13 research outputs found


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    I 1artikkelen diskuteres på hvilke måter deltakelse i hesteassisterteaktiviteter (HAA) kan bidra til økt deltakelse på andrearenaer som familie, fritid, skole eller arbeid. Det empiriskemateriale er fra et avsluttet HAA-prosjekt for ungdom medrusproblemer og pågående HAA-prosjekt til voksne i aktiv rus.Reanalysene av det tidligere materialet brukes for å utfordrekunnskapsstatus på feltet og det nye materialet.Ungdommene deltok via velferdsetatens kvalifiseringsprogrammermot skole/arbeid. De voksne er selvrekruttert til aktiviteten.HAA fører til nye selvpresentasjoner og gode kroppsligeerfaringer. Deltakerne får tilgang til flere sosiale arenaer ved åbruke ferdigheter fra HAA. De forventer at HAA-ansvarlige haren legitimt autorativ posisjon, og hestene tillegges mytiskeegenskaper. HAA-arenaene har aktuelle og potensielle muligheterfor opplevelse av fellesskap, og til å stimulere deltakelse og endringsprosesser.Artikkelen diskuterer om det er hestene, aktivitetene,felleskapene, hestemyter, fysisk aktivitet eller kontakt mednatur som har størst forklaringskraft – hver for seg eller i kombinasjoner.Forslag til videre forskning fremmes

    Narratives of Natural Recovery: Youth Experience of Social Inclusion through Green Care

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    This is an open access article. You can find it online by following this link: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijerph. The article is published under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Please follow this link to read about it: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/The aim of this study has been to investigate the effects of Green Care services for youth in vulnerable situations risking social exclusion. Green Care enterprises represent alternative arenas in which people can work with animals, agriculture and other tasks related to nature. We interviewed nine persons, aged 17–27, working in three different places, two or more times over a two-year period. We looked at essential beneficial factors in order to better understand how the “green” element could add to more traditional recovery factors. We found that the youth described core success factors corresponding to well-known recovery factors such as recognition, supportive relationships, motivation, meaning, positive coping, self-esteem, confidence and hope. The effective factors can be described as: (a) The leader’s ability to create a good group atmosphere, (b) the varied tasks which allow step-wise increases in self-efficacy, and (c) experiences with animals and in nature that provide comfort for youth who lack trust in people and need safe situations to recover a positive sense of self. We followed a process in which several persons gradually regained self-respect and the motivation for further education or a job outside the Green Care enterprise. The study illustrates that Green Care can be an important supplement in helping people back to a satisfying life and meaningful roles in society

    World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health 2017: Part one

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    Developing Public Health Promotion Strategies for Social Networking Sites: Perspectives of Young Immigrant Women in Norway

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    Background: Social networking sites (SNS) have emerged as digital settings for youth participation and health promotion. Understanding the complex dynamic of analog/digital participation has become crucial for settings-based health promotion strategies that aim to enable people to increase control over their health and environments. Previous research demonstrates that SNS influence young people’s health in complex ways, but less is known about how processes related to intersectionality are reflected in digital settings. This study asked the following question: how do young women with immigrant backgrounds experience and navigate SNS and how can this inform settings-based health promotion strategies? Methods: The study included three focus groups with 15 women aged 16–26 years and used thematic content analysis. Findings and conclusion: Young women with immigrant backgrounds reported that transnational networks provided a sense of belonging. However, their presence on SNS strengthened negative social control and had consequences for endeavors to connect with local peers in both digital and analog settings. Both challenges and resources were amplified. The participants reported that sharing strategies to navigate complex networks was useful; they emphasized the importance of anonymous chats, they shared health-related information with extended networks with lower e-literacy, and they saw opportunities for the cocreation of health promotion strategies

    Balance Artists on Social Networking Sites – Young Women with Migrant Backgrounds and their Self-presentations.

