20 research outputs found

    Designing signaling environments to steer transcriptional diversity in neural progenitor cell populations

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    Stem cell populations within developing embryos are diverse, composed of many different subpopulations of cells with varying developmental potential. The structure of stem cell populations in cell culture remains poorly understood and presents a barrier to differentiating stem cells for therapeutic applications. In this paper we develop a framework for controlling the architecture of stem cell populations in cell culture using high-throughput single cell mRNA-seq and computational analysis. We find that the transcriptional diversity of neural stem cell populations collapses in cell culture. Cell populations are depleted of committed neuron progenitor cells and become dominated by a single pre-astrocytic cell population. By analyzing the response of neural stem cell populations to forty distinct signaling conditions, we demonstrate that signaling environments can restructure cell populations by modulating the relative abundance of pre-astrocyte and pre-neuron subpopulations according to a simple linear code. One specific combination of BMP4, EGF, and FGF2 ligands switches the default population balance such that 70% of cells correspond to the committed neurons. Our work demonstrates that single-cell RNA-seq can be applied to modulate the diversity of in vitro stem cell populations providing a new strategy for population-level stem cell control

    Designing signaling environments to steer transcriptional diversity in neural progenitor cell populations

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    Stem cell populations within developing embryos are diverse, composed of many different subpopulations of cells with varying developmental potential. The structure of stem cell populations in cell culture remains poorly understood and presents a barrier to differentiating stem cells for therapeutic applications. In this paper we develop a framework for controlling the architecture of stem cell populations in cell culture using high-throughput single cell mRNA-seq and computational analysis. We find that the transcriptional diversity of neural stem cell populations collapses in cell culture. Cell populations are depleted of committed neuron progenitor cells and become dominated by a single pre-astrocytic cell population. By analyzing the response of neural stem cell populations to forty distinct signaling conditions, we demonstrate that signaling environments can restructure cell populations by modulating the relative abundance of pre-astrocyte and pre-neuron subpopulations according to a simple linear code. One specific combination of BMP4, EGF, and FGF2 ligands switches the default population balance such that 70% of cells correspond to the committed neurons. Our work demonstrates that single-cell RNA-seq can be applied to modulate the diversity of in vitro stem cell populations providing a new strategy for population-level stem cell control

    Dissecting heterogeneous cell populations across drug and disease conditions with PopAlign

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    Single-cell measurement techniques can now probe gene expression in heterogeneous cell populations from the human body across a range of environmental and physiological conditions. However, new mathematical and computational methods are required to represent and analyze gene expression changes that occur in complex mixtures of single cells as they respond to signals, drugs, or disease states. Here, we introduce a mathematical modeling platform, PopAlign, that automatically identifies subpopulations of cells within a heterogeneous mixture, and tracks gene expression and cell abundance changes across subpopulations by constructing and comparing probabilistic models. We apply PopAlign to analyze the impact of 42 different immunomodulatory compounds on a heterogeneous population of donor-derived human immune cells as well as patient-specific disease signatures in multiple myeloma. PopAlign scales to comparisons involving tens to hundreds of samples, enabling large-scale studies of natural and engineered cell populations as they respond to drugs, signals or physiological change

    Constructing Social Problems in an Age of Globalization: A French-American Comparison

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    Bifaces acheuléens de Troussencourt

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    Rivaud C., Rivaud Jean Paul. Bifaces acheuléens de Troussencourt. In: Revue archéologique de l'Oise, n°4, 1973. Archéologie. Résurrection des habitats antiques dans l'Oise. pp. 21-22

    Le gisement préhistorique d'Aux-Marais (Oise)

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    Rivaud Jean Paul. Le gisement préhistorique d'Aux-Marais (Oise). In: Revue archéologique de l'Oise, n°10, 1977. pp. 11-17


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    Recherches Les modalitĂ©s d’application du bilan de santĂ© de la PAC sur le territoire national Ă©taient prĂ©cisĂ©es en fĂ©vrier 2009. Quel sera l’impact Ă©conomique des mesures adoptĂ©es ? Un outil statistique est mobilisĂ© pour une simulation des effets redistributifs en termes d’aides directes et de revenus. Les politiques agro-environnementales impliquent une modification des savoir-faire. Comment les agriculteurs vont-ils s’approprier les diffĂ©rentes innovations environnementales ? Quelles sont les mĂ©thodes les plus couramment employĂ©es pour mesurer l’impact des projets de dĂ©veloppement agricole ? Une mĂ©thode d’évaluation systĂ©mique est appliquĂ©e au cas d’un projet en RĂ©publique de GuinĂ©e. Les organisations de producteurs au Costa Rica se renforcent de plus en plus. Une pluralitĂ© des trajectoires apparaĂźt donne lieu Ă  une typologie nĂ©cessaire pour comprendre la construction de programmes d’appui dans un environnement institutionnel favorable Ă  leur dĂ©veloppement. DĂ©bats Comment informer les consommateurs ? Un dilemme pour le Parlement europĂ©en La fiscalitĂ© du bĂ©nĂ©fice rĂ©el agricole est-elle encore efficace au regard des exigences Ă©conomique, sociale et environnementale ? Faits et Chiffres La part croissante du salariat agricole Note de lecture 1960-2010 : panorama de la France rural

    The −KTS splice variant of WT1 is essential for ovarian determination in mice

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    IMPORTANT , l'article est en accĂšs libre, le lien est sur le site http://ibv.unice.fr/research-team/chaboissier/ , il est surlignĂ© si on utilise Google Chrome http://ibv.unice.fr/research-team/chaboissier/#:~:text=https%3A//www.science.org/stoken/author%2Dtokens/ST%2D1527/fullInternational audienceSex determination in mammals depends on the differentiation of the supporting lineage of the gonads into Sertoli or pregranulosa cells that govern testis and ovary development, respectively. Although the Y-linked testis-determining gene Sry has been identified, the ovarian-determining factor remains unknown. In this study, we identified −KTS, a major, alternatively spliced isoform of the Wilms tumor suppressor WT1, as a key determinant of female sex determination. Loss of − KTS variants blocked gonadal differentiation in mice, whereas increased expression, as found in Frasier syndrome, induced precocious differentiation of ovaries independently of their genetic sex. In XY embryos, this antagonized Sry expression, resulting in male-to-female sex reversal. Our results identify −KTS as an ovarian-determining factor and demonstrate that its time of activation is critical in gonadal sex differentiation