62 research outputs found

    Social media marketing toward perceptual consciousness and its impact on online purchasing intention

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    Social media marketing has become very popular nowadays along with the rapid growth of internet users. The research aims to analyze the influence of social media marketing on brand consciousness, value consciousness, and price consciousness, and its impact on online purchasing intention. Data were collected from 200 samples that became observation units, and were chosen by using purposive sampling technique, namely consumers who have purchased fashion products through Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, at least once in the last year. Further data is processed with Structural Equation Modeling technique. All hypotheses proposed in the study are supported and consistent with previous research, where there is a positive influence of social media marketing on brand consciousness, value consciousness, and price consciousness, and also positively impact on online purchasing intentions. Furthermore, price consciousness is found as the factor that predominantly influence online purchasing intention and the most important factor to form perceptual consciousness. The study examines Indonesian consumers as a country with the largest number of internet users in the world. In addition, price consciousness is added as a new dimension to the proposed perceptual consciousness variable. For further research it is advisable to research online-based shopping with other media, other product categories, as well as an addition of attitude towards online shopping that can affect online purchasing intention.peer-reviewe

    How to improve brand equity in tourism

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    This research is done on the context of luxurious hotels by developing brand equity dimensions and is done to know the antecedent and consequence , namely servicescape and revisit intention. To test the proposed research model, data were collected from 460 luxurious hotel consumers in Bali using a previously tested questionnaire with validity and reliability tests as a measurement model. As for hypothesis test, data is analyzed by using Structural equation modeling technique. Hypothesis testing results found that servicescape is an antecedent of brand equity and all its dimensions with the consequences of revisit intention. In addition, it is found that brand trust is the strongest factor formed by servicescape, while brand commitment is the strongest factor that will shape the revisit intention. Further research is suggested to see the difference in brand equity based on local and international luxurious hotel, and to analyze the impact of brand equity on word of mouth. From the research results, it is suggested that the hotel manager to work together with the interior design to design the servicescape that satisfy the consumer. This study develops the dimensions of brand equity in the context of a luxurious hotel modified from previous studies.peer-reviewe

    Commitment Sebagai Variabel Mediasi Pengaruh Trust Terhadap Repurchase Intention Pada Restoran Waralaba Lokal

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    Franchising is a form of retail businesses, especially those of growing and promising restaurants. Competition is becoming more tightly multiplied by the entry of foreign franchisors.  Customer loyalty is the key to win the competition. The purpose of this study is to analyze the trust, affective commitment, continuance commitment towards repurchase intention. Respondents as the sample of this study were 200 respondents who visited local franchise restaurants, chosen by using Purposive Sampling technique. Furthermore, the method of data analysis applies the Structural Equation Model techniques. The study finds that the entire hypothesis presented can be supported, where  there  are (1)  a positive influence of trust towards affective commitment, (2) a positive influence of trust towards continuance commitment, (3) a positive affective trust towards repurchase intention, (4) a positive influence continuance commitment towards repurchase intention, and (5) a positive effect of trust towards repurchase intention. Furthermore, it is also found that (1) affective and continuance commitment is a mediator variable between the trust and repurchase intention, and (2) continuance commitment is a stronger factor in influencing the trust and repurchase intention than affective commitment. For further study, it is recommended that this research be applied to other types of local franchises, such as department stores, convenience stores, specialty stores, supermarkets and hypermarkets, as well as adding service quality and customer satisfaction as antecedents of trust and word-of-mouth as a consequence of the commitment

    Pengaruh Suasana Toko dan Pengalaman Pelanggan Terhadap Intensitas Kunjungan Kembali Pelanggan pada Toko Grosir Susu Milky Soe

