347 research outputs found

    Respuestas emocionales-motivacionales de los locales frente a los extranjeros hacia la comida tradicional Y no tradicional

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper was to study responses to traditional food of a country, focusing on emotion-motivational responses by locals and foreigners. Design/methodology/approach: Through an experimental design study, Portuguese and Foreign participants were exposed to both traditional and nontraditional food pictures of a country and asked to evaluate their emotional and motivational responses while physiological responses of electrodermal activity were continuously recorded. Predisposition factors of body dissatisfaction, food neophobia, and food involvement were also evaluated given their potential role in predicting the responses to the visualization of the food pictures. Findings: This study found that local traditional food received a higher positive evaluation than nontraditional food with locals evaluating it even higher than foreigners. Higher feelings of arousal and desire as well as willingness to try in response to traditional food were also found as well as higher feelings of pleasure by locals. However, interestingly, and contrary to expectations derived from previous literature, emotion-motivational responses were not significantly different between locals and foreigners. Originality/value: To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this research addressed an identified research gap in the literature, being the first one evaluating the autonomic responses of consumers to traditional food by exploring how local and foreign consumers respond to traditional food versus nontraditional food using psychophysiological measures of emotion.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Unidos na Prevenção: concepção regulada de dispositivos de comunicação para o envolvimento dos cidadãos no controlo de uma infestação

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    2º Workshop África Annes - Do envolvimento à participação: o papel da comunicação na gestão de riscos. Universidade dos Açores, Campus do Pico da Urze, Angra do Heroísmo, Açores, Portugal, 20 a 22 de Julho de 2011,A térmita de madeira seca C. brevis constitui actualmente a praga urbana mais preocupante dos Açores. Dados da percepção de risco permitiram compreender que o alegado alheamento dos cidadãos face ao problema se encontrava na incontrolabilidade da praga (impossível de erradicar) e do sistema de gestão accionado (sentido como ineficaz na capacidade de dar resposta às necessidades sociais existentes). Um risco de complexidade induzida causado por uma falta de confiança mútua entre cidadãos e instituições requerendo a mediação das diferentes perspetivas e interesses em presença, uma vez que cada um dos stakeholders (decisores políticos, investigadores e cidadãos) se acusavam reciprocamente da responsabilidade pelo agravamento da infestação

    Elas vêem aí mas nós já cá estamos! Envolvimento, empowerment e participação pública: comunicação de risco e gestão integrada de uma infestação urbana de térmitas nos Açores

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    VI Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Economia Agrária e IV Congresso de Gestão e Conservação da Natureza. Ponta Delgada, Açores, 15 a 17 de Julho de 2010.A infestação por Cryptotermes brevis encontra-se generalizada a diversas ilhas dos Açores produzindo graves impactos no património construído. […]. Princípios de design e de concepção e regulação de programas de comunicação de risco, mediando os diferentes stake holders, foram empreendidos para a promoção da participação pública em medidas concretas de controlo da infestação

    Integrated risk governance of a termite urban pest, challenges in risk communication: mediating conflicts in a public decision process

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    2º CES "Critical Economics" Summer School: Environmental Values and Public Policies. Lousã, Portugal, 12th-15th July 2011."Nowadays termites are among the urban pests that cause more damage worldwide (Borges& Myles, 2007) it’s aggressiveness is internationally recognized by invisibly consuming houses’ infra-structures, furniture, books, clothes, statuary and other wood artefacts. The species is well established in the United States, Brazil and in the Portuguese Atlantic islands of the Azores where it has had greater impact. The occurrence of the drywood termite, Cryptotermes brevis, was only officially detected for the first time in 2002, at a moment when the pest had already infested large areas of the three major cities of the archipelago: Angra do Heroísmo, Ponta Delgada and Horta In the present time, the drywood termite is considered the most dangerous urban pest in the Azores and its economical and patrimonial impacts have raised considerable concern from citizens and the scientific community (Borges& Myles, 2007).Also alarming is the first record of Cryptotermes brevis in one building in Lisbon, since it is the first time that this serious invasive pest was detected in the Portuguese mainland (Nunes, 2010).Being Europe’s front entrance to the pest as there are no policy control measures concerning customs doorway. […].

