39 research outputs found

    The significance of the artistic programs of the confraternities marian: the example of patroness of Puente Genil

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    Se trata de valorar la aportación de las cofradías marianas y la significación de sus programas artísticos. Para ello, se ha tomado el ejemplo de la villa cordobesa de Puente Genil y el de sus cofradías de Nuestra Señora del Rosario y Nuestra Señora de la Concepción. Aquélla la antigua patrona de la población y ésta la nueva, tras un solemne voto proclamado con motivo de la peste de 1650. Su historia conjunta revela una secuencia de empresas artísticas, entre retablos y ajuares de platería, para culminar en la construcción de la iglesia patronal en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII, como auténtico monumento devocional de la villa.This paper assesses the contribution of Marian confraternities and significance of their artistics programs. It has been taken as an example the confraternities of Our Lady of the Rosary and Our Lady of the Conception of Puente Genil (Córdoba). The first was the old patroness of the town, while the second it was after the plague of 1650. This story resulted in the production of works of art, including altarpieces and regalia of silverware, culminating in the construction of the church of the patron saint in the second half of the eighteenth century, as authentic devotional monument of the town

    Notas para la arquitectura neoclásica en navarra

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    Within the rich repertoy of processionol monstronces of Spain in the 16th century and in particirlar within the nutrid series that were created in Andalucia the monstronce of Puente Genil, in the province of Cordoba. must be included althougt was an item almost exclusively of local character. It was a work of art destined for o small population, such as old Puente Genil in the 16th century and did not have the category of the great monstrances of the period, but despite this fact shows the tremendous effort in the realisation of these structures, for the Corpus Christi procession even in these the greatness of the nobles to whow they belonged, in this specific case the Marquess of Priego and Lord of Aguilar. For this reason it is not surprising that a fine silversmith was used, apparently Diego Fernández, one of the most important master in this art in the Cordoba of that period.Within the rich repertoy of processionol monstronces of Spain in the 16th century and in particirlar within the nutrid series that were created in Andalucia the monstronce of Puente Genil, in the province of Cordoba. must be included althougt was an item almost exclusively of local character. It was a work of art destined for o small population, such as old Puente Genil in the 16th century and did not have the category of the great monstrances of the period, but despite this fact shows the tremendous effort in the realisation of these structures, for the Corpus Christi procession even in these the greatness of the nobles to whow they belonged, in this specific case the Marquess of Priego and Lord of Aguilar. For this reason it is not surprising that a fine silversmith was used, apparently Diego Fernández, one of the most important master in this art in the Cordoba of that period

    In memoriam. Pedro Segado Bravo

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    One of the most interesring chapters in the baroque retable-making activity in Andalusia is presetired by the rich series of isolated tabernacles or templetes [litle temples]. They stand out both because of the privileged location on the heads of cathedrals and collegial churches and their specialfunction, the Eucharistic exhibition, which distinguish these Andalusian structures from other Spanish ones, usually reserved to Saints. It justifies the name tabernaclen itself: After Diego de Siloe arranged un isolared tabernacle in the rotunda in the cathedral of Granada, this type of altar became in fashion in Andalusia, particularly in eastern Andalusia, and examples as inreresring as St. Sebastian, in Anrequera or those of the Grace Trinnitarians and Santo Domingo, in Granada, were erected along the XVIIIth century the later two are made in polycrhome marbles). Hurtado Izquierdo starts from them to reach the most original and very baroque solutions in the first decades of the XVIIIth century. His works will inspire well known artists, like José de Bada and Pedro Duque Corriejo.One of the most interesring chapters in the baroque retable-making activity in Andalusia is presetired by the rich series of isolated tabernacles or templetes [litle temples]. They stand out both because of the privileged location on the heads of cathedrals and collegial churches and their specialfunction, the Eucharistic exhibition, which distinguish these Andalusian structures from other Spanish ones, usually reserved to Saints. It justifies the name tabernaclen itself: After Diego de Siloe arranged un isolared tabernacle in the rotunda in the cathedral of Granada, this type of altar became in fashion in Andalusia, particularly in eastern Andalusia, and examples as inreresring as St. Sebastian, in Anrequera or those of the Grace Trinnitarians and Santo Domingo, in Granada, were erected along the XVIIIth century the later two are made in polycrhome marbles). Hurtado Izquierdo starts from them to reach the most original and very baroque solutions in the first decades of the XVIIIth century. His works will inspire well known artists, like José de Bada and Pedro Duque Corriejo


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    During the 17th and 18th centuries, several constructions of polychromatic marbles were erected in the region of Murcia. Once again, they come to confirm the importance of these kind of works during the Hispanic Baroque. The influence of neighbouring regions such as Levant and Andalusia and, doubtless, the existence of quarries in the region, particularly in the mountainous North-Western zone, may well explain these marble works. It is just at those Northern areas where some of the most significant specimens are located, being the main front of Santa Cruz [Holy Cross] of Caravaca a major example of them. As the capital of the ancient kingdom and main religious center, the city of Murcia ulso has several fine works, which distinguish themselves because of their refinement and relationship to the international Baroque, as we muy notice in the central front of the Murcian Cathedral.During the 17th and 18th centuries, several constructions of polychromatic marbles were erected in the region of Murcia. Once again, they come to confirm the importance of these kind of works during the Hispanic Baroque. The influence of neighbouring regions such as Levant and Andalusia and, doubtless, the existence of quarries in the region, particularly in the mountainous North-Western zone, may well explain these marble works. It is just at those Northern areas where some of the most significant specimens are located, being the main front of Santa Cruz [Holy Cross] of Caravaca a major example of them. As the capital of the ancient kingdom and main religious center, the city of Murcia ulso has several fine works, which distinguish themselves because of their refinement and relationship to the international Baroque, as we muy notice in the central front of the Murcian Cathedral