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) untuk mengetahui pengaruh suasana took terhadap intensitas kunjungan kembali pelanggan pada toko grosir susu milky soe. 2) untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengalaman pelanggan terhadap intensitas kunjungan kembali pelanggan pada toko grosir susu milky soe. 3) untuk mengetahui simultan pengaruh suasana toko dan pengalaman pelanggan terhadap intensitas kunjungan kembali pelanggan pada Toko Grosir Susu milky soe. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian Deskriptif. Penelitian ini juga merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang menggunakan metode survey. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, angket atau kuesioner, dan dokumentasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pelanggan pada Toko Grosir Susu milky soe berjumlah 40 orang. Adapun yang menjadi sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah pelanggan pada Toko Grosir Susu milky soe berjumlah 40 orang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: 1) terdapat pengaruh suasana took terhadap intensitas kunjungan kembali pelanggan pada toko grosir susu milky soe. 2) terdapat pengaruh pengalaman pelanggan terhadap intensitas kunjungan kembali pelanggan pada toko grosir susumilky soe. 3) terdapat simultan pengaruh suasana toko dan pengalaman pelanggan terhadap intensitas kunjungan kembali pelanggan pada Toko Grosir Susu milky soe

    Positive determinants word-of-mouth of supermarket consumer in the COVID-19 pandemic era

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    This research, which was conducted in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, aims to analyze the influence of the dimensions of service quality, competitive prices, customer satisfaction toward the positive word-of-mouth of Supermarket customers. Questionnaires were distributed to 350 respondents as samples using the non-probability sampling method and purposive sampling technique. Meanwhile, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used to analyze the data. The results of the study indicate that Reliability, Assurance, Tangibles, Empathy, Responsiveness, Competitive Price have positive and significant effects onCustomer Satisfaction, which in turn would have a positive impact on positive word-of-mouth. Of all dimensions of service quality, the most powerful factor influencing consumer satisfaction shopping in supermarkets is reliability, and the one that gives consumers the most important feeling in providing quality services is Responsiveness. For further research, it is recommended to expand the scope of research in various types of businesses, not only in supermarkets

    Budget hotel performance based on customers’ perspective and competitive strategy

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    For tourists, the speed and ease of access to tourist sites is an important factor when traveling. This prompts the concept of an affordable and comfortable hotel (budget hotel). The study aims to analyze the impact of competitive strategy and dimensions to hotel performance. The dimensions of competitive strategy consist of brand image, human resources, information technology, and service quality, all of which are taken into consideration for this study. Hotel performance is measured by a single dimension namely from the customer’s perspective (customer-based performance). Data is collected and processed from 200 budget hotel consumers in the Island of Bali, which is considered a national tourism parameter in Indonesia. The data processing tool employed is SEM (Structural Equation Modeling). The study found a positive effect of competitive strategy and its dimensions, namely brand image, human resources, information technology, and service quality toward hotel performance. Furthermore, information technology is found to be the strongest factor affecting hotel performance. However, brand image is the most important factor in the competitive strategy dimension of budget hotels. For further research, it is suggested to research hotel performance using multiple performance measurements.peer-reviewe


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    Recovery service failures can affect a greater failure if not handled properly. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of pre-recovery emotions and post-recovery in services. Data were collected using a questionnaire distributed to 216 respondents who have used the services retail market and then experienced a service failure followed by a recovery service. In this study, positive and negative emotions post-recovery are the dependent variables, while the severity of service failure, the pre-recovery emotions and perceived fairness other variables major variable. In line with this goal, eight hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling analysis with the aim to clarify the relationships between variables. The results show that the post-recovery of positive or negative emotions are influenced by the severity of the failure of the service, but the effect is mediated by the second pre-recovery emotions. Meanwhile, there is no mediating effect of perceived justice on the emotions of pre-recovery and post-recovery. This study implies that, during recovery services, service providers must simultaneously consider the positive and negative emotions. In addition, managers should also consider the depth of the severity of service failure to determine the pre-recovery emotions. Selection of the type of recovery will have an impact on the perceived fairness, so that providers have to respond better to emotional recovery

