251 research outputs found

    Penggambaran Makrofauna dan Mesofauna Tanah Dibawah Tegakan Karet (Hevea Brazilliensis) di Lahan Gambut

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    This study aims to determine the diversity of macrofauna and mesofauna peat soil macrofauna calculate population density and mesofauna peat soil between plants and close rubber plant (Hevea Brazilliensis),Research conducted in the community rubber plantations, pineapple Kualu Village, District Mines Kampar. The type of soil used was Peat. The research was conducted over three months starting from March to May 2016. The study was conducted by survey sampling for macrofauna and mesofauna ground observations determined by purposive sampling method, extensive research sites 1 360 hectares with a population of crop plants, for research taken 5%, namely 18 plants, plant determination random sample of observations made, the observed data diverse population and relative density of macrofauna and mesofauna analyzed by descriptive statistics. The results showed the soil macrofauna and mesofauna among plants have more than the number of close plant

    Mapping of Landslide Hazard Distribution in Alo Watershed Gorontalo Regency

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    Landslide occurrence can be influenced by physical factors and human activities. Thus, research related to the provision of information about landslide distribution in Alo watershed is needed as a basis in enhancing community preparedness in dealing with disasters. The method used in this study is the scoring method based on the Minister of Public Works Regulation No.22 / PRT / M / 2017 which is processed through a geographical information system through the overlay of all physical parameters. The result shows that the Alo watershed area is divided into three vulnerability categories. "Low" category covers 7171.8 ha, "medium" category covers 12008.7 ha, and "high" category covers 5039.5 ha out of 24.221 ha the total area of Alo watershed. Information provided in this research is expected to be able to help the local government in making policies in managing the Alo watershed area and enhancing the understanding of the local community in Alo watershed in dealing with disasters

    Administrative Information Systems Design Beautiful Restaurant Tour

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    Satisfactory service is the key to business done wonderful tourist restaurants. One ofthe restaurant management efforts to meet these demands is to build informationsystems that can handle sales, handling of inventory until the purchase of rawmaterials, so the restaurant will be increasing productivity.To meet these needs, the author conducted the analysis and design of administrativeinformation system that handles its restaurant sales, purchasing, accounts payable andinventory handling. The research which writer to do is to read books and otherreading as a source of information. Moreover, I also do research directly to the fieldin a way mewancarai the parties involved to get their feedback about restaurant workprocedures.The result is known that the administration system of integrated computer-basedrestaurant can meet the needs of beautiful tourist restaurant management


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    ABSTARCT This research reveals the presumptive ideology of the socialization of environmental conservation pamphlets in Buru Regency. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. This means that in this study the researcher observed and analyzed the sentences in the Socialization Pamphlet for Environmental Conservation in Buru Regency through a pragmatic approach. The data source used for this study was the Environmental Conservation Socialization Pamphlet in Buru Regency, while the type of data in this study was written data, in the form of sentences in pamphlets containing presuppositions. This research reveals the types of presuppositions in the environmental preservation socialization pamphlet, namely: (1) existential presuppositions, (2) factive presuppositions, (3) lexical presuppositions, (4) structural presuppositions, and (5) counterfactual presuppositions while non-active presuppositions are not found. menemenyekuruh Government and LSM are trying to socialize environmental preservation in real terms in Buru Regency. This means that the pamphlet publisher does not use inactive presuppositions which in fact are presuppositions that are assumed to be incorrect or allow wrong understanding due to the use of uncertain or ambiguous words. Keywords: ideology; Presumption; Flyer; Buru Regenc

    Potret Keislaman Mahasiswa Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

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    Memotret realitas keislaman mahasiswa UAI secara akurat merupakan titik tolak dilakukannya penelitian ini. Diharapkan, potret tersebut bermanfaat dalam merumuskan model kebijakan, regulasi, dan pendekatan yang relevan dan efektif dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai keislaman di kalangan mahasiswa UAI. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini berusaha mencover responden dalam prosentase yang relatif besar (sampai dengan 18% dari populasi) dari seluruh fakultas di UAI, dari angkatan 2008, 2009, dan 2010. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode proportional random sampling mengingat jumlah mahasiswa per fakultas yang tidak sama. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan sejumlah poin penting, di antaranya: (1) Realitas keislaman mahasiswa UAI secara umum tergolong sedang, (2) Ada kesenjangan antara aspek akidah, ibadah dan akhlak dalam keislaman mereka. Dalam hal akidah, mereka relatif baik. Namun terlihat penurunan dalam aspek ibadah dan akhlak, (3) Lingkungan tempat mereka tumbuh dan perhatian orang tua berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keislaman mereka

    Development of guided inquiry-based accounting learning module to improve creative and disciplin character

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    This study aims at producing a guided inquiry-based accounting learning module to improve students’ creative and discipline character and to know its effectiveness. This research belongs to research and development which refers to Borg & Gall model. The subject of this research is the eleventh grade accounting students at a public vocational school in Karanganyar, Indonesia. The subject is divided into three: subject for preliminary test consisted 10 students, subject for field test consisted of 25 students who do not involve in the initial test, and subject for operational field tests consisted of 36 students. The product of this study is a guided inquiry-based accounting learning module. The results show that the developed accounting learning modules is feasible according to material experts, media experts and learning experts with excellent rating categories. Accounting learning module is considered effective because the results of t test on the creative character for 4,854 and the discipline character of 1,926 greater than t table that is 1,999 so it shows there is a significant difference of creative character and discipline between students who follow the learning with the developed module of accounting learning and those who do not

