54 research outputs found


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    The aimĀ of this study is to know the obstacles of online biology learning for class XI-Science students in SMAN 1 Sei Kanan during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach. The subjects of this study were students in class XI-ScienceĀ of the school. The data collection technique used was questionnaires distributed to theĀ students. The data analysis showed there were some obstacles in biology learning based on indicators as follow; studentsā€™ motivation in online learning at a rate of 62.73%, online learning methods at a rate of 52.81%, internet network at a rate of 42.91%, and studentsā€™ understanding in learning at a rate of 57.79%. Those were the obstacles for students and teachers when using online learning

    Metode menghafal Alquran sebagai terapi sufistik: Studi deskriptif di TPA Cikapayang Bandung

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    Metode menghafal Alquran jadi daya tarik untuk dipelajari, dimengerti dan untuk dihafalkan atau diterapkan. Bahkan menghafal Alquran mendapatkan hikmah kesehatan mental ketika menghafal Alquran dijadikan sebagai terapi sufistik. Dengan menghafal Alquran, akan mendapatkan sebuah ketenangan dalam diri. Keadaan yang terjadi di TPA (Taman Pendidikan Alquran) Cikapayang bandung ini, para santri sangat antusias dalam menghafal Alquran karena dengan metode menghafal Alquran yang diterapkannya membuat mereka mendapat ketenangan dan keceriaan serta mudah dihapal. Selain itu antusias dari ustaz-ustazahnya pun tidak kalah dengan para santrinya. Tujuan penelitian dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah 1) untuk mengetahui proses metode menghafal Alquran sebagai terapi sufistik yang dilakukan di TPA (Taman Pendidikan Alquran) Cikapayang Bandung. 2) Untuk mengetahui hasil dari metode menghafal Alquran sebagai terapi sufistik yang dilakukan oleh TPA (Taman Pendidikan Alquran) Cikapayang Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif. Dalam pengumpulan datanya menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara serta studi kepustakaan guna mempermudah dan memperlancar penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode menghafal Alquran dijadikan terapi sufistik, terbukti efektif memberikan ketenangan dalam jiwa dan dijadikannya acuan sebagai pembersihan diri dari sifat tercela dan diisi dengan sifat terpuji pada santri. Hal ini telah diketahui bahwa TPA Cikapayang tersebut menerapkan dari setiap angkatannya hingga saat ini

    Perancangan Interior Flat Dormitory Karyawan Bank Mandiri Kantor Cabang Kota Pare-Pare

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    Bekerja di industri perbankan di Indonesia juga tidak luput dari resiko kelelahan dan stres. Upaya Bank Mandiri untuk mempertahankan, memotivasi, dan meningkatkan keterikatan staf agar selalu memberikan kinerja yang optimal yaitu dengan mengeluarkan kebijakan remunerasi. Salah satu implementasi remunerasi adalah memberikan fasilitas kedinasan meliputi rumah dinas, penggantian biaya utilities, pulsa telepon, dan kendaraan dinas sewa. Implementasi ini salah satunya diwujudkan dengan pembangunan flat dormitory sewa di Region X/Sulawesi dan Maluku tepatnya di kota Pare-pare. Alasan pembangunan flat ini di Kota Pare-pare yaitu karena PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk memiliki satu aset rumah dinas yang saat ini kondisinya sudah rusak, pembangunan ini dimaksudkan untuk optimalisasi perawatan aset yang dimiliki PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. Adanya keterbatasan spasial serta beberapa peraturan tentang perawatan furnitur penunjang tidak dapat dihindari dikarenakan bangunan ini bersifat disewakan. Selain itu, Lokasi proyek yang berada di kawasan Pantai Pare-pare serta adanya Peraturan Daerah Kota Pare-pare Nomor 5 Tahun 2014 Pasal 16 ayat 1 dan 2 Tentang Bangunan Gedung yang mengharuskan setiap bangunan harus mencerminkan arsitektur Bugis-Makassar, sehingga arsitektur Bugis-Makassar dijadikan fokus permasalahan desain yang harus diperhatikan. Maka, terpilihlah untuk menggunakan lokalitas arsitektur Bugis-Makassar sebagai tema desain yang secara eksplisit menyatukan konsep fleksibilitas dan gaya coastal contemporary. Aplikasi konsep fleksibilitas adalah pada furnitur multifungsi dan modular. Secara fisik, unit hunian diwujudkan dengan elemen perabotan yang ringkas dan multifungsi, pemilihan warna kombinasi antara coastal colour scheme dan warna khas Bank Mandiri, serta aplikasi bentuk-bentuk khas Bugis-Makassar

    Analisis Kesehatan Dan Keselamatan Kerja Menggunakan Failure Mode And Effect Analysis Di PT. XYZ

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    Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is important to maintain and improve so that the quality of human resources in the company is always in prime condition. Every company has a different level or level of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS). PT. XYZ is a company that uses corrosive materials, therefore Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) analyst at PT XYZ is needed. The Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) analysis carried out in this study used the FMEA method to determine which part of the production process had Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) that needed repair the most. From the research results, it was found that the highest Risk Priority Number (RPN) value was the pickling and degreasing production process


