965 research outputs found

    Operational and Performance Issues of a CBQ router

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    The use of scheduling mechanisms like Class Based Queueing (CBQ) is expected to play a key role in next generation multiservice IP networks. In this paper we attempt an experimental evaluation of ALTQ/CBQ demonstrating its sensitivity to a wide range of parameters and link layer driver design issues. We pay attention to several CBQ internal parameters that affect performance drastically and particularly to “borrowing”, a key feature for flexible and efficient link sharing. We are also investigating cases where the link sharing rules are violated, explaining and correcting these effects wheneverpossible. Finally we evaluateCBQ performance and make suggestions for effective deployment in real networks.

    NFV service dynamicity with a DevOps approach : demonstrating zero-touch deployment & operations

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    Next generation network services will be realized by NFV-based microservices to enable greater dynamics in deployment and operations. Here, we present a demonstrator that realizes this concept using the NFV platform built in the EU FP7 project UNIFY. Using the example of an Elastic Router service, we show automated deployment and configuration of service components as well as corresponding monitoring components facilitating automated scaling of the entire service. We also demonstrate automatic execution of troubleshooting and debugging actions. Operations of the service are inspired by DevOps principles, enabling quick detection of operational conditions and fast corrective actions. This demo conveys essential insights on how the life-cycle of an NFV-based network service may be realized in future NFV platforms

    Efecto del methoprene sobre <i>Musca domestica</i>: ensayos de laboratorio

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    To determine methoprene's (MTP) effect on fly Musca domestica emergence were performed laboratory bioassays using a technical formulation identified as MK55, in the form of a granulated insoluble in water. Concentrations of 1.625, 4.5 and 10 ppm of MTP were mixed directly with poultry manure, and larvae I of Musca domestica were fed (test 1). The same MTP concentrations (1.625, 4.5 and 10 ppm) were added to chicken feed and then, the manure produced by the chicken was used as feed to M. domestica larvae I ( test 2); each test involved five assays and one untreated check, in both larvae II and III were grown by feeding manure. Pupae were controlled until fly adults emergence. The percentage of fly growth in each assay decreased in relation to the increase of MTP concentrations and 77.1% of efficacy was shown when 10 ppm was used directly mixed with manure. And 83.7% of efficacy was demonstrated when used as a feed additive. However, a high variability of results was observed in low concentrations. MTP should be used at the highest doses and integrated with other methods to control M. domestica fly in poultry farms.Con el propósito de evaluar el efecto del methoprene (MTP) sobre la emergencia de adultos de Musca domestica, se realizaron ensayos bajo condiciones de laboratorio con una formulación granulada insoluble en agua, identificada como MK55. Concentraciones de 1.625, 4.5 y 10 ppm de MTP fueron mezcladas directamente con estiércol de gallina y ofrecidas como alimento a larvas I de M. domestica (test 1). Las mismas concentraciones de MTP (1.625, 4.5 y 10 ppm) fueron adicionadas al alimento balanceado para gallinas y luego la materia fecal producida por esos animales se usó como fuente alimenticia de larvas I de M. domestica (test 2); cada test involucró cinco ensayos y un control sin tratar, en ambos, larvas II y III se desarrollaron alimentándose con estiércol de gallina. Las pupas fueron controladas hasta la emergencia de los adultos. El porcentaje de moscas nacidas en cada ensayo disminuyó en relación al aumento de la concentración de MTP y se demostró una eficacia del 77,1% y del 83,7% cuando se utilizó 10 ppm mezclado directamente en las heces, y como aditivo en el alimento, respectivamente. No obstante, en bajas concentraciones se observó gran variabilidad en los resultados. El methoprene debería ser usado en concentraciones elevadas y en combinación con otros métodos para un control óptimo de adultos de M. domestica en explotaciones avícolas

    DynNav: Toward Open and Interoperable Dynamic Navigation Services

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    So far, navigation devices, including navigation apps for smartphones, have been proprietary and closed. A new scenario is emerging with the Open Mobile Alliance Dynamic Navigation Enabler, which lets developers create novel navigation services characterized by openness and interoperability across different information providers