20 research outputs found

    A small-N cross-sectional study of British unions' environmental attitudes and activism - and the prospect of a green-led renewal

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    Unions understand the environmental agenda as a technocentric one but also believe it can function as a vehicle for renewal. It is developing slowly, with unions behaving cautiously—resources are scarce. Although popular with members, there is limited evidence that it is effective as a recruitment tool and whilst employers are willing to work in partnership with unions on it, this may confer only phony insider status. Overall, the agenda has limited appeal to the types of employees and employers unions must recruit in order to grow. Identifying a clear environmental premium for members may help

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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    General polarized ray-tracing method for inhomogeneous uniaxially anisotropic media

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    Uniaxial optical anisotropy in the geometrical-optics approach is a classical problem, and most of the theory has been known for at least fifty years. Although the subject appears frequently in the literature, wave propagation through inhomogeneous anisotropic media is rarely addressed. The rapid advances in liquid-crystal lenses call for a good overview of the theory on wave propagation via anisotropic media. Therefore, we present a novel polarized ray-tracing method, which can be applied to anisotropic optical systems that contain inhomogeneous liquid crystals. We describe the propagation of rays in the bulk material of inhomogeneous anisotropic media in three dimensions. In addition, we discuss ray refraction, ray reflection, and energy transfer at, in general, curved anisotropic interfaces with arbitrary orientation and/or arbitrary anisotropic properties. The method presented is a clear outline of how to assess the optical properties of uniaxially anisotropic media.Imaging Science and TechnologyApplied Science

    Impactos Ecológicos De La Fragmentación: Patrones De Anidamiento De Aves En Zonas Verdes De Un Hábitat Urbano

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    Introducción: —El estudio de los impactos ecológicos dela fragmentación y la pérdida de hábitat es importante para laconservación de la diversidad. Una propiedad de las biotas enecosistemas fragmentados es el anidamiento: especies presentesen áreas de baja riqueza son muestras de las presentes enlas de mayor riqueza?. La evaluación del anidamiento ha sidoutilizada para predecir el grado al cual la fragmentación producecambios en riqueza de especies en una secuencia predecible?* .Sin embargo, no se han realizado muchas evaluaciones de estapropiedad en el neotrópico, particularmente en hábitats urbanos.En este trabajo se evaluó el anidamiento de aves entre zonasverdes de un hábitat urbano, realizando censos visuales de avesen áreas de diferentes tamaños y grados de aislamiento en laciudad de Cali. Para evaluar el grado de anidamiento, total ygremial, se comparó el Índice NODF del ensamblaje contra elgenerado a partir de modelos nulos. El ensamblaje total presentóuna distribución anidada significativa; sin embargo, a nivelde gremios, sólo las aves frugívoras exhibieron anidamientosignificativo. La organización decreciente de máximo anidamientode las zonas verdes mostró una relación negativa con el área ypositiva con el aislamiento, lo cual sugiere que las diferenciasentre las zonas verdes fueron debidas a extinción y colonización;respectivamente. En conclusión, aunque el ensamblaje deaves exhibió anidamiento, el patrón de recambio de especiesfue diferente entre los gremios, por lo tanto, los sitios con pocasespecies contribuyen a la biodiversidad a escala del paisaje;particularmente para especies insectívoras, nectarlvoras yomnívoras. Adicionalmente, las aves frugívoras presentaronmayor anidamiento que las de otros gremios, lo cual implica quela pérdida secuencial de especies es más predecible en estegrupo; y que el proceso de fragmentación afecta la organizacióntrófica de las comunidades

    Moderate to Severe Psoriasis in Pediatric and Young Patients: The BIOBADADERM Registry Experience

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    Childhood-onset psoriasis generally follows an indolent course but patients with moderate or severe disease may require systemic treatment. The aim of this study was to determine the relative proportion of children and young people aged up to 21 years with moderate to severe psoriasis in the BIOBADADERM registry and to analyze the characteristics of these patients, treatments used, and adverse events. Of the 3946 patients in the registry, 24 were aged 21 years or younger. The mean age of this group when they started treatment upon registration on Biobadaderm was 16.1 years and the mean Psoriasis Area and Severity Index was 9.4. In 67% the first treatment recorded was with a conventional systemic drug. Treatment was discontinued in 14 patients (58%) due to adverse events or a loss or lack of effectiveness. In conclusion, the BIOBADADERM registry shows that young people account for a small proportion of psoriasis patients receiving systemic treatment, and they are more likely to be treated using conventional systemic drugs. (C) 2021 AEDV. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U

    The risk of hepatic adverse events of systemic medications for psoriasis: a prospective cohort study using the BIOBADADERM registry

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    Background Limited information is available regarding the risk of incident liver disease in patients with psoriasis receiving systemic therapies. Objectives To describe the liver safety findings of conventional and modern systemic therapies for moderate-to-severe psoriasis, and to compare the relative incidence rates of hepatic adverse events (AEs) for each drug. Methods All the patients on the BIOBADADERM registry were included. Crude and adjusted incidence rate ratios (cIRR and aIRR, respectively) of hepatic AEs, using anti-TNF drugs as reference, were determined. Outcomes of interest were hypertransaminasemia, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NADFLD) and a group of other, less represented, hepatic AEs. Results Our study included 3,171 patients exposed to systemic drugs (6279 treatment cycles). Incident hypertransaminasemia was the most frequent hepatic AE (incidence rate of 21 per 1000 patients-years [CI 95% 18–23]), followed by NAFLD (8 cases per 1000 patients-years [95% CI 6–10]). Methotrexate (aIRR 3.06 [2.31–4.4]; p = 0.000) and cyclosporine (aIRR 2.37 [1.05–5.35]; p = .0378) were associated with an increased risk for hypertransaminasemia when compared to anti-TNF-α agents. No differences were observed between different groups of biologics. Conventional therapies were not associated with new incident NAFLD. Conclusions Comparative information of the incidence of hepatic AEs could facilitate drug selection in moderate-to-severe psoriasis