3,380 research outputs found

    Diavideos: a Diabetes Health Video Portal

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    Diavideos1 is a web platform that collects trustworthy diabetes health videos from YouTube and offers them in a easy way. YouTube is a big repository of health videos, but good content is sometimes mixed with misleading and harmful videos such as promoting anorexia [1].Diavideos is a web portal that provides easy access to a repository of trustworthy diabetes videos. This poster describes Diavideos and explains the crawling method used to retrieve these videos from trusted channels

    Advanced Surface Treatments for Improving the Biocompatibility of Prosthesis and Medical Implants

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    During the last two decades, numerous surface treatments have been developed to improve the biocompatibility of different types of prosthesis and other medical implants. Some of these devices are subject to demanding loading and friction conditions (e.g., hip, knee, and spine prosthesis). However, for other implants, there are more specific requirements as it happens for coronary stents or pacemaker electrodes. The materials used for the manufacture of the aforementioned devices are subjected to very high restrictions in terms of biocompatibility, in particular on chemical composition, corrosion resistance, or ion release. As a consequence, most of prosthesis and other implants are made of a limited number of materials such as titanium alloys, stainless steels, cobalt-chromium alloys, UHMWPE, or PEEK. Unfortunately, from a strict point of view, none of these materials meet all the requirements that would be desirable in terms of durability and prevention of infections and inflammatory processes. Coatings and other surface treatments have been developed to solve these problems and to improve biocompatibility. In this chapter, we present an updated review of the most used surface engineering technologies for biomaterials, like novel PVD coatings, ion implantation, and other plasma spray treatments, as well as a critical review of the characterization techniques. This study is completed with an insight into the future of the field

    Influencia de la longitud de la biela en la eficiencia y biomecánica del pedaleo submáximo

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    El principal objetivo de este estudio es analizar el efecto de pequeños cambios en la longitud de la biela en el gasto energético y la técnica de pedaleo submáximo. Participaron 12 ciclistas de fondo en carretera bien entrenados, que realizaron pruebas de pedaleo a tres potencias con cadencia estable, utilizando tres longitudes de biela (en orden aleatorio). Sus bicicletas fueron exactamente reproducidas en un ergómetro que medía el torque ejercido sobre la biela izquierda y derecha de forma independiente. Simultáneamente se registró cinemática 2D de la pierna derecha y el gasto energético al pedalear (eficiencia gruesa). Los resultados muestran que los cambios en la longitud de la biela no tuvieron efecto en la eficiencia gruesa, pero sí en las variables biomecánicas. Una biela de mayor longitud provocó una pérdida de eficiencia mecánica y un aumento en la flexión y el rango de movimiento de la cadera y la rodilla, sin cambios en el tobillo. Aunque estos cambios no fueron lo suficientemente importantes para alterar la eficiencia gruesa, sí que podrían tener implicaciones negativas a largo plazo (peor técnica de pedaleo y riesgo de lesión). En conclusión, el efecto de pequeños cambios en la longitud de la biela, que serían asumibles por ciclistas de competición, producen alteraciones en la biomecánica de pedaleo, pero no en su eficiencia gruesa. Futuros estudios deben abordar los efectos a largo plazo de estos cambios.The main purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of small changes in crank length on gross efficiency and pedaling technique during submaximal cycling. Twelve well-trained road cyclists participated. They pedaled at three power outputs and steady cadence with three crank lengths (in a randomized order). Their bicycles were exactly reproduced on an ergometer where crank torque of the left and right legs were independently registered. 2D kinematic of the right leg and energy cost (gross efficiency) were recorded. The results showed that changes in crank length had no effect on the gross efficiency, but had effect on the biomechanical variables. A longer crank caused a decreased in mechanical efficiency and an increase in the flexion and range of movement of the hip and the knee, without changes in the ankle. These alterations were not significant enough to alter the gross efficiency, but they could have negative long-term implications (worse pedaling technique and possible injuries). In conclusion, the small changes in crank arm length which are feasible for competitive cyclists affected cycling biomechanics, but not gross efficiency. Future studies should study long-term effects of these changes.Peer Reviewe

    Histone chaperone activity of Arabidopsis thaliana NRP1 is blocked by cytochrome c

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    Higher-order plants and mammals use similar mechanisms to repair and tolerate oxidative DNA damage. Most studies on the DNA repair process have focused on yeast and mammals, in which histone chaperone-mediated nucleosome disassembly/reassembly is essential for DNA to be accessible to repair machinery. However, little is known about the specific role and modulation of histone chaperones in the context of DNA damage in plants. Here, the histone chaperone NRP1, which is closely related to human SET/TAF-I, was found to exhibit nucleosome assembly activity in vitro and to accumulate in the chromatin of Arabidopsis thaliana after DNA breaks. In addition, this work establishes that NRP1 binds to cytochrome c, thereby preventing the former from binding to histones. Since NRP1 interacts with cytochrome c at its earmuff domain, that is, its histone-binding domain, cytochrome c thus competes with core histones and hampers the activity of NRP1 as a histone chaperone. Altogether, the results obtained indicate that the underlying molecular mechanisms in nucleosome disassembly/reassembly are highly conserved throughout evolution, as inferred from the similar inhibition of plant NRP1 and human SET/TAF-I by cytochrome c during DNA damage response

