15 research outputs found

    World Mineral Production 2009-13

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    The latest edition of this annual publication from the British Geological Survey (BGS) is now available to download. This volume contains mineral production statistics for the five year period from 2009 to 2013, for more than 70 mineral commodities, by country worldwide. It is the latest publication from the World Mineral Statistics dataset which began in 1913. The information contained in the dataset, and associated publications, is compiled from a wide range of sources: home and overseas government departments, national statistical offices, specialist commodity authorities, company reports, and a network of contacts throughout the world. The database compilers aim for integrity and accuracy in the data and, for quality control purposes, participate in international specialist groups, and maintain close links with other mineral statistics providers in Europe and North America. The data provides essential mineral intelligence for: • security of supply issues • economic analyses • environmental issues • sustainable development planning • regulation and policy issues • commercial strategic planning The data are available in the following formats: • Annual publication of “World Mineral Production” and its predecessors, which can be downloaded in pdf from our World Archive • MS Excel for years from 1992 via our data download tool • The most recent editions are available to purchase in hard copy from the BGS online shop • One off reports such as those shown lower down this page, available for download in pd

    World mineral production 2010-14

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    The latest edition of this annual publication from the British Geological Survey (BGS). This volume contains mineral production statistics for the five year period from 2010 to 2014, for more than 70 mineral commodities, by country worldwide. It is the latest publication from the World Mineral Statistics dataset which began in 1913. The information contained in the dataset, and associated publications, is compiled from a wide range of sources: home and overseas government departments, national statistical offices, specialist commodity authorities, company reports, and a network of contacts throughout the world. The database compilers aim for integrity and accuracy in the data and, for quality control purposes, participate in international specialist groups, and maintain close links with other mineral statistics providers in Europe and North America

    Composição e distribuição da família paracalanidae (Copepoda: Calanoida) ao Largo de São Sebastião, estado de São Paulo-Brasil, com ênfase em três espécies de paracalanus

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    A composição e distribuição das espécies da família Paracalanidae ao largo de São Sebastião, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, foram estudadas a partir de amostras coletadas no verão de 1994, em 43 estações. Sete espécies pertencentes aos gêneros Paracalanus e Acrocalanus foram identificadas: Paracalanus quasimodo, Paracalanus indicus, Paracalanus aculeatus, Paracalanus campaneri, Paracalanus crassirostris, Paracalanus nanus e Acrocalanus longicornis, sendo as três primeiras espécies as mais freqüentes e numerosas. As populações de Paracalanidae foram formadas por femeas e machos adultos, seguidos dos estágios de copepóditos IV e V, sendo os maiores valores de densidade detectados na região localizada entre as isóbatas dos 20 m e 74 m. A distribuição vertical dos Paracalanidae foi estudada em uma estação fixa, de 24 horas de duração, onde a profundidade atingia 46 m. As maiores densidades foram encontradas acima da termoclina, principalmente durante o período noturno, indicando que essas espécies se deslocam para as camadas superiores durante a noite.The qualitative structure as well as the distribution of Paracalanidae species off São Sebastião region, São Paulo State, Brazil, were studied from samples taken during Summer 1994 at 43 stations. Seven species belonging to the genera Paracalanus and Acrocalanus were identified: Paracalanus quasimodo, Paracalanus indicus, Paracalanus aculeatus, Paracalanus campaneri, Paracalanus crassirostris, Paracalanus nanus and Acrocalanus longicornis. The three first species were the most frequent and abundant in the area. The populations of Paracalanidae were composed basically of adult females, males and copedids IV -V and their densities were higher in the region localized between 20 m and 74 m. depth. The vertical distribution also was studied for a 24-h period at a fixed station (46 m. depth). High densities of Paracalanidae were found mostly above the thermocline specially during the nocturnal period, indicating a nocturnal upward migration