995 research outputs found

    A revision of the libelluline genus Perithemis (Odonata)

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    Pengaruh Keluarga dan Kelompok Referensi terhadap Keputusan Konsumen Membeli Kosmetika Khusus Pria Merek Garnier Men (Studi Kasus di Pekanbaru)

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    This research is conducted to test the influences of family and reference group which are contained of Friendship, Working, Purchase, Consumer-action, and Web Group towards purchase intention of Garnier Men cosmetics in Pekanbaru. Samples of this research are Garnier Men's consumer from both teenagers and men in Pekanbaru. Samples are chosen by using some sort of method and it were both only self-purchase and mature user above 17 years old. In this research, linear regression method is chosen for data analysis by SPSS version 20 and the the result shows that there are some affecting variables which didn't significantly affect purchase intention of Garnier Men cosmetics in Pekanbaru. Family and Friendship Group are the only affecting variables that significantly affect purchase intention of Garnier Men in Pekanbaru

    Laparoscopic versus open resection for appendix carcinoid

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    Background: Since an increasing number of appendectomies are performed via laparoscopy, it is crucial to determine the impact of this approach on appendix carcinoid (AC) outcome. The goal of this study was to compare results of laparoscopic (LAP) versus open (OP) appendectomy for AC according to intend to treat approach. Methods: A retrospective review (1991-2003) identified 39 patients (median age, 36 years; range, 12-83) treated by laparoscopy (LAP) or laparotomy (OP) for AC in a single institution. Follow-up was complete for all patients (median, 67 months; range, 4-132). Results: Most cases had associated acute appendicitis (64%). Median carcinoid size was 1.1 cm (range, 0.3-5) and 0.4 cm (range, 0.2-3) in the LAP and OP groups, respectively. LAP and OP were performed in 21 (54%) and 18 (46%) patients, respectively. Surgical margins were positive in two patients in the LAP group and one patient in the OP group (p = 0.6). Right colectomies were performed for AC >2 cm in five patients after LAP and in four patients after OP (p = 0.9). Actuarial 5-year survival rates were 100 and 94% in the LAP and OP groups, respectively (p = 0.2). Two patients died in the OP group, one due to metastatic carcinoid and the other due to metachronous colorectal cancer. Synchronous or metachronous colorectal carcinomas developed in six patients (15%). Conclusion: Laparoscopic appendectomy is a safe procedure for AC, with carcinologic and long-term results similar to those of conventional appendectomy. Thus, pre- or per-operative suspicion of AC is not a contraindication to LAP. Prognosis of AC appears more dependent on carcinoid malignant potential or associated tumors. Risk for developing colorectal adenocarcinoma is high in AC patients and warrants follow-up of all patients with colonoscopic screenin

    Extracorporeal support for pulmonary resection: current indications and results.

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    Extracorporeal assistances are exponentially used for patients, with acute severe but reversible heart or lung failure, to provide more prolonged support to bridge patients to heart and/or lung transplantation. However, experience of use of extracorporeal assistance for pulmonary resection is limited outside lung transplantation. Airways management with standard mechanical ventilation system may be challenging particularly in case of anatomical reasons (single lung), presence of respiratory failure (ARDS), or complex tracheo-bronchial resection and reconstruction. Based on the growing experience during lung transplantation, more and more surgeons are now using such devices to achieve good oxygenation and hemodynamic support during such challenging cases. We review the different extracorporeal device and attempt to clarify the current practice and indications of extracorporeal support during pulmonary resection

    Using learning dimensions within the Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory (ELLI) as indicators of academic success in Biosciences

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    The Effective Life-long Learning Inventory (ELLI) has been designed to raise students' awareness of their own learning power, summarised in seven key dimensions. This study used ELLI with level 4 and level 6 cohorts in Biosciences programmes at Northumbria University as an indicator of academic performance. The dimension with the highest mean score for level 4 students was 'Meaning Making', followed by 'Changing and Learning'. 'Creativity' had the lowest mean score. Students were divided into two groups with respect to their academic achievement: the 'successful' and the 'satisfactory' group. The successful group scored higher in all dimensions, compared to the satisfactory group. The differences in the scores for 'Meaning Making' and 'Creativity' were statistically significant. Large differences were also found for 'Changing and Learning', 'Strategic Awareness', and 'Resilence'. Interestingly, all of these, with the exception of 'Meaning Making', were also the dimensions in which level 6 students scored higher than level 4 students, but the differences were not statistically significant. Results indicate that ELLI is a useful tool to identify key dispositions in successful learners, which could inform interventions to improve learning within a cohort