    Patrones de alimentación y trayectorias de crecimiento en niños con lactancia materna y con leche de fórmula durante la introducción de la alimentación complementaria

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    Introduction: several investigations have identified breastfeeding as a protective factor for rapid infant weight gain and childhood obesity while other studies have found that this protective effect could be the result of confounding factors. Objectives: to assess the associations between lactation practices (breast-fed vs formula-fed infants) during the introduction of complementary food period, as well as the following: a) patterns of food intake; and b) trajectories of growth at six, nine and 12 months (z-score of weight, height and body mass index [BMI] and changes in these z-scores from six to 12 months). Methods: two hundred and three infants randomly selected from Spanish Primary Health Centres were measured. Parents recorded all infant's food consumption for three days (g/day). Linear regression models were applied. Results: breast-fed infants had a lower intake of cereals, fruit baby food, vegetables with meat/fish and a total intake of food compared to formula-fed infants at nine months of age. After adjusting for sex, parental education and total food intake, breastfed children continued to have lower intake of cereals (-5.82, 95% CI: -9.22, -2.43), and lower total food intake (-301.23, 95% CI: -348.50, -253.96). Breast-fed infants had a lower change in z-score of weight, height and BMI from six to 12 months of age and these differences remained when adjusting for all confounders. Conclusions: formula-fed infants during the complementary feeding period have a higher food intake and show higher rates of rapid infant weight gain compared to breast-fed infants. These differences in growth trajectories depending on breastfeeding maintenance and food intake during early life must be considered in adiposity risk evaluation.Introducción: varios estudios han identificado la lactancia materna como un factor protector frente a la ganancia rápida de peso y la obesidad infantil, mientras que otros estudios han encontrado que este efecto protector podría ser el resultado de la interferencia de factores de confusión. Objetivos: evaluar las asociaciones entre el tipo de lactancia (leche materna versus lactantes alimentados con fórmula) durante la introducción de la alimentación complementaria, así como: a) los patrones de ingesta de alimentos; y b) las trayectorias de crecimiento a los seis, nueve y 12 meses (z-score de peso, estatura e índice de masa corporal (IMC) y variaciones en estos z-score entre los seis y los 12 meses. Métodos: se midieron 203 neonatos seleccionados en centros de salud primaria españoles. Los padres registraron el consumo de alimentos de todos los bebés durante tres días (g/día). Se aplicaron modelos de regresión lineal. Resultados: los bebés alimentados con leche materna tuvieron una menor ingesta de cereales, alimentos para bebés a base de frutas, verduras con carne/pescado, así como una menor ingesta total de alimentos en comparación con los bebés alimentados con fórmula a los nueve meses de edad. Después de realizar el ajuste por sexo, educación de los padres y consumo total de alimentos, los niños alimentados con leche materna continuaron teniendo una menor ingesta de cereales (-5,82, IC 95%: -9,22, -2,43) y una ingesta total de alimentos más baja (-301,23, IC 95%: -348,50, -253,96). Los bebés alimentados al pecho tuvieron un menor incremento en la puntuación z-score de peso, talla e IMC entre los seis y los 12 meses de edad y estas diferencias se mantuvieron cuando se ajustaron para todos los factores de confusión. Conclusiones: los lactantes alimentados con fórmula durante el periodo de alimentación complementaria tienen una mayor ingesta de alimentos y muestran tasas más altas de ganancia de peso en comparación con los lactantes alimentados con leche materna. Estas diferencias en las trayectorias de crecimiento en función del mantenimiento de la lactancia materna y la ingesta de alimentos durante los primeros años de vida deben considerarse en la evaluación del riesgo de adiposidad

    PGF2α (250 mcg d-cloprostenol) Effectiveness of two Schemes for Estrus Induction in Brahman Bovine Females with Lasting Anestrus.

