21 research outputs found

    Repensar i repracticar l'educació des de la idea de xarxa

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    Curs 2012-2013Aquest treball és una recerca entorn la necessitat de repensar i repracticar l‟educació des de l‟idea de xarxa. Està estructurat en tres grans blocs: un primer, on es justifica des de l‟àmbit personal, educatiu i científic el per què de la tria de la nostra recerca i on es planteja la pregunta inicial des de la qual es desenvoluparà tot el treball: En quina situació es troba el treball educatiu en xarxa en les escoles Pereanton, Camí del mig, Guillem de Mont-rodon i Artur Martorell?. Un segon, centrat en la fonamentació conceptual del que els referents teòrics han dit sobre el tema. I un tercer, de caire més pràctic, on per una banda s‟exposa el paradigma, la orientació metodològica i les eines de recollida de dades utilitzades en l‟estudi de camp . I per altra, s‟analitzen les informacions obtingudes amb l‟objectiu de determinar quin és el grau d‟aplicació de treball en xarxa a cada un dels centres estudiats. Finalment la recerca es tanca amb les conclusions pràctiques fruit del contrast entre el marc teòric i el resultat pràctic obtingut de l‟anàlisi de la visita als centres.This research project talks about the necessity of rethinking and reconsidering the education model from a net-working perspective. The project is organized in three sections: the first one argues the justification and the reason for doing this research from the personal, educational and scientific perspective and also sets out our main question that structures all the project; What is the net-working situation in the schools of Pereanton, Camí del mig, Guillem de Mont-rodon and Artur Martorell?. The second part is focused on the conceptual basis that professional researchers have come up with for this issue. And the last one, based on the praxis, where the paradigm, the methodological orientation and the research tools are presented. It also contains the information analyses that have contributed to determine the net-working ranking of both analyzed centers. Finally, the research is summed up with practical conclusions, which are the result of contrasting the practical and the theoretical aspects of net-working

    Prescription and integration of accredited mobile Apps in catalan health and social care: protocol for the AppSalut site design

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    mHealth; Information integration; Telemedicine; Telemonitoring; Mobile phonemSalud; Integración de la información; Telemedicina; Televigilancia; Teléfono móvilmSalut; Integració de la informació; Telemedicina; Televigilància; Telèfon mòbilBackground: The use of new mobile technologies in the health and social welfare sectors is already a reality. The ICT Social Health Foundation, in accordance with the technology strategy of the Catalan government's Ministry of Health and its Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Families, is leading an initiative to create a public library of apps for its AppSalut Site. Objective: The objective of this paper is to present an account of the design of the project, with a global perspective, applied to the Catalan ecosystem, which can be divided into 3 areas: the framework governing the recommendation and prescription of apps, the subset of interoperability for mobile environments, and the data storage infrastructure. Methods: The security and credibility of the apps included in the catalog is ensured by submitting them to an accreditation process in the public domain that provides users with the guarantee that they are fit for purpose and trustworthy for the management and care of their health, while providing health care professionals with the possibility of recommending the apps in the doctor's surgery, as well as adding the information generated by the users' mobile devices to the information systems of the various organizations concerned. Results: An examination of the abovementioned areas suggests possibilities for improvements in the future. The experience obtained from the development of this element has shown the heterogeneity of the vocabularies used, as expected, due to the lack of awareness on the part of the developers regarding the need to standardize the information generated by the app, requiring the foundation to take on the role of consultant. Conclusions: The project has evolved in keeping with changes in the technological and social paradigm and responds very satisfactorily to the needs posed to it. It can be seen as a landmark experience in mobile strategies in the fields of health and welfare of any public health system. The experience has shown itself to be feasible in organizational terms, necessary in any attempt to integrate mobile technologies into public health practice, and a global pioneer in the field.This study was conducted with the support of the Secretary of Universities and Research of the Department of Business and Knowledge at the Generalitat de Catalunya

    Definition of a SNOMED CT pathology subset and microglossary, based on 1.17 million biological samples from the Catalan Pathology Registry

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    SNOMED CT terminology is not backed by standard norms of encoding among pathologists. The vast number of concepts ordered in hierarchies and axes, together with the lack of rules of use, complicates the functionality of SNOMED CT for coding, extracting, and analyzing the data. Defining subgroups of SNOMED CT by discipline could increase its functionality. The challenge lies in how to choose the concepts to be included in a subset from a total of over 300,000. Besides, SNOMED CT does not cover daily need, as the clinical reality is dynamic and changing. To adapt SNOMED CT to needs in a flexible way, the possibility exists to create extensions. In Catalonia, most pathology departments have been migrating from SNOMED II to SNOMED CT in a bid to advance the development of the Catalan Pathology Registry, which was created in 2014 as a repository for all the pathological diagnoses. This article explains the methodology used to: (a) identify the clinico-pathological entities and the molecular diagnostic procedures not included in SNOMED CT; (b) define the theoretical subset and microglossary of pathology; (c) describe the SNOMED CT concepts used by pathologists of 1.17 million samples of the Catalan Pathology Registry; and d) adapt the theoretical subset and the microglossary according to the actual use of SNOMED CT. Of the 328,365 concepts available for coding the diagnoses (326,732 in SNOMED CT and 1,576 in Catalan extension), only 2% have been used. Combining two axes of SNOMED CT, body structure and clinical findings, has enabled coding most of the morphologies

