12 research outputs found

    Preliminary Study: Development of Algodoo-based Newtonian Teaching Materials to Improve Student’s Conceptual Understanding with Peer Instruction Method

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    Some of the worlds physics communities have observed that student learning outcomes in introductory physics courses are weak and ineffective. To overcome this, one of the efforts to complete it is the development of effective teaching materials. Excellent teaching materials will help students in solving problems in learning including deep conceptual understanding. Many misconceptions occur for students who have completed introductory physics courses. Whereas in the introductory physics courses there are many major branches of physics. Conceptual understanding is a part that cannot be missed in the whole of physics learning. Weak understanding of the concept will affect the completion of mathematical physics questions. Sometimes students can solve a physics problem that is mathematical but does not understand the concepts contained in it. One method of solving physical misconceptions in students is to use peer learning methods whose activities are arranged in instructional materials developed based on Algodoo. This method is expected to reduce the misconceptions that occur for students who take Introductory Physics courses during their first year of college

    The Development of Teaching Material of Physics Introductory for Biology with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Approach

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    Journal of Physics: Conference Series PAPER • THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE ISOPEN ACCESS The Development of Teaching Material of Physics Introductory for Biology with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Approach Muhammad Aswin Rangkuti1, Winsyahputra Ritonga1 and Wasis Wuyung Wisnu Brata2 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1462, The 6th Annual International Seminar on Trends in Science and Science Education 16–17 October 2019, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia Citation Muhammad Aswin Rangkuti et al 2020 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1462 012038 DownloadArticle PDF References 90 Total downloads Turn on MathJax Share this article Share this content via email Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Mendeley Article information Abstract In higher education, many concepts in physics are applied in various disciplines that explain the development of the theory they learn; one of them is Physics Introductory. Natural Science Students, such as Biology and Chemistry, unwittingly use many essential concepts of Physics. However, the learning process in this course generally only explains concepts in Physics without relating them to the needs of interdisciplinary knowledge. As a result, interdisciplinary students feel that Physics is meaningless and not applicable. This raises the perception that causes them not interested to learn Physics. In fact, the concepts contained in this course are very important for the development of their knowledge. This research will try to rearrange the materials in the Physics introductory course linked to the Biology concepts. The development of teaching materials uses the Research and Development (R & D) method. This paper will discuss theories and publications that support the importance of interdisciplinary integrated learning. Furthermore, the development of teaching material and its effectiveness will be discussed in our future publication


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat penggunaan Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa (LKM) berbasis gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) pada mata kuliah dasar mekanika dan kalor. LKM disusun berbasis gaya belajar (Visual, Audiotori, Reading, dan Kinestetik). LKM dinyatakan valid oleh dua orang validator dan diterapkan dalam pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai rata-rata paling tinggi untuk kelompok gaya belajar berada pada kelompok audiotori yaitu dengan rata-rata 63,93 dan rata-rata paling rendah berada pada kelompok kinestetik dengan rata-rata 54,93. Selanjutnya diperoleh nilai tertinggi dengan nilai 97,53 berada pada kelompok reading sementara itu nilai terendah diperoleh dari kelompok visual dengan nilai 32,36

    Effect of Iron Powder as Filler Material on Characteristics of Asphalt

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of iron powder as filler material on the characteristics of asphalt. The research was begun by testing the physical properties of pure asphalt. These tests provided the necessary information needed in order to establish a baseline for further research, as well as to produce materials for testing. The next step was making a specimen of pure asphalt by mixing the bitumen, soft aggregate and coarse aggregate to an optimal asphalt content of 6%. From the specimen, six samples of asphalt were prepared. No modifications were made to the first sample. The remaining samples of asphalt were modified by adding iron powder as a filler in increasing percentages, as follows: 0,5%, 1%, 1,5%, 2%, and 2,5%. A Marshall Test was conducted on each sample to determine the characteristics of the asphalt samples, including stability, density, flow, VIM, VMA, and VFA. Based on the test results, it can be concluded that the addition of iron powder affected the physical properties of asphal


