7,263 research outputs found

    Active Pixel Sensors in ams H18/H35 HV-CMOS Technology for the ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade

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    Deep sub micron HV-CMOS processes offer the opportunity for sensors built by industry standard techniques while being HV tolerant, making them good candidates for drift-based, fast collecting, thus radiation-hard pixel detectors. For the upgrade of the ATLAS Pixel Detector towards the HL-LHC requirements, active pixel sensors in HV-CMOS technology were investigated. These implement amplifier and discriminator stages directly in insulating deep n-wells, which also act as collecting electrodes. The deep n-wells allow for bias voltages up to 150V leading to a depletion depth of several 10um. Prototype sensors in the ams H18 180nm and H35 350nm HV-CMOS processes have been manufactured, acting as a potential drop-in replacement for the current ATLAS Pixel sensors, thus leaving higher level processing such as trigger handling to dedicated read-out chips. Sensors were thoroughly tested in lab measurements as well as in testbeam experiments. Irradiation with X-rays and protons revealed a tolerance to ionizing doses of 1Grad. An enlarged depletion zone of up to 100um thickness after irradiation due to the acceptor removal effect was deduced from Edge-TCT studies. The sensors showed high detection efficiencies after neutron irradiation to 1e15 n_eq cm-2 in testbeam experiments. A full reticle size demonstrator chip, implemented in the H35 process is being submitted to prove the large scale feasibility of the HV-CMOS concept.Comment: 6 pages, 12 figures, proceeding contribution to the 10th International Hiroshima Symposium 2016, submitted to NIM

    Autonomous search for a diffusive source in an unknown environment

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    The paper presents an approach to olfactory search for a diffusive emitting source of tracer (e.g. aerosol, gas) in an environment with unknown map of randomly placed and shaped obstacles. The measurements of tracer concentration are sporadic, noisy and without directional information. The search domain is discretised and modelled by a finite two-dimensional lattice. The links is the lattice represent the traversable paths for emitted particles and for the searcher. A missing link in the lattice indicates a blocked paths, due to the walls or obstacles. The searcher must simultaneously estimate the source parameters, the map of the search domain and its own location within the map. The solution is formulated in the sequential Bayesian framework and implemented as a Rao-Blackwellised particle filter with information-driven motion control. The numerical results demonstrate the concept and its performance.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    A Box Particle Filter for Stochastic and Set-theoretic Measurements with Association Uncertainty

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    This work develops a novel estimation approach for nonlinear dynamic stochastic systems by combining the sequential Monte Carlo method with interval analysis. Unlike the common pointwise measurements, the proposed solution is for problems with interval measurements with association uncertainty. The optimal theoretical solution can be formulated in the framework of random set theory as the Bernoulli filter for interval measurements. The straightforward particle filter implementation of the Bernoulli filter typically requires a huge number of particles since the posterior probability density function occupies a significant portion of the state space. In order to reduce the number of particles, without necessarily sacrificing estimation accuracy, the paper investigates an implementation based on box particles. A box particle occupies a small and controllable rectangular region of non-zero volume in the target state space. The numerical results demonstrate that the filter performs remarkably well: both target state and target presence are estimated reliably using a very small number of box particles

    Vulnerability Assessment of Settlements During Emergencies

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    During emergencies which occur as a result of uncontrolled effects of natural disasters, major technical and technological accidents and major epidemics of infectious diseases, the health and life of people and the persistent environmental degradation may be affected. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the vulnerability of the settlements from natural disasters and other accidents. The assessment must be professionally and scientifically established with a multidisciplinary approach. This paper defi nes methodology for vulnerability assessment of given populated areas during emergencies arising from uncontrolled effects of natural and other disasters which involves a complex analysis of actual hazard probabilities and the level of impact on humans, animals, property, cultural wealth, and the environment

    3D Simulation of the Effects of Surface Defects on Field Emitted Electrons

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    The ev­er-grow­ing de­mand for high­er beam en­er­gies has dra­mat­i­cal­ly in­creased the risk of RF break­down, lim­it­ing the max­i­mum achiev­able ac­cel­er­at­ing gra­di­ent. Field emis­sion is the most fre­quent­ly en­coun­tered RF break­down where it oc­curs at re­gions of lo­cal­ly en­hanced elec­tric field. Elec­trons ac­cel­er­at­ed across the cav­i­ty as they tun­nel through the sur­face in the pres­ence of mi­cro­scop­ic de­fects. Upon Im­pact, most of the ki­net­ic en­er­gy is con­vert­ed into heat and stress. This can in­flict ir­re­versible dam­age to the sur­face, cre­at­ing ad­di­tion­al field emis­sion sites. This work aims to in­ves­ti­gate, through sim­u­la­tion, the physics in­volved dur­ing both emis­sion and im­pact of elec­trons. A newly de­vel­oped 3D field model of an 805 MHz cav­i­ty is gen­er­at­ed by COM­SOL Mul­ti­physics. Elec­tron track­ing is per­formed using a Mat­lab based code, cal­cu­lat­ing the rel­e­vant pa­ram­e­ters need­ed by em­ploy­ing fourth Order Runge Kutta in­te­gra­tion. By study­ing such be­haviours in 3D, it is pos­si­ble to iden­ti­fy how the cav­i­ty sur­face can alter the local RF field and lead to break­down and sub­se­quent dam­ages. The ul­ti­mate aim is to in­tro­duce new sur­face stan­dards to en­sure bet­ter cav­i­ty per­for­mance