    First-line treatment in lymphomatoid papulosis: a retrospective multicentre study

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    Background: Data regarding response to treatment in lymphomatoid papulosis (LyP) are scarce. Aim: To assess the daily clinical practice approach to LyP and the response to first-line treatments. Methods: This was a retrospective study enrolling 252 patients with LyP. Results: Topical steroids, methotrexate and phototherapy were the most common first-line treatments, prescribed for 35%, 20% and 14% of the patients, respectively. Complete response (CR) was achieved in 48% of treated patients. Eczematous lesions significantly increased relative risk (RR) of not achieving CR (RR = 1.76; 95% CI 1.16-2.11). Overall median time to CR was 10 months (95% CI 6-13 months), and 78% of complete responders showed cutaneous relapse; both results were similar for all treatment groups (P > 0.05). Overall estimated median disease-free survival (DFS) was 11 months (95% CI 9-13 months) but DFS for patients treated with phototherapy was 23 months (95% CI 10-36 months; P < 0.03). Having the Type A LyP variant (RR = 2.04; 95% CI 0.96-4.30) and receiving a first-line treatment other than phototherapy (RR = 5.33; 95% CI 0.84-33.89) were significantly associated with cutaneous early relapse. Of the 252 patients, 31 (13%) had associated mycosis fungoides unrelated to therapeutic approach, type of LyP or T-cell receptor clonality. Conclusions: Current epidemiological, clinical and pathological data support previous results. Topical steroids, phototherapy and methotrexate are the most frequently prescribed first-line treatments. Although CR and cutaneous relapse rates do not differ between them, phototherapy achieves a longer DFS. Presence of Type A LyP and use of topical steroid or methotrexate were associated with an increased risk of early relapse

    La Perspectiva actual sobre la formació dels docents envers les altes capacitats i les pràctiques educatives inclusives amb aquest alumnat en una escola de Barcelona

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    La següent investigació neix de la curiositat de conèixer i saber més coses sobre les Altes Capacitats a primària, degut a la poca formació rebuda al llarg de la meva educació universitària. Durant la investigació es podrà veure quin és el pensament del professorat envers la poca formació de base que tenen sobre aquesta tipologia d’alumnat, fet que els dificulta tenir eines de detecció, ja que si ho coneguessin els podria ajudar a evitar o disminuir la desmotivació i el possible fracàs escolar que va moltes vegades associat als alumnes amb Altes Capacitats. També s’analitza la pràctica que fa una escola de Barcelona amb aquesta tipologia d’alumnes i es dona veu als alumnes a expressar com es senten ells. La metodologia que s’ha dut a terme s’ha basat en entrevistes a 2 professionals, a qüestionaris al cos docent de primària d’una escola de Barcelona, i a l’entrevista amb 3 alumnes amb Altes Capacitats. Els resultats obtinguts s’han descrit segons les dimensions marcades per a cada instrument i, finalment, a la discussió s’han relacionat les informacions ja conegudes en estudis previs i marcades al marc teòrica, amb el que s’ha obtingut a partit de la investigació, segons l’objectiu marcat. Al acabar s’ha vist clarament la necessitat de potenciar la formació de detecció per tal de poder detectar de manera precoç als infants amb Altes Capacitats, podent així fer les adaptacions necessàries el més aviat possible.The following investigation is born of the curiosity to know and knowing more about the high Capacities in primary, due to the little education received throughout my university education. During the investigation, you can see what teachers think about the little basic training they have about this type of students, which makes them difficult to have detection tools, because if they knew about it, they could help them avoid or diminish the demotivation and the possible school failure that is often associated with students with high capacities. Also analyzed is the practice that a Barcelona school does with this type of students and gives voice to the students to express how they feel. The methodology that has been carried out has been based on interviews with 2 professionals, questionnaires in the primary of a school in Barcelona, and in the interview with 3 students with High Capacities. The results obtained have been described according to the dimensions indicated for each instrument and, finally, in the discussion the information already known in previous studies and marked with the theoretical framework has been related, with what has been obtained in the match of the research, according to the marked objective. At the end, the need to enhance detection training for the teachers has been clearly seen in order to be able to detect early children with High Capacities, thus making the necessary adaptations as soon as possible

    Dinàmica de sistemes: estudi de les equacions de Lorenz

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    Dinàmica de sistemes: estudi de les equacions de Lorenz

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    Anàlisi de la incidència de l'esforç d'alta intensitat en la generació d'IncRNA

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    El present TFM té per objectiu aplicar tècniques d'intel·ligència artificial per analitzar la incidència de l'esforç d'alta intensitat en la generació d'IncRNA.El presente TFM tiene por objetivo aplicar técnicas de inteligencia artificial para analizar la incidencia del esfuerzo de alta intensidad en la generación de IncRNA

    Dinàmica de sistemes: estudi de les equacions de Lorenz

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