7,182 research outputs found

    The Extended Shelter Stay of Homeless Millennials in NYC Shelter

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    There are extended shelter stay increase among homeless millennials nightly in New York City (NYC). The purpose of this qualitative, multiple case study was to explore the experiences of 4 long-term-stay millennials, 25 to 34 years of age, residing in single adult NYC shelters to understand how they explain and interpret their extended stays. Arnett’s interpretation of emerging adulthood as part of generational theory provided the study’s conceptual framework. The study findings contribute to social change by helping human service professionals identify the challenges among millennials currently in shelter for an extended stay and barriers to exiting successfully. Recommended Citation Rivera, X. Z. (2020, October 1-2). The extended shelter stay of homeless millennials in NYC shelter [Poster presentation]. Walden University Research Conference 2020 (online). https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/researchconference/2020/posters/37

    Experiences of Long-Term Stay Among Homeless Millennials in New York City Shelters

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    The number of homeless millennials seeking shelter in New York City (NYC) increases nightly. Aside from seeking shelter services, millennial adults are also staying in shelters longer than the time allotted by the city. Their extended stay places a burden on city resources and taxpayers. Although there is research on the millennial generation and homelessness in NYC, more research is needed on the experiences of single, millennial adults who stay in shelters for extended periods of time. The purpose of this qualitative, multiple case study was to explore the experiences of 4 long-term-stay millennials, 25 to 34 years of age, residing in single adult NYC shelters to understand how they explain and interpret their extended stays. Arnett’s interpretation of emerging adulthood as part of generational theory provided the study’s conceptual framework. The data were manually reviewed, organized, and analyzed using precoding from the literature, and themes emerged by clustering the coded data into collected categories. The themes that emerged from the analysis were limited exposure to housing resources and information, difficulty finding employment or jobs with a livable wage, limited engagement with shelter staff, poor socialization skills, and trauma. The study findings contribute to social change by helping human service professionals identify the challenges among millennials currently in shelter for an extended stay and barriers to exiting successfully. This information may help human services professionals and policymakers develop solutions for reducing long- term homelessness among this population

    Invariance of the Goresky-Hingston algebra on reduced Hochschild homology

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    We prove that two quasi-isomorphic simply connected differential graded associative Frobenius algebras have isomorphic Goresky-Hingston algebras on their reduced Hochschild homology. Our proof is based on relating the Goresky-Hingston algebra on reduced Hochschild homology to the singular Hochschild cohomology algebra. For any simply connected oriented closed manifold MM of dimension kk, the Goresky-Hingston algebra on reduced Hochschild homology induces an algebra structure of degree k−1k-1 on Hˉ∗(LM;Q)\bar{H}^*(LM;\mathbb{Q}), the reduced rational cohomology of the free loop space of MM. As a consequence of our algebraic result, we deduce that the isomorphism class of the induced algebra structure on Hˉ∗(LM;Q)\bar{H}^*(LM;\mathbb{Q}) is an invariant of the homotopy type of MM

    Nicalon/siliconoxycarbide ceramic composites

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    A series of silsesquioxane copolymers was synthesized by acid hydrolysis and condensation of trimethoxysilanes of the form RSi(OCH3)3, where R = methyl or phenyl. By varying pH, water/methoxy and methyl/phenyl ratios, the molecular structure, polymer rheology and ceramic composition can be controlled. The polymers form an amorphous siliconoxycarbide on pyrolysis. Composites of Nicalon/siliconoxycarbide were fractured in four-point flexure and in tension to evaluate the influence of matrix composition, final fabrication temperature and use of filler on composite mode of failure, modulus, strain capability and strength. Incorporation of filler was found to increase matrix compressive strength. Employment of processing temperatures of 1375 to 1400 C enhanced strain to failure and reduced the tendency toward brittle fracture. Mixed mode (compression/shear and tension/shear) failures were observed in flexural samples processed to the higher temperatures, giving rise to nonlinear stress-strain curves. Tensile samples pyrolyzed to 1400 C showed linear-elastic behavior and failed by fracture of fiber bundles. Matrix material was found to be adherent to the fiber surface after failure. These results demonstrate the need for tensile testing to establish composite behavior

    Seven years of marine environmental changes monitoring at coastal OOCS stations (Catalan Sea, NW Mediterranean)