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    The reproductive behavior of Brahman breeding cows subject to estrus induction was assessed, at the “Rancho Bonito Farm”, Gamelotal area, Lara State, Venezuela. The experiment lasted 90 days, and was based on two estrus induction schemes (Progesterone + Estradiol Benzoate and Progesterone + PMSG). Following 72 h of treatment, 62.5 % of the  cows that received  P4  + PMSG  were fertilized; whereas the P4  + BE treatment induced fertilization of 25 % (P < 0.05). During the 90 days,  93.7 % of the cows that received P4  + PMSG, and 75 %  under  the P4  + BE treatment, were fertilized, which demonstrated the effectiveness of the schemes

    Inhibition of the PP2A activity by the histone chaperone ANP32B is long-range allosterically regulated by respiratory cytochrome c

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    Repair of injured DNA relies on nucleosome dismantling by histone chaperones and de-phosphorylation events carried out by Protein Phosphatase 2A (PP2A). Typical histone chaperones are the Acidic leucine-rich Nuclear Phosphoprotein 32 family (ANP32) members, e.g. ANP32A, which is also a well-known PP2A inhibitor (a.k.a. I1PP2A). Here we report the novel interaction between the endogenous family member B—so-called ANP32B—and endogenous cytochrome c in cells undergoing camptothecin-induced DNA damage. Soon after DNA lesions but prior to caspase cascade activation, the hemeprotein translocates to the nucleus to target the Low Complexity Acidic Region (LCAR) of ANP32B; in a similar way, our group recently reported that the hemeprotein targets the acidic domain of SET/Template Activating Factor-Iß (SET/TAF-Iß), which is another histone chaperone and PP2A inhibitor (a.k.a. I2PP2A). The nucleosome assembly activity of ANP32B is indeed unaffected by cytochrome c binding. Like ANP32A, ANP32B inhibits PP2A activity and is thus herein referred to as I3PP2A. Our data demonstrates that ANP32B-dependent inhibition of PP2A is regulated by respiratory cytochrome c, which induces long-distance allosteric changes in the structured N-terminal domain of ANP32B upon binding to the C-terminal LCAR. In agreement with the reported role of PP2A in the DNA damage response, we propose a model wherein cytochrome c is translocated from the mitochondria into the nucleus upon DNA damage to modulate PP2A activity via its interaction with ANP32B. © 2021 The Author(s

    Residuos sólidos en viviendas de interés social.

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    Objective. Determine the knowledge of and attitude to ward the management of solid house hold waste that the inhabitants of social housing have in the municipality of Monteria. Materials and methods. This was a descriptive, quantitative, and cross-sectional study with information collected through the application of a question naire, which evaluated aspects related to the knowledge of and attitude of people toward the man agement of solid house hold waste. The study was carried out in 24 apartment towers of social-interes thousing. Arandom sample of 175 apartments was chosen, and a questionn aire was administered to the heads of house holds forthe collection of the information, which was collected inphysical formand process edin SPSS. Results. The finding sindicated that 68% of heads of households have knowledge of somere cycling techniques; 60% reported that they do not separate the waste; 70% of them did not separate technological waste; 65.7 % of the respondents were not cleara bout what is called solid waste; and 63.5% of them did not know the color code that allows an adequate classification ofwaste. Conclusion. In the home sunder study, it is necessary to implement strategies to improve the knowledge of the inhabitants that contribute to an adequate separation in the source of the household solid waste to favor the reduction in the production of garbage and the development of anawareness of the care for the environment.Objetivo. Determinar el conocimiento y actitud, acerca del manejo de los residuos sólidos domiciliarios, que tienen los habitantes de unas viviendas de interés social del municipio de Montería. Materiales y métodos. Estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo, transversal, coninformación recolectada mediante aplicación de un cuestionario, que evaluó aspectos relacionados con el conocimiento y actitud de las personas acerca del manejo de los residuos sólidos domiciliarios. Se realizó en 24 torres de apartamentos de viviendas de interés social; se tomó una muestra aleatoria de 175 apartamentos, en donde se aplicó un cuestionario a los jefes de hogar para la recolección de la información, la cual fue recolectada en físico y procesada en SPSS. Resultados. Los hallazgos indican que el 68% de los jefes de hogar manifiestan que tienen conocimiento de algunas técnicas de reciclaje; el 60% refieren que no separan los residuos; el 70% no separa los desechos tecnológicos; 65,7% no tiene claridad acerca de cuáles son los llamados residuos sólidos; el 63,5% no conoce el código de colores que permite una clasificación adecuada de los residuos. Conclusiones. En las viviendas objeto de estudio, es necesario implementar estrategias para mejorar el conocimiento de los habitantes que contribuya a una adecuada separación en la fuente de los residuos sólidos domiciliarios, para favorecer la reducción en la producción de basura y el desarrollo de una conciencia del cuidado al ambiente

    A fast feedback controlled magnetic drive for the ASDEX Upgrade fast-ion loss detectors

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    A magnetically driven fast-ion loss detector system for the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak has been designed and will be presented here. The device is feedback controlled to adapt the detector head position to the heat load and physics requirements. Dynamic simulations have been performed taking into account effects such as friction, coil self-induction, and eddy currents. A real time positioning control algorithm to maximize the detector operational window has been developed. This algorithm considers dynamical behavior and mechanical resistance as well as measured and predicted thermal loads. The mechanical design and real time predictive algorithm presented here may be used for other reciprocating systems.EURATOM 63305