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh karet alam siklik terhadap rongga aspal modifikasi. Tahapan peneltian meliputi pembuatan aspal modifikasi dengan menyampur aspal murni dengan karet alam siklik, pengujian persyaratan fisik aspal, pembuatan benda uji dan pengujian marshall. Berdasarkan pengujian sifat fisik aspal diperoleh data bahwa keseluruhan aspal modifikasi memenuhi persyaratan fisik aspal. Setelah pembuatan benda uji, dilakukan pengujian marshall untuk memperoleh rongga aspal meliputi VIM, VMA dan VFA. Nilai VIM pada penambahan 0 phr, 1 phr, 2 phr, 3 phr, dan 4 phr adalah 3,65%, 5,41%, 4,27%, 3,84%, dan 2,88%. Nilai VMA sebesar 15,52%, 17,26%, 16,07%, 15,80%, dan 15,17%. Nilai VFA sebesar 76,48%, 68,72%, 73,54%, 75,76%, dan 81,34%. Diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa karet alam siklik bisa dijadikan sebagai bahan memodifikasi aspal dan berpengaruh terhadap rongga aspal. This research aimed to determine the effect of cyclic natural rubber (CNR) to cavity of modified bitumen. The steps of the research were mixing the pure bitumen with CNR, testing bitumen physical requirement, making the specimen, and testing the cavity of modified bitumen with marshall method. Testing showed that all the modified bitumen met the physical requirement. After making specimen, marshall method was used to determine the cavity of bitumen, including VIM, VMA, and VFA. VIM in addition of 0 phr, 1 phr, 2 phr, 3 phr, and 4 phr was 3,65%, 5,41%, 4,27%, 3,84%, and 2,88%. The value of VMA was 15.52%, 17.26%, 16.07%, 15.80% and 15.17%. The value of VFA was 76.48%, 68.72%, 73.54%, 75.76% and 81.34%. The conclusion of this study was CNR could be used as material for bitumen modified and had the effect on bitumen cavity

    Characteristics of Concrete With Red Sand Mixture 80 Mesh Grain Size After Combustion

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    Research has been done on the Characteristics of Concrete with a Mix of Red Sand Grain Size 80 Mesh Post-burning. This study aims to determine the characteristics of concrete with a mixture of red sand grain size 80 Mesh Post-burning on the compressive strength, porosity and structure of the concrete. The test object is a cube of 15 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm with concrete quality K-225. In this study, variations in the composition of 80 mesh size red sand were made of 0%, 2%, 3% and 4%. After the concrete is 24 hours old, the mold is opened and given a sample code and treated in an immersion water bath. After going through an immersion period of 28 days, the concrete was burned in an oven with temperature variations of 400℃, 550℃, 700℃ and 850℃ and tested. The test methods used are compressive strength, porosity and Scanning Electron Microscope Energy Dispersive X-Ray (SEM-EDX). From the test results obtained the maximum average compressive strength obtained in concrete with a mixture of red sand of 4% with a temperature of 550℃. From the results of the porosity test, there was a decrease in the concrete with the addition of red sand by 4%. From the results of the SEM test, the concrete structure with a mixture of red sand has fewer and smaller cavities. From the results of the EDX test on concrete with a mixture of red sand, Calcium (Ca) and Stibium (Sb) elements have increased intensity when compared to normal concrete. From the XRD test results obtained elements - elements SiO2 (Silicon Oxide), Ca(OH)2 (Calcium Hydroxide) and CaO3 (Calcite) with the highest intensity is SiO2.Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai Karakteristik Beton dengan Campuran Pasir Merah Ukuran Butiran 80 Mesh Pasca Bakar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Karakteristik Beton dengan Campuran Pasir Merah Ukuran Butiran 80 Mesh Pasca Bakar terhadap kuat tekan, porositas, dan struktur beton. Benda uji berupa kubus 15 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm dengan mutu beton K-225. Pada penelitian ini dibuat variasi komposisi pasir merah ukuran 80 Mesh sebesar 0%, 2%, 3% dan 4%. Setelah beton berumur 24 jam cetakan dibuka dan diberi kode sampel dan dirawat dalam bak air perendaman. Setelah melalui masa perendaman 28 hari kemudian beton dibakar dalam oven dengan variasi suhu 400℃, 550℃, 700℃ dan 850℃ dan diuji. Metode pengujian yang digunakan yaitu kuat tekan, porositas dan Scanning Electron Microscope Energy Dispersive X-Ray (SEM-EDX). Dari hasil  pengujian diperoleh kuat tekan rata-rata maksimum diperoleh pada beton dengan campuran pasir merah sebesar 4% dengan suhu 550℃. Dari hasil pengujian porositas terjadi penurunan pada beton dengan penambahan pasir merah sebesar 4%. Dari hasil pengujian SEM didapatkan struktur beton dengan campuran pasir merah memiliki rongga yang lebih sedikit dan lebih kecil. Dari hasil pengujian EDX pada beton dengan campuran pasir merah, unsur Calcium (Ca) dan Stibium (Sb) mengalami peningkatan intensitas jika dibandingkan dengan beton normal. Dari hasil pengujian XRD diperoleh unsur – unsur SiO2 (Silicon Oksida), Ca(OH)2 (Kalsium Hidroksida) dan CaCO3 (Kalsit) dengan intensitas paling tinggi yaitu SiO2

    Exploring Cosmological Dynamics: From FLRW Universe to Cosmic Microwave Background Fluctuations