    Pengaruh Perceived Risk dan E-WOM Terhadap Online Purchase Intention

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh antara Perceived Risk terhadap Online purchase Intention dan untuk menganalisis pengaruh antara E-WOM erhadap Online purchase Intention. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan metode survei. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumen yang pernah berbelanja online, dan sampel diambil dengan menggunakan Non-Probability Sampling dengan teknik Purpose Sampling. Penelitian ini memiliki keterbatasan dalam hal Waktu. Dimana waktu untuk melakukan penelitian dan mengumpulkan jawaban dari responden kurang dari seminggu. Saran untuk mengembangkan penelitian, Peneliti yang akan datang diharapkan dapat melakukan penelitian dalam jangka waktu yang cukup lama. Saran penelitian yang akan datang disarankan mengumpulkan jumlah responden yang banyak agar data yang didapat lebih akurat dan olahan data bisa  menggambarkan permasalahan yang ada. Penyebar kuesioner tidak secara langsung, tidak tatap muka pada responden sehingga, besar kemungkinan responden tidak membaca secara jelas item pernyataan


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    Waralaba merupakan bentuk bisnis ritel khususnya restoran yang semakin berkembang dan menjanjikan. Persaingan menjadi semakin ketat ditambah masuknya franchisor asing. Loyalitas pelanggan merupakan kunci untuk memenangkan persaingan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis Trust, Affective commitment, Continuance commitment terhadap Repurchase intention. Responden sebagai sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 200 responden yang berkunjung ke restoran waralaba lokal, yang dipihih dengan menggunakan teknik Purposive sampling. Selanjutnya, metode analisis data menggunakan Teknik Structural Equation Model. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa seluruh Hipotesis yang dikemukakan dapat didukung, dimana (1) terdapat pengaruh positif Trust terhadap Affective commitment, (2) terdapat pengaruh positif Trust terhadap Continuance commitment, (3) terdapat pengaruh positif Affective trust terhadap Repurchase intention, (4) terdapat pengaruh positif Continuance commitment terhadap Repurchase intention, dan (5) terdapat pengaruh positif Trust terhadap Repurchase intention. Selanjutnya, ditemukan pula bahwa (1) Affective dan Continuance commitment merupakan variabel mediasi antara Trust dan Repurchase intention, dan (2) Continuance commitment merupakan faktor yang lebih kuat dalam mempengaruhi Trust, dan Repurchase intention dibandingkan Affective commitment. Untuk penelitian selanjutnya disarankan agar penelitian ini diterapkan pada jenis waralaba lokal lainnya, seperti department store, convenience store, specialty store, supermarket, dan hypermarket, serta menambahkan Service quality dan Customer satisfaction sebagai anteseden dari Trust dan Word-of-mouth sebagai konsekuensi dari Commitment. Franchising is a form of retail businesses, especially those of growing and promising restaurants. Competition is becoming more tightly multiplied by the entry of foreign franchisors. Customer loyalty is the key to win the competition. The purpose of this study is to analyze the trust, affective commitment, continuance commitment towards repurchase intention. Respondents as the sample of this study were 200 respondents who visited local franchise restaurants, chosen by using Purposive Sampling technique. Furthermore, the method of data analysis applies the Structural Equation Model techniques. The study finds that the entire hypothesis presented can be supported, where there are (1) a positive influence of trust towards affective commitment, (2) a positive influence of trust towards continuance commitment, (3) a positive affective trust towards repurchase intention, (4) a positive influence continuance commitment towards repurchase intention, and (5) a positive effect of trust towards repurchase intention. Furthermore, it is also found that (1) affective and continuance commitment is a mediator variable between the trust and repurchase intention, and (2) continuance commitment is a stronger factor in influencing the trust and repurchase intention than affective commitment. For further study, it is recommended that this research be applied to other types of local franchises, such as department stores, convenience stores, specialty stores, supermarkets and hypermarkets, as well as adding service quality and customer satisfaction as antecedents of trust and word-of-mouth as a consequence of the commitmen
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