25 research outputs found

    The reproduction of gender differences in early career choices and professional identity of young dentist in Finland

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    Introduction For over the last 20 years, approximately 70% of working dentists in Finland have been women. However, there is internal division of the profession along gender lines. Female dentists work more often in the public sector and male dentists in the private sector. The aim of this study was to investigate the gender differences in young dentists' early career choices, specialization plans, values and perceptions of professional identity. Materials and methods The data were taken from a national e-mail questionnaire study called "Young Dentist," which was sent to 458 dentists who had received their licence to practise dentistry in 2014-2016 from all four universities with dental curricula in Finland. A total of 52% young dentists (n = 238) answered the questionnaire. Results and discussion The results indicated that whereas female dentists were more likely to perceive themselves as comforters, social workers and health promoters, male dentists tended to perceive themselves as technicians. These professional identities were interrelated with early-stage career choices in which female dentists worked more often in the public than in the private sector when compared to male dentists. There were also clear gender differences in the importance of values and the specialization plans of the young dentists. Conclusion Young dentists in Finland make career choices and develop professional identity in accordance with the attributes traditionally associated with cultural ideals related to femininity and masculinity.Peer reviewe

    Modification of national OSCE due to COVID-19-Implementation and students' feedback

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    Aim The aims were to describe the development of a modified national online OSCE during COVID-19 and assess related student feedback. Material and methods The modified online OSCE comprising of eight question entities was organised simultaneously in all four dental institutes of Finland using the Moodle virtual learning environment. All fourth-year students (n = 179) attended the examination online at home. Student feedback was collected via an anonymous questionnaire with multiple-choice questions and open-ended questions concerning attitudes towards the modified online OSCE, as well as content and usability of the question entities in the examination. Means and standard deviations were calculated for multiple-choice questions. Content analysis was used for open-ended questions. Results Of 179 students, 119 (66%) consented to the study. Students experienced they had received adequate information (mean 3.8; SD 1.2), had a positive attitude before the examination (4.0; 1.0) and found the practice test useful (3.7; 1.1) (range 1-5). Technical implementation (2.7; 0.7) and the difficulty of the questions (2.9; 0.6) (range 1-4) were found to be good. The teaching students received during their studies was sufficient (3.2; 0.5) (range 1-4). Content (mean 3.2; 0.4) and usability (2.9; 0.4) of the question entities were good (range 1-4). The themes arising from open-ended questions were importance and practicality of the topic (in questions) in relation to the work of a dentist and gratitude for the rapid conversion of the OSCE into an online examination despite COVID-19. The themes arising from negative experiences included difficulties in completing the examination within the time allocated, and dissatisfaction with the model answers provided after the examination. Conclusion The positive student feedback towards the modified online OSCE encourages including an online examination to complement the traditional OSCE.Peer reviewe

    Fixed metal ceramic prostheses:treatment need, complications and survival of conventional fixed prosthodontics

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    Abstract The aims of this study were to evaluate the treatment need of fixed bridges according to the distribution of pontics in dentition in different age groups, and to investigate the primary and late complications and survival of the conventional fixed metal ceramic prostheses, as well as patients' satisfaction with the prosthetic treatment. The whole material consisted of the patients treated with fixed metal ceramic prostheses by undergraduate students at the Institute of Dentistry during the years 1984 - 1996. There were altogether 772 patients, 460 women (60 %) and 312 men (40 %). Their mean age was 47 years (23 - 81 years). Altogether 944 single metal ceramic crowns and 543 fixed bridges (1374 abutments and 807 pontics) were prepared. It can be concluded that the fixed bridges are most often prepared to replace upper first premolars and lower first molars also in the future. The most usual primary complications related to fixed bridges occurred during preprosthetic endodontic treatment of abutment teeth and during the preparation of the root canals. Previous restoration of the prepared tooth does not have any marked effect on the prognosis of single crowns with dowels, although anatomically complicated upper lateral incisors and upper first premolars need special attention in the treatment planning. Patients were satisfied with aesthetics and function of the fixed metal ceramic prostheses. Late complications found in clinical examinations were few, and the survival rate for the fixed metal ceramic bridge prostheses was calculated to be 84 % after 10 years, long fixed bridges having a lower survival than the shorter ones. The treatment need for conventional fixed bridges seems to be highest among patients over 50 years of age in the future. Age does not influence the longevity of the fixed prostheses, but basic circumstances of the mouth, especially low secretion of saliva affected by diseases and/or medications and high scores of lactobacilli and streptococcus mutans of the saliva seem to decrease the survival

    Quality of Life of Patients Treated With Implant-Supported Mandibular Overdentures Evaluated With the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14): a Survey of 58 Patients

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    Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the oral health-related quality of life of patients treated with implant-supported mandibular overdentures and to compare the attachment systems used.Material and Methods: Altogether 112 patients treated with implant-supported mandibular overdentures in 1985 - 2004 were invited to the follow-up; 58 of them attended and replied to the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) -questionnaire. There were 48 overdentures with a bar connection and 10 with a ball connection, the total number of implants installed and still in use was 197. The mean follow-up time was 13.7 years. The associations between the OHIP-14 variables and the patient’s age, gender as well as the number of implants supporting the overdenture and the type of attachment used were assessed.Results: The results showed that patients with implant-supported mandibular overdentures were satisfied with their oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL). Older patients were more satisfied than younger ones in both genders. Neither the implant connection type nor the number of supporting implants seemed to have a significant influence on the OHRQoL.Conclusions: Especially older patients with mandibular implant-supported overdentures were satisfied with their oral health-related quality of life. Attachment type or the number of supporting implants did not have a significant influence on the oral health-related quality of life

