2,195 research outputs found

    Aggregate and Welfare Effects of Redistribution of Wealth Under Inflation and Price-Level Targeting

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    Since the work of Doepke and Schneider (2006a) and Meh and Terajima (2008), we know that inflation causes major redistribution of wealth - between households and the government, between nationals and foreigners, and between households within the same country. Two types of monetary policy, inflation targeting (IT) and price level targeting (PT), have very different implications for the price level path subsequent to a price-level shock, and consequently, have different redistributional properties which is what we explore in this paper. For Canada, we show that the magnitude of redistributions of an unexpected 1% price-level increase under IT is about three times larger than under PT. Households' and foreigners' wealth losses from a price level increase is matched by the gains of the government. Even though this redistribution is zero-sum, we observe positive effects on GDP due to the wealth loss, the lower value of the debt and its associated fiscal adjustment, and the non-linear effects on work effort of the redistribution of wealth across households. Finally, the direction of the change in the weighted welfare of households depends on the fiscal policy.Economic models; Monetary policy framework; Sectoral balance sheet; Inflation: costs and benefits; Inflation targets; Inflation and prices

    The Political Economy of the Budget Process in the Andean Region: The Case of Venezuela

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    This study presents the case of Venezuela. The report describes the main actors (formal and informal) involved in the budget-making process, and presents evidence regarding the main political and economic determinants of fiscal performance. It also discusses whether different political and institutional arrangements governing the budget process affect incentives for the composition of the budget.

    Antropologia comparada e música tradicional dos povos berbere e galego-português. Um achegamento cultural entre o Ocidente, o Pré-Islão e o Islão norteafricano

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    São as intenções e exposição deste introdutório trabalho antropológico, resultado de umas observações directas de realidades sociais e cultural-musicais no Rif marroquino na altura do segundo semestre do ano 1990, ao mesmo tempo tentamos dar umas anotações gerais sobre as culturas, literatura (lendas e mitos) e história antiga-medieval dos povos galegoportuguês e berbere baseados numa ampla cultura atlântica que abrangeria o quadrante Galiza/Irlanda/Bretanha até o Rif norteafricano.The intentions and the short account of this anthropologic preliminary essay are the result of our work about some directs observations of the social and cultural-musical realities at the Moroccan Rif in the second semester of the 1990 year. At the same time, we attempt to give some general notes about the Ancient-Medieval History, literature (the legends and myths) and the cultures of the Berber and Galician-Portuguese peoples, based in a vast Atlantic culture which will spread out the entire quadrant from Galicia-Ireland-Britain to the north-African Rif

    A comparative Anthropology and traditional music of the Berber and galician-portuguese peoples. A cultural approach between the West, PreIslam and north African Islam

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    The intentions and the short account of this anthropologic preliminary essay are the result of our work about some directs observations of the social and cultural-musical realities at the Moroccan Rif in the second semester of the 1990 year. At the same time, we attempt to give some general notes about the Ancient-Medieval History, literature (the legends and myths) and the cultures of the Berber and Galician-Portuguese peoples, based in a vast Atlantic culture which will spread out the entire quadrant from Galicia-Ireland-Britain to the north-African Rif

    m_π and N_c dependence of rho and σ mesons from unitarized chiral perturbation theory

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    We review the N_c and m_π dependence of the rho(770) and σ (or f_0(600) resonances generated with the Inverse Amplitude Method. The σ N_c behavior is at odds with being dominantly a q̅q̅ state, but there is a hint of a subdominant q̅q̅o component with a mass above 1 GeV. We find fair agreement with lattice results for the chiral extrapolation of the ρ mass, and that the ρ π π coupling is almost m_π independent whereas the σ π π depends strongly on m_π

    Acompañamiento a las comunidades El Zapote y Susulí para la adaptación y resiliencia agroecológica al cambio climático segundo semestre 2015

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    En el presente trabajo se analizaron los resultados del Acompañamiento a la Unión de Campesinos Organizados de San Dionisio (UCOSD), para la adaptación y resiliencia agroecológica al cambio climático en las comunidades Susulí y El Zapote. El enfoque de la investigación es cualitativo, tipo acción participativa, se realizó en tres etapas: visita directa a las parcelas, macro encuentro, priorización de las parcelas, las técnicas usadas fueron: entrevista, guia de observación, guia fotográfica, hoja de priorización, se acompaño a las comuidades Susulí y El Zapote en el plan de acción para la adaptación y resiliencia al cambio climático, UCOSD es una organización sin fines de lucro que trabaja de la mano con el campesinado, se identificaron experiencias exitosas de adaptación al cambio climático en ambas comunidades, se describieron las experiencias en las 2 comunidades observando las técnicas de conservación de suelo y diversificación, se realizó el intercambio de experiencias exitosas de los miembros de la UCOSD en el macro encuentro, se llevo a cabo la priorización de las parcelas de las comunidades Susulí y El Zapote, determinando el nivel de vulnerabilidad. Palabras Claves: UCOSD, adaptación , Resiliencia, cambio climátic

    Razonamiento acerca del significado de los parámetros en los modelos de probabilidad en estudiantes universitarios

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    En las últimas décadas la estadística bayesiana está siendo usada cada vez más en áreas de la salud, investigación en ingeniería y negocios, entre otros. Esto demanda una necesidad de formación inicial desde por lo menos el nivel de pregrado. Diversas universidades del mundo están ya incluyendo en sus programas de estudio elementos de estadística bayesiana. En nuestro caso, la inclusión de ideas bayesianas en el aula universitaria nos representa un reto didáctico importante por tener sus propias dificultades. Y el parámetro es un concepto básico y fundamental para la construcción de los modelos probabilísticos y sus derivaciones, por ejemplo la inferencia estadística. En esta investigación nos proponemos hacer una exploración sobre concepciones y dificultades de estudiantes universitarios de segundo año de carrera del área de administración de empresas, en la asignatura de Probabilidad y Estadística, alrededor de este concepto clave de la estadística que es parámetro

    Comparison of Brans Promethee multicriteria decision method and Promethee modified by authors for the optimization of an erosion control integral plan in Chaco area in Salta province (Argentine)

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    Chaco area is situated in the Province of Salta at North West of Argentine. The desertification is a big problem. In order to mitigate the problem it is necessary to take into account not only pedologic criteria but the economical, environmental, cultural and sociological criteria. Six sub zones have been established following previous studies. Eight criteria and six alternatives have been introduced in the model. Following the results of the study carried out by a collaborative project between UPM and UCS financed by AECID (1) were established several initial matrix. Brans Promethee multicriteria decision method (MCDM) was applied and the authors modified that method introducing weights like in Electre metho