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    Sosiale nettverkssider (SNS) er viktige sosiale arenaer i unges hverdagsliv. SNS gir unge med migrasjonsbakgrunn muligheter til ĂĄ holde kontakt med venner og familie i transnasjonale nettverk og samtidig knytte bĂĄnd i ungdomsmiljø hvor de bor. Aktiviteter pĂĄ SNS innebærer risiko knyttet til synlighet og eksponering, og kan gjenskape eller forsterke marginaliseringsprosesser. Med dette utgangspunktet spør vi derfor om hvilke vurderinger unge kvinner med migrasjonsbakgrunn gjør seg nĂĄr de publiserer innhold pĂĄ SNS. Vi rekrutterte 15 kvinner i alderen 16 til 26 ĂĄr gjennom frivillige organisasjoner til ĂĄ delta i fokusgruppediskusjoner. Deltakernei studien kommer fra Midtøsten og fra Afrikas Horn. Vi brukte kvalitativ tematisk analyse med bĂĄde ĂĄpen og lukket koding. Sentrale teoretiske perspektiver for analysen har vi hentet fra kommunikasjonsfeltet og fra symbolsk interaksjonisme. Funnene tydeliggjør at interaksjonene pĂĄ SNS innebærer komplekse vurderinger om anonymitet, synlighet og vedvarenhet. De unge kvinnene skreddersydde selvpresentasjonene sine mot ulike publikum og de fryktet “kontekstkollaps”, hvor innhold ment for et publikum lekker til et annet. NĂĄr skillelinjer mellom ulike kontekster og roller blir utydelige kan det oppstĂĄ normbrudd i presentasjonsmaterialet. Dette diskuteres i lys av hva kvinnene opplever ĂĄ risikere og hvilke strategier som tas i bruk.Social networking sites (SNS) represent central social arenas in the everyday life of young people. SNS give young people with migrant backgrounds opportunities to keep in touch with family and friends in transnational networks. At the same time, SNS create opportunities to establish and participate in “digital neighbourhoods” with youth in Norway and elsewhere. Activities on SNS involve risk in relation to visibility and exposure and may reproduce and even reinforce processes of marginalisation. Thus, we have asked young women with migrant backgrounds about their considerations when they publish content on SNS.We group interviewed 15 young women aged 16 to 26. The women have lived in Norway for several years and originate from the Greater Middle East and the Horn of Africa. We draw upon perspectives from the field of communication and from symbolic interactionism. Our analysis suggests that the young women present themselves in carefully tailored ways according to the affordances of SNS, such as anonymity, visibility, and persistence. Self-presentations were managed towards several particular yet, large and diverse audiences.  When borders between the various social groups on SNS become blurry, the young women experience the risk of “context collapse”. However, the young women reveal several strategies to deal with such challenges

    Narratives of natural recovery: Youth experiences of social inclusion through Green care

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    The aim of this study has been to investigate the effects of Green Care services for youth in vulnerable situations risking social exclusion. Green Care enterprises represent alternative arenas in which people can work with animals, agriculture and other tasks related to nature. We interviewed nine persons, aged 17–27, working in three different places, two or more times over a two-year period. We looked at essential beneficial factors in order to better understand how the “green” element could add to more traditional recovery factors. We found that the youth described core success factors corresponding to well-known recovery factors such as recognition, supportive relationships, motivation, meaning, positive coping, self-esteem, confidence and hope. The effective factors can be described as: (a) The leader’s ability to create a good group atmosphere, (b) the varied tasks which allow step-wise increases in self-efficacy, and (c) experiences with animals and in nature that provide comfort for youth who lack trust in people and need safe situations to recover a positive sense of self. We followed a process in which several persons gradually regained self-respect and the motivation for further education or a job outside the Green Care enterprise. The study illustrates that Green Care can be an important supplement in helping people back to a satisfying life and meaningful roles in society

    Can asset-based community development with children and youth enhance the level of participation in health promotion projects? A qualitative meta-synthesis

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    The asset-based community development (ABCD) approach have been widely used to map local assets and to ensure participation of local communities in public health promotion strategies. Participatory practices, such as ABCD, have been applied to shift public health strategies towards addressing health inequities. In this meta-synthesis, we ask if, and how, ABCD enhance the level of participation for children, youth and schools. Three thousand eight hundred eight titles and abstracts were identified in ten databases and transferred to the online program Rayyan. Through a blinded process we excluded texts that did not meet the inclusion criteria. The twelve included texts on ABCD for children, youth and schools are of varying quality. The research on ABCD for children, youth and schools have not been cumulative. Nevertheless, the texts show that ABCD provides strategies that enhance the participation of children, youth, and schools, in health promotion projects. The projects were categorized according to Robert Hart’s classical participation ladder, and we found that the projects with the highest level of adherence to ABCD principles also had the highest level of participation. The projects with high levels of participation were supported by adult facilitators that created learning environments where children and youth developed their participatory skills

    Narratives of Natural Recovery: Youth Experience of Social Inclusion through Green Care

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    The aim of this study has been to investigate the effects of Green Care services for youth in vulnerable situations risking social exclusion. Green Care enterprises represent alternative arenas in which people can work with animals, agriculture and other tasks related to nature. We interviewed nine persons, aged 17–27, working in three different places, two or more times over a two-year period. We looked at essential beneficial factors in order to better understand how the “green” element could add to more traditional recovery factors. We found that the youth described core success factors corresponding to well-known recovery factors such as recognition, supportive relationships, motivation, meaning, positive coping, self-esteem, confidence and hope. The effective factors can be described as: (a) The leader’s ability to create a good group atmosphere, (b) the varied tasks which allow step-wise increases in self-efficacy, and (c) experiences with animals and in nature that provide comfort for youth who lack trust in people and need safe situations to recover a positive sense of self. We followed a process in which several persons gradually regained self-respect and the motivation for further education or a job outside the Green Care enterprise. The study illustrates that Green Care can be an important supplement in helping people back to a satisfying life and meaningful roles in society