47 research outputs found


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    Dalam bidang industri, proses produksi memiliki beberapa jenis parameter kualitas yang harus dipenuhi, diantaranya berupa ukuran, berat jenis, level ketinggian, level volume, jarak, warna,dll. Parameter tersebut dikerjakan oleh sensor yang berfungsi untuk mendeteksi besaran fisik yang berbeda-beda dari setiap barang produksi, sedangkan konstruksi mekanik yang banyak digunakan dalam dunia industri berupa, arm robot (lengan robot) yaitu manipulasi lengan manusia berupa robot yang berfungsi untuk menggantikan sentuhan fisik manusia terhadap barang produksi. Jurnal ini membahas Sensor TCS 3200 Sebagai Pemilih Barang Otomatis. Adapun perumusan masalah pada jurnal ini adalah mengenai fungsi sensor TCS 3200 sebagai sensor warna RGB sebagai pemilih warna barang otomatis. Untuk deteksi tanpa warna, frekuensi yang dibaca sensor TCS 3200 adalah 0 Khz. Pada warna hitam, frekuensi yang dibaca sensor TCS 3200 adalah sebesar 0,66 Khz, untuk warna ungu, frekuensi yang dibaca oleh sensor TCS 3200 adalah sebesar 1,53 Khz yang akan menghasilkan nilai input PWM untuk motor servo sebesar 1,8 ms sehingga motor servo akan bergerak kearah 135°, sedangkan warna hijau memiliki nilai frekuensi 1,81 Khz. Pada pembacaan warna orange, frekuensi yang didapat adalah 4,76 Khz, pada frekuensi ini PWM yang diberikan adalah sebesar 2,25 ms yang akan menggerakkan motor servo kearah 45°. Untuk obyek warna kuning, frekuensi yang dibaca adalah sebesar 5,55 Khz, dengan pengaturan PWM pada frekeunsi tersebut sebesar 1,15 ms yang akan menggerakkan motor servo ke sudut 0°.Kata Kunci : Sensor TCS RGB 3200, PWM, arm robot


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    Nowdays, the production of herbal medicines to industrial scale household progressively increased as the emergence of the phenomenon in the society for the re-use of natural medicines / herbal derived from plants as one solution to health. In order for the herbal medicines are not easily damaged and can be stored for a long time, the drying process is carried out at a temperature of 300C–90oC (Depkes RI, 1985). The herbal medicine used in this study is the Sungkai leaves which is dried using dryer that applies NTC temperature sensor 47D-15, 808H5V5 humidity sensors, and microcontroller ATMega 8535. NTC sensor 47D-15 serves to detect the temperature to be set at the desired range during the drying process occurs while the humidity sensor 808H5V5 detects moisture of Sungkai leaves after the drying process


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    This community service was inspired by teachers' lack of capacity at SMP N 37 Palembang to use the PowerPoint application as a teaching aid in the classroom. A training program for the use of PowerPoint applications is therefore required to provide teacher training to optimize the PowerPoint application's role as an interactive learning tool that can be used for individual learning and indirectly increase teacher competence scores. To enhance this program's effectiveness, the Instructors from the Electrical Engineering Department of Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya use the Assistance Approach as a way of distributing materials from the Community Service Team (Instructors) to the Teacher (Participants) to improve the comprehension of the materials provided. Observation and evaluation results show (a) Participants applied the assistance method with 85.5 points, excluding the assistance method with 71.5 points. (b) The pre-test results averaged 70 points, and the post-test results averaged 90 points

    Aplikasi Rangkaian Pengali Tegangan Walton Cockcroft Dan Sensor Af-30 Pada Penjernih Udara Ruangan Otomatis

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    Air is very important for all the living being in this planet, therefore good quality of air has to be maintained. The air quality in our office environment is much decreasing nowadays, due to human behaviour and life style, such as smoking and in return reduces our health. This reasearch proposes to design an air purifer to increase air quality inside a room. The propose air purifier applies Walton Cockcroft voltage multiflier with voltage output 4000-5000 Vdc to separate carbonmonoxide (CO) from oxigen. This device will work as soon as smoke sensor AF-30 detects carbonmonoxide in the air. This carbonmonoxide detection will result analog signal as the input to the programmed microcontroller ATMega 8535. The output signal of microcontroller ATMega 8535 will activate relay switch circuit and in the end will activate DC Motor fan, voltage multiplier circuit and exhaust fan. The voltage multiplier circuit output is 4420 volt DC at the 13th stage, this high voltage will ionize carbonmonoxide (negatif ion) from oxigen (positif ion). After positif and negative ion get separated, negatif ion would be outed by DC fan to the purifier element, the negatif ion would be the residue and stayed inside the purifier. It is hoped that this device would help in increasing air quality in side office room


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    Literacy for early education students can be defined as the ability of reading and writing. This capability will increase if (1) facilities and (2) infrastructure are easily accessed, and (3) supported by the environment. The observation shows that those three factors are not available for children learning Al-Quran and Islam in Al-Ikhlas Masjid, especially Islamic media literacy. The community service was conducted in Al-Ikhlas Masjid to increase Islamic literacy for children using the method of "One Child One Book." Books and short version of Al-Quran were donated to encourage the children to enjoy reading and writing. This method was successful in increasing children's interest in reading shown by the enthusiasm of 14 children who came to participate in the activities.The Al-Ikhlas Masjid became crowded because the children came almost every evening to read and borrow books. Everyone was happy to read the books provided by the team. Therefore, the community service was considered successful in increasing Islamic literacy proven by an excellent reception from parents and children studying at Al-Ikhlas Masjid, and they are expecting further activities

