10,850 research outputs found

    Higher-order symmetry energy and neutron star core-crust transition with Gogny forces

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    We study the symmetry energy and the core-crust transition in neutron stars using the finite-range Gogny nuclear interaction and examine the deduced crustal thickness and crustal moment of inertia. We start by analyzing the second-, fourth- and sixth-order coefficients of the Taylor expansion of the energy per particle in powers of the isospin asymmetry for Gogny forces. These coefficients provide information about the departure of the symmetry energy from the widely used parabolic law. The neutron star core-crust transition is evaluated by looking at the onset of thermodynamical instability of the liquid core. The calculation is performed with the exact (i.e., without Taylor expansion) Gogny EoS for the core, and also with its Taylor expansion in order to assess the influence of isospin expansions on locating the inner edge of neutron star crusts. It is found that the properties of the core-crust transition derived from the exact EoS differ from the predictions of the Taylor expansion even when the expansion is carried through sixth order in the isospin asymmetry. Gogny forces, using the exact EoS, predict the ranges 0.094 fm3ρt0.118 fm30.094 \text{ fm}^{-3} \lesssim \rho_t \lesssim 0.118\text{ fm}^{-3} for the transition density and 0.339 MeV fm3Pt0.665 MeV fm30.339 \text{ MeV fm}^{-3} \lesssim P_t \lesssim 0.665 \text{ MeV fm}^{-3} for the transition pressure. The transition densities show an anticorrelation with the slope parameter LL of the symmetry energy. The transition pressures are not found to correlate with LL. Neutron stars obtained with Gogny forces have maximum masses below 1.74M1.74M_\odot and relatively small moments of inertia. The crustal mass and moment of inertia are evaluated and comparisons are made with the constraints from observed glitches in pulsars.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figures, discussions and bibliography updated, to appear in Physical Review

    Gel Electrophoresis of DNA Knots in Weak and Strong Electric Fields

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    Gel electrophoresis allows to separate knotted DNA (nicked circular) of equal length according to the knot type. At low electric fields, complex knots being more compact, drift faster than simpler knots. Recent experiments have shown that the drift velocity dependence on the knot type is inverted when changing from low to high electric fields. We present a computer simulation on a lattice of a closed, knotted, charged DNA chain drifting in an external electric field in a topologically restricted medium. Using a simple Monte Carlo algorithm, the dependence of the electrophoretic migration of the DNA molecules on the type of knot and on the electric field intensity was investigated. The results are in qualitative agreement with electrophoretic experiments done under conditions of low and high electric fields: especially the inversion of the behavior from low to high electric field could be reproduced. The knot topology imposes on the problem the constrain of self-avoidance, which is the final cause of the observed behavior in strong electric field.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Invariant manifolds and equilibrium states for non-uniformly hyperbolic horseshoes

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    In this paper we consider horseshoes containing an orbit of homoclinic tangency accumulated by periodic points. We prove a version of the Invariant Manifolds Theorem, construct finite Markov partitions and use them to prove the existence and uniqueness of equilibrium states associated to H\"older continuous potentials.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figure

    Bulk power system availability assessment with multiple wind power plants

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    The use of renewable non-conventional energy sources, as wind electric power energy and photovoltaic solar energy, has introduced uncertainties in the performance of bulk power systems. The power system availability has been employed as a useful tool for planning power systems; however, traditional methodologies model generation units as a component with two states: in service or out of service. Nevertheless, this model is not useful to model wind power plants for availability assessment of the power system. This paper used a statistical representation to model the uncertainty of power injection of wind power plants based on the central moments: mean value, variance, skewness and kurtosis. In addition, this paper proposed an availability assessment methodology based on application of this statistical model, and based on the 2m+1 point estimate method the availability assessment is performed. The methodology was tested on the IEEE-RTS assuming the connection of two wind power plants and different correlation among the behavior of these plants

    Chemically sector-zoned garnets in the metapelitic rocks of the Silgará Formation in the central Santander Massif, colombian andes: occurrence and growth history

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    Almandine-rich garnet in the Silgará Formation metapelitic rocks in the central Santander Massif usually shows concentric normal chemical zoning. However, different types of garnet zoning have been reported, including chemically sector-zoned garnet, which is described here. Recent studies reveal additional discoveries of this type of zoning in different localities. Textural sector-zoned garnets have been observed in the staurolite-kyanite metamorphic zone of the Silgará Formation. They are generally fine-grained (0.25-2.00 mm in diameter), and occur in quartz-rich bands with other textural types of garnet (skeletal and poikiloblastic). The study of the chemically sector-zoned garnet indicates that it has grown in the latest stage of the Silgará Formation metamorphism, during the emplacement of orthogneiss masses. Studies on garnet from the Silgará Formation pelitic rocks have shown the importance of this as a key piece for interpretation of the tectono-metamorphic history of this metamorphic unit.El granate tipo almandino en las rocas metapelíticas de la Formación Silgará en la región central del Macizo de Santander usualmente muestra zonación química concéntrica normal. Sin embargo, se han reportado diferentes tipos de zonación en el granate, incluyendo el granate químicamente sector-zonado, el cual es descrito aquí. Estudios recientes revelan descubrimientos adicionales de este tipo de zonación en diferentes localidades. Los granates que exhiben zonación sectorial textural han sido observados en la zona metamórfica de la estaurolitacianita de la Formación Silgará. Estos son generalmente de grano fino (0.25-2.00 mm de diámetro), y ocurren en bandas ricas en cuarzo junto con otros tipos texturales de granate (esqueletal y poiquiloblástico). El estudio del granate químicamente sector-zonado indica que este creció en la etapa tardía de metamorfismo de la Formación Silgará, durante el emplazamiento de masas de ortoneis. Estudios sobre el granate en las rocas pelíticas de la Formación Silgará han mostrado su importancia como pieza clave en la interpretación de la historia tectonometamórfica de esta unidad metamórfica. &nbsp

    The role of the Berry Phase in Dynamical Jahn-Teller Systems

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    The presence/absence of a Berry phase depends on the topology of the manifold of dynamical Jahn-Teller potential minima. We describe in detail the relation between these topological properties and the way the lowest two adiabatic potential surfaces get locally degenerate. We illustrate our arguments through spherical generalizations of the linear T x h and H x h cases, relevant for the physics of fullerene ions. Our analysis allows us to classify all the spherical Jahn-Teller systems with respect to the Berry phase. Its absence can, but does not necessarily, lead to a nondegenerate ground state.Comment: revtex 7 pages, 2 eps figures include