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    This study explores key aspects of cosmology, starting with the foundational FLRW equations that describe the universe's evolution, emphasizing its homogeneity and isotropy. We incorporate mass viscosity into these equations, shedding light on its role in shaping the universe. Observations of Type Ia supernovae inform our understanding of cosmological parameters, including the Hubble rate and dark energy's effects on cosmic expansion. Cosmic Microwave Background fluctuations are analyzed for insights into cosmic structure. Baryon Acoustic Oscillations provide additional data for estimating critical parameters. We also examine the Hubble Parameter to understand its relation to cosmological parameters. Lastly, we introduce statefinder analysis, unveiling the universe's behavior through key indicators like "r" and "s." This study offers comprehensive insights into cosmology and the universe's evolution

    Physics Visualization of Schwarzschild Black Hole through Graphic Representation of the Regge-Wheeler Equation using R-Studio Approach

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    This study aims to visualize the vibrations of black holes using the Regge-Wheeler equation in Cartesian coordinates. Black holes are astrophysical objects with extremely strong gravity, and understanding the vibrations around them provides insights into the nature and structure of black holes. The Regge-Wheeler equation is used to model these vibrations. In this study, the goal is to generate visual images that visualize the vibrations of black holes, including their frequencies, amplitudes, and possible vibration modes. Complex mathematical and computational methods were employed to create these visualizations. The findings of this research result in an intuitive and accurate visualizations of black hole vibrations. By observing the patterns and distributions of vibrations in visual form, complex concepts can be more easily understood and interpreted. These visualizations provide a better understanding of the characteristics of black hole vibrations and can serve as learning and comprehension tools for scientists and researchers. The accomplishment of this research addresses a deficiency in prior studies that lacked informative and intuitive visualizations of black hole vibration phenomena. The visualizations produced in this study make a significant contribution to our understanding of black hole vibration phenomena. The enhanced visualizations allow researchers to perceive patterns and distributions of vibrations more clearly, paving the way for new insights into the nature of black holes. The implications of this research are an improved understanding of black hole vibrations and a broader dissemination of knowledge about this phenomenon to the general public. The generated images can help communicate complex concepts more effectively, enhancing awareness and interest in black hole research


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat penggunaan Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa (LKM) berbasis gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) pada mata kuliah dasar mekanika dan kalor. LKM disusun berbasis gaya belajar (Visual, Audiotori, Reading, dan Kinestetik). LKM dinyatakan valid oleh dua orang validator dan diterapkan dalam pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai rata-rata paling tinggi untuk kelompok gaya belajar berada pada kelompok audiotori yaitu dengan rata-rata 63,93 dan rata-rata paling rendah berada pada kelompok kinestetik dengan rata-rata 54,93. Selanjutnya diperoleh nilai tertinggi dengan nilai 97,53 berada pada kelompok reading sementara itu nilai terendah diperoleh dari kelompok visual dengan nilai 32,36.Kata Kunci: Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa (LKM), gaya belajar, Fisik


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    This study aims to improve the quality of asphalt by adding ground tyre rubber (GR) and reactive rubber (NR-g-MA) as compatibilizers of asphalt-rubber mixability. The use of GR has been widely used to improve the performance of asphalt and extend the service life of asphalt. The NR-g-MA used was the product of the copolymerization of SIR-20 rubber grafts with maleic anhydrous (MA) through a melting process in an internal mixer. Mixing of GR in asphalt was carried out in an external mixer with composition of asphalt/GR 95/5 phr at the temperature of 180oC for 90 minutes. The performance of asphalts were measured based on conventional test of penetration and softening point. The rheological properties of asphalt were measured using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR). Important parameters of the rheological properties measured are complex shear modulus (G*) and phase angle (d). Asphalt resistance to the permanent deformation (rutting) were determined on asphalt that has undergone a short-term aging process in a rolling thin film oven (RTFO) and measured at high temperatures (58-82OC). Fatigue crack resistance was tested on asphalt that has undergone a long-term aging process using the method of pressure aging vessel (PAV) and measured at low temperatures (25-31OC). Asphalt-GR mixtures' chemical, thermal and morphological properties were studied using ATR-FTIR, DSC/TGA, and SEM respectively. The results showed that adding used ground rubber (GR) decreased the penetration value by 9.93 – 18.87% and increased the softening point of asphalt from 5.57 – 11.40%. Rheological analysis showed that the addition of GR and compatibilizer NR-g-MA increase the value of complex shear modulus (G*) and decrease the phase angle (d) of the asphalt. The addition of ground rubber and reactive rubber of NR-g-MA to asphalt improve the performance of asphalt because it has rutting resistance at high temperatures as well as improves asphalt cracking resistance at low-temperature measurements. The addition of NR-g-MA reactive rubber to modified asphalt ground rubber can increase the mixability of asphalt-rubber used tires