3 research outputs found

    Flow cytometry evaluation of DNA integrity of alpaca sperm after cryopreservation with analogues of superoxide dismutase

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    Se evaluó la estabilidad del ADN en espermatozoides de alpaca mediante citometría de flujo en muestras congeladas con antioxidantes análogos de superóxido dismutasa (Tempo y Tempol). Doce muestras de semen de alpaca fueron congeladas utilizando un dilutor en base a leche descremada, fructosa, yema de huevo y etilenglicol. Cada muestra fue dividida en tres porciones: grupo control, grupo Tempo (1 mM) y grupo Tempol (1 mM). Los antioxidantes fueron agregados al dilutor durante la curva de enfriamiento (10 °C). Las muestras fueron descongeladas y fijadas en una solución de formaldehido al 2% y permeabilizadas utilizando una solución de Triton X-100 al 0.8%. La integridad del ADN espermático se evaluó con la técnica de TUNEL y una sonda fluorescente para determinar la viabilidad celular (Ioduro de propidio [PI]). Los espermatozoides marcados con la sonda del TUNEL y PI fueron considerados células permeabilizadas con el ADN fragmentado. Las muestras fueron analizadas mediante citometría de flujo utilizando un láser de 488 nm, contando un mínimo de 10 000 células por muestra y utilizando microscopía de fluorescencia. La frecuencia de espermatozoides con ADN fragmentado en el grupo control (38.8 ± 16.2%) fue significativamente mayor (p<0.05) al grupo Tempol (16.7 ± 8.4%), mientras que los resultados del grupo Tempo (25.4 ± 5.8%) fueron estadísticamente similares a los grupos Control y Tempol. Se concluye que la adición del análogo de superóxido dismutasa, Tempol (1 mM), durante el proceso de criopreservación de espermatozoides de alpaca puede prevenir parcialmente el daño al ADN espermático.DNA integrity in alpaca spermatozoa was evaluated by flow cytometric analysis in sperm cryopreserved using antioxidants analogues of superoxide dismutase (Tempo and Tempol). Twelve alpaca semen samples were frozen using an extender based on skim milk, fructose, egg yolk, and ethylene glicol. Each sample was divided into three aliquots: Control group, Tempo group (1 mM), and Tempol group (1 mM). Antioxidants were added during cooling at 10 °C. After thawing, samples were fixed using 2% formaldehyde solution and permeabilizated using 0.8% Triton X-100 solution. TUNEL assay and Iodure propidium (PI) were used for evaluation of DNA integrity and cell permeability. Spermatozoa labeled with TUNEL and PI was classified as cells with DNA damaged. Samples were analyzed by flow cytometric using a 488 nm laser, counting at least 10 000 cells per sample, and by epifluorescene microscopy. Frequency of DNA damaged sperm in control group (38.8 ± 16.2%) was significantly higher (p<0.05) than in the Tempol group (16.7 ± 8.4%), whereas the results in the Tempo group (25.4 ± 5.8) were similar to the control and Tempol groups. It was concluded that the addition of superoxide dismutase analogue Tempol (1 mM) during cooling (10 °C) in alpaca sperm cryopreservation partially prevents sperm DNA damage

    Patagonian blenny (Eleginops maclovinus) spermatozoa quality after storage at 4 ºC in Cortland medium

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    Patagonian blenny (E. maclovinus) is a marine species recently placed in captivity and which are potentially farmable. Understanding and improving its sperm capacity to withstand short-term storage conditions is a key element of initiating an artificial propagation program for this species. The aim of this study is to evaluate the ultrastructure and quality of E. maclovinus sperm during refrigerated storage. To address this objective, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), cytofluorimetric analysis (membrane integrity; reactive oxygen species generation; mitochondrial membrane potential) and cell respiration/mitochondrial-function analysis (ATP content; oxygen consumption) could be useful for optimizing or improving management for artificial reproduction of this species. Severe damage of plasma membranes was observed by SEM at day 7 and 14 of in vitro storage. Analyses of sperm quality were conducted during the 14-day cold storage period when sperm were in diluted (with Cortland solution) and undiluted conditions. When there were diluted conditions, there was greater preservation of motile capacity (from day-7; P < 0.05), membrane integrity (from day-7; P < 0.05), mitochondrial membrane potential (from day-10; P < 0.05) and ATP stores (from day-3; P < 0.05). Oxygen consumption indicators were 18.6% +/- 14.7% greater in the undiluted samples from day-3, and 32.1% +/- 2.1% of the total spermatozoa had ample amounts of superoxide anion in both undiluted and diluted semen on day-0. The use of Cortland solution extended the viability of sperm when there were longer storage times. Factors that have a greater effect on the quality of semen during storage are reactive oxygen species generation and ATP depletion. In conclusion, Patagonian blenny spermatozoa can be stored at 4 degrees C between 7 and 10 days using Cortland solution