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    This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the difficulties experienced by students in working on BRSD material problems. This is taken from the cognitive indicators on the bloom taxonomy which are indicators of its difficulty. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. The data collection technique is by giving questions to students. Furthermore, students' answers are analyzed to determine the extent of the difficulties that occur to students based on the determined indicators. This research was conducted at one of the state junior high schools in Cimahi for the 2020-2021 academic year. The subjects were 20 grade IX students. The instrument inside is a test item with predetermined indicators. The results of the analysis obtained are that there are still students who have difficulty solving indicators of problems that involve cubes. The above is evidenced by the results of the test questions to students where 70% of students experience difficulties with the question indicators as well as the percentage of student answers that are less than the predetermined KKM. The factors that make this indicator experience difficulties are (1) the students' lack of thoroughness in reading, understanding and answering questions; (2) Lack of students' spatial ability to imagine BRSD; (3) Students are accustomed to solving routine problems found in examples

    Analisis K3 pada Mesin Milling, Mesin Bubut dan Ruangan Produksi di PT. Z Menggunakan Metode HIRARC

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    Occupational safety and health play a crucial role in maintaining productivity, sustainability, and the reputation of a company. Unsafe or unhealthy working conditions can lead to workplace accidents, injuries, or even fatalities. Additionally, the costs associated with work-related accidents or illnesses can be significant, including medical expenses, workers' compensation, and lost productivity. Therefore, it is important for companies to have an effective occupational safety and health program to protect their employees. One method used to analyze and manage occupational safety and health risks is HIRARC (Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Risk Control). In this report, we will discuss the background of occupational safety and health and explain the steps of HIRARC in identifying, assessing, and controlling occupational safety and health risks in the workplace. The HIRARC method serves as an effort to prevent or minimize workplace accidents and includes a combination of Hazard Identification, followed by Risk Assessment to evaluate potential hazards in milling machines, lathe machines, and production areas, and finally Risk Control to implement measures that can minimize workplace accidents in the working environment. Keywords: HIRARC (Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Risk Control), Occupational safety and health, Production are


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    This study aims to determine the student difficulties in the SPLDV material. This research is a quantitative descriptive study that examines students difficulties yn the SPLDV material based on indicators (1) Modeling the SPLDV (2) Analyzing the completion of the SPLDV (3) Finding the solution to the SPLDV using Elimination and Subtitution methods (4) Summarizing the grap and (5) Linking the SPLDV in everyday life. The research was carried out in one of the private junior high school in Padalarang. The subjects of this research ere 15 students who have studied the SPLDV material. The data collection is by giving questions to student. The data analysis technique went though three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results of the study show that there are still students who have difficulty in concluding the indicators of the graph, this can be seen from the average value of 27% which belong to the very poor category. It is also found that the factors that make the indicators on the SPLDV material esperience difficulties are the lack of accuracy when working on problems, difficulty in classifying known objects, and not mastering the concepts and principles of SPLDV

    Analisis Beban Kerja Mental Karyawan Departemen Engineering Pada PT. Z Menggunakan Metode NASA-TLX

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    Human resources (HR) work activities are very important for business processes, so human resource factors must be taken into account and paid attention to. This research was conducted at the Engineering Department of PT. Z is responsible for product design and product development. This research aims to measure the workload of Engineering Department employees at PT. Z in order to increase employee productivity. This research uses the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Workload Index (NASA-TLX) method. This method is used to analyze the mental workload felt by Engineering Department employees when carrying out work activities and is expected to improve an existing system to increase work comfort and productivity. Based on the final NASA TLX score for the Engineering Department of PT Z, five employees have a very high level of mental workload, two employees have a high level of mental workload, two employees have a medium level of mental workload, and one employee has a light level of mental workload. Then for the mental workload of PT employees. Z based on the NASA-TLX method obtained an average WWL value of 72.9, which means it is included in the mental load classification, therefore there is a need for work improvement. Keywords: Ergonomics, Mental Load, NASA-TLX, Workload


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    This study aims to analyze the location of the errors experienced by MTs students in solving the Two Variable Linear Equation System (SPLDV) questions in online learning. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method. The subjects are students of class IX in Karawang totaling 16 people. Data collection is done by analyzing 5 items of description. The problem indicators used are (1) Creating SPLDV as a mathematical model of the given situation, (2) Creating a mathematical model and determining the completion of SPLDV using the graphical method, (3) Creating a mathematical model and determining the completion of the SPLDV using the elimination method, (4) Making mathematical model and determine the solution of SPLDV by substitution method, (5) Identifying special SPLDV and its solution. Based on the results of the study, the highest student errors were found in the indicators of making mathematical models and determining the completion of the SPLDV using the graphical method with an error percentage of 87.5% (where the minimum criteria were 75%). Based on the results of the analysis, the factors that make these indicators experience errors are that students have difficulty in transforming story questions into the form of mathematical models and difficulties when drawing graphs, this happens because during online learning the concept construction process and the form of visualization when constructing concepts are very difficult to facilitate
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