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    Since March 2009 up to the present (more than 7 years now), the Operational Observatory of the Catalan Sea (OOCS; http://www2.ceab.csic.es/ oceans/) remains a witness of persistent marine environmental changes. The OOCS has two fixed observation stations at the head of the Blanes Canyon (200 m depth, 41.66°N; 2.91°E) and at the Blanes bay (20 m depth, 41.67°N; 2.80°E) in the Catalan Sea, NW Mediterranean. At the canyon station, a multi-parametric buoy presently installed delivers high frequency (by 30 min) and multi-parametric oceanographic (i.e. salinity, temperature, chlorophyll, turbidity, as well as light intensity in the PAR range for the upper 50 m depth) and atmospheric (air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction and PAR) data. Subsurface photos and videos by an IP high resolution fisheye camera attached to the buoy are also delivered at 4-hour basis. Data and multimedia are transmitted in near real time for public access, via combined GSM/GPRS and 3G connections. At both stations, CTD profiles and water samples (collected for nutrients and picoplankton analyses) are carried out on board a research vessel at fortnightly basis. Numerical simulations along with the time series of in-situ observations show inter-annual seasonality anomalies possibly linked to global environmental changes. The lower-atmosphere and upper-sea environmental time series data collected prove the occurrence of shifting patterns of heat and matter fluxes impacting pelagic and benthic organisms.Peer Reviewe

    Lexical Derivation of the PINT Taxonomy of Goals: Prominence, Inclusiveness, Negativity Prevention, and Tradition

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    What do people want? Few questions are more fundamental to psychological science than this. Yet, existing taxonomies disagree on both the number and content of goals. We thus adopted a lexical approach and investigated the structure of goal-relevant words from the natural English lexicon. Through an intensive rating process, 1,060 goal-relevant English words were first located. In Studies 1-2, two relatively large and diverse samples (total n = 1,026) rated their commitment to approaching or avoiding these goals. Principal component analyses yielded 4 replicable components: Prominence, Inclusiveness, Negativity prevention, and Tradition (the PINT Taxonomy). Study 3-7 (total n = 1,396) supported the 4-factor structure of an abbreviated scale and found systematic differences in their relationships with past goal-content measures, the Big 5 traits, affect, and need satisfaction. This investigation thus provides a data-driven taxonomy of higher-order goal-content and opens up a wide variety of fascinating lines for future research

    Indirect predictive control strategy with mitigation of input filter resonances for a direct matrix converter

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    In this paper an indirect model predictive current control strategy is proposed. The proposed method simplifies the computational cost while avoiding the use of weighting factors. Weighting factors are an issue for model predictive control in a direct matrix converter due to the large number of available switching states and necessity to control both input and output sides of the converter

    Dynamic fluctuations in ascending heart-to-brain communication under mental stress

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    Dynamical information exchange between central and autonomic nervous systems, as referred to functional brain-heart interplay, occurs during emotional and physical arousal. It is well documented that physical and mental stress lead to sympathetic activation. Nevertheless, the role of autonomic inputs in nervous system-wise communication under mental stress is yet unknown. In this study, we estimated the causal and bidirectional neural modulations between electroencephalogram (EEG) oscillations and peripheral sympathetic and parasympathetic activities using a recently proposed computational framework for a functional brain-heart interplay assessment, namely the sympathovagal synthetic data generation model. Mental stress was elicited in 37 healthy volunteers by increasing their cognitive demands throughout three tasks associated with increased stress levels. Stress elicitation induced an increased variability in sympathovagal markers, as well as increased variability in the directional brain-heart interplay. The observed heart-to-brain interplay was primarily from sympathetic activity targeting a wide range of EEG oscillations, whereas variability in the efferent direction seemed mainly related to EEG oscillations in the c band. These findings extend current knowledge on stress physiology, which mainly referred to top-down neural dynamics. Our results suggest that mental stress may not cause an increase in sympathetic activity exclusively as it initiates a dynamic fluctuation within brain-body networks including bidirectional interactions at a brain-heart level. We conclude that directional brain-heart interplay measurements may provide suitable biomarkers for a quantitative stress assessment and bodily feedback may modulate the perceived stress caused by increased cognitive demand
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