    Analisis Mekaniseme Multi Server Load Balancing Pada Server SIAKAD Universitas Brawijaya

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    Salah satu permasalahan utama dalam pelaksanaan sistem administrasi akademi secara online adalah proses KRS. Mahasiswa memilih secara mandiri matakuliah yang akan diambil pada semester tersebut. Meskipun jangka waktu pelaksanaan KRS online adalah 2 minggu, tapi pada Kenyataannya hampir 80% mahasiswa akan melakukan KRS online pada hari pertama. Hal ini menyebabkan beban akses yang diterima oleh server Siakad menjadi sangat tinggi. Dengan jumlah total mahasiswa sebanyak 40000, maka sistem harus siap untuk menangani sekitar 30 ribu akses pada hari pertama KRS online. Sehingga proses ini tidak mungkin hanya di tangani oleh 1 server. Dalam penelitian ini dibuat suatu mekanisme membagi beban akses KRS online menjadi beberapa server dengan standar dan data yang valid. Mekanisme dilakukan dengan menggunakan server load balancing sebagai pengatur beban serta mencegah terjadinya penumpukan akses di salah satu server saja. Dengan demikian diharapkan proses KRS online di Universitas Brawijaya menjadi lancar dan tidak ada gangguan. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan load balancing telah meningkatkan jumlah mahasiswa yang dapat di layani oleh SIAM. Pada puncak akses dalam 1 jam server dapat menangani sebanyak 23.986 request. Puncak akses terjadi pada tanggal 8 Agustus 2012 sebanyak 43.245 request dalam 1 hari. Dengan demikian lonjakan akses dapat tertangani melalui mekanisme ini.Kata Kunci— load balancing dan RoundRobi

    Peran Institusi Lokal dalam Kegiatan Pengembangan Masyarakat: Kasus Punggawa Ratu Pasundan dalam Program Desa Wisata di Desa Sukaratu Kecamatan Gekbrong Kabupaten Cianjur

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    Pengembangan masyarakat merupakan suatu aktivitas yang direncanakan guna meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat melalui program-program yang mampu mengembangkan potensi yang dimiliki dan menggunakan institusi lokal sebagai wadah aktivitas kolektifnya. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menggambarkan peran institusi lokal dalam program Desa Wisata di Desa Sukaratu Kecamatan Gekbrong Kabupaten Bandung yang telah mampu menarik partisipasi aktif masyarakat untuk menjadi pelaku utama dalam pengelolaan kegiatan wisata. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik studi kasus. Adapun kasus yang dijadikan subyek studi adalah kasus Punggawa Ratu Pasundan (PRP) sebagai institusi lokal yang dibentuk dalam program desa wisata di Desa Sukaratu, Kecamatan Gekbrong, Kabupaten Cianjur. Gambaran mengenai peranan institusi lokal dalam pengembangan masyarakat akan dideskripsikan melalui empat peranan yang dilakukan PRP dalam aktivitas pengembangan desa wisata di Desa Sukaratu, yaitu fasilitatif, mediasi, penyampai informasi, dan pendayagunaan gotong royong. Hasil penelitian menunjukan peran fasilitatif dilaksakan oleh PRP dalam menjaring berbagai aspirasi masyarakat dan anggotanya. Peran mediasi dilakukan oleh PRP dalam ranah penyelesaian konflik-konflik yang terjadi didalam organisasi. Peran PRP sebagai penyampai informasi sering dilakukan dalam rapat mingguan guna terus menjaga konsisitensi organisasi dalam mengedukasi masyarakat. Peran terakhir adalah peran PRP dalam mendayagunakan gotong royong masyarakat, peran ini dilakukan dengan mewadahi kegiatan-kegiatan gotong royong masyarakat dan menyalurkannya melalui kegiatan-kegiatan pembangunan yang menyangkut kepentingan umum. Namun suksesi kepengurusan yang tertunda-tunda, hilangnya sosok tokoh masyarakat yang menjadi salah satu penggerak, dan kurangnya dukungan dari pemerintah setempat menyebabkan vakumnya kepengurusan PRP, sehingga kegiatannya agak tersendat. Atas dasar hasil studi ini maka direkomendasikan bahwa untuk merealisasikan suksesi organisasi oleh masyarakat secara independen dan mandiri agar kegiatan pegelolaan wisata Desa Sukaratu dapat berlanjut secara optimal


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    ABSTRACT The study aims are to determine the influence of the best of smooth and the best of volume eluent of the concentration of ion mercury (II) the colomn with the flow from top to bottom. These are used has a diameter 1 cm, height 35 cm and adsorbent 5 g. The variations upon the smooth which is used 10, 20 and 30 mL/minute ad the volume of eluent 10, 50, 100 and 150 mL with a concentration 60 mg/L at pH 5. This study is using random the factorial, each treatment done as much as two times. From the results showed that the best of smooth be achieved in the smooth 10 mL/minute and the best of volume eluent be achieved in the volume of 150 mL in adsorption of ion mercury (II). Keywords : Smooth, Volume of eluent, Kepok banana’s peels, Mercury
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