71 research outputs found

    Circular Dichroism in Atomic Resonance-Enhanced Few-Photon Ionization

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    We investigate few-photon ionization of lithium atoms prepared in the polarized 2pp(m= ⁣+1m_\ell=\!+1) state when subjected to femtosecond light pulses with left- or right-handed circular polarization at wavelengths between 665 nm and 920 nm. We consider whether ionization proceeds more favorably for the electric field co- or counter-rotating with the initial electronic current density. Strong asymmetries are found and quantitatively analyzed in terms of "circular dichroism" (CDCD). While the intensity dependence of the measured CDCD values is rather weak throughout the investigated regime, a very strong sensitivity on the center wavelength of the incoming radiation is observed. While the co-rotating situation overall prevails, the counter-rotating geometry is strongly favored around 800 nm due to the 2pp-3ss resonant transition, which can only be driven by counter-rotating fields. The observed features provide insights into the helicity dependence of light-atom interactions, and on the possible control of electron emission in atomic few-photon ionization by polarization-selective resonance enhancement

    Using circular dichroism to control energy transfer in multi-photon ionization

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    Chirality causes symmetry breaks in a large variety of natural phenomena ranging from particle physics to biochemistry. We investigate one of the simplest conceivable chiral systems, a laser-excited, oriented, effective one-electron Li target. Prepared in a polarized p state with |m|=1 in an optical trap, the atoms are exposed to co- and counter-rotating circularly polarized femtosecond laser pulses. For a field frequency near the excitation energy of the oriented initial state, a strong circular dichroism is observed and the photoelectron energies are significantly affected by the helicity-dependent Autler-Townes splitting. Besides its fundamental relevance, this system is suited to create spin-polarized electron pulses with a reversible switch on a femtosecond timescale at an energy resolution of a few meV

    Nuclear recoil response of liquid xenon and its impact on solar 8B neutrino and dark matter searches

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    Knowledge of the ionization and scintillation responses of liquid xenon (LXe) to nuclear recoils is crucial for LXe-based dark matter experiments. Current calibrations carry large uncertainties in the low-energy region below 3\sim3 keVnr_nr where signals from dark matter particles of <<10 GeV/c2^2 masses are expected. The coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEν\nuNS) by solar 8^8B neutrinos also results in a continuum of nuclear recoil events below 3.0 keVnr_{nr} (99\% of events), which further complicates low-mass dark matter searches in LXe experiments. In this paper, we describe a method to quantify the uncertainties of low-energy LXe responses using published calibration data, followed by case studies to evaluate the impact of yield uncertainties on 8{^8}B searches and low-mass dark matter sensitivity in a typical ton-scale LXe experiment. We conclude that naively omitting yield uncertainties leads to overly optimistic limits by factor 2\sim2 for a 6 GeV/c2^2 WIMP mass. Future nuclear recoil light yield calibrations could allow experiments to recover this sensitivity and also improve the accuracy of solar 8{^8}B flux measurements

    Applying Superfluid Helium to Light Dark Matter Searches: Demonstration of the HeRALD Detector Concept

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    The SPICE/HeRALD collaboration is performing R&D to enable studies of sub-GeV dark matter models using a variety of target materials. Here we report our recent progress on instrumenting a superfluid 4^4He target mass with a transition-edge sensor based calorimeter to detect both atomic signals (e.g. scintillation) and 4^4He quasiparticle (phonon and roton) excitations. The sensitivity of HeRALD to the critical "quantum evaporation" signal from 4^4He quasiparticles requires us to block the superfluid film flow to the calorimeter. We have developed a heat-free film-blocking method employing an unoxidized Cs film, which we implemented in a prototype "HeRALD v0.1" detector of \sim10~g target mass. This article reports initial studies of the atomic and quasiparticle signal channels. A key result of this work is the measurement of the quantum evaporation channel's gain of 0.15±0.0120.15 \pm 0.012, which will enable 4^4He-based dark matter experiments in the near term. With this gain the HeRALD detector reported here has an energy threshold of 145~eV at 5 sigma, which would be sensitive to dark matter masses down to 220~MeV/c2^2.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Fast and Flexible Analysis of Direct Dark Matter Search Data with Machine Learning

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    We present the results from combining machine learning with the profile likelihood fit procedure, using data from the Large Underground Xenon (LUX) dark matter experiment. This approach demonstrates reduction in computation time by a factor of 30 when compared with the previous approach, without loss of performance on real data. We establish its flexibility to capture non-linear correlations between variables (such as smearing in light and charge signals due to position variation) by achieving equal performance using pulse areas with and without position-corrections applied. Its efficiency and scalability furthermore enables searching for dark matter using additional variables without significant computational burden. We demonstrate this by including a light signal pulse shape variable alongside more traditional inputs such as light and charge signal strengths. This technique can be exploited by future dark matter experiments to make use of additional information, reduce computational resources needed for signal searches and simulations, and make inclusion of physical nuisance parameters in fits tractable

    Extending light WIMP searches to single scintillation photons in LUX

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    We present a novel analysis technique for liquid xenon time projection chambers that allows for a lower threshold by relying on events with a prompt scintillation signal consisting of single detected photons. The energy threshold of the LUX dark matter experiment is primarily determined by the smallest scintillation response detectable, which previously required a twofold coincidence signal in its photomultiplier arrays, enforced in data analysis. The technique presented here exploits the double photoelectron emission effect observed in some photomultiplier models at vacuum ultraviolet wavelengths. We demonstrate this analysis using an electron recoil calibration dataset and place new constraints on the spin-independent scattering cross section of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) down to 2.5 GeV/c2 WIMP mass using the 2013 LUX dataset. This new technique is promising to enhance light WIMP and astrophysical neutrino searches in next-generation liquid xenon experiments