    Valoración del producto MOD16A2 para su potencial aplicación en la Región Pampeana Argentina

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    La evapotranspiración (ET) es la variable hidrológica de mayor relevancia en la Región Pampeana Argentina (RPA) debido a que mediante este proceso se pierde gran parte del agua que ingresa como precipitación al sistema. Conocer la variabilidad espacial de la ET es esencial para introducirla en modelos hidrológicos y el uso de productos de satélite resulta una herramienta clave para ello. En este trabajo, se evaluó el producto MOD16A2 de ET potencial (ETp) (versión 6; MOD16A2.006) comparándolo con datos in situ de 24 estaciones distribuidas en la RPA para los años 2012, 2013 y 2014, observándose una sobreestimación mayor al 50%, determinando la existencia de un error sistemático. Debido a este hallazgo, se procedió a calibrar y posteriormente corregir el producto con una ecuación de ajuste lineal, logrando, de este modo, disminuir la diferencia cuadrática media, de 2,31 a 0,51 mm día-1 y el error medio absoluto de 2,08 a 0,37 mm día-1. Tras dicha corrección, el producto MOD16A2.006 mejora significativamente y puede utilizarse con fines hidrológicos a escala de cuenca. Se recomienda evaluar el producto en otras regiones del mundo para determinar si existen errores sistemáticos, y eventualmente corregirlos siguiendo la metodología aquí propuesta.Evapotranspiration (ET) is the hydrological variable of greater relevance in the Argentina Pampas Region (APR) because through this process a large part of the water that enters as precipitation is lost from the system. The knowledge of the ET spatial variability is essential to introduce it in hydrological models and the use of satellite products is a key tool for this aim. In this study, the MOD16A2 product of potential ET (ETp) (version 6; MOD16A2.006) was evaluated comparing it with in situ data of 24 stations distributed in the RPA for the years 2012, 2013 and 2014. An overestimation greater than 50% was shown, proving the existence of a systematic error. Due to this finding, we proceeded to calibrate and subsequently correct the product with a linear adjustment equation, thus decreasing the root-mean square difference, from 2.31 to 0.51 mm day-1 and the mean absolute error from 2.08 to 0.37 mm day-1. After this correction, the MOD16A2.006 product improves significantly and can be used for hydrological purposes at the basin scale. It is recommended to evaluate the product in other regions of the world to determine if there are systematic errors, and eventually correct them following the methodology proposed here

    Producción y manejo de la mora de castilla (Rubus glaucus Benth) en el oriente antioqueño

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    El cultivo do la mora es importante en algunos de los municipios del Oriente (Antioqueño es por esto que se realizó un diagnóstico para adquirir información sobro los principales aspectos del cultivo directamente con la mayoría do los cultivadores de los municipios de Guarne El Retiro Rionegro La Coja y el corregimiento de Santa Elena.Mora-Rubus ulmifoliu

    Sistema integral de ayuda a la conducción mediante procesamiento con redes neuronales convolucionales

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    Los sistemas de ayuda a la conducción han experimentado un gran auge en los últimos años, convirtiéndose en un punto importante a tener en cuenta tanto para los usuarios finales, que desean adquirir vehículos más seguros, como para las propias empresas que los crean, puesto que es un paso intermedio necesario para la eventual transformación a la conducción autónoma. Sin embargo, este tipo de sistemas suelen estar restringidos a modelos de alta gama. En este proyecto se diseña e implementa un sistema integral de ayuda a la conducción haciendo uso de sistemas empotrados, visión por computador e inteligencia artificial, pudiéndose incluir en cualquier vehículo con relativa facilidad. El objetivo principal es conseguir detectar y avisar al conductor ante estados anómalos de forma acústica y/o visual. Para ello se conecta el sistema con un emulador (utilizado por empresas automovilísticas) obteniendo información mediante sensores, procesando la información y realizando un análisis del estado del vehículo y su entorno

    Sistema lumínico para la medición de la reacción motora

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    El mundo del deporte ha sufrido un gran cambio, llevando al extremo las exigencias físicas de los deportistas. Uno de los aspectos más importantes en deportes de velocidad es la respuesta de reacción del deportista ante un determinado estímulo. Esta respuesta se compone del tiempo de reacción (desde la aparición del estímulo al inicio del movimiento) y el tiempo de movimiento (desde el inicio del movimiento hasta su finalización). El objetivo de este proyecto es diseñar un entorno automático de entrenamiento para el deportista de cara a mejorar el tiempo de reacción mediante estímulos visuales aleatorios que tendrán que ser apagados por el deportista y cuyos resultados serán registrados en una aplicación a tal efecto. La aplicación de este sistema no solo se aplica a competición de alto rendimiento, sino también a rehabilitación de pacientes con enfermedades neuromusculares