    Kliniska resultat av behandling med keramer

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    This paper addresses the available recent clinical evidence for different treatment possibilities with ceramic materials. Furthermore, an analysis of the failures occurring and the reason for these is discussed. The paper focuses on single crowns and multi-unit restorations (fixed dental prostheses, FDPs) supported on teeth or implants. The survival of ceramic restorations is favourable and comparable with metal ceramic ones. Biological complications are rare. The cause-effect relationship is multifactorial and mostly influenced by host-related factors rather than by the type of restorative material. Fractures are the main technical complications. Margin fractures is the most common complication for crowns, and connector fractures for FDPs

    Kliniska resultat av behandling med keramer

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    This paper addresses the available recent clinical evidence for different treatment possibilities with ceramic materials. Furthermore, an analysis of the failures occurring and the reason for these is discussed. The paper focuses on single crowns and multi-unit restorations (fixed dental prostheses, FDPs) supported on teeth or implants. The survival of ceramic restorations is favourable and comparable with metal ceramic ones. Biological complications are rare. The cause-effect relationship is multifactorial and mostly influenced by host-related factors rather than by the type of restorative material. Fractures are the main technical complications. Margin fractures is the most common complication for crowns, and connector fractures for FDPs

    Effect of Mandibular Advancement Device Therapy on the Signs and Symptoms of Temporomandibular Disorders

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    Objectives: Mandibular advancement device therapy is effectively used in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea, but also several side effects in the masticatory system have been reported. The aim of this study was to evaluate the subjective symptoms and clinical signs of temporomandibular disorders connected to mandibular advancement device therapy. Material and Methods: The material consisted of 15 patients (9 men and 6 women, mean age 51.1 years, range 21 to 70 years) diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Subjective symptoms and clinical temporomandibular disorders (TMD) signs were recorded at the beginning of the treatment (baseline) and at 1-month, 3-month, 6-month and 24-month follow-ups. The degree of TMD was assessed using the anamnestic (Ai) and the clinical dysfunction index (Di) of Helkimo. For assessing the effect of TMD the patients were divided in discontinuing and continuing groups. Results: According to Ai and Di, the severity of TMD remained unchanged during the follow-up in most of the patients. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) crepitation was found more frequently in discontinuing patients at all follow-ups. The difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05) at the six-month follow-up. Masticatory muscle pain during palpation was a frequent clinical sign at the baseline and during the follow-up period but the difference between discontinuing and continuing patients was not significant. Conclusions: It seems that signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders do not necessarily increase during long-term mandibular advancement device therapy. However, it seems that patients with clinically assessed temporomandibular joint crepitation may discontinue their mandibular advancement device therapy due to temporomandibular disorders

    Nuuskaus ja tupakointi hammaslääketieteen ja lääketieteen opiskelijoilla

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    Tiivistelmä Lähtökohdat: Nuuskan käyttö on yleistynyt ja tupakointi vähentynyt Suomessa. Selvitimme Oulun yliopiston hammaslääketieteen ja lääketieteen opiskelijoiden tapoja. Menetelmät: Opiskelijoille (n = 1 165) lähetettiin sähköpostitse kutsu kyselytutkimukseen. Kyselyyn vastasi 542 opiskelijaa (47 %). Tulokset: Vastaajista 12,3 % (n = 66) nuuskasi ja 4,5 % (n = 24) tupakoi päivittäin tai satunnaisesti. Nuuskan käyttäjät olivat nuuskanneet keskimäärin 5,1 vuotta (0–13 v), ja tupakoitsijat olivat tupakoineet keskimäärin 8,8 vuotta (2–22 v). Alle puolet nuuskaajista halusi lopettaa nuuskan käytön. Päätelmät: Nuuskan käyttö oli huomattavasti yleisempää kuin tupakointi. Miehet nuuskasivat enemmän kuin naiset. Tupakoinnissa sukupuolieroa ei havaittu.Abstract Background: Snuff use has increased among adolescents and adults in Finland in recent years and smoking has decreased at the same time. The aim of this study was to investigate the use of snuff and smoking among dental and medical students. Methods: An invitation to a questionnaire survey was sent to the dental and medical students (n = 1165) at the University of Oulu by e-mail. The questionnaire included questions about smoking and snuff use in addition to background information. A total of 542 students (47%) responded to the survey. Results: Of the respondents, 12.3% (n = 66) used snuff and 4.5% (n = 24) smoked daily or occasionally. On average, snuff users had used snuff for 5.1 years (0–13 years) and smokers had smoked 8.8 years (2–22 years). Less than half of snuff users wanted to give up snuff use. Conclusions: Snuff use was much more common among dental and medical students at the University of Oulu than smoking. Men used snuff more often than women, but no similar gender difference was found in smoking