    Neural Network Pada Robot Ball Follower sebagai Model Peraga Edukasi pada Mata Kuliah Praktek Kecerdasan Artifisial

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    Politeknik sebagai pendidikan vokasi dituntut untuk selalu menselaraskan kurikulum dengan kemajuan teknologi di dunia industri. Program Sarjana Terapan Teknik Elektro harus mampu menjembatani kemampuan lulusan akan teknologi robotika dengan perkembangan terapan robotika. Kurikulum pada program studi ini harus memasukkan mata kuliah berbasis robotika, salah satunya adalah mata kuliah Praktek Kecerdasan Artifisial. Kecerdasan buatan ini berfungsi sebagai "otak" bagi robot, pengendali utama bagi robot. Penerapan kecerdasan artifisial pada robot membuat pengaturan robot jadi lebih mudah dan dapat menghindarkan perancang robot dari penurunan persamaan matematika yang rumit. Kecerdasan artifisial memiliki banyak jenis dan pilihan, diantaranya yang paling sering dipakai adalah Fuzzy Logic dan Neural Networks. Penelitian ini mendesain simulasi aplikasi Fuzzy Logic dan Neural Networks pada ball follower robot. Simulasi dilakukan dengan running 4 macam software, baik yang gratis (SCILAB, Neuroph), murah (MOBOTSIM), dan berbayar cukup mahal (Visual Studio). Penggunaan   berbagai   software   ini   selain   untuk   memberikan   banyak   pilihan pembelajaran bagi mahasiswa, juga untuk memberikan perbandingan antara software berbayar mahal dan software gratis. Luaran dari penelitian ini adalah international conference paper dan international journal, dan modul ajar yang dapat menciptakan proses belajar-mengajar yang interaktif


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    Scientific writing is a scientific means of communication that uses systematics appropriate to the scientific community through an accepted writing system where scientific features of a scientific paper are empirical and objective to be regarded. However, not all students have the capacity to do so, hence the need for science writing instruction for students. The activities of the Community Service Team, consisting of 3 lecturers and 3 students of the Electrical Engineering Department of Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, are to enrich students to write appropriate scientific papers in compliance with the guidelines for writing. The presentation/discussion, assessment, and mentoring of this activity have been carried out in conjunction with the stated targets. Students' high motivation is shown by the assistance and assessment of the titles and writings offered by the Community Service Team

    Pembangkit Energi Listrik Hybrid Mini Menggunakan Tenaga Surya Sebagai Sumber Energi Alternatif

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    Hybrid system is the concept of combining two or more different energy sources to meet the needs of existing electricity loads. The advantage of this solar energy is that it is non-polluting, inexhaustible and can be used directly or indirectly and is energy for all time. In this study, a tool designed for hybrid electric energy generation using solar energy and wind energy. The solar panel used is 50 Wp Polycrystalline type and The wind generator used is MY-1016 with an output power of 350 Watt. In this study, a system for monitoring the power generated electric energy generator using solar energy is needed which consists of components such as current sensors INA219, Arduino Mega 2560 and displayed in real time using the Internet of Things (IOT)

    The impact of Nodes Distance on Wireless Energy Transfer System

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    Wireless energy transfer (WET) reemerges as the method for transmitting electric power without the necessity to deal with cable losses and an aesthetically pleasing environment. The problem with WET is how to maintain magnetic induction as the distance gets further. This paper investigates the impact of nodes distance on the WET system. The experimental results show that the most effective distance among transmitter, nodes, and receiver are 4 cm. The measurement is taken with and without load. The without load application give that for node 1; the results are 6 V, 110 mA, and 2.85 mT for voltage, current, and magnetic flux, respectively. At the application of 2 nodes, the voltage is 6.8 V, the current is 0.124 mA, and the magnetic flux is 3.83 mT, and at three nodes installation, it is 7 V, 134 mA, and 3.83 mT. During the application of 3-Watt and 5-Watt lamp, at 4 cm distance, the power received is 1.66 W and 3.66 W at 3-Watt and 5-Watt lamp for one node, 1.84 W, and 3.84 for two nodes, and 1.93 W and 3.93 for three nodes. The experimental results show that the transmitted signal can be prolonged by installing nodes. Even though this study shows that 4 cm is the most effective, it is possible to increase up to 20 cm to power a 3-Watt lamp and 5-Watt lamp

    The Concept of Automatic Transport System Utilizing Weight Sensor

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    The current pandemic situation insists that people find a way to create a physical distance, limiting the number of people in a closed room. The human need for commuting has led to the idea of an automatic transport system that can transport people and goods without the assistance of a driver. This idea can lead to a new "normal" and reduced cost of manufacturing in the industry. The paper discussed the concept of an automatic transport system using a weight sensor. An automatic vehicle is designed to transport loads of different packages and be allocated automatically based on the weight of the package. The system is designed to be as simple as possible to increase the scope for implementation