7 research outputs found

    Towards a typology of British Worl War poetry

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    Además de las graves consecuencias en los aspectos político y social, la primera guerra mundial tendría un gran impacto en la literatura del momento, especialmente en e la poesía. En Inglaterra este impacto sería aún mayor debido al gran número de poetas que se alistaron en el ejército, alentados por un patriotismo generalizado. En el siguiente trabajo estudio este fenómeno poético y su evolución a medida que el conflicto avanza, y presento una comparación entre la poesía patriótica de principios de la guerra y la poesía condenatoria que surgiría a partir de 1916, como consecuencia del creciente descontento entre los soldados, cada vez más escépticos respecto a la necesidad de esa guerra. Para este análisis, esencialmente temático, he utilizado las antologías Poetry of the Great War (1986), Poemas de Guerra de Wilfred Owen (2011) y la página web The Great War 1914-1918 (www.greatwar.co.uk.)Departamento de Filología InglesaGrado en Estudios Inglese

    On lexical borrowings in the history of english, with Special emphasis on the inkhorn controversy: insights from A selection of early modern english Works

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    From the early beginnings, the entrance of borrowings in English has remained a constant, but their predominance in the lexicon was during much of its history comparatively low. After the Norman Conquest, however, this trend was dramatically reversed, and borrowing became the general custom. Far from decreasing, this tendency only increased in the Renaissance, with the adoption of classical words for academic writings. This soon became of great concern to some authors who raised the alarm about the worrying drift English was irreversibly taking in their view as a consequence of the alarmingly large number of borrowings flowing into the language. This linguistic awareness eventually gave rise to a nationwide debate about the nature and lexical capabilities of English known as the "inkhorn controversy", in which two antagonist positions were confronted concerning the acceptance of classical borrowings in the language. After two centuries of fierce debate, the position tolerant with borrowings eventually prevailed over the view of the so-called ˈlinguistic puristsˈ, who rejected any foreign influence in the language. The study of the works of some of the most important academic figures of the time has corroborated that among the historical and social factors involved in the matter, the issues of linguistic prestige and long-established social discredit on the English part were the most influential.Departamento de Filología InglesaMáster en Estudios Ingleses Avanzados: Lenguas y Culturas en Contact

    Inteligencias múltiples y estrategias de aprendizaje: reflexión teórica-reflexiva sobre sus implicaciones en la enseñanza del inglés en secundaria.

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    La educación ha ayudado a la construcción de las sociedades, moldeando las relaciones sociales que en ellas se dan, y sirviendo como medio de transmisión de los valores y saberes que se querían mantener. Tiene por tanto una clara función socializadora, en tanto que mediante la transmisión de estos saberes y valores se espera que las nuevas generaciones sean capaces de integrarse en el marco social donde viven, ayudando así a su desarrollo personal como ciudadanos.Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y LiteraturaMáster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idioma

    Variable-based multi-module data caches for clustered VLIW processors

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    Memory structures consume an important fraction of the total processor energy. One solution to reduce the energy consumed by cache memories consists of reducing their supply voltage and/or increase their threshold voltage at an expense in access time. We propose to divide the L1 data cache into two cache modules for a clustered VLIW processor consisting of two clusters. Such division is done on a variable basis so that the address of a datum determines its location. Each cache module is assigned to a cluster and can be set up as a fast power-hungry module or as a slow power-aware module. We also present compiler techniques in order to distribute variables between the two cache modules and generate code accordingly. We have explored several cache configurations using the Mediabench suite and we have observed that the best distributed cache organization outperforms traditional cache organizations by 19%-31% in energy-delay and by 11%-29% in energy-delay. In addition, we also explore a reconfigurable distributed cache, where the cache can be reconfigured on a context switch. This reconfigurable scheme further outperforms the best previous distributed organization by 3%-4%.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Inteligencias múltiples y estrategias de aprendizaje : reflexión teórica-reflexiva sobre sus implicaciones en la enseñanza del inglés en Secundaria

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    Resumen basado en la introducción del trabajoMáster en profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de IdiomasSe trata la realidad educativa holísticamente, focalizando el análisis de la cuestión en las implicaciones pedagógicas y didácticas que el estudio de las peculiaridades cognitivas de los alumnos supone. Esto lleva a la descripción de una serie de características y aspectos que pueden servir de gran ayuda como referente para la elaboración de futuras programaciones, adaptando la acción docente a la realidad del alumnado de forma más eficaz y beneficiosa para ambas partes.Castilla y LeónES

    Variable-based multi-module data caches for clustered VLIW processors

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    Memory structures consume an important fraction of the total processor energy. One solution to reduce the energy consumed by cache memories consists of reducing their supply voltage and/or increase their threshold voltage at an expense in access time. We propose to divide the L1 data cache into two cache modules for a clustered VLIW processor consisting of two clusters. Such division is done on a variable basis so that the address of a datum determines its location. Each cache module is assigned to a cluster and can be set up as a fast power-hungry module or as a slow power-aware module. We also present compiler techniques in order to distribute variables between the two cache modules and generate code accordingly. We have explored several cache configurations using the Mediabench suite and we have observed that the best distributed cache organization outperforms traditional cache organizations by 19%-31% in energy-delay and by 11%-29% in energy-delay. In addition, we also explore a reconfigurable distributed cache, where the cache can be reconfigured on a context switch. This reconfigurable scheme further outperforms the best previous distributed organization by 3%-4%.Peer Reviewe