    A biomechanical perspective on perineal injuries during childbirth

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    Background and objective: Childbirth trauma is a major health concern that affects millions of women worldwide. Severe degrees of perineal trauma, designated as obstetric anal sphincter injuries (OASIS), and levator ani muscle (LAM) injuries are associated with long-term morbidity. While significant research has been conducted on LAM avulsions, less attention has been given to perineal trauma and OASIS, which affect up to 90% and 11% of vaginal deliveries, respectively. Despite being widely discussed, childbirth trauma remains unpredictable. This work aims to enhance the modeling of the maternal musculature during childbirth, with a particular focus on understanding the mechanisms underlying the often overlooked perineal injuries. Methods: A geometrical model of the pelvic floor muscles (PFM) and perineum (including the perineal body, ischiocavernosus, bulbospongiosus, superficial and deep transverse perineal muscles) was created. The muscles were characterized by a transversely isotropic visco-hyperelastic constitutive model. Two simulations of vaginal delivery were conducted with the fetus in the vertex presentation and occipito-anterior position, with and without the perineum. Results: The simulation that considered the perineum exhibited higher stresses over an extended area of the PFM, which suggests that including additional structures can impact the obtained results. The maximum stretch of the urogenital hiatus was 2.94 and the maximum stress was 23.86 kPa. The perineal body reached a maximum stretch of 1.95, which was more pronounced near the urogenital hiatus, where perineal tears may occur. The external anal sphincter's transverse diameter decreased by 51% and the maximum principal stresses were observed in the area close to the perineal body, where OASIS can occur. Conclusions: The present study emphasizes the importance of including most structures involved in vaginal delivery in its biomechanical analysis and represents another step further in the understanding of perineal injuries and OASIS. The superior region of the perineal body and its connection to the urogenital hiatus and anal sphincter have been identified as the most critical regions, highly susceptible to injury

    AGRUPAI-T – Como tornar comum um problema de todos nós? Um estudo de caso para a facilitação da participação e envolvimento público na gestão de uma praga urbana

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    Workshop: Prevenção e controlo de espécies invasoras. Universidade dos Açores, Angra do Heroísmo (ilha Terceira), Portugal, 27 a 29 de Outubro de 2011.Ver Livro de Resumos / Book of Abstracts no repositório institucional (RUAc): URI http://hdl.handle.net/10400.3/1650A Cryptotermes brevis é das pragas de insetos que maiores danos causam ao ser capaz de consumir toda a infraestrutura em madeira de uma habitação. $120 milhões são gastos anualmente nos EUA para o seu controlo e inumeráveis somas no resto do globo

    T-time: a comunicação de risco na gestão integrada de uma praga urbana nos Açores

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    XI Congresso Mundial da Organização das Cidades Património Mundial (OCPM). Sintra, Portugal, 22 a 25 de Novembro de 2011

    De marginal a bem patrimonial: processos de divulgação científica na exposição "Tesouros de seis patas"

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    XV Congresso Ibérico de Entomologia. Universidade dos Açores, Angra do Heroísmo, Açores, Portugal, 1 a 6 de Setembro de 2012

    O Programa SOS Térmitas: entre a persuasão e a medição na comunicação de risco

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    Workshop: Prevenção e controlo de espécies invasoras. Universidade dos Açores, Angra do Heroísmo (ilha Terceira), Portugal, 27 a 29 de Outubro de 2011.Ver Livro de Resumos / Book of Abstracts no repositório institucional (RUAc): URI http://hdl.handle.net/10400.3/165

    A Genetic Code Alteration Is a Phenotype Diversity Generator in the Human Pathogen Candida albicans

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    BACKGROUND: The discovery of genetic code alterations and expansions in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes abolished the hypothesis of a frozen and universal genetic code and exposed unanticipated flexibility in codon and amino acid assignments. It is now clear that codon identity alterations involve sense and non-sense codons and can occur in organisms with complex genomes and proteomes. However, the biological functions, the molecular mechanisms of evolution and the diversity of genetic code alterations remain largely unknown. In various species of the genus Candida, the leucine CUG codon is decoded as serine by a unique serine tRNA that contains a leucine 5'-CAG-3'anticodon (tRNA(CAG)(Ser)). We are using this codon identity redefinition as a model system to elucidate the evolution of genetic code alterations. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We have reconstructed the early stages of the Candida genetic code alteration by engineering tRNAs that partially reverted the identity of serine CUG codons back to their standard leucine meaning. Such genetic code manipulation had profound cellular consequences as it exposed important morphological variation, altered gene expression, re-arranged the karyotype, increased cell-cell adhesion and secretion of hydrolytic enzymes. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Our study provides the first experimental evidence for an important role of genetic code alterations as generators of phenotypic diversity of high selective potential and supports the hypothesis that they speed up evolution of new phenotypes