91 research outputs found

    The impact of parental employment trajectories on children’s early adult education and employment trajectories in the finnish birth cohort 1987

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    The Finnish Birth Cohort 1987 grew up during the recession that hit Finland in the early 1990s, which had an impact on their parents’ activity in the labour market. In this paper we use Finnish register data to build employment and education sequences for all young people born in Finland in 1987 for the period 2005–2012 and employment sequences for all their parents for the entire length of their children’s lives from 1987 until 2012. The sequences were analysed and clustered, and four multinomial logistic regression models were used to find how parents’ trajectories connect to their children’s early adulthood trajectories. Most parents had been on a stable employment trajectory, but we found mothers and fathers who were absent from the labour market during the recession of the 1990s and after it – and some parents never entirely returned to work during this 1987–2012 follow-up. Likewise, most children were either on an employment or education trajectory, but we found groups of children who were on very early child care trajectories, unemployment trajectories, or on a trajectory with no records in the Finnish registers, which in the Finnish context implies that those young people are not employed, not in education and not receiving any of the various benefits. Disadvantageous trajectories were mostly very lasting. We found strong connections between parents’ disadvantages in the labour market and children’s disadvantageous early adulthood trajectories, even when adjusting for strong background variables. The strongest connections arise from parents’ long absences from the labour market.</p

    Maahanmuutosta ja työmarkkinoista, virkistäviä tulkintoja vieraidenkin perspektivistä

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    Samalta viivalta -tutkimusohjelma kartoittaa ratkaisuja lapsiperheköyhyyden vähentämiseksi

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    Itsenäisyyden juhlavuoden lastensäätiön (Itla) syksyllä 2021 käynnistämän ohjelman tavoitteena on ­selvittää lapsiperheköyhyyden laajuutta, kohdentumista ja syvyyttä Suomessa. Lisäksi ohjelmassa ­vauhditetaan kokeilutoimintaa ja etsitään vaikuttavia toimia köyhyyden ja sen haittojen vähentämiseksi

    Towards AI-governance in psychosocial care: A systematic literature review analysis

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    With increased digitalization and e-government services, Artificial Intelligence (AI) gained momentum. This paper focuses on AI-governance in Child Social Care field, exploring how aspects of individual, family/community factors are embedded in organizational level, especially when dealing with children resilience and wellbeing. A three-level based review has been conducted. In the first part we explored the interlink between individual factors associated to either resilience or wellbeing are connected to community and governance level where a new conceptual model is provided. In the second phase, we conducted an in-depth systematic literature review using PRISMA review protocol where new categorizations of identified literature with respect to individual, family and community levels in child social care field were suggested, while in the third phase, a review of relevant AI-initiatives in Europe and USA was performed. Finally, a comprehensive discussion of the literature review outcomes was carried out and a new updated conceptual model was provided.© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Prof JinHyo Joseph Yun. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Hoito syytteen sijaan -toimintamallin ­arviointitutkimus: Monialaista yhteistyötä nuorten ­huumausaineiden käytön ­ehkäisemiseksi

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    Hoito syytteen sijaan on Lapin poliisin ja sosiaali-, terveys- ja nuorisopalvelujen yhteistyömalli,jonka tavoitteena on ehkäistä lasten ja nuorten huumausaineiden käyttöä. Käyttörikoksesta ensimmäisen kerran kiinni jääneelle alle 25-vuotiaalle tarjotaan psykososiaalista hoitoa. Mallia ollaan kehittämässä yhtenäisemmäksi, vaikuttavammaksi ja kuntien rakenteisiin paremmin integroitavaksi. Tässä artikkelissa esitellään kehittämisen tueksi toteutettu laadullinen haastattelututkimus ja ­systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus. Niiden perusteella mallia verrataan samankaltaisiin ­kansainvälisiin toimintamalleihin. Päätelmänä on, että monialaisen toimintamallin onnistuminen edellyttää säännöllistä ­yhteyden­pitoa toimijoiden välillä. Yhteiseen tavoitteeseen ja yhteistyöhön sitoutuminen on tärkeää. Monialaisesti organisoitujen toimintamallien kehittämisessä toimijoiden yhteistyön laadullinen ­arviointi on varteenotettava vaihtoehto perinteisille vaikuttavuustutkimuksille

    Childhood determinants for early psychiatric disability pension : A 10-year follow-up study of the 1987 Finnish Birth Cohort

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    Background: Mental disorders can affect work ability and lead to early exit from the labour market through disability pension. Aims: This study aimed to identify childhood determinants of psychiatric disability pension in early adulthood. Methods: The 1987 Finnish Birth Cohort includes a complete census of children born in a single year. The children were followed up from birth until 31 December 2012 using official registers maintained by the Finnish authorities. Risk factors for disability pension were examined in the full 1987 cohort (N = 58,739) and among children who had received mental health care (N = 9,599). Odds ratios were calculated for disability pension due to all mental disorders and separately for schizophrenia, depressive and anxiety and other mental and behavioural disorders in association with childhood determinants. Results: Altogether, 1.4% of cohort members had retired due to mental disorders in 2003-2012. In the full 1987 cohort, female sex, parental divorce and social assistance, both mother's and father's psychiatric care and mother's psychiatric disability pension increased the risk for disability pension due to mental disorders. Among children who had received mental health care, risk factors for psychiatric disability pension were father's psychiatric care and mother's psychiatric disability pension. Conclusion: Childhood determinants were related to the risk of psychiatric disability pension before the age of 25. The risk factors varied by the diagnosis of the disability pension. Using knowledge of this study's risk factors should enable the identification of adolescents and young adults in general population and especially in the mental health care population who are at greatest risk of receipt of psychiatric disability pension.Peer reviewe

    School performance and later diagnoses of nonaffective psychoses, bipolar disorder, and depression

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Authors. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Objective: It is unclear whether there are differences between specific school subject performance and later psychiatric disorders. We examined whether mean grade point average (MGPA) and specific school subjects associated with diagnoses of nonaffective psychoses, bipolar disorder and depression. Methods: In this register-based study, we studied the Finnish population born in 1987 who had available MGPA and six specific school grades (age = 15.4–16.4 years; n = 50,508). Grades were analyzed with smoothing splines. Covariates included sex, urbanicity, parental education level and parental diagnosed psychiatric disorders. Outcomes were incident nonaffective psychosis, bipolar disorder and depression diagnosed in specialized services until year 2015 (age = 28.0–28.9 years). Results: During the follow-up, 727 individuals were diagnosed with nonaffective psychoses, 489 with bipolar disorder and 3492 with depression. MGPA was inversely associated with all outcomes. In multivariate models including specific school subjects and covariates, the school subject with largest risk ratios (RR) was Physical Education (RR and Bonferroni-corrected confidence interval [CI] at −1.5 SD: nonaffective psychoses 1.63, 1.36–1.95; bipolar disorder 1.64, 1.30–2.05; depression 1.72, 1.53–1.93). Higher grades in Art were associated with nonaffective psychoses and depression (RR and Bonferroni-corrected CI at +1.5 SD: nonaffective psychoses 1.48, 1.11–1.96; depression 1.22, 1.07–1.38). Conclusion: There was a robust association between poorer scores on Physical Education and risk for psychosis, bipolar disorder and depression. Higher grades in Art were also associated with risk for later disorders. Subject specific school performance may be more informative about mental disorder risk than overall school performance.Peer reviewe