33 research outputs found

    Cervical spondylotic myelopathy with concomitant ex vacuo hydrocephalus in the differential diagnosis of idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus

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    Introduction: Idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH) is a syndrome of gait disturbance with enlargement of the cerebral ventricles, not justified by another cause. It frequently occurs with cognitive dysfunction and overactivity of the bladder’s detrusor muscle, resulting in dementia and urinary incontinence. We report a case in which the patient´s gait and initial image suggested iNPH, posteriorly found to be a cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM). Objectives: To report a CSM with concomitant ex vacuo hydrocephalus case resembling iNPH and to discuss the biases of the initial diagnosis. Case presentation: A 78 year-old woman, previously diagnosed with hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus, presented to our ambulatory with a long history of progressive gait disturbance, radiating pain to the right arm and several episodes of falls. The relatives referred possible cognitive deficits in attention and memory, as well as urinary urgency. Given the peculiar unstable wide-based gait and history, an iNPH was suspected. At the outpatient unit, a transcranial ultrasound examination revealed large cerebral ventricles, compatible with hydrocephalus. A brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) obtained at another facility suggested iNPH. The patient was then hospitalized at our hospital for investigation of iNPH and had a lumbar tap test scheduled. The complete neurological examination revealed: an unstable wide-based gait, with head and neck leaning forward, marche à petit pas, and prolonged Timed Up and Go Test; positive Romberg’s test; spasticity of the lower limbs; globally reduced muscular strength, especially at distal lower limbs and right hand (compatible with C6 and C7 myotomes); global preserved or enhanced reflexes; Hoffman and Tromner signs bilaterally; inversion of the right bicipital due to enlargement of the reflexive area of the ipsilateral tricipital; cutaneous plantar reflexes in flexion; impaired sensations on the right hand, especially on the index and middle fingers, with normal sensations on the left hand; loss of vibratory sensation at distal lower limbs; positive Spurling’s test; normal cranial nerves; normal coordination. Frontal Assessment Battery, Mini Mental State Examination and Montreal Cognitive Assessment showing no signs of cognitive impairment. As the neurological examination added a possible spinal cord syndrome differential diagnosis, the tap test was postponed and both brain and cervical MRIs ordered. The cervical MRI revealed a serious and extensive CSM compressing the spinal cord at C3 through C5. The brain MRI obtained at our institution showed hydrocephalus with no ventricular or acqueductal flow void, normal callosal angle and diffuse signs of brain atrophy, suggesting ex vacuo hydrocephalus. The patient then awaits for cervical decompressive neurosurgery. We bring this case to shed light on the differential diagnosis between these conditions, a case infrequently found in medical literature. The atypical presentation of CSM with longstanding parkinsonian-like gait, urinary disturbance and vague cognitive complaints, aside with the first mistaken MRI report, allowed the attending clinicians to search for iNPH. Whilst, notwithstanding the importance of complementary exams, its high accountability may lead to diagnostic error and unnecessary invasive procedures. This report emphasizes the importance of a complete neurologic examination to highlight a correct topographic and nosological diagnosis


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    No Brasil as micros e pequenas empresas caracterizam-se pela administração não profissional e gestão pessoal, insuficiência de recursos, principalmente financeiros e falta de mão-de-obra qualificada. Todavia, para serem competitivas e se manterem no mercado necessitam atualizar-se permanente e sistemáticamente, em termos de gestão e livrar-se de atividades com baixo valor agregado. Nesse contexto, tais empresas convivem com a necessidade imperiosa de focar seus modelos de gestão na inovação, contudo sem depender de onerosos investimentos, à semelhança das grandes empresas. Diante disso, investigou-se  mediante uma pesquisa exploratória e bibliográfica de que forma a inovação pode se converter em uma ferramenta de gestão que produza diferencial competitivo para a micro e pequena empresa. Dentre as principais constatações resultantes, desponta a que indica a necessidade de desmistificar a inovação e de extendê-la à toda a economia e não apenas a determinados setores, grupos ou segmentos econômicos. É preciso que a inovação alcance, sem estardalhaço, nichos de micros e pequenas empresas de forma sistemática e persistente, contribuindo efetivamente para a solidez e sustentabilidade dos empreendimentos empresariais. Nessa empreitada, sugere-se a adoção de um modelo de gestão baseado em processo de inovação contínuo, mediante a utilização da técnica de benchmarking. Palavras chave: Micro e Pequena Empresa, Gestão da Inovação, Benchmarking


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    Esse artigo relata um apanhado teórico sobre cultura organizacional e suas tipologias, com uma pesquisa de campo em uma concessionária autorizada de veículos na cidade de Uruguaiana – RS, com a participação de 14 colaboradores institucionais dos mais diversos setores dessa empresa. O estudo demonstra que diferentes tipologias de cultura podem predominar em diferentes setores da organização, com tudo uma ferramenta de gestão baseado na tipologia de cultura predominante na organização pode depender da conduta dos gestores, que, sobretudo necessitam levar em conta a disparidade cultural dentro da própria organização na qual dirigem. Esse trabalho necessitou de uma abordagem metodológica quali-quantitativa, na qual leva em conta dados numéricos para a dedução dos seus resultados. Entretanto o trabalho visa alcançar o seu objetivo e também dissolver a sua problemática, que está entrelaçada em um tema cultural interligado com a gestão de seus colaboradores. Palavras-chave: Cultura Organizacional; Gestão; Competição; Cooperação

    Biomarcadores tradicionias em narcolepsia: experiência de um centro de sono brasileiro

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    This study was thought to characterized clinical and laboratory findings of a narcoleptic patients in an out patients unit at São Paulo, Brazil. METHOD: 28 patients underwent polysomnographic recordings (PSG) and Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) were analyzed according to standard criteria. The analysis of HLADQB1*0602 allele was performed by PCR. The Hypocretin-1 in cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) was measured using radioimmunoassay. Patients were divided in two groups according Hypocretin-1 level: Normal (N) - Hypocretin-1 higher than 110pg/ml and Lower (L) Hypocretin-1 lower than 110 pg/ml. RESULTS: Only 4 patients of the N group had cataplexy when compared with 14 members of the L group (p=0.0002). DISCUSSION: This results were comparable with other authors, confirming the utility of using specific biomarkers (HLA-DQB1*0602 allele and Hypocretin-1 CSF level) in narcolepsy with cataplexy. However, the HLADQB1*0602 allele and Hypocretin-1 level are insufficient to diagnose of narcolepsy without cataplexy.Este estudo foi idealizado para avaliar as características clinicas e laboratoriais de uma população de narcolépticos atendidos num centro de referência na cidade de São Paulo (Brasil). MÉTODO: 28 pacientes realizaram polissonografia e teste de múltiplas latências do sono segundo critérios internacionais. O alelo HLADQB1*0602 foi identificado por PCR. A Hipocretina-1 no líquido cefalorradiano (LCR) foi mensurada por radioimunoensaio. Os pacientes foram divididos em 2 grupos conforme o nível de Hipocretina-1. Normal (N) - Hypocretin-1 >110pg/ml e baixa (B) - Hypocretina-1 <110pg/ml. RESULTADOS: Somente 4 pacientes do grupo N tinham cataplexia quando comparados com 14 pacientes do grupo B (p=0,0002). DISCUSSÃO: Estes resultados foram comparáveis com outros autores, confirmando a utilidade do uso de biomarcadores específicos (HLA-DQB1*0602 e nível da hipocretina-1 no LCR) em narcolepsia com cataplexia. Porém, o alelo HLADQB1*0602 e a dosagem da Hipocretina-1 são insuficientes para o diagnóstico da narcolepsia sem cataplexia.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de PsicobiologiaIsraelita Albert Einstein HospitalUNIFESP, Depto. de PsicobiologiaSciEL

    Technological, physicochemical and sensory characteristics of a Brazilian semi-hard goat cheese (coalho) with added probiotic lactic acid bacteria

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    Over the past few years, the use of probiotics, which are capable of exerting beneficial effects on the composition of intestinal microbiota, has increased. Cheeses have been suggested as a better carrier of probiotic bacteria than other fermented milk products. The effect of added cultures of probiotic lactic acid bacteria on the quality of a Brazilian goat semi-hard cheese (coalho) was assessed during 21 days of storage at 10 ºC as follows: C1, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis and L. lactis subsp. Cremoris (standard cheese); C2, Lactobacillus acidophilus (LA-5); C3, Lactobacillus paracasei (Lactobacillus casei-01); C4, BBifidobacterium lactis (BB12); and C5, L. acidophilus, L. paracasei and B. lactis. Differences in some physico-chemical, experimental texture and proteolysis parameters were found among the assessed cheeses. All of them presented high luminosity (L*) with predominance of the yellow component (b*). Numbers of lactic acid bacteria in the cheeses were greater than 10(7) cfu g-1 during storage. Cheeses with the added probiotic strains alone and in co-culture were better accepted than cheeses without the probiotic strains. It is suggested that goat "coalho" cheese could be a potential carrier of probiotic lactic acid bacteria