measures were administered pre-stimulation (thinking disposition, impulsivity, cognitive ability). Experimental tasks included two versions of the Cognitive Reflection Test (numeric vs verbal-CRT), a set of incongruent base-rate vignettes, and two working memory tests (Sternberg task and n-back task). Forty-eight participants (mean age = 26.08 ± 0.54 years; 27 females) were recruited. Results Single sessions of tDCS were associated with an increase in reflective thinking performance compared to the sham conditions, with stimulation improving scores on incongruent base rate tasks as well as marginally improving numeric CRT scores (compared to sham), but not thinking tasks without a numeric component (verbal-CRT). Repeated anodal stimulation only improved numeric CRT scores. tDCS did not increase working memory (updating) performance. These findings could not be explained by a practice effect or a priori differences in cognitive characteristics or impulsivity across the experimental groups. Conclusion The current results demonstrate the involvement of the right DLPFC in reflective thinking performance which cannot be explained by working memory (updating) performance or general cognitive characteristics of participants

    Deep learning applied to EEG source-data reveals both ventral and dorsal visual stream involvement in holistic processing of social stimuli

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    Perception of social stimuli (faces and bodies) relies on “holistic” (i.e., global) mechanisms, as supported by picture-plane inversion: perceiving inverted faces/bodies is harder than perceiving their upright counterpart. Albeit neuroimaging evidence suggested involvement of face-specific brain areas in holistic processing, their spatiotemporal dynamics and selectivity for social stimuli is still debated. Here, we investigate the spatiotemporal dynamics of holistic processing for faces, bodies and houses (adopted as control non-social category), by applying deep learning to high-density electroencephalographic signals (EEG) at source-level. Convolutional neural networks were trained to classify cortical EEG responses to stimulus orientation (upright/inverted), separately for each stimulus type (faces, bodies, houses), resulting to perform well above chance for faces and bodies, and close to chance for houses. By explaining network decision, the 150–200 ms time interval and few visual ventral-stream regions were identified as mostly relevant for discriminating face and body orientation (lateral occipital cortex, and for face only, precuneus cortex, fusiform and lingual gyri), together with two additional dorsal-stream areas (superior and inferior parietal cortices). Overall, the proposed approach is sensitive in detecting cortical activity underlying perceptual phenomena, and by maximally exploiting discriminant information contained in data, may reveal spatiotemporal features previously undisclosed, stimulating novel investigations

    Face matching impairment in developmental prosopagnosia

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    Developmental prosopagnosia (DP) is commonly referred to as ‘face blindness’, a term that implies a perceptual basis to the condition. However, DP presents as a deficit in face recognition and is diagnosed using memory-based tasks. Here, we test face identification ability in six people with DP, who are severely impaired on face memory tasks, using tasks that do not rely on memory. First, we compared DP to control participants on a standardised test of unfamiliar face matching using facial images taken on the same day and under standardised studio conditions (Glasgow Face Matching Test; GFMT). DP participants did not differ from normative accuracy scores on the GFMT. Second, we tested face matching performance on a test created using images that were sourced from the Internet and so vary substantially due to changes in viewing conditions and in a person’s appearance (Local Heroes Test; LHT). DP participants show significantly poorer matching accuracy on the LHT relative to control participants, for both unfamiliar and familiar face matching. Interestingly, this deficit is specific to ‘match’ trials, suggesting that people with DP may have particular difficulty in matching images of the same person that contain natural day-to-day variations in appearance. We discuss these results in the broader context of individual differences in face matching ability

    Anodal tDCS and High-Frequency tRNS Targeting the Occipitotemporal Cortex Do Not Always Enhance Face Perception

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    There has been increasing interest in the utility of transcranial electrical stimulation as a tool to enhance cognitive abilities. In the domain of face perception, enhancements have been reported for both transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and high-frequency transcranial random noise stimulation (tRNS) targeting the occipitotemporal cortex. In a series of two experiments, we attempted to replicate these findings for face identity perception, and extend on previous studies, to determine if similar enhancements are also observed for object and facial expression perception. In Experiment 1, using a single blind, between-subjects design in healthy volunteers (N = 53), we examined whether anodal tDCS over the occipitotemporal cortex enhanced performance on tasks involving perception of face identity, facial expression, and object stimuli, when compared to sham stimulation. We failed to replicate previous findings of enhanced performance on face and object perception, nor extend findings to facial expression perception. In Experiment 2, using a single blind, between-subjects design (N = 39), we examined the effect of high-frequency tRNS over the occipitotemporal cortex using the same three tasks employed in Experiment 1. We failed to replicate previous findings of enhanced face perception following high-frequency tRNS over the occipitotemporal cortex, relative to sham stimulation (although we used different stimulation parameters to that employed in a previous study). We also found no evidence of enhanced facial expression and object perception following high-frequency tRNS. The findings align with a growing body of studies that have failed to replicate previously reported enhancements following administration of tDCS and hint for different efficacy of, on first sight, related stimulation protocols. Future studies should explore the foundation of these differential effects in greater detail

    Machine Learning approaches for the design of biomechanically compatible bone tissue engineering scaffolds

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    Triply-Periodic Minimal Surfaces (TPMS) analytical formulation does not provide a direct correlation between the input parameters (analytical) and the mechanical and morphological properties of the structure. In this work, we created a dataset with more than one thousand TPMS scaffolds for the training of Machine Learning (ML) models able to find such correlation. Finite Element Modeling and image analysis have been used to characterize the scaffolds. In particular, we trained three different ML models, exploring both a linear and non-linear approach, to select the features able to predict the input parameters. Furthermore, the features used for the prediction can be selected in three different modes: i) fully automatic, through a greedy algorithm, ii) arbitrarily, by the user and iii) in a combination of the two above methods: i.e. partially automatic and partially through a user-selection. The latter, coupled with the non-linear ML model, exhibits a median error less than 3% and a determination coefficient higher than 0.89 for each of the selected features, and all of them are accessible during the design phase. This approach has been applied to the design of a hydroxyapatite TPMS scaffolds with prescribed properties obtained from a real trabecular-like hydroxyapatite scaffold. The obtained results demonstrate that the ML model can effectively design a TPMS scaffold with prescribed features on the basis of biomechanical, mechanobiology and technological constraints

    More than just a problem with faces: Altered body perception in a group of congenital prosopagnosics

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    It has been estimated that one out of forty people in the general population suffer from congenital prosopagnosia (CP), a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulty identifying people by their faces. CP involves impairment in recognising faces, although the perception of non-face stimuli may also be impaired. Given that social interaction does not only depend on face processing, but also the processing of bodies, it is of theoretical importance to ascertain whether CP is also characterised by body perception impairments. Here, we tested eleven CPs and eleven matched control participants on the Body Identity Recognition Task (BIRT), a forced-choice match-to-sample task, using stimuli that require processing of body, not clothing, specific features. Results indicated that the group of CPs was as accurate as controls on the BIRT, which is in line with the lack of body perception complaints by CPs. However the CPs were slower than controls, and when accuracy and response times were combined into inverse efficiency scores (IES), the group of CPs were impaired, suggesting that the CPs could be using more effortful cognitive mechanisms to be as accurate as controls. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate CP may not generally be limited to face processing difficulties, but may also extend to body perceptio

    The Modified Five-Point Test (MFPT): normative data for a sample of Italian elderly

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    INTRODUCTION: Non-verbal figural fluency is related to executive functions and specifically to the ability to create as many unique designs as possible, while minimizing their repetitions. An Italian version of figural fluency is the Modified Five-Point Test (MFPT), which is highly employed in the clinical practice of neuropsychologists. To date, reference data of Italian population are limited to a sample aged between 16 and 60 years old. Thus, the current study aims to provide normative data of the MFPT in the context of a population-based setting, conducted in Southern Italy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We collected N = 340 Italian healthy subjects, aged over 65 years old (range: 65-91), pooled across subgroups for age, sex, and education. Multiple regression analyses were performed to estimate the effect of age, education, and sex on the participant's performance. Equivalent scores and cut-off scores were also defined for the number of unique designs (UDs) and the number of strategies (CSs). RESULTS: Multiple regression analyses revealed that UDs increase with decreasing age and increasing educational level. CSs are influenced by higher educational levels but neither by age nor sex. A significant inverse correlation between the UDs and percentage of errors occurred, suggesting that a higher number of UDs are associated with a fewer number of errors and higher CSs employed. CONCLUSION: The MFPT provides a measure of cognitive functioning in terms of the ability to initiate and realize designs, affording useful hints for clinical settings. The MFPT may represent a handy and useful tool with a specific focus in the differentiation of healthy versus pathological aging
