446 research outputs found

    El mito de Sigurdo I de Noruega como cruzado

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    This paper has three different aims. First of all, it aims to undo the stereotype of Norwegians as Vikings during the whole Middle Ages. Secondly, it will reject definitions of King Sigurd’s expedition to the Mediterranean as a crusade. Finally, it will reflect on the military episode of the siege of Majorca and Menorca, which was carried out by Anglo-Saxon refugees in 1066. This took place during their flight towards Constantinople after the Norman defeat of the Anglo-Saxons in the Battle of Hastings.Con la presente contribución me gustaría abordar un triple objetivo: deshacer el estereotipo de los noruegos como viquingos durante toda la Edad Media, negar al rey Sigurdo y a su expedición al Mediterráneo la categoría de cruzados, y, finalmente, mencionar el episodio militar de la toma de Mallorca y Menorca por refugiados anglosajones en 1066 en su huida hacia Constantinopla después de la derrota anglosajona ante los normandos en la batalla de Hastings

    La flora i la fauna centreeuropees dels Contes dels germans Grimm i llur correspondència a la traducció al català de Carles Riba

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    L’objectiu originari del present treball era estudiar com l’hel·lenista, traductor iescriptor Carles Riba havia escomès la traducció al català dels noms de plantes ianimals que apareixen a la versió alemanya dels Contes dels germans Grimm.L’interès del treball derivava de la constatació que Carles Riba havia dut a termela seva traducció dels contes grimmians quan encara no existien grans obreslexicogràfiques bilingües i quan la llengua encara no havia aconseguit assolirla consolidació del seu estàndard literari, en la qual va cooperar tant Riba ambla seva tasca. Al llarg de la realització d’aquest treball, el seu autor ha constatat,a més a més, que els noms de plantes i animals en els Contes dels germansGrimm apareixen distribuïts en estrats estilístics diferents, de manera que l’estudide la flora i la fauna a la versió alemanya dels contes es pot constituir enun mètode concloent amb vista a datar el moment de la creació del conte i alocalitzar el lloc de redacció, així com amb vista a situar l’origen del conte en unentorn popular o culte

    Historia de la filosofía política como filosofia política del presente

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    Africultural Coping, Distress, and Satisfaction With Life Within African Americans

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    There are a limited amount of studies examining coping methods, psychological distress, and satisfaction with life within African Americans. This study determined whether Africultural coping acts as a moderator between psychological distress and satisfaction with life within an African American community sample. Participants (N = 73) completed a demographic questionnaire, the Africultural Coping Systems Inventory, Satisfaction With Life Scale, and the Hopkins Symptom Checklist-21 and were recruited from a local mental health clinic and social media sites. Results suggested that the ritual-centered coping sub-scale moderated the relationship between satisfaction with life and psychological distress within this sample

    Identidad nacional, reconocimiento y democracia

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    Les varietats estàndards catalanes com a condicionants d'un futur diccionari alemany-català

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    Summary: The aim of this article is to show that the composition of a future Catalan/German / German/Catalan dictionary can only be carried out as follows: the Catalan part must be coordinated by a workgroup made up of Catalan, Valencian and Balearic researchers who will be responsible for the inclusion of relevant vocabulary. Therefore, the vocabulary of Valencian and Balearic lemmas in both dictionaries must appear with diatopic markings. Only by doing so will the reality of Catalan be assured as a language with a “diffuse and pluricentric standard”. In our opinion, this method will fully acknowledge the pluricentric character of the Catalan language. One must bear in mind that Catalan does not only have an ideal standard, as defined by the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (I.E.C.), but also what the author considers as a diffused standard one, that is, the spoken language used by the upper-middle class Catalan speaker. We thus consider that a future German-Catalan / Catalan-German Dictionary should take into account this diffused standard Catalan, which, after all, forms an integral part of the reality of the language. [Keywords: Asymmetrical pluricentric language; standard language; norm; non-dominant languages; varieties; pluricentricity of Catalan; diffuse logic; diffuse standard; lexicography]Summary: The aim of this article is to show that the composition of a future Catalan/German / German/Catalan dictionary can only be carried out as follows: the Catalan part must be coordinated by a workgroup made up of Catalan, Valencian and Balearic researchers who will be responsible for the inclusion of relevant vocabulary. Therefore, the vocabulary of Valencian and Balearic lemmas in both dictionaries must appear with diatopic markings. Only by doing so will the reality of Catalan be assured as a language with a “diffuse and pluricentric standard”. In our opinion, this method will fully acknowledge the pluricentric character of the Catalan language. One must bear in mind that Catalan does not only have an ideal standard, as defined by the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (I.E.C.), but also what the author considers as a diffused standard one, that is, the spoken language used by the upper-middle class Catalan speaker. We thus consider that a future German-Catalan / Catalan-German Dictionary should take into account this diffused standard Catalan, which, after all, forms an integral part of the reality of the language. [Keywords: Asymmetrical pluricentric language; standard language; norm; non-dominant languages; varieties; pluricentricity of Catalan; diffuse logic; diffuse standard; lexicography

    Sociologiser la communication politique ? À propos de quelques tendances de la science politique française

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    La communication politique, objet longtemps délaissé par la science politique française, a éveillé un intérêt croissant, depuis les années 1980, parmi les politistes portés à l’analyse sociologique des phénomènes politiques. Leur démarche a consisté à interroger les mythologies et les croyances fondatrices du monde de la communication politique, à caractériser la place des conseillers en communication politique parmi les spécialistes du travail politique ainsi qu’à tenter de mesurer certains des effets produits par la généralisation de cette activité sur le déroulement de la vie politique. Ces travaux ouvrent de fructueuses perspectives pour la compréhension des transformations en cours des systèmes politiques contemporains.Political communication, which had long been forsaken by the French political science, has, since the eighties, met with renewed and growing interest among political analysts whose concern lies in the sociological analysis of political phenomena. They have endeavoured to question the mythologies and founding beliefs of the realm of political communication and to characterize the role of spin doctors among the experts in politics. They have also attempted to assess the effects produced by the generalization of that activity on the unfolding of political life. This research opens up fruitful perspectives for the comprehension of the ongoing transformations/alterations of contemporary political systems