49 research outputs found

    Crowdfunding civico: finanziamento collettivo come strategia di innovazione sociale

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    Le città italiane da qualche anno stanno attraversando un momento difficile non solo in termini economici ma anche sociali e culturali in senso ampio. Tuttavia la crisi è anche un'opportunità di sperimentare strategie alternative e nuove forme di finanziamento collettivo, come il crowdfunding. Si tratta di un meccanismo che permette di finanziare collettivamente una proposta progettuale di vario genere, che in questo caso potrebbe essere legata alla città e agli spazi della vita sociale, per rafforzare il senso di appartenenza ed identità al luogo in cui i cittadini vivono e contribuire alla realizzazione di interventi per la riqualificazione urbana

    Voting Behavior, Coalitions and Government Strength through a Complex Network Analysis

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    We analyze the network of relations between parliament members according to their voting behavior. In particular, we examine the emergent community structure with respect to political coalitions and government alliances. We rely on tools developed in the Complex Network literature to explore the core of these communities and use their topological features to develop new metrics for party polarization, internal coalition cohesiveness and government strength. As a case study, we focus on the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament, for which we are able to characterize the heterogeneity of the ruling coalition as well as parties specific contributions to the stability of the government over time. We find sharp contrast in the political debate which surprisingly does not imply a relevant structure based on establised parties. We take a closer look to changes in the community structure after parties split up and their effect on the position of single deputies within communities. Finally, we introduce a way to track the stability of the government coalition over time that is able to discern the contribution of each member along with the impact of its possible defection. While our case study relies on the Italian parliament, whose relevance has come into the international spotlight in the present economic downturn, the methods developed here are entirely general and can therefore be applied to a multitude of other scenarios.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Nuove strategie per il bene collettivo: crowdfunding civico al Parco Uditore di Palermo

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    Il tema del crowdfunding civico riguarda la partecipazione pubblica alla gestione del territorio. In particolare, la possibilit\ue0 di attuare meccanismi di finanziamento autonomi e autogestiti per la realizzazione di opere pubbliche (seppure di limitata entit\ue0) costringe gli amministratori e i tecnici a confrontarsi con l\u2019avvenuta conquista, da parte della cittadinanza, di una parte del potere decisionale. Quanto \ue8 opportuno che gli esiti della consultazione pubblica abbiano un canale di finanziamento specifico? Quali garanzie del processo partecipativo sono necessarie perch\ue9 le richieste dei cittadini siano coerenti con le linee generali della pianificazione locale e sovralocale, e si possano quindi coordinare e integrare alle azioni della pubblica amministrazione? L\u2019applicazione pratica di questo meccanismo ad un contesto urbano specifico, in questo caso ad un parco urbano della citt\ue0 di Palermo, prova a trovare una risposta a questi e molti altri interrogativi riguardo il crowdfunding civico, che pur essendo un\u2019iniziativa nata dal basso necessita di un team di tecnici che possano coordinare i contributi di tutti al fine di raggiungere l\u2019obiettivo. Il ruolo di tali gestori della campagna di crowdfunding \ue8 complesso: sono esperti di pratiche di partecipazione pubblica e di politiche territoriali, ma devono anche avere notevoli competenze nel campo della comunicazione e del marketing, nonch\ue9 dell\u2019informatica; infine essi sono il soggetto mediatore tra le istanze e le richieste della comunit\ue0 cittadina e le istituzioni che devono supportare/autorizzare in vari modi le iniziative civiche per cui viene attivato il crowdfunding

    Human–computer interaction tools with gameful design for critical thinking the media ecosystem: a classification framework

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    In response to the ever-increasing spread of online disinformation and misinformation, several human–computer interaction tools to enhance data literacy have been developed. Among them, many employ elements of gamification to increase user engagement and reach out to a broader audience. However, there are no systematic criteria to analyze their relevance and impact for building fake news resilience, partly due to the lack of a common understanding of data literacy. In this paper we put forward an operationalizable definition of data literacy as a form of multidimensional critical thinking. We then survey 22 existing tools and classify them according to a framework of 10 criteria pointing to their gameful design and educational features. Through a comparative/contrastive analysis informed by a focus group, we provide a principled set of guidelines to develop more efficient human–computer interaction tools to teach how to critically think in the current media ecosystem

    Human–computer interaction tools with gameful design for critical thinking the media ecosystem: a classification framework

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    AbstractIn response to the ever-increasing spread of online disinformation and misinformation, several human–computer interaction tools to enhance data literacy have been developed. Among them, many employ elements of gamification to increase user engagement and reach out to a broader audience. However, there are no systematic criteria to analyze their relevance and impact for building fake news resilience, partly due to the lack of a common understanding of data literacy. In this paper we put forward an operationalizable definition of data literacy as a form of multidimensional critical thinking. We then survey 22 existing tools and classify them according to a framework of 10 criteria pointing to their gameful design and educational features. Through a comparative/contrastive analysis informed by a focus group, we provide a principled set of guidelines to develop more efficient human–computer interaction tools to teach how to critically think in the current media ecosystem.</jats:p

    A Multi-Level Geographical Study of Italian Political Elections from Twitter Data

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    In this paper we present an analysis of the behavior of Italian Twitter users during national political elections. We monitor the volumes of the tweets related to the leaders of the various political parties and we compare them to the elections results. Furthermore, we study the topics that are associated with the co-occurrence of two politicians in the same tweet. We cannot conclude, from a simple statistical analysis of tweet volume and their time evolution, that it is possible to precisely predict the election outcome (or at least not in our case of study that was characterized by a "too-close-to-call'' scenario). On the other hand, we found that the volume of tweets and their change in time provide a very good proxy of the final results. We present this analysis both at a national level and at smaller levels, ranging from the regions composing the country to macro-areas (North, Center, South).In this paper we present an analysis of the behavior of Italian Twitter users during national political elections. We monitor the volumes of the tweets related to the leaders of the various political parties and we compare them to the elections results. Furthermore, we study the topics that are associated with the co-occurrence of two politicians in the same tweet. We cannot conclude, from a simple statistical analysis of tweet volume and their time evolution, that it is possible to precisely predict the election outcome (or at least not in our case of study that was characterized by a "too-close-to-call" scenario). On the other hand, we found that the volume of tweets and their change in time provide a very good proxy of the final results. We present this analysis both at a national level and at smaller levels, ranging from the regions composing the country to macro-areas (North, Center, South). © 2014 Caldarelli et al

    A multi-level geographical study of Italian political elections from Twitter Data

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    In this paper we present an analysis of the behavior of Italian Twitter users during national political elections. We monitor the volumes of the tweets related to the leaders of the various political parties and we compare them to the elections results. Furthermore, we study the topics that are associated with the co-occurrence of two politicians in the same tweet. We cannot conclude, from a simple statistical analysis of tweet volume and their time evolution, that it is possible to precisely predict the election outcome (or at least not in our case of study that was characterized by a “too-close-to-call” scenario). On the other hand, we found that the volume of tweets and their change in time provide a very good proxy of the final results. We present this analysis both at a national level and at smaller levels, ranging from the regions composing the country to macro-areas (North, Center, South)

    Un solo antidoto al veleno della rete: